Madden (Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team #9) Chapter 5 14%
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Chapter 5



Today is my favorite day of the month. I get paid from all my social media posts I've made for the previous month. I never know how much it's going to be until the deposit is made into my bank account. My heart pounds in my chest as I open the email that will tell me how much that is.

Three thousand dollars. I'm incredibly grateful, but I'll never understand how these videos I make are worth this much. The only thing keeping me from questioning it too much is the fact that it's allowing me to save for the house I so desperately want.

"Donut, we're getting closer." I tell him with a smile. He acts as if he understands what I'm saying. I swear he smiles back at me. My phone rings, and I glance down, seeing Chief Thompson's name. He hardly ever calls my personal cell phone. Immediately, I'm trying to figure out what the fuck I've done wrong. "Hello?"

"Hey Madden, do you have a minute to talk?"

I'll always make time to talk to the chief. "Sure, what do you need?"

"I have an offer for you. It's going to differ from what you've been doing for the last year, but I want you to approach it with an open mind."

I have no idea what he's talking about, but with everything, I'm willing to hear him out. "Okay, I'm listening."

"Laurel Springs Elementary is requesting a school resource officer. There've been some break-ins overnight at the school, along with some weird goings on. The school board seems to think if there's a police presence, it'll nip it before it escalates."

I've never thought about being a school resource officer before. Never even knew it could be an option. "Seriously? I've never thought about it."

"Yeah, there's going to be some pluses to it. You won't be on call, you'll have a set schedule. That schedule will have you off whenever school is off."

"Does that include summers?" I blurt out, because how cool would that be? "And can I keep Donut?"

"During summers, you would need to work with the PD two days a week. The rest of the time you'll be making sure no one is messing with the closed schools. They want you to bring Donut to be an emotional support animal for the kids. He's your dog. We're not taking him away from you."

All of this sounds amazing, like everything I've wanted, but never attempted to believe it would actually happen.

"You don't have to give me an answer today. I want you to head over there and tour the school. If you want, you can do the job for a week and let me know if you enjoy it. If you don't, then I'll offer the job to someone else, but I think you'll be a good fit."

I'm quiet for a moment, thinking back to that car last night, when I had to go disturb the couple in the car. I wouldn't have to deal with that anymore. There will, of course, be other things that I have to get used to, but I won't be the low man on the totem pole anymore. "Alright, I'll give it a shot. Thank you for offering it to me. I know there were more seasoned officers you could've offered it to."

"No problem, Madden. You're an outstanding officer, and I think you'd be a great fit for it." Menace pays me a compliment. I'm insanely proud that he's asking me. "Go ahead and take tonight off, then report to the school tomorrow. I'll handle getting the rest of your shifts for the next week covered. I'll need an answer by next Friday. If you can come down this afternoon, and hand off your cases. I'd appreciate it."

"Will do, and thank you, sir."

He hangs up, and I look over to Donut. "Looks like the two of us are about to try something new. Whatcha think?" He barks, offering me his paw.

"Yeah, me too. This might just be the change we've been looking for."

As I say the words, I realize it's true. I've not felt complete the last few months in my role at Laurel Springs PD, if I'm honest, part of that is because I haven't moved up. I don't feel as if I'm respected, because I'm still the rookie. I want my co-workers to look at me differently, but I don't know how to make the change. Maybe this is it.

My stomach growls, and I realize I haven't eaten in a while. I'd normally go to The Café, but I'm trying to save money so I can get out of this rental. I meal-prepped chicken and veggies earlier in the week, and now I'm thanking myself. Grabbing the container out of the fridge, I stick it in the microwave and turn it on. As I'm waiting for it to finish, my phone rings.

It's my younger brother requesting to FaceTime.

"Hey fucker," I answer, leaning my forearms on the counter. "What's going on? Why aren't you in class?"

"The professor is sick, so it was canceled. Thought I would call and see what's going on. It's been a while." He rubs his hand through his hair.

"It has, but I figured you were doing all the cool college stuff and didn't want to talk to your older brother. Since you know I'm a member of adult society and upholding the law."

He laughs. "I'm an adult too. Just because I'm in school doesn't mean I'm not an adult. At some point you're gonna have to let me grow up, Mad."

What he says hits me hard in the chest. "I know, but I've taken care of you for most of your life, and it's hard to turn that off. How are your grades?"

Beckett throws his head back, groaning. "Oh my god, do you have to be such a stick in the mud? They're good. I'm on track to have almost a 4.0. Although I've been having a good time, I'm keeping things in perspective."

"Good, I'm proud of you. Have you talked to mom lately?"

"Have you?" He throws back.

I haven't, and I'm sure he knows it. "I think you're aware of what our relationship is like, because you have the same one. The only difference between us is that you're more forgiving than me."

"I'm not more forgiving. I've been through more therapy."

The microwave goes off and I move over to the side, pulling the container out. I whistle between my teeth. "Shit, that's hot." I scoop up some of the chicken with a little of the veggies on the fork and blow on it before putting it into my mouth. Like every other idiot who does this straight out of the microwave, I open and start breathing to cool the burning against the roof of my tongue.

"Yeah, that's what you get." Beckett laughs. "How old are you again?"

"I'm hungry." I speak around the food. "Yesterday was a long day, and I got an unexpected call this morning before I could make anything."

"Oh, yeah?" He leans back against his pillow. "Good news, I hope?"

I sigh, blowing at the food again, preparing to burn my mouth, but hoping it's cooled down enough. "I was asked to be a School Resource Officer."

"What did you say? Was that ever in the plan for you? Will you get to keep Donut?" He fires off a lot of the same questions I had, which proves how we share a brain.

"Slow your roll. I said I would give it a shot. I mean, I don't have anything to lose. It might be fun, and I think I'm the most qualified on the PD to go into an elementary school. It reminds me of taking care of you, and yes I get to keep Donut. He's going to be the school's emotional support dog, and I'm sure if there's an issue he can help with on patrol, then he will." I take another bite, and then a drink of water to wash it down.

He gives me a grin and a thumbs up. "I think you'll do really well in that role, bruh. You've always been there for me, and I can't imagine you wouldn't be a great fit for the kids. I was lucky to have you, and they will be too."

The emotion that crushes my chest is unexpected. "We were lucky to have each other. Either way, when are you going to come up to visit me?"

"In a couple of weeks. If you have a weekend available, I'll come stay with you."

"Yeah, we'll work it out. If I take this job, then I'll have weekends off." I glance at the clock on the microwave. "I gotta go, I need to head down to the station and take care of a few things. Talk to you later?"

He nods. "Go work. Love you, bro. Be safe out there."

"You, too. Love you, be good."

He smirks. "When have you ever known me to be good?"

He disconnects before I can say anything, leaving me to shake my head. Eating the last of my food, I throw my container in the sink and then tap my thigh for Donut. "Wanna go down the station and see your friends?"

He sits and grins at me.

"Yeah? Come on, let's go."

We get into my SUV, and I can't help but think that taking this position is going to be the biggest change I've ever had in my life.

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