"I'll just be at the park in the complex," I tell Stephanie as I slip my shoes on.
"You're fine, but don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'll take care of Mick's homework and you know he'll want to go to bed afterward. I can handle this."
Gratefulness for her causes tears to fill my eyes. "Thank you."
"You know you don't have to thank me. Go meet that man of yours. If anyone deserves a good time, it's you."
I don't argue with her, instead I go to my room and grab a sweatshirt. The nights are getting chilly and if we're going to be sitting on his tailgate, then I'll need to have something covering my arms. I pull it over top of the t-shirt I'm wearing, and then grab my phone. There's a text from Madden.
M: I'm here. C'mon down when you're ready.
My heart is pounding with excitement as I wave goodbye to Stephanie, yell out an I'll be back to Mick, and make a beeline straight for the door. I take the stairs two at a time, and then run for where I see his truck parked. His lights are on, and when I get close, he gets out. I run for him, loving the way he catches me when I launch myself at him.
"You okay?" He whispers as he hugs me tightly.
"I've been better. Thank you for coming."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world. You sounded like you needed me." He tucks his face in next to my shoulder.
"I did, I do."
He walks us over to his truck. He's stronger than any other person I've ever met. I don't know where he hides these muscles, but there's no way I would want to meet him in a fight. He's carried me right over to the passenger side. I bury my head in his chest, as he lifts his, and opens the door. Picking me up, he puts me in the seat. "Whenever you need me, I'm going to be here. I promise."
Looking down at him, I do something I haven't done in a long time. I actually believe what he's saying. "I know, and I appreciate you."
"Let's go." He taps my thigh, motioning for me to turn around so that I'm tucked in, and he can shut the door.
I do as he's indicated and wrap my arms around my middle, holding myself tightly. He hops in and backs out with his arm stretched across my seat, glancing behind us. It's one of the most manly moves I've seen, the tendons of his neck elongate as he checks his blind spot.
"You like that?" He grins. "You made a growly noise in the back of your throat.
"It was good." I give him a smile back. "I can't explain it, but it was a turn on."
"I'll have to keep that in the back of my mind, that everyday things I do turn you on."
He has no idea how true those words are.
We're sitting in the back of his truck, not exactly on the tailgate, but he made us a spot in the back with blankets and what looks to be an egg crate mattress. No one has ever gone to this type of trouble for me. "So do you carry blankets and mattresses around for whenever a woman tells you they've had a bad day and they need to be cheered up?"
He laughs. "No. I had one blanket in here, because I always keep one for emergencies. The other stuff I keep for when I go camping with friends, but I figured it would be a good idea. I'm older than I used to be, and sometimes my back doesn't enjoy sitting on hard surfaces for too long."
"I get it." I tilt my head back against the glass, looking up at the sky. "Do you ever wonder why you're being tested? Why things always seem to be easier for everyone else?"
I wrap my arm around her, pulling her to me. "I used to wonder. It really used to bother me when I would think that others had it better than me. Then I realized that everyone is dealing with shit that none of us know about. It could be money stress, everyday life shit, or like Ruby and Caleb. Nobody really knows what's going on with the two of them, but we all realize it's bad. You can have all the money in the world and still be sad. It's the craziest shit about life."
"You're right." I tilt my head over so that I can lean it into him. "I'm really lucky because I've been able to make shit work. Even when I'm not sure it's going to happen, I always seem to make it work. Today, it just hit me hard when I heard that kid. Was that what Mick sounded like? Did he try to get help, and no one paid any attention to him? The call was actually from Calvert County." I stop and lick my lips. "Turns out the kid called Calvert and they didn't believe it was a genuine call. They didn't even do a welfare check."
"What the fuck is wrong with Calvert?" We've had issues with them before. "That's insanity to me. Not good for their citizens, and someone should lose their job."
"I agree. Can you imagine being that kid? The worst part was, I couldn't send out Laurel Springs PD, because it was Calvert. It all broke my heart, and I couldn't handle it. I had to go to the bathroom and have a good cry."
"That's understandable. Stress and sadness hit everyone in different ways, and sometimes you've got to cry it out, right?"
"I'm sure you don't." I throw back at him.
"I used to until I stopped believing that things would ever change. I got cynical, but then I started here, and the men I work with have proven to me that there are good men in this world. They're great husbands, amazing fathers, and all-around people you want to know in your life. If it weren't for them, I would be that person who doesn't believe there's good in the world." He trails his fingers down my back. "But they've proven me wrong in that belief."
I'm quiet as I think about how I wish I had those people in my life. I'm sick of talking about this, and I desperately want to get off this melancholy topic. "What did you want to be when you grew up?" I impulsively ask.
"A baseball player. I remember watching the championship game every year, and how they were worshiped by the fans. I wanted that."
She giggles. "Well, you're worshiped by women now. They love a man in uniform."
Cutting my eyes over to her, I flirt. "Do they? Do you worship me because I wear a uniform?"
"No." She shakes her head. "I worship you because you're a nice person who cares about others. That's more attractive than anything else to me."
Our eyes meet in the dim light of the moon. There's a bug zapper somewhere. It's buzzing to the beat of my heart. I've never looked at someone and seen the rest of my life playing out, but with her I do. I'm fully aware if I get involved, it won't be easy. There will always be the shadow of her brother over us. She'll be responsible for her nephew and I'll be constantly worried about my brother. It's not a good idea, not when all of these things are going on behind the scenes. We've got more going against us than we have going for us. "Can I kiss you?" I whisper.
"You never have to ask. Assume the answer is forever yes."
Digging my fingers into her hair, I pull her toward me. Tilting my head to the side, I lower my eyes down to the pink fullness. "Open up for me." I request. She does, and I lean in, taking her lips with mine. The kiss starts out slow, building until I hesitantly reach my tongue out to touch hers. When it does, it's as if a match is thrown onto gasoline, and the passion sparks between us.
Opening my mouth wider, I take the kiss deeper, moving my hands down to her face, cupping her cheeks. A groan works its way out of my throat and we're grabbing at one another, possibly trying to touch skin, or get closer. I slip my hands down to her waist, wrapping my arms around her. She goes up on her knees, and I take the opportunity to pull her over on top of me.
Settling her on my lap, with her legs spread across my hips is a new torture. In between her thighs is warm, hot against my cock that's stirring to attention. I pull my lips from hers and smear it down her throat.
"Madden, that feels so good." She flexes her fingers against the material of the t-shirt covering my shoulders.
"What do you want me to do?" My voice is muffled by the flesh of her throat.
"Everything." She pants. "It's been far too long since I shared a kiss with someone, much less anything else."
Reaching my hand up, I frame her chin with my pointer finger and my thumb, forcing her to meet my gaze. Her eyes are clouded, lips red from the pressure of mine. "If I do anything you don't want me to, tell me immediately."
"I will." She nods, bending down, but my hat is in her way. "This stupid thing."
I reach up and take it off, turning it around backwards. "Is this better?"
Becca fucking purrs. "Do you realize how slick that was?" She grins.
"No, I was just getting it out of the way, and I haven't washed my hair since I worked out. Didn't want you pushing your fingers through it, ya know? What's so hot about it?"
She laughs, and it's almost a giggle. "I wish you could understand how women of a certain age love that backwards hat. It screams bad boy who knows how to use his tongue, and fingers, among other things." She grins.
"Oh, so it's like when a woman wears my shirt? I love that. I'd like to get you into one of them as soon as possible. But right now," I lift off the metal of the truck bed. "I'd much prefer to put my mouth back on yours."
"Hmmmm. Me too."
Going back to exploring each other's hidden spaces, I push my hands up the back of her shirt, pressing my palms against her flesh. She? reaches down, and feeds her hands up the front of mine, raking her nails along my stomach. "Fuck yes." I groan. "Scratch, if that's what you want. I like everything about getting physical, Bec. Scratch me, bite me, whatever you need to do. I want it all."
She grinds against my cock that continues to make itself known in between us. "What I wouldn't give to get our clothes off."
Me too, but that's not in the cards right now. "That'll come in time," I say with a promise.
She runs her fingers up to my pecs, circling one nipple with the tip. I groan, and she pulls away, licking her lips as she pants. "Oh my God, Madden. Do you have a nipple ring?"
Tilting my head back against the back window of the truck, I try to get my bearings. "Nipple ring? Yeah. I got it after a crazy night right after high school. Thought about letting it grow up a time or two, but I get off super hard if a woman is biting in while I come."
A smirk works its way across her face. "Madden, I knew you had tattoos, and you were a bit of a badass, but holy shit. That's hot. I don't know if I can handle you."
I chuckle deep in my throat. "Fact of the matter is, I'm not sure if I can handle you ."
"I'm sure you'll figure it out, Officer. If not, I'd love to give you some tips if you need them."
My eyes meet hers. Her light to my dark, and I'm losing myself as I get lost in the depths. "Trust me, I don't think I'll have any issues pleasing you when the time comes. Right now," I press up so that I can get a little room in the tightness of my jeans. "I think we should slow this down. It's been an emotional day for you."
"You're right. I should get back to the apartment and go to sleep." She leans her forehead against mine. "Thank you for taking my mind off it for a little while."
Pushing my hands through her hair, I cup the nape of her neck with my palms. "If you ever need me to take your mind off of anything, I'm your man."
She grins. "That's right, you definitely are."