Manny for the Alien (Alien Mates) 3. Marco 43%
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3. Marco

Chapter Three


Starting my first day at Hyacinth’s house was not completely different to starting my first day at previous jobs.

I was worried, scared they wouldn’t like me and filled with hope for the future. I hoped they would like me and I was relieved that I officially had a place to stay with a roof over my head and all the security that came with that.

Of course, it had been a strange feeling to pack up my apartment. Selling the big items was easy since I listed them for such cheap prices, but it had made this move feel extra daunting.

I was uprooting my life for this. I just hoped that it was worth it. That I liked being there and that I got along with the kids. It didn’t have to be forever, but it was certainly a means to an end for me and I had to remember that. This was literally my only job offer. I had to take it.

And so, I showed up at Hyacinth’s house with three big suitcases filled with all of my belongings, nervous but ready.

When Hyacinth opened the door to greet me, my breath caught in my throat. Over the week preparing things, I had fooled myself into thinking he wasn’t as gorgeous as I’d made him out to be, but no, he was stunning.

Even in plain blue scrubs the man was transcendent.

“Good morning Marco,” he said warmly. “Please, come in.”

He stepped out of the way to allow me the room to enter.

“The kids are in the kitchen. I know I said you would have until this evening, but I was called into work early. I hope that’s okay.”

“Oh—uh, sure. Can I just take my things upstairs?”

“Of course.”

He bent, picking up the two heavier of the bags and leading the way.

The sounds of the kids carried down the hall. I already recognized Iris and Aster’s sweet voices. The more mature, slightly bossy voice that rang out saying “Daddy’s going to be really mad if he sees you doing that!” I took to be the eldest, Azalea.

Hyacinth glanced back suspiciously, but didn’t veer toward the kitchen to see what the kids were up to, instead continuing to lead me upstairs to my new bedroom.

The shimmery black ends of his tails swished back and forth, but that didn’t stop my gaze from drifting down despite myself, and watching the sway of his ass. Lord help me. He was perfect everywhere.

Swallowing, I forced my eyes up to the back of his neatly trimmed dark hair as we reached the second floor.

After seeing the nursery, I was curious what my room would look like, but when he opened the door, I was surprised to see a plain, spacious, spare bedroom. It had a double bed against the wall, a wardrobe and beige walls and carpets. On the far side, a door led into a washroom.

It was a relief to see that I would have my own space. I would need that, I was sure, since I had never even lived in a house with four others, let alone with my boss.

Finally, I realized that Hyacinth was waiting for me to respond, perhaps worried that I didn’t like it.

“It’s perfect, thank you.”

He looked relieved.

“Great. I’m glad this will do.”

There was a loud shout from downstairs, followed by “Daddy!” hollered at top volume and he grimaced.

“I will meet you downstairs,” he said.

“I’ll be right down,” I reassured.

He left hastily and I stood there for a moment, looking around. I wasn’t exactly going to unpack right now. Not when he needed me to start as soon as possible.

With a fortifying breath, I turned and went after him.

The scene I met in the kitchen was basically exactly what I would expect to find when three small children were left unattended. There was orange juice all over the floor, Aster’s entire body seemed to be covered in peanut butter and jam and Iris was eating cheerios off the floor, first dipping each one in the spilled milk.

“I thought I already made you a sandwich!” Hyacinth said, exasperatedly.

“I wanted cereal,” Iris pouted as he lifted her back into her booster seat.

“I would have poured it for you,” he sighed.

“I tried to tell her,” Azalea said. “But she wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Next time, you listen to Azalea,” Hyacinth told Iris sternly and she preened.

Out of all the children, she looked the most like Hyacinth. The other two were paler, Iris was almost pearly white, but Azalea had the same shining blue skin and almond eyes as her father. Even her wings glittered with the same colors. But when she glanced over her shoulder and saw me standing there she glared.

“Aren’t you supposed to be cleaning up instead of my Daddy?” she demanded. “You do work for us now, right?”

I’d never been chastised by someone so small and nearly jumped out of my skin because she meant business with that tone.

“Right. Sorry,” I muttered, cheeks heating as I bent to take the towel from Hyacinth’s hands.

He let me have it but straightened and gave Azalea a hard look.

“You be kind to Marco,” he said sternly and she pouted, turning her attention back to her breakfast.

Hyacinth sighed heavily.

“She’s supposed to be at school in fifteen minutes,” he said. “Normally I drive her, but I don’t have time today. I ordered her a car, but she can’t go alone. It’ll be here in about ten minutes. Will you be able to take her?”

I nodded, already feeling flustered.

“Great. The car seats are all in the closet by the front door,” he said. “Her friend lives around the block and her mother usually walks them home.”

He went to each of them as he spoke, taking the time to place a kiss atop each child’s head before heading for the doorway where he paused and looked back at me.

“Thank you and good luck. Call me if you need anything. ”

I barely had a chance to nod before he was gone, running off to do some important medical work, probably saving lives.

For a moment I stood there, feeling so overwhelmed as I took in the sight of the messy toddlers and imperious child.

They all expected me to take care of them. I didn’t think I could do it. I’d made a huge mistake.

“Marco!” Iris said, drawing me from my thoughts and I looked down to find her offering me a soggy cheerio.

I took it, heart warmed as though it was the most thoughtful gift I’d ever received.

Then I took one of the kitchen cloths, wiped Aster down while he tried to chew on the fabric, picked him and Iris up, took them to the front door and then went back for Azalea.

“Ready?” I asked her.

She nodded.

“You have your school bag somewhere?”

She lifted it off the back of her chair.

“Lunch inside?” I asked.

She nodded again.


Somehow, when the driver arrived, we were all outside, wearing shoes, car seats ready.

Watching Azalea run off to her school friends, made me feel like I’d accomplished some amazing feat. Like I could do anything in the world.

Even coming home to the mess wasn’t so bad.

I found markers and coloring books and Iris and Aster colored happily while I straightened out the kitchen.

They took a lot of entertaining. We played in the playroom, watched a bit of TV, ate a quick lunch and then went back to playing.

By the time Azalea came home, accompanied by a school friend’s mother, I was tired but proud.

“How was your day?” I asked.

She shrugged.


Without saying much more, she went into the living room and a moment later I heard a kids show start playing.

Choosing not to push it, I set the other two on the couch with her and went to the kitchen to start dinner.

Hyacinth had said that he didn’t like human food very much, but I still wanted to make something nice for him and the kids, especially after a long day at work.

Since the kids were occupied, I searched through the cupboards until I found enough ingredients to put together into a vegetable curry.

When it was ready, I set the table with a spot for each of the kids and then went to get them. To my chagrin, both Aster and Iris were fast asleep.

When I couldn’t rouse them, I looked at Azalea.

“Um, it’s dinner time.”

She gave me a look.

“Can’t I eat in front of the TV?”

I frowned.

“Does your dad let you?”

“Uh huh.”

Forcing a smile, I turned and get her plate from the kitchen, returning and giving it to her.

“Do you know when your dad is done work?” I asked.

She shook her head.

“He works different shifts all the time.”


I stood there for a moment as she took her fork and started to eat off of the plate in her lap, let attention back on the TV.

Feeling awkward, I ended up bending down and lifting Aster off the couch to take him to his bed, then I came down and took Iris to hers.

I ended up eating alone in the silence, suddenly feeling like I was doing everything wrong.

I had wanted to share a meal with Hyacinth too, but the evening went on and he didn’t come home.

I knew hospitals workers did long hours, but I was still twiddling my thumbs. Eventually, I googled what time six-year-olds were supposed to sleep and then went to Azalea.

“Do you need help with any homework?” I asked.

“I don’t have any today,” she said.

“Okay, then... Bed time, I guess. It’s late.”

I expected resistance, but luckily, she stood up without complaint. I followed, feeling a bit awkward.

Who knew a six-year-old could be so intimidating.

I made sure she brushed her teeth and then got into bed, wishing her a goodnight to which she sleepily replied ‘ you too ’, before I closed the door.

That wasn’t so bad , I told myself. I’d made it through an entire day with three kids and with no idea what I was doing.

Now what ?

I didn’t feel at home here, not yet. Not enough to go relax and watch TV or something.

Instead, I went to my room and slowly began to unpack my belongings.

As I did, I couldn’t help feeling like I had done something wrong today but couldn’t quite place my finger on it. Maybe it was just from being so overwhelmed and out of my depths.

Just as I was setting my alarm clock on the bedside table, the rest of my stuff spread around the room, there was a gentle tap on my door.

My heart leaped at the sound, excited, despite myself to greet Hyacinth.

When I opened the door, he looked tired, but smiled.

“Sorry to disturb you. I just got back and wanted to check in.”

“It’s fine. Come in.”

He entered my bedroom and stood, looking around at all of my things for a moment, smiling softly.

“You made the place your own,” he said. “I like it.”

He wiggled his toes into the fluffy carpet and then came and sat down on the bed next to me.

“How did it go today? Were the kids good to you?”

“Yeah, they were great. Azalea’s friend walked her home like you said. They all went to bed pretty early.”

“Great,” he said, sighing and leaning back on his hands. “It was a busy day so I didn’t have much time to check in.”

“That’s okay... What do you do exactly?” I asked.

“I help with surgeries mostly. I can put people to sleep for any duration with mypapilionoidean powders. I can also calm people and help deescalate situations. Sometimes its scheduled procedures, but lately they want me to jump in more in various departments.”

“I’ll bet,” I said, impressed. “It must be really handy to have you there.”

He smiled ruefully.

“I think so, and that makes me want to help as much as I can, but I miss a lot of time with my children.”

He rubbed his face tiredly and my heart went out to him. I wanted to touch him, rest a hand on his arm or pat his back but that felt like crossing a line. I had just started working here. I didn’t want to make my boss uncomfortable.

“Did they eat dinner?” he asked suddenly.

I grimaced.

“Well, Azalea did. The other two fell asleep in front of the TV before I was done cooking.”

He frowned.

“Oh, did they have trouble napping today?”

I frowned.


He looked at me for a long moment but I couldn’t read his expression.

“Well, yes, they are very young. Both Aster and Iris need to nap for at least one or two hours in the afternoon.”

My heart sank.

“I didn’t realize,” I said, regretfully.

“That’s alright...” he said, but it didn’t sound like he meant it at all. “You didn’t know. I should have taken the time to discuss everything with you this morning. I should have told the hospital that I couldn’t come in on such short notice.”

I found myself shaking my head even though I couldn’t argue with that. Maybe I needed a schedule or something.

“Was Azalea well behaved?”

My cheeks heated with a blush but I nodded.

“She was fine. She just sat in front of the TV.”

“For the whole day?” he asked, looking concerned.


I swallowed, all of my concerns being proven right in one conversation.

Hyacinth shook himself and sighed.

“I’ll write a schedule for you,” he said kindly, “and we can discuss everything in the morning.”

I nodded, feeling like I was the biggest idiot ever. Of course a six year old couldn’t watch hours of TV like that. This was such a face palm moment that I was seriously questioning my intelligence.

Hyacinth stood and I did the same automatically.

“Thank you for stepping in today,” he said.

I shook my head.

“It’s fine. There’s food in the fridge for you, if you’re hungry.”

“Thanks, Marco,” he said, and paused at the door. “Goodnight.”

“Night,” I muttered as he shut the door behind him.

I stood there for a moment and then flopped back onto my bed with a groan.

Apparently today hadn’t gone as well as I’d thought it had.

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