I heard voices out in the living room and prayed that either Salvatore or Rocco had found the coffee maker. After a few uncomfortable hours in the hospital waiting room, Bella had finally been convinced by an older man she called Papa - which confused me because I was sure she’d told me her grandparents had all passed - to go home and get some rest. When she tried to argue, he said the same thing I’d heard a few other people say - that she should go home because she’d be no good to anyone if she was exhausted.
We got to her house in the wee hours of the morning, and she barely had enough energy to point toward the hallway and tell Salvatore and Rocco to make themselves at home before she trudged into her bedroom and crawled onto the bed. Before I could even get one of her boots off, she was snoring lightly, and by the time I pulled the second one off, she was snuggled up with a pillow in her arms.
I went out to make sure the guys were okay and found them prowling around to make sure everything was secure. Yes, I was almost two thousand miles away from home, and yes, I had worn a disguise, but in my life, there were people who made it their business to follow my every move. Many of those people had nefarious intentions toward me or my associates, so I could never be too careful.
My own father had traveled the same distance I had yesterday so that he could avenge the death of my grandparents and my aunt, so it wasn’t exactly a stretch of the imagination to think something like that could be done toward me. Especially since men in my lifestyle enjoyed irony right along with tradition.
If someone killed one of the Russo heirs in the same way that his father killed the leader of a rival family all those years ago, they’d become a legend, just like my father was for what he’d done.
When I heard a woman’s laughter, it perked me up even more than the thought of coffee had a few minutes ago. At some time during the night, Bella had gotten out of bed and taken off her clothes and then snuggled up next to me like she still was now. Even though my mind knew that she was probably still exhausted, because mental exhaustion was just as real as physical, my cock wanted to wake her up and say good morning.
But contrary to what most people probably thought of me, I was a nice guy at heart, so I let her sleep. Since I’d be staying here for a few days - or longer if she needed me - I knew that we’d have plenty of time together. Right now, she needed rest more than anything because when she woke up, the worry for her friend would take over again.
I slipped out of bed and quietly walked into the bathroom, able to look around for the first time since our arrival last night, and saw that Bella had taken the move to New York seriously. There were boxes stacked along one wall, all carefully labeled according to what was inside. I smiled when I saw that she had them designated according to style - winter casual and winter business - and wondered if she had any idea what winter would be like up north.
Considering that there were just a few boxes, I doubted that she was prepared but had the idea that she’d enjoy shopping with not just my mom and my sister, but also Tabby, Brett, and Bex. Maybe even Constance if we could get her to leave the hotel for any length of time.
My shower didn’t take nearly as long as usual since I decided to let my facial hair grow out to help with my disguise, and I was dressed for the day within just a few minutes, happy to wear the clothes I’d brought with me: comfortable jeans, T-shirts, work boots, and running shoes . . . items I didn’t get to wear nearly enough at home.
As I tiptoed through the bedroom to go out and see who was here, I watched Bella’s even breathing and knew she was still sleeping soundly. When I heard raised voices, I rushed out into the hall and carefully pulled the door shut behind me before I hurried into the living area to find a man who couldn’t be anyone other than Bella’s twin brother standing toe-to-toe with Rocco.
“What’s going on?” I asked as I walked into the living room.
“Who the fuck are you to tell these guys I can’t see my sister?” the man asked as he spun around to glare at me.
I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I said, “Bella’s sleeping, so if you want to yell at me, can we do it somewhere else?”
“You must be Matteo,” a younger woman said as she walked around Rocco and Dylan and extended her hand to introduce herself. “I’m Bella’s little sister, Teague Conner.”
I smiled as I shook her hand and said, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Teague laughed before she said, “Probably not nearly as much as we’ve heard about you.” She let my hand go and then motioned toward her brother. “This is Dylan, and the quieter and more well-mannered one over there is our brother Flynn.”
Flynn nodded at me before I looked back over at Dylan and asked, “Would you mind taking me to get Bella something to eat and drink so it’s here when she wakes up?”
Dylan narrowed his eyes and said, “There’s not enough room in my truck for the entire goon squad.”
I ignored that jab and said, “I’ll be the only one coming with you.”
“Matteo, I don't think . . .”
I shook my head at Rocco before I said, “I’ll be fine.” When it looked like he was going to argue further, only concerned for my safety, I joked, “I’m sure the biggest threat to me is already standing here and anyone else I encounter in Rojo would probably be tame in comparison.”
Teague coughed, and it sounded suspiciously like she had said, “Suck-up!,” but I was sure that couldn’t be the case until I saw Dylan bite his lip as their brother Flynn covered his mouth to hide a smile.
Salvatore and Rocco were just as shocked as I was, but when I burst out laughing, they at least cracked a smile. It wasn’t often that someone insulted me to my face, and for some reason, I found it kind of refreshing.
“Bella didn’t tell me you were such a smartass,” I teased Teague.
“Because my attitude is docile compared to hers,” Teague retorted with a grin. “Guess you haven’t encountered that particular personality yet.”
“Bella is so sweet that talking to her is like a cool breeze on a warm summer day.” Flynn, Teague, and Dylan started laughing, and the tension was broken. “What? Are you trying to tell me she’s not usually such a ray of sunshine?”
“You’re either lying or so stupid that you should be forced to carry around a houseplant just to replace the oxygen that’s wasted when you breathe.”
Salvatore and Rocco couldn’t hold it together on that one and burst out laughing. I smiled at Teague before I looked over my left shoulder and then my right, making a show of checking to see if Bella was behind me. When I looked back at Teague, I said, “Seriously though, do you think I should get a priest to perform an exorcism for whatever demon it is that possesses her body before she gets her coffee in the morning?”
“We hired a priest ages ago,” Dylan said with a shrug. “His name is Father Folgers.”
It was my turn to laugh before I said, “That’s good to know.”
“Sometimes Folgers doesn’t cut it and only Death Wish tames the beast, so if you don’t want to get injured, you’ll make sure there’s plenty in stock at your place in New York,” Flynn informed me. “You can buy it in bulk online.”
“Salvatore, will you take care of that for me while I’m gone?”
“Of course, but I really think you should let at least one of us come with you,” Salvatore agreed.
“They’re like your emotional support goons,” Dylan said as he gave Rocco the side-eye.
Before another argument could break out, I walked toward the door and said, “Call me when Bella wakes up.”
“Don’t worry, Fido. I’ll bring him back in one piece,” Dylan promised as he followed me to the door. Over his shoulder, he called out, “However, I can’t promise that piece won’t be full of bullet holes.”
“Oh, quit measuring your dicks, and go get breakfast,” Teague ordered. “There’s so much testosterone in this room, I can feel hair starting to grow on my chest.”
“Ew,” Flynn said in disgust.
“You’re just jealous,” Teague retorted as I followed Dylan outside.
I had my first chance to look around the neighborhood that Bella had described to me. I’d seen glimpses during our video calls, but when we arrived last night, it was too dark and we were too tired for her to point out anything. Now I could see the personality of each home, from the design to the porch decor, and wondered how Bella could leave such a place.
There was so much space here with large yards of green grass and quiet streets. She was about to move into a small house with a postage stamp-sized lawn and all the houses crammed together on a moderately busy Bronx street in a city that never sleeps. And if I had my way, she’d soon be moving in with me at The Castello where she’d be living in a high-rise hotel that was always filled with people in the center of one of the busiest areas of Manhattan.
Would she be happy there after living in this idyllic place?
“Are you coming or not?” Dylan asked.
I realized that he had walked a few houses down and was about to cross the street.
“Are we walking to the bakery?” I asked as I jogged to catch up with him.
“No,” Dylan scoffed. “We’re going to get my truck from my place so we can drive into town.”
When Dylan walked up the sidewalk toward another house, I took a second to look over my shoulder to where we’d come from. It was just a few doors down from Bella’s home, a quick walk to see her twin and best friend in the world. When she moved to New York, he’d just be a phone call away, but that could never compare to the short walk she was used to just so she could see him in person.
“I’m not sure how she’s going to do it,” I said when I stopped on his porch and looked around again. “How is she going to leave all of this?”
“She’s not gonna leave permanently. She plans to come back in six months.”
“Not if I have my way,” I said honestly. “I’m in love with your sister and want to make a life with her, but that will have to be in New York because I can’t leave my family.”
“But you expect her to?”
“I didn’t ask her to. She accepted the job before she even told me she was considering it.”
“But you’d keep her away from her family?”
“Only on her terms, but I can assure you that I’ll make sure she has the opportunity to come and visit whenever she wants to and all of you will be welcome in New York anytime. Since we own the hotel, you’ll have lodging for as long as you want.”
“The only reason I’d ever want to go there is to see my sister, and if you ever try to keep her away from us . . .”
“I already said that I would never do that,” I interrupted.
“And you’re a fucking mobster, so obviously, I’m not gonna take your word for it.”
“You’ve got absolutely no respect for me, do you?” I asked.
“Respect is earned, Russo. Surely you understand that, considering your lifestyle.”
I thought about it for a second and finally said, “I’ll grant you that, Conner. I guess it’s a good thing that I’ve got the rest of my life to try and earn yours.”
“Yeah, and how long that life will be depends solely on how you treat my sister.” I burst out laughing, which probably wasn’t what he expected since he’d just threatened me. “You think that’s funny?”
“Actually, I was thinking that you’re in the wrong line of work. I could use a man like you.”
“You couldn’t afford me.”
Since Matteo was already up, I guessed he must be in the living room with Salvatore and Rocco but didn’t call out for him. I really needed to brush my teeth and take a shower. I had slathered on sunscreen before my ride yesterday and then stayed in the heat long enough to get sticky before I spent hours at the hospital. Usually, I would have showered before I went to bed, but I barely remembered getting home.
I honestly had no idea what time it was right now. I just knew that if I didn’t pee soon, I’d probably rupture something and that if I breathed in anyone’s general direction, it would probably melt the skin off their face.
I was still brushing my teeth when I got into the shower and stood beneath the hot spray for at least ten minutes going over yesterday’s events. I had been so enthusiastic about moving to New York until I realized how far away I’d be if something like this ever happened again. And knowing my friends and family, it wouldn’t be long before there was another emergency. If I was six hours away - and that was assuming a non-stop flight with no delays - I wouldn’t be able to offer support to the ones who needed it.
I had no illusions that I’d been a help to anyone at the hospital yesterday, but for some reason, being nearby while my friend went through surgery and then recovery made me feel like I was needed. We weren’t even completely sure what Zoey’s recovery would look like or how long it would take, but I would be hours away and absolutely no help to her while that happened.
I wasn’t sure that moving was the best idea now and hated how uncertain I was feeling.
When I got out of the shower, I walked naked into my bedroom and then let out a loud scream when I found my sister laying on my bed.
“What are you doing?” I yelled.
“Making sure you’re not dead,” Teague retorted before she scrunched up her face and looked at the ceiling. “Lord, woman, cover yourself before you get pneumonia and I’m scarred for life.”
“Oh, shut up,” I mumbled as I walked across the room to my closet. Once I was inside, I pulled the door shut behind me to have at least a little privacy and chose some leggings and a T-shirt - something I could be comfortable in while I sat at the hospital. Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t have my phone, so I had no updates on Zoey’s condition. I threw the closet door open so I could ask, “Any news about Zoey?”
“She’s stable and resting comfortably. Carlie and Sam have asked that we stay home today so that she can get some peaceful sleep. They promised to post updates as they come in.”
“Okay,” I said as I flopped down on the bed beside my sister. “What are you doing here and where is Matteo?”
“He left with Dylan.”
“Oh, no.” I thought about it for a second and then sighed before I said, “At least his guards are with him, so if Dylan loses his temper, he won’t . . .”
“Salvatore and Rocco walked down to the gym with Flynn.”
“What?” I asked in a near shout. “Why? They never leave Matteo alone.”
“He insisted.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Dylan wouldn’t hurt him,” Teague assured me. Her sincere look was replaced with a grin when she added, “Much.”
I had just slipped on my flip-flops when I heard Dylan’s laughter in the front of the house. I sprinted down the hall before I skidded to a stop in the living room where I found Matteo and my twin carrying boxes of pastries and drink carriers with coffee cups in them.
“You’re okay!” I gasped in shock. I gulped and then blew out a breath before I said, “Teague just told me that y’all left together and I . . . She said Salvatore and Rocco didn’t go with you and . . . Whew! Everything’s okay!”
“Such little faith you have in me, Belly Button.”
“I have the utmost faith in you, Dill Pickle. That’s the problem.”
“What I find funny is your lack of faith in me,” Matteo said as he set things down on the kitchen table. He looked over at my brother before he asked, “Does she think I’m a little bitch or what?”
“You kind of are,” Dylan said with a shrug.
Matteo burst out laughing, and I poked my brother in the chest on my way to get to Matteo. “Don’t be an asshole.”
“Or I might hurt his tender feelings?” Dylan asked.
Matteo pulled me into his arms and smiled down at me before he said, “You’re gonna have to develop some faith in my ability to take care of myself, Twang.”
“I have complete faith in you when you’re on your own turf, but things are different here.”
“How so?”
“Texas and New York are worlds apart. Tell me you haven’t considered how out of my element I’m going to be in New York,” I said with a pointed look.
“You’ve got me there.”
“She’ll have her own set of goons when she’s up there with you?” Dylan asked.
“Be nice!” I snapped.
“Be practical!” Dylan growled back.
“Kiss my ass!”
“That could take years.”
“Is this normal?” I heard Matteo ask.
I didn’t have a chance to respond before Teague answered, “They’re actually being relatively calm.”
“No one can piss me off quite like my brother,” I told Matteo.
“She’s the most irritating woman on the planet,” Dylan said as he opened a pastry box. As if we hadn’t just been arguing he said, “I got you those apple fritters you like. Janis only had three left. She said to put the leftovers in the fridge then zap them and slather some butter on top, and they’ll be almost as good as fresh.”
“Oh! Thank you!” I said as I walked over to the drawer to grab a plastic baggie for storage. “You’re so good to me.”
“Somebody’s gotta be since you’re such a pain in the ass.”
“Insults are their love language,” Teague explained to Matteo.
“I’m sensing that.”
“Wait till she turns that viper tongue on you. You’ll be shipping her back on the first flight home.”
“Speaking of flights, I need to get some information on what exactly you need to take to New York, other than clothes, so the pilots can figure out weight and determine if it will take more than one flight.”
“I’m not packing anything to take on the plane with me. Do you know how much that would cost?” I asked.
“When I spoke to Bernadette, she was under the impression that you wanted to take more than just your clothes.”
“I do. It’s not much, but there’s enough to fill up a truck.”
“Good grief! Like what, Belly? You’ll be back in six months, and it’s not like we’re putting your house on the market as a rental while you’re away,” Dylan argued.
“I want to take some of my plants, a lot of pictures, my own bedding and . . . you know what, Dill? It’s none of your damn business what I’m packing. You’re the one that insisted you had to drive me up there.”
“Why would you drive?”
“Do you want me to carry it?” Dylan asked sarcastically.
When I laughed, Matteo said, “I have a plane, Twang. It would only make sense that you . . .”
“You have a plane?” I asked in shock.
“I told you I did.”
“And I told you I had three!”
“I knew you were exaggerating,” Matteo admitted.
“I thought you were full of shit too!” I said in exasperation.
“Are you telling me that I’m not going to have to drive a truck full of her crap halfway across the country?” Dylan interrupted.
“Why would you when we can just fly it there?” Matteo asked.
“Is that how you got here?” I asked.
“No, dumbass, he hitchhiked,” Dylan interrupted sarcastically.
Matteo ignored him and answered, “Yes, I flew here.”
“On your private plane?”
“Holy shit.”
“That’s it. I’m gonna start calling him Daddy Warbucks,” Teague said as she nudged me out of the way to get to the pastry box. “You have a brother, right?”
“He’s getting married in December.”
“Is your dad single?”
“No! My boss is his stepmother, Teague.”
“Any uncles or cousins or . . .”
“Stop channeling your inner ho, Skankalicious. Jeez.”
“Bite me,” Teague retorted.
“He’s got his own plane, Belly,” Dylan said with a grin. “You know what that means, right?”
“That she’s going to join the Mile High Club?” Teague asked. Matteo started choking on the sip of coffee he’d just taken, and Teague smiled at him before she ordered, “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Finally, Matteo choked out, “What does that mean?”
“If you don’t know, then . . .”
Dylan shook his head as he interrupted our sister and said, “That she can explore the world like she’s been dying to do since we were kids.”
“That’s exactly what it means,” Matteo said confidently. “And I’ll be right beside her while she does it.”
I wrapped my arms around Matteo’s waist and smiled up at him, but before I could say anything, Teague ruined the sweet moment by asking, “Exactly how happy is your brother with his fiancée?”
It was a good thing Matteo and Dylan started laughing because I almost blurted out that I was in love with Matteo, which would make that plane of his very convenient when he ran screaming for the hills since we’d been talking for less than two months and had only spent one weekend together in that time.
No. I couldn’t say that yet, but it didn’t mean I didn’t feel that way.