T he sound of my moan wakes me from the erotic dream I was having. I don’t even mind that it was of my nemesis. My body comes to life every time I think of him, and although I hate him, it feels so good knowing I can have this pleasure again. I thought for sure it was gone after all the horror I’ve gone through.
I pull myself up on the bed, still in my lingerie and garter, my sheer lace panties completely damp from my arousal. I would get myself off right now if I had the time. But I promised to have breakfast with Catalina and Mika at her house to help her get ready for the wedding. It’s only a few months out before she walks down the aisle with the love of her life, unfortunately for me that means the demon will be there.
Moving quickly around my bedroom to my closet, I grab a light blue dress that lets my eye color pop out a little more, along with some light blue matching bra and panties and carry it to the bathroom to prepare for the day.
The shower is a quick get in and get out, otherwise I’d be late and Catalina will have my head. She can be a real bridezilla these days. After my shower, I dress and swiftly leave my apartment and lock the door behind me. I run out of my bar, lock the entrance and run straight to my jeep as if my ass were on fire.
Blowing out a breath, I quickly fumble with the door handle as I make my way inside, and start the engine. Tapping on the steering wheel, rather impatiently as I drive in silence to the place of both my dreams and my nightmares.
The gate opens as I arrive, the guards in place check my ID and grit their teeth a little before allowing me through the gates of their mansion. They probably hate me for helping Catalina escape last time, but I would do anything for her.
Pulling up to their garage I park my jeep, my palms are still sweating against the leather of the steering wheel, and I can’t seem to get myself to move an inch to turn off the car and walk out the doors. Why am I so nervous?
It takes me approximately fifteen minutes and multiple text messages before I finally shut off my car and glance at my phone. I had to ignore the dings of the text messages as I stared off into space.
Catalina : Are you going to sit there all day or come in?
Catalina: The guards already told us you were here.
Catalina: Are you okay?
Enzo: , if you don’t get inside within the next 5 minutes, Catalina is sending a search party
Enzo: which consists of her brothers.
Fuck, I pocket my phone as quickly as possible and practically jog to the front door. I knock rapidly, hoping that it isn’t him that opens the door. I’m not even sure how I’ll handle seeing him after that kiss that is now constantly on my mind or that wet dream that had me squirming in my seat on the way here.
Like I conjured up the demon himself, he’s the first thing I see as the door opens wide. His annoying smirk is etched on his handsome face, the tattooed sleeves are visible in the T-shirt he has on, from his knuckle all the way to his neck, only hiding where the sleeve starts and ends. I want to know what he looks like with it off. Woah, there.
His backwards cap has him look relaxed which is a major contrast than how I normally have seen him. He’s always in a black suit, always sporting a black tie. It showcases his power, his dominance, and just the fact that he is full of money. Today, he just looks like an average man, relaxed and maybe a little irritated at me. His eyes went from amusement to pure hate the longer I stared at him. I roll my eyes and bring my attention to Cat who stands in the kitchen with a love sick Enzo next to her.
Smiling, I reach out to her and give her a hug, holding her for just a second longer than is normal, but Enzo clears his throat and practically pulls Cat off me before I can remain safe in her arms.
“Clingy much?” I scoff, and he wraps an arm around her waist and nods while she giggles like a schoolgirl. I may need a drink if they are going to be lovey dovey and shit.
As if Julian understands my sentiments, he turns towards the kitchen island and pulls out a bottle of tequila, grabbing two shots from the cupboard and placing it onto the marble counter.
Pouring out both shots, he looks me in the eye and back down at the shot. I walk over to where he is, and grab the shot from where it sits. I wait for him in silence to grab his own shot before we clink the glass together, slowly tap the counter and place it between our lips in unison. The cool liquid burns my throat for a moment, as I place the shot glass back on the counter. Licking my lips of the remnants of the alcohol, I watch as Julian mimics the move. His hot tongue licks his lips as he watches me, the sexual tension growing as everything around us fades.
“?” Cat says, drawing me back to reality. I clear my throat, and fake a smile pretending that I heard her the first time, even though I’m pretty sure she said my name more than once. Her eyebrows arch at me in question, and I turn my back towards Julian pretending he’s as insignificant as he’s always been.
“Well, what do we have to decide on? Dresses? Shoes? Oh, please tell me there will be cake. I could use some dessert,” I say, clapping my hands together in fake excitement. It seems to be my constant, faking my emotions since my abduction.
The scent of a cigar has me pausing my movements, the room becomes a blur as I’m dragged down to hell.
“I’ll kill your mother if you say a word to her. You understand me?” he says, his hot breath on my neck as he digs his fingers into my waist. It’s not as painful anymore, but the tears still spill out of me like someone had turned on the faucet and just left it on. No matter how much I say stop or cry. He doesn’t stop. He chuckles against my skin. “Stop acting like you don’t like this you little bitch.” Bile slowly makes its way to my mouth, as if he knew what was about to happen, he moves his hand to cover my mouth. My muffled attempt at fighting him off does nothing when he’s on top of me the way he is and I’m forced to swallow the vomit that threatened to come out. I close my eyes and think of paradise. I normally go there when he visits my room, escaping the only way I know how. In my mind, I’m at the beach on an island all alone enjoying the sun rising from the west with the warm sand beneath my feet. He finally steps away from me, putting his flaccid dick away and leaving the room. The beach disappears and I’m left with the searing pain between my legs and the disgust in my own skin.
“,” Cat says as she grips my shoulder. I can’t help but flinch away from her touch as my mind follows me back to reality. I bring my trembling hand up to rub my shoulder after she removes her hand. I shake my head, letting out a fake chuckle and continue moving towards the dining room.
“I’m fine, let’s try some cake.” I say, avoiding the looks of concern from Cat, Enzo and even fucking Julian has a look that I can’t determine if it’s concern, confusion, or anger.
Probably none of the above, I doubt I even matter to the man. I’m just a blimp on his radar in a way that makes zero impact on how he reacts or how he behaves.
So fucking stupid to think fireworks went off the moment we kissed.
It’s all in my head.