"Is there anything else I have to do?" I ask Shelby as I sit in her office, looking at the piece of paper laying in front of me.
"Nope, all you have to do is sign it, and we'll officially petition Trey for custody while he's incarcerated." She folds her hands in front of her mouth and leans into them. "There's one thing I need to tell you. He's facing federal charges. They haven't come down to him yet, but they've been filed. He's not getting out of jail, Rebecca. So make sure this is what you want," she says the words carefully. "When you get him, you're going to have him. Your brother isn’t getting out of jail before Mick is thirty, if he gets out at all."
My stomach drops as I hear what she's said. I knew there was a chance of this. It didn't make sense to me that they would send him to prison for the small amount of charges they had him on. Granted, they were bad by themselves, but I'd seen people with worse charges than his stay at the county level. "I had a feeling this was going to happen. It's one reason I wanted to get Mick put into my custody. If we don't do this now, they might put him in the system, right?"
"Could," she answers. "Most of the time they want to keep families together, especially if there is a member of said family willing to take the child. You are, so my intent is to keep him with you. We're going to do our best to make that happen, I promise you. The first thing we're going to try is sending this to Trey. Maybe he'll reconsider, and go ahead, before we have to force his hand."
I never wanted this, never wanted to have to play hardball with him. Growing up, he was a hero of mine. I would've done anything for him. I had ideas about us being close and raising our families together. But he ruined that when he made decisions that would affect both of us. "Alright, I'm ready for this, although I know this is basically an act of war where he's concerned."
"I understand. I have to do what's best for Mick, and that's all I need to think about."
"You're right. The best decisions aren't the easiest, but I firmly believe you're doing what's best for Mick, and that's all we can ask for."
After my meeting with Shelby, I head over to The Café to meet Stephanie for lunch. It's a crisp day, and I'm looking forward to what will be my first fall and winter with Mick. Which means I'm going to worry about Christmas gifts, and he'll need new clothes. It's never-ending, and although I wasn't ready for this, I'll do it for Mick. He has no one else who will.
Stephanie waves at me when I enter The Café from where she's sitting in a booth. There are several LSERT wives at a table in the middle of the dining room. If I allow myself, I could see my spot there one day, but I don't want to jinx what's going on with Madden. One of them, I think it's Kelsea, Chief Harrison's daughter, gives me a wave. I return it and scoot in across from Stephanie.
"How did it go with Shelby?" She asks as soon as I put my purse down. "Were you able to file for custody?"
"We're sending a certified letter to the jail. Obviously, they'll know where the hell to serve him."
"He'd have to be stupid not to take this gift, and that's exactly what it is, Becca. It's a gift."
She and I know that, but I'm not sure Trey will see it the same way. "Let's hope he agrees." I pick up a menu and run my eyes down it, looking for something that sounds good. The problem is everything does. I'm starving, and I could eat the entire menu.
Our waitress comes over. "What can I get you all?"
"Go on." I nod toward Steph.
"I'll take the grilled chicken club with a loaded baked potato and green beans. Coke to drink, I need the fucking caffeine to get me through the long night I have of putting together mood boards for a few clients." She cuts her eyes and sighs heavily. "It's been a day."
"Give me the same thing as her, including the Coke."
We stack the menus up and stick them to the side, behind the napkin dispenser.
"I'm sorry to interrupt." I glance up and see a woman standing beside our table. The one I think is Kelsea. "My dad, Chief Harrison, told me about your situation with your nephew. My husband and I went through the foster system and ended up adopting our son. I just wanted to reach out and let you know I'm here if you have questions."
Tears spring to my eyes at the offer. No one else besides Madden has been this nice. "I appreciate the offer so much. It's been difficult."
"I imagine. I heard Shelby's been helping you. Not from her, because she doesn't gossip, but everyone else does." She rolls her eyes. "I've also heard that you've been hanging out with Madden. He's one of ours, which means you are, too. Welcome to the LSERT family." She grins.
I've never been a part of anything like this before. Since I moved out, it's been me against the world, and then Stephanie joined me when I got Mick. After that, it became the three of us. Now, I have a group of people who are offering to help, without expecting anything from me. It's overwhelming, and exactly what I need. "Thank you."
She reaches out, grabs my hand, and squeezes it. "We're here for you. You're not in this alone."
And for the first time, I don't feel as if I am.