Masked Mayhem (Fright Nights) Chapter Thirteen 54%
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Chapter Thirteen

Zoe has been sleeping at our house more than her own over the past week. I love it. She thinks she doesn’t want a relationship again, and I understand where she’s coming from, but I think what she really means is she doesn’t want a relationship with an asshole like Adam again. Zoe might think all she wants is a casual hook up, but that’s not what’s happening here.

There has been a ton of sex, which has been amazing, but it’s more than that. We’ve all been eating dinner together pretty much every night, in the evenings we hang out and she stays over. The morning I woke up with her in my bed was probably the best morning of my life and we didn’t even do anything. Just opening my eyes to see that red hair fanned out across my pillow was enough. Her soft body tucked against mine as she snuggled closer to me in her sleep was better than any fantasy I’ve ever had.

Yeah, she might be denying it for the time being, but she’s our girl.

While we work at the garage Zoe goes to her dad’s house to work on things there and stay on top of her regular job from her laptop, but I find myself missing her during the day. It’s only eight or nine hours, if she doesn’t swing by at lunch, but I can’t stop the ache in my soul. The year she was gone did more damage than I realized.

When I hear the familiar rumble of her Chevelle I can’t stop the smile that’s taking over my face. Reynolds and Nate are tied up with customers, so I wipe my hands off on a shop rag and dip into the office to say hello. I forgot Kyle was hanging out in the lobby until I open the door to find him introducing himself to Zoe. What I told her before was true, we don’t have jealousy between us, but that does not extend past our group.

Stalking around the counter I join them in the small waiting area, I don’t want to get grease all over her clothes so I keep my hands to myself, but I leave no question about who she is. “Better be being nice to my girl, Kyle.”

She scowls in my direction, but I keep my eyes on him as he processes what I just said.

“Shoulda known a pretty little thing like her would be spoken for. ”

“Actually…” I’m sure whatever is about to come out of Zoe’s mouth would be some kind of argument to my claim on her, so I cut her off.

“Nate should be in soon to talk to you about your truck.” It’s a polite dismissal, but a dismissal all the same. “Zoe, let’s eat in the office.”

She follows me back, but I know this isn’t over. That fire I love is burning in her eyes as she stomps behind me, but I’m up for the fight. I’m ready for it.

As soon as the door closes behind us she jumps all over me, and not in the fun way. “What was that? You might as well have peed on me! What part of I’m not yours do you not understand, Liam? We might be hooking up, but that’s it, that’s all this is. I don’t belong to you, or anyone else.”

That was a nice little speech, but she turns around to storm off before letting me have a say, and that just doesn’t work for me. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail, so I reach out and grab the back of her neck to stop her in her tracks. I would never hurt her, but she’s not getting away that easy thinking she’s had the last word on this subject.

Pulling her back towards me I keep my hand on her neck and spin her around. I capture her lips with mine, cutting her off before she can get going again, and when she melts into my touch I know I’m winning this one.

“Does that feel casual to you, Little Minx? Because it sure as shit feels like more to me. ”

She tries to argue back, but I nip her ear. “You had your say, now it’s my turn.”

Crossing her arms she tries to glare at me, but when I kiss her neck the glare melts away. “I get where you’re coming from, you were hurt, now you want to protect yourself. But you know we’re nothing like him. We would never hurt you Zoe, but you can’t deny there’s more than just amazing sex between us. How would you feel if I told you Reynolds was out in the garage getting some woman’s phone number right now?”

Her expressive eyes flash with anger, but before she can get herself too worked up I get to my point. “He’s not, but that jealousy right there just proves my point. You’re ours Zoe, and we’re yours. I’m not trying to rush you, and we don’t have to put any labels on ourselves right now, but that doesn’t change the facts.”

I let go of her to close the blinds, no one else needs to see me proving my point, but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. My Little Minx still hasn’t agreed with me, but she did stop arguing which must be a good sign. We’ll break down those walls of hers, no matter how long it takes, for now I’m going to remind her body exactly who she belongs to. Zoe might not want to admit it yet, but her body screams it every time we’re together.

Spinning her around to face the desk I push her jeans down her full hips as she bends forward to brace herself on the solid wood. She might be irritated, but she knows what she wants. Later I’m going to get her in my bed so I can worship her properly, but for now we both need this so it’s going to have to be quick before the others come looking .

I smack her ass before dropping my own pants, she shoots me a dirty look over her shoulder but she can’t hide how much she likes it, and there’s no denying how much I love seeing her hips wiggle in response.

Kneeling behind her I push her legs further apart and run my tongue through her wetness. “Tell me, Little Minx, has anyone else ever made you feel this way?”

I don’t care what she says, her body doesn’t lie and since she can’t push her thighs together right now I have a perfect view of the wet mess she’s becoming.

“No.” I can hear the irritation in her voice as she huffs my answer, but her admission is music to my ears.

“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.” Standing up I land another smack on her ass to cut off whatever she was about to say. There’s no sense in arguing when we both know the truth. “No one else has ever made you feel this way because they weren’t us. You can deny it all you want Darlin’, but you’re dripping for me right now because you know you’re ours, even if you don’t want to admit it yet.”

Gripping her soft hips I slowly push into her, savoring the sweet gasp she makes during this first, perfect, thrust. She gives up on trying to argue as I fill her from behind, instead she rolls her hips back to meet me thrust for thrust. Normally I would tease her, drag out her pleasure and not rush things, but we don’t have that luxury right now. One of the others will be popping in here any minute, so I’m determined to make her come as fast as possible .

Reaching around from my position behind her I find her clit and don’t bother starting slow. Her hips jump, but she moans my name and its music to my ears as I play her body like an instrument.

When she starts squeezing me like a vice I know she’s on the edge and I want to push her over it. “Come for me, Little Minx. Come for me. Right. Fucking. Now.” I accentuate each word with a thrust and she falls apart on my desk.

I can’t hold back, as she comes on my cock I fill her with my own release and thank the universe for birth control implants. She lets her head fall forward as she catches her breath, and when I step back I can’t help but appreciate how perfect she looks leaned over and freshly fucked. I don’t want her to end up with a mess, so I pull her underwear and pants back up, a strange caveman pride filling my chest knowing she’ll be walking around with me marking her.

Just as we finish getting ourselves put back together Nate strolls in, stopping as soon as he steps through the door. He takes in Zoe’s flushed face and mussed up hair before looking at my smug face.

“It smells like sex in here, what have you two been up to?”

“I’ll give you three guesses, and the first two don’t count.” I wink at him, and he laughs. He’s jealous he didn’t get a lunch quickie, but he doesn’t begrudge me. That’s not how we work.

“Oh my God, can we not.” Zoe is just getting pinker by the second, when Reynolds sticks his head in he doesn’t help .

“What’s going on in here? Do I need to flip the sign to closed?”

Covering her face with her hands Zoe lets out an adorable sigh, like she’s resigned to the fact she signed up for this, but I take pity on her and shoo them out so she can have a minute to collect herself.

“Come here, Little Minx.”

Gently grabbing her wrists, I pull her hands away from her face and press a soft kiss to her forehead. “Anytime you’re feeling unsure I’d be happy to give you another reminder about who you belong to.”

She laughs and halfheartedly slaps at my chest while calling me a neanderthal, but she doesn’t argue.

Chapter Fourteen

Liam was right.

I’ve been lying to myself, but what’s the point? As much as I didn’t want to care I don’t think I ever stood a chance against these three. I’m literally at the grocery store right now picking up supplies to cook them dinner, that’s not something casual hook ups do. I might not have a lot of experience, but I do know that much.

Reynolds mentioned their love of Italian food the other day, so I wanted to surprise them with a spaghetti dinner. I wanted to do something special for them because they’re always going out of their way to make me feel special, because we’re all in a relationship and I didn’t even notice.

I’m an idiot .

While I’m laughing at my own cluelessness I stop paying attention to my surroundings and almost crash into another shopper.

“Oh, I’m so sor…” My apology dies off as I come eye to eye with my ex-husband for the first time since I left Sommersville last year.

“Zoe, still as clumsy as always I see.”


I knew I would see him eventually. I’m surprised it took this long honestly, but I’m still not prepared. No matter how long it’s been, or what progress I’ve made, those dark eyes still haunt me. The sound of his voice throws me right back into that prison of a house and I freeze.

There’s no one else on this aisle and he uses our isolation to his advantage. Coming around my cart he reaches for something on the shelf behind me, invading my personal space like he has the right. “You might have gotten those papers you wanted, but you’ll always belong to me you stupid bitch. I don’t care what the courts said, you’re my wife, until death do us part.”

Adam drags his fingers down my arm and the contact pulls me from my shocked stupor. He can’t do this. I’m not his wife and I’m not going to cower down to him anymore. Slapping his hand away I push against his chest, but he doesn’t budge, instead of taking a hint he lets his mask slip. His hand wraps around my wrist as he roughly pulls me against him. “You never did fight back much before, keep it up Zoe, I think I like it. ”

What a pig. I can’t believe I wasted so many years married to this piece of shit.

“Let go of me right now or I’ll start screaming. Let’s see how long that golden boy reputation lasts when people find out what kind of man you really are.”

He grinds his teeth but we’re in the middle of the store, he has no option but to let me go or I won’t stop at causing a scene, I’ll put on a whole production. People in this town thrive on gossip and he knows it, so with one last painful squeeze he drops my wrist and steps away with a warning.

“Watch yourself, you aren’t getting away from me that easy.”

The guy’s kitchen is filled with a warm garlicy aroma as my sauce simmers on the stove. After my run in with Adam I needed to throw myself into something, so I didn’t fall into a dark place. Now there’s a salad on the table, garlic bread in the oven, and the sauce is almost ready to add to the pasta, but my brain is a mess. No matter how hard I try I can’t get his words out of my head. My skin still tingles where his fingers touched me, even after the hottest shower known to man, I couldn’t wash the ick off.

Was it crazy of me to think I could come back here ?

The door flings open, voices filter down the hall as the guys laugh about something. This is normally one of my favorite times of day, when they get home and we all sit down to eat together. It’s so normal and they’re always so happy to see me. I don’t want to ruin it by telling them about my run in with Adam, not when I’m still trying to process everything, so I plaster on a smile I’m not feeling and run with it.

It doesn’t take them long to find me, following their noses to the almost finished dinner I made.

“What’s all this, Red?

Reynolds makes it to me first, stepping behind me to wrap me in his arms and nuzzle into my neck. For a moment I let myself relax in his hold, but if I let go everything I’m feeling is going to come out and I don’t want to deal with that right now. Instead, I box all those emotions up and shove them down as far as I can. I was being silly earlier; this isn’t a relationship because I don’t want a relationship. I need to keep my walls up. We can enjoy each other, but I can’t let them in. Nothing good comes from opening yourself up to other people.

“I thought it would be nice to cook a big dinner for all of us.”

Nate pulls me away from his friend and spins me in a circle like a dancer before dipping me in the middle of the kitchen. “She drives a stick and knows how to cook, I think I’m in love!”

He’s joking around, and it’s not the first time he’s declared that over something silly, but hearing the L word right now sends a panic through me. Thankfully Liam swats Nate on the back of his head, distracting Nate while he pulls me up before he can see the truth in my eyes. Turning back to the stove I push everything back down and get myself under control again.

Liam kisses the top of my head before they all disappear down the hall to wash up, giving me a few moments to collect myself. I didn’t think it would be so hard to keep this to myself. After years of not having anyone to rely on you would think it would be easy, but they’ve become important to me, I’ve started to rely on them. I can’t let that happen.

After dinner Liam joins me at the sink to wash dishes while the other two try to pick a movie for us to watch. They always argue over what to watch until someone else makes a decision.

“Is everything alright? You seem a little off.”

My cheeks hurt from forcing a smile all night, but I keep it in place, I’m still not ready to share. “Yeah, I guess I’m a little tired. All the work at my dad’s house is catching up to me.”

Liam studies me for a moment, like he’s looking for a crack in my story, but ultimately gives in. “Let’s go relax. The two stooges can finish the dishes later.”

Pulling me into the living room he gets settled on the couch and tucks me under his arm next to him. Turning off my brain I cuddle with him and just exist in the moment until Liam picks a movie and the others join us. Somehow, I end up with my head in Liam’s lap, my legs draped over Nate, and Reynolds rubbing my feet in his seat at the other end of the couch .

Adam’s words are still running through my head, but so are Liam’s and it’s all so confusing. I can’t deny this pull to the guys, they make me feel treasured and special, but Adam’s hooks are still in me, telling me I don’t deserve this happiness. I’ll never escape him, and I don’t want to depend on them. What if I give in and fall for them and they change their minds, or something happens, this isn’t exactly a traditional situation, but I wouldn’t survive losing them. I can’t let myself depend on them, on anyone.

Days pass, but I can’t get out of this funk. Even going to Fright Nights over the weekend hadn’t pulled me out of my head. The guys have noticed something is up, but I just keep telling them I’m fine and thankfully they’re not pushing me on it… yet. I doubt that will last, but I’ll take it while I can.

On Wednesday we go out to grab dinner because none of us feel like cooking, but as soon as we walk in I regret the decision. Adam is at the bar drinking with his group of buddies and he’s obviously a few drinks in already. I consider turning around before he sees us, but the guys aren’t having that, I should have known running away would be out of the question.

“Don’t worry about him Red, he’s not worth the headache.”

We grab a table in the back, but I can’t relax knowing that bastard is here. I hate that even now he’s still ruining things for me. Instead of enjoying a night out with the guys I’m sitting here stressed out about Adam, he doesn’t deserve to take up space in my head, but I don’t know how to kick him out .

I was hoping we would go unnoticed back here but just after our food is delivered I am proven wrong. Story of my life.

“Well well well, look what we have here.” He must have been stumbling to the bathroom, he’s obviously not sober which means this is going to be ugly. Adam can be mean on a good day, but drunk Adam is a monster. “Still playing the whore for these three, wifey? You fellas should know she was all over me in the grocery store a few days ago, pawing at me like a bitch in heat. I would be careful with her if I were you, who knows what she’s been up to.”

I shake my head in denial of his absurd accusation, like I would ever willingly be near him again. All the things I want to say get jumbled up in my head, but Reynolds doesn’t wait for me to figure it out before jumping in to defend me.

“You can fuck right off with that bullshit; we all know that didn’t happen. Zoe is with us now and you’ll do well to remember that. We won’t put up with your bullshit and if I find out you’ve been bothering her again you and I will be having a little heart to heart where I introduce your face to my fists.”

Nate has his arm slung over my shoulders in a clearly possessive manner, but Adam just sneers at us. “She’s nothing but poison, you’ll learn.”

Stumbling down the hall he disappears, and all three guys turn their focus to me.

Shit .

“That’s what’s been bothering you all week, isn’t it?” Liam speaks like he already knows the answer, he just wants to hear it from me.

“I ran into him in the store last week and he said some shitty things.” There’s no getting out of this now, but I don’t really want to have this conversation here. “Can we talk about this back at the house please?”

They all agree, but the rest of our meal is tense. We eat in a stiff silence, awkwardly shifting the food around on my plate I don’t even have an appetite anymore. When we leave I’m prepared for a tense ride, but Liam starts the conversation as soon as we’re in the car. So much for waiting until we got back to the house.

“Why didn’t you tell us you saw him? Did he hurt you?”

Crossing my arms over my chest I sink into my seat and get defensive, even though I know he’s just asking from a place of caring. “I don’t have to tell you every little thing that happens in my life, it’s my life.”

“We aren’t saying you have to tell us every little thing, but seeing your abusive ex for the first time isn’t a minor inconvenience, Zoe.” Nate’s tone is harsher than normal, no trace of his easy-going personality in sight. Looks like they’re all on the same wave length.

“This is why I wanted to keep things casual, if I don’t want to talk about something I shouldn’t have to.”

I’m turning the focus off the actual problem because I don’t want to admit that Adam got to me. I don’t want to admit he’s still in my head. I’m a coward taking the easy way out by picking a fight, but I can’t stop myself.

We argue for the rest of the ride but no matter what they say they aren’t changing my mind, this is just proving me right, I don’t want a relationship. I don’t want to depend on someone just to have it ripped away. I don’t want to let someone in just for them to disappear later. I don’t want to open myself up to the guys because my heart won’t survive it.

When we finally pull up at the guy’s house the car is filled with a heavy silence. Tempers are rising but I’m not hanging around. Slamming the door behind me I don’t even bother going inside, I go straight to my car instead. Reynolds and Nate both come after me, but Liam stops them. Just before my engine roars to life I hear him tell them to give me some space.

I love that he says it.

I hate that they listen.

Why is this all so messed up?

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