A t this point, I’m going fucking crazy. It’s not because I’m worried about her since I know she can take care of herself. I know she’s capable of killing someone with her bare hands, but it doesn’t stop the wave of anxiety flooding through me at the fact that I can’t see her. Is this what love feels like? Like you just can’t breathe without them.
I guess I can kind of understand our father now. These past two weeks have been close to impossible and I’m no closer to finding her. Fucking bruja is one stubborn girl so I’m going to enjoy taking my time with her, making sure fully understands that I am not going anywhere that doesn’t have her with me.
Ry’s ringtone breaks me from my thoughts as I fumble with my phone to answer.
“I know where she is, but you’ll need to do a clean-up first.” Which means she killed, and now I have to be sure she won’t get caught by the police. I nod, knowing full well he can’t see me or he can because he seems to know everything.
“Send me the coordinates, and I’ll get her and bring her home,” I say confidently, knowing full well I’ll have to drag her back kicking and screaming.
“Be prepared. She needed time to think but,” he sighs and snickers like he can’t believe what he’s going to say, “I think she needs you. She is afraid of what Lina will say. She doesn’t want to lose her.”
If anything, being with me would bring them closer, but I understand she’s afraid to mention that she’s also the slasher to my sister.
“I’ll go in prepared. She won’t be able to hurt me,” I say to reassure myself more than him because knowing her, she won’t go down without a fight. As much as I don’t mind, I don’t want to trigger her, besides, I have a better idea on what to do with her when I have her in my arms again.
“How’d you find her?” I ask him, it could have been the dead body but I assume that he couldn’t have found out about it that fast.
“She called me, asking me to remove footage from a camera. But she also told me since the night she left that she needed time. I just thought it would help but she seems more lost.”
Of course she does, she’s afraid of what she’s turning into. She doesn’t realize that she can do anything, be anything. She is fucking everything. I hang up the phone as soon as I get the text message from Ry. Fucking asshole is getting an ass beating from me.
12 fucking hours away.
“Marcelo,” I say as soon as he answers the phone, “I need the helicopter or the plane. Pero hoy, like horita.”
He laughs at the desperation in my tone and I snarl, wanting to go through the phone to just strangle him a little.
“What is this about?”
“We can talk about this later. Now, hermano.” I command, and his laughter increases but I hear an okay somewhere in between the snorts.
I hang up and grab my keys to head over to where Betty is parked and waiting for me. I may have a driver, but if anyone can cut time down on the road, it’s going to be me. The moment her engine rumbles I put the car in drive and head towards the private airport that has our helicopter prepped and ready for me. It’s the fastest form of transportation to get there.
Four torturous hours later, I’ve arrived in some little town by Crescent City. The city is bright, vibrant, and full of people like New York City. The traffic is tedious and part of the city smells like piss. I had a car waiting for me as soon as I landed, she’s not Betty but she’s enough to get me to where I need to go and right now it’s to some hotel close by. I checked everyone that Ry updated into the app so I know that the guy she killed was not a pedophile so the fact that she felt the need to protect herself is concerning because who the fuck is he. Did she try to fuck him? Did he try to rape her?
A red haze surrounds me as I park the car and walk out, it’s like time has slowed the closer I get to the hotel room. It doesn’t look like anyone suspects a murder, and I’m sure the moment the cleaning ladies come by he’ll be found.
Pulling my phone out I dial the number for Parker. I have never called him before, but this seems like a special occasion especially since I’m not sure what is going through my girl's mind.
“. You’re not supposed to be calling.” His annoyance is evident and I really don’t want to anger the asshole anymore. I need his business.
“Look, I just thought it would be easier. I need your services in Crescent City. I’ll get you a plane. I’m not sure if I’ll need you again so if you can just stick around for a bit,” I say, pulling out the pouch full of my lock pickers. With the phone pressed against my cheek and shoulder, I maneuver the picks inside the lock until the click allows the door to be pushed in.
The red haze that I had been in slowly fades while I glance around the bloodied room. I kick the dead body on the floor while I admire my girl’s handy work. I’m impressed, turned on and fucking pissed that she just left him here for anyone to find.
“Well, lucky for you that I’m already nearby. I had a job a few towns over. I can be there shortly to clear up the scene. You need to be gone.”
I nod, kicking the body one more time as I glance around; the room isn’t a mess so there was no sign of a struggle. There is no evidence that there was anyone else in the room other than the dead body. He’s on the floor between two queen beds with his guts spilling out.
“Leaving now. Thanks, Parker.”
“That’s what you pay me for. Just let me know if you need me again while I’m in town. I leave in a few days. I have another job nearby after this one,” he replies and hangs up just like how Ry would. Fucking assholes can’t even say a goodbye or have a nice day.
Heading back to big Berta, I enter the address Ry sent me into the GPS and start up her engine. It’s not the same as Betty. Berta’s engine is loud but not as soothing as Betty. The drive to the address is slow, it’s like a ghost town around here just unnerving silence as I get closer to where my girl is. I have all the equipment I need to make sure she never fucking leaves again.