Masked Mayhem (Fright Nights) Chapter Nineteen 79%
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Chapter Nineteen

Zoe comes out carrying a bag with the girl from last night trailing after her. The little whisp of a thing is clearly shaken up, and I don’t want to make things worse, so I ease out of the car instead of jumping out in a rage like I would like to. Meeting Zoe halfway down the driveway I hold my hand out and she passes me the bag she’s carrying for Jess. Leaving Zoe to handle her ex-husband’s girlfriend I put her things in the trunk and get back in the driver’s seat.

When they’re both in and buckled up I ease out of the driveway and get us out of here. Adam isn’t going to be happy when he comes home and finds her gone, and I don’t want the two of them anywhere near this place when that happens.

Glancing in the rearview mirror I see Jess huddled in the seat behind Zoe, hunched down like she’s trying to make herself as small as possible and my heart breaks for her. No one should be subjected to abuse like this.

Zoe’s hand slides across the center console to grab mine and I link my fingers with hers. We’re both taking an unpleasant trip down memory lane, back to when she was the shaking girl leaving this same fucking house, but that’s not her anymore.

When we get back to the house I text the others to let them know I’m not going to be at the shop today. We weren’t sure how this would play out, but since Jess decided to leave I don’t want the girls to be here alone. After last night Adam is probably going to guess Zoe had something to do with Jess leaving, and I wouldn’t put it past him to come here and start shit.

Staying quiet and out of the way I carry our guest’s bag inside while Zoe shows Jess around and helps her get comfortable in Nate’s room. We’ve discussed finding a bigger house, or at least a house with more rooms, since Zoe pretty much lives here now, but we haven’t seen anything we like yet. For now Zoe just bounces around where ever she feels like sleeping for the night. She still technically has the house she inherited from her dad, but she hasn’t slept there in months, it’s basically just a storage unit at this point.

Eventually the guys get everything wrapped up at the shop and come back to the house. Zoe and Jess have been locked up in Nate’s room together most of the day, so I kept myself busy making dinner for everyone. After the others come in Zoe slips out to say hello and fills us in on what’s going on.

“Jess has been crying all day, she’s terrified Adam is going to come looking for her. I got pictures of her injuries just in case she decides to go to the police, she’s still deciding if she wants to file charges or not.”

At least she’s safe. For now that’s all that matters, but in the long run I hope Jess does file charges. I hope everyone in town finds out what a piece of shit Adam is, and I hope they throw the book at him and lock his ass up so he can never hurt another woman.

I put together a few plates for Zoe and Jess and she unsurprisingly disappears back into Nate’s room so they can eat in there. Jess probably isn’t comfortable coming out here with all of us home, but we understand, she’s been through enough shit without us adding to it. Instead of taking it personally we do what we can to keep our voices low and stay out of their hair.

Until a car door slams outside and a very familiar voice starts screaming in our yard.

“Jess!” Adam isn’t normally one to cause a scene, but he doesn’t sound completely sober. “Jessica! Get out here right now!”

Scrambling to the door the three of us meet Adam in the yard before he even makes it to the porch. The idiot came alone, there’s no way he’s getting through all three of us, but we don’t want him to upset the girls.

“My whore of an ex-wife wasn’t enough for you? Had to come try to steal my girlfriend too? You three are pathetic!” Thankfully our neighbors aren’t close enough to be disturbed by his belligerence because he has no volume control right now. “You need to stay in your own lane and leave me the fuck alone. Now send her out here so we can go home, Jess isn’t staying here with you.”

Reynolds steps off the porch, blocking Adam’s path while he makes his thoughts known. “First things first, talk about our girl like that again and I’ll knock your ass out.” Cracking his knuckles he takes another step forward as Adam stumbles back. “Now, what makes you so sure Jess is here and why are you yelling about it in our yard?”

He looks around like he just realized we were all outside and anyone could drive by and see him. Dumbass. Being this drunk he shouldn’t have driven here to begin with, I’m not particularly worried about him hurting himself but there are innocent people on the road.

“I know she’s here; Zoe probably filled her head with bullshit, but she’s coming home with me.” Adam puffs his chest out and tries to shoulder past Reynolds with his new wave of drunken confidence, but one shove from my friend and he tumbles backwards landing sprawled out on his ass in our grass .

“In case it wasn’t obvious already, you aren’t welcome here and Jess isn’t your concern anymore. It’s time for you to leave. How about you call someone to come pick you up because you clearly aren’t in any state to be driving.” This is the only chance I’ll give him. He knows better than to be driving around drunk, but the bastard pulls himself off the ground and goes back to his car anyway.

The three of us hold our ground, watching as he slides into the driver’s seat of his fancy BMW. Nate shakes his head at the stupidity and Reynolds runs a hand through his hair before looking back at me. Pulling out my phone I call the local police department, there’s no way we’re letting him drive through town like this.

“Sommersville Police Department how can I direct your call.” A nasally voice comes on the line.

“Hi, my name is Liam Williams and I need to report a drunk driver. Adam Noble is in front of my house getting into his car after driving here inebriated to yell in my front yard and cause a scene. I told him to call someone to give him a ride home, but he got back in his car and is about to drive home.”

A resigned sigh fills the line, I’m sure this isn’t the only stupid person she’s had to send a car out for tonight. “What’s your location?”

I give her everything she needs, and she informs me there’s actually a patrol car nearby that she’s dispatched to us. Thank God. As promised a police car pulls up just after Adam gets his car cranked and tries to pull off. At least there’s some justice in the world .

The blinds in the front window flutter, alerting us to our audience inside. Nate goes in to talk to the girls while Reynolds and I meet the police by the road to give our statements. One of the officers is arguing with Adam as we approach, and it doesn’t take long for Adam’s mouth to get him a one way ticket into the backseat of the cruiser.

“Evening gentlemen, are you the ones who called this in?”

“Yes sir, that was me. We told him to call a ride, but he refused.”

I leave out everything with Jess as we talk, it’s up to her if she wants to file that report and I’m not going to force her hand in the matter. I am going to push to get him in trouble for this little stunt though.

Eventually they get everything they need from us and make a call to have Adam’s car towed. He’s going to be spending the night in lock up which is the very least he deserves.

Back in the house Nate and the girls are sitting in the living room waiting for us. Zoe is chewing on her thumb nail, but Jess is sitting in the corner of the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest, making herself as small as possible, not moving an inch. Until she finally speaks, her soft voice carrying more sadness than she should know.

“Is Adam still out there?”

Shaking my head I do my best to ease her concern. “No, he’s gone. They arrested him for drunk driving, but I left your name out of everything, all they know is he was driving while under the influence.”

She tightens her arms around her legs but nods as she processes my words. Zoe is smiling up at me like I hung the damn moon while she pulls herself off the couch to walk Jess back to Nate’s room. Before they disappear down the hallway I can’t stop myself from offering Zoe’s new friend what little reassurance I can. I want her to know she’s safe, that we will do anything we can to make sure he never gets his hands on her again.

“I know you’ve been through something horrific, but no one will ever hurt you here. We’re in your corner.”

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