M emories aren't always worth recalling. Some emerge from your subconscious, from the muck of your mind. The one place I didn’t mind having Cassius snuff out of me and spoil.
Weak things. Pointless recollections. Thoughts of a stupid mortal.
Like guilt. As hard as I try to smother it, it festers inside me. I was meant to do something, once. Something important.
I failed.
Failed. Failed.
And someone has mocked me for it. They smeared the proof over the canvas. Made a spectacle out of the reality I once lived. I don’t remember how or why the sight makes me angry.
It just does . I want to rip and tear apart every last painting. Try to. Will.
There are forces at play beyond me. Beyond the fingers I lash at the canvas with. Beyond the hands that struggle to restrain me. Beyond the voice in my head, whispering a niggling whisper: you’ve seen this before…done this. You did this!
A warning. A warning. Remember. Before it is too late, REMEMBER!
“Niamh!” I shout her name as I lash at the painted figure resembling her. I need her here. Need her to explain.
Explain why her image is here.
Why someone painted her.
Why she looks so damn happy amongst all that chaos and destruction.
Happier than she has ever been with me.