Masked Mayhem (Fright Nights) Chapter Fifteen 63%
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Chapter Fifteen

I’ve been at my house ignoring the guys all day. After not getting any sleep last night I’m not having the best day, but I’m still holding onto my misplaced anger. I can’t let it go, but I can’t sit here another minute, so I text my neighbor to see what she’s up to.

Amy moved in a few years ago, I met her the day I came back, and we’ve hung out a few times. It’s nice having a girl to do stuff with since my sister is so far away. All it takes is a quick text to her for me to find myself at Idle Hour having an impromptu girls night. Three pink panty pull downs and two lemon drop shots later I’m itching to call the guys.

It doesn’t matter how mad I am, I just can’t stay away from them. As hard as I fought it, they still found their way over my walls, denying it doesn’t change the truth, no matter how much I wish it would. I’m not sure whose number I dial, but Liam answers on the first ring, so probably his.

“Zoe I…”

I’m not interested in small talk. “I’m still mad at you, but I’m dick-notized and I can’t stop thinking about you anyway. It’s annoying.”

He must have me on speakerphone because I can hear Nate and Reynolds in the background asking why I’m slurring my words and what dick-notized means. I’m definitely not slurring my words, but I might be talking in cursive.

“Are you drunk?”

I hum in a noncommittal response, that’s not why I called, I called to fuss at them for the dick-nosis. We have more problems going on right now, but what’s really pissing me off is the fact that even with those issues I still can’t stop thinking about the guys.

“Where are you, Red? We’ll come pick you up.”

“I don’t need you to pick me up, I’m mad at you.”

I’m fully prepared to hold onto my anger and tell them to fuck off until Nate joins the conversation. His voice is so soft, and I can’t bear the sadness coming from him.

“Please Hot Rod, tell us where you are so we can get you home safely. You don’t have to talk to us if you don’t want to, I just need to know you’re ok. ”

His concern melts my heart. I might be mad, but I don’t want them to worry. With a sigh I give in and answer their question.

“I’m at Idle Hour with Amy.”

Looking up from our booth I see her getting cozy with a guy at the bar, looks like I’m going to need a ride home anyway.

Liam says they’ll be here soon and true to his word less than ten minutes later the three of them walk through the door. A few people try to talk to them, but they ignore everyone as they head my way.

I’m slumped over in my seat with my arms crossed, pouting like a child, but I can’t help myself. The alcohol has done nothing to temper my mood.

When Reynolds holds out a hand to help me out of the booth I grudgingly accept it, but he doesn’t let go once I’m up. Keeping my hand in his Reynolds walks me out of the bar to Liam’s Tahoe with the other two flanking us.

My mouth couldn’t be drier if I were stranded in the desert in the middle of summer. Cracking open an eye I battle the potential blindness to take in my surroundings. I should have known they wouldn’t take me home, not that I really blame them, I was too drunk to be home alone, despite my wishes. After the second lemon drop shot things got a little blurry, my memories are coming back in flashes. I remember calling the guys, and getting in the car with them, but not too much after that.

God, I hope I didn’t say anything embarrassing.

Groaning I try to roll over and get out of Liam’s bed, but find myself pinned down by an arm I didn’t notice before. My attempted escape rouses Liam enough to pull me back towards his chest, tightening his arm around me as he mumbles a request for me to be still.

Not likely.

They might have come to the rescue last night but we’re still fighting. With a little more force than before I roll away from the furnace behind me, wiggling out of his grasp as I slide off the bed and stumble towards the bathroom, vowing to never drink again.

The lights are even harsher in here and my eyes squint in response before they finally adjust. Though, once they do I wish I’d kept them closed. My bed head hair is awful, mascara is smeared under my eyes in dark circles I might never get off, and if I don’t get my teeth brushed in the next five seconds I’m going to die.

Thankfully getting my teeth brushed is easy. Fixing the rat’s nest on top of my head takes a little longer, but after a warm shower, and an excessive amount of conditioner, I’m almost feeling human again. One of the guys must have let me borrow a shirt last night, I sleep in their clothes more often than my own lately, but the wrinkled material I threw on the floor earlier smells like pre-shower hangover .

No thank you.

Instead of throwing that nightmare back on I wrap my towel around my body and leave the bathroom in search of fresh clothes. Over half my wardrobe is stashed here anyway, tucked in one closet or another, but I don’t make it that far.

All three of the guys are lined up in the hall waiting for me when I leave the bathroom. They’re leaning back against the wall with varying degrees of annoyance on their faces which instantly gets my hackles up. It’s too early for this.

“Are you ready to talk or do you want to go get wasted again first?”

It’s no surprise Nate is kicking this shindig off. What does surprise me is the harshness of his words. His tone grates on my nerves, despite the fact I know he’s just reacting to my actions last night. Out of the three of them he’s always the sweetest, I wasn’t expecting him to jump down my throat, but I guess he’s hit his limit. I know I shouldn’t have gone out and gotten trashed, if they had done that I would be just as pissed, but I can’t stop myself from snapping back.

“I’m a grown ass woman, if I want to go out and get drunk I can. You aren’t in charge of me.”

I shouldn’t put that on them, I know they aren’t trying to be controlling, they’re just concerned. Those old insecurities don’t just go away though, Adam spent years taking control of my own life and now that’s one of my biggest fears .

Holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender Liam steps in. “We aren’t trying to tell you what to do, we just want you to be safe. What if someone else had pushed you into their car last night? You were in no shape to take care of yourself and the friend you went out with wasn’t even paying attention.”

Guilt slams into me. He’s right. I know better than that, I was just so mad. It all seems silly now, but I have to hold onto my fight. I’m my own person. I won’t let someone have that kind of power again. Adam used our relationship to break me, and it took a lot to put myself back together.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t have let my anger take over, I’m sorry. It was reckless, but that doesn’t change anything.” I can admit that I made a mistake getting too drunk, but I’m still mad.

Reynolds pushes himself off the wall and stalks towards me. “Be mad all you want Red, but you’re wrong. Everything has changed.”

Grabbing my face his lips find mine in a punishing kiss. He’s mad too. Fine. We seem to talk better with our bodies than words anyway.

He rips the towel from my body and hoists me up so I have to wrap my legs around his waist. Without breaking our kiss, he marches me down the hall to his room with footsteps following behind us. I can’t see them, but I can hear the others getting undressed, the swish of fabric being pulled off and tossed on the floor is a dead giveaway. At least I’m not the only naked one .

Tossing me on the bed Reynolds whispers something to Nate before stepping back to remove his own clothes. I don’t know what he told his friend, but Nate’s face lights up as he grabs a small bottle off Reynold’s nightstand. Moving between my legs, Nate scoots me up the bed until I’m in the center. It doesn’t take me long to realize the little bottle is lube when he squeezes some into his hand before tossing the bottle aside. I’m expecting him to spread the lube on himself, or to prep me for someone to fuck my ass, but instead he rubs the lube through my cleavage.

That’s new.

Nate circles my nipples lightly, teasing me a bit, but mostly focuses on spreading the substance between my breasts. What they’re planning is obvious, but no one has ever titty fucked me before so I’m not sure what to expect. Giving my nipples each a quick pinch Nate moves out from between my legs and makes room for Reynolds. I should have known he was the mastermind behind this.

Now that Nate has lubed me up for his friend, Reynolds is straddling my torso. His big hands cup my breasts, pushing them together and rolling his thumbs over my nipples as he slides his cock between them.

“Stick that tongue out for me, Red.”

I do what he asks and when he thrusts again the tip of his cock lands on my outstretched tongue. Interesting. Following his instructions I keep my tongue out, enjoying the way his piercing slides across my tongue. Until someone else’s tongue slides right over my clit, causing me to gasp in surprise. I can’t see past Reynolds, but the low growl of appreciation coming from between my legs tells me Liam is the one teasing me right now.

My nails dig into Reynolds thighs when Liam finds my clit and Reynolds thrusts a little harder in response, pushing more of his cock into my mouth as I lean my head forward. Just as I’m wondering where Nate ran off to the third musketeer climbs onto the bed next to us. From the corner of my eye, I see him stroking his impressive length. Moving my right hand away from Reynolds I beckon Nate closer. When he’s within arm’s reach I wrap my hand around his cock and stroke him myself, not wanting him to feel left out. He groans when I squeeze in response to Liam sucking on my clit and Reynolds takes advantage of my mouth opening more as I moan. All of us being connected like this is throwing my body into hyper drive.

Every sensation is heightened. When Liam blows cool air across my wet pussy my hips buck, I’m so close, I just need a little more to fall over the edge, but I don’t get it. Instead, Liam pulls away and Reynolds chuckles at the expression on my face at the loss of my orgasm as he rolls his thumb over my tight nipples again.

“You didn’t think we were going to make it that easy, did you, Red?”

Pulling my head back I glare at him, but he doesn’t slow down. Even without my waiting mouth he keeps his hold on my tits, thrusting himself between them and I realize I’m completely at their mercy. With him straddling me I can’t move, and I can’t reach between my legs to get myself off. I try to reason with them, but my efforts are useless, they’ve got some kind of evil plan in play.

“Please, Liam, I was so close.” I don’t want to beg, but I need that orgasm.

“I know, Minx.” The traitor has the nerve to chuckle just before he circles his tongue around my clit. “Let’s get there again.”

He pushes in a finger, then adds another, curling them in the perfect place as my body tenses up again. I start pumping my fist up and down Nate’s cock, and I stick out my tongue for Reynolds, just for Liam to stop at the worst moment, again.

“No!” If I don’t get to have an orgasm no one does. Pulling my hand away from Nate and laying my head all the way back I give them both the dirtiest look I can muster.

Reynolds doesn’t slow down, and Nate just strokes himself, both of them smirking like they know their actions are driving me crazy and they’re doing it on purpose.

Liam starts teasing me again, but I can’t take it. “I said I was sorry, please don’t do this.” A little pleading might not hurt. At this point I might even outright beg if they want me to.

Surprisingly, Nate is the one who answers me. “We would love nothing more than to let you have that orgasm, Hot Rod. After Liam’s done with you I’ll give you as many as you want.” Yes, that’s what I need. If they ruin another orgasm I might lose my mind, but I wasn’t expecting his ultimatum. “All you have to do is agree to give us a chance, a real chance. No more friends with benefits, we’re all in together. ”

Son of a bitch.

These tricky assholes.

“That’s not how this works, you don’t get to tease me until I give in.”

“Watch us.” Reynolds voice is low and dark but gives Liam the signal he must have been waiting for to pick up his teasing a notch.

Reynolds keeps me pinned to the bed, never breaking his rhythm while Liam keeps getting me close to release, right to the edge, then taking it away. Nate keeps whispering in my ear that I can get what I want, I just have to be theirs. I don’t know why I’m fighting them on this anymore other than stubborn pride, but my resolve crumbles as need fills me.

When I can’t take anymore I concede. “You win, I’ll give us a chance, now stop teasing me.” I think I’ve been theirs from the beginning, everyone knew it but me, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. As soon as I voice my agreement Liam stops his torment and gives me the orgasm I’ve been chasing. Pleasure ripples through me, fireworks explode behind my eyes, and my entire body buckles as I ride out the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt.

Reynolds must have been waiting for me because as soon as I get my orgasm he moans and spills his own release across my chest. The sticky white cum being spread across my skin should feel demeaning or gross, but it doesn’t, for some reason him marking me in the most primal way possible is hot as hell. It doesn’t last long though; Nate tosses Reynolds a towel and he wipes the mess from my skin before he moves off the bed and sets me free.

My freedom doesn’t last long though.

Liam grabs my hips and flips me to my stomach quickly. Pulling my hips up he has me on my hands and knees between him and Nate in an instant. In my next breath I’m filled from both ends, Nate pushes his rock hard cock between my lips at the same time Liam thrusts balls deep into my pussy. The two immediately find their rhythm, pushing me back and forth between them in perfect sync as they chase their own release.

When Liam’s fingers dig into my hips I know he’s close. Nate isn’t far behind, so I reach one hand up to massage his balls. Within moments of each other the two men empty themselves in me. I swallow every last drop from Nate, but as soon as Liam pulls away I can feel his cum dripping down my thigh. We’re all breathing heavily as we collapse onto the mattress. I can’t decide if that was torture or ecstasy, or maybe a mix of both.

Nate pushes some hair off my face and presses a tender kiss to my forehead. “You’re ours now, Hot Rod, I’m never going to let you go.”

His words spark a sense of belonging in me, but I’m still holding back. “You can’t hold me to something I agreed to under duress, that doesn’t count.”

I don’t know why I’m still fighting this. They want me, and no matter how hard I tried not to want them as more than just a casual fuck, I do. I want everything they’re offering, but it’s so hard to give in and let myself have it. They aren’t anything like Adam, but my history with him has me in emotional shackles. I’m terrified to let anyone in, to give another person the power to destroy me the way Adam did.

That’s not fair to them though.

Nate, Liam, and Reynolds have never hurt me. They helped me get out, helped me put myself back together, gave me the space I needed to heal. They’ve been amazing.

They know they played dirty, but they don’t care, and honestly, I don’t either. Low chuckles fill the room as they tell me exactly what they think of my argument, they aren’t backing down.

“Who said we would play fair, Little Minx?”

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