" R obyn, I think you're getting ahead of yourself. You're working yourself into a frenzy.” Fletch kept his voice calm, but he was a riot of emotions inside. He hadn't seen this coming. “I don't understand why the size of the ship matters."
She was quiet, and he could tell she was thinking about what to say next. He gave her the time to organize her thoughts and poured them both some eggnog. She sat by the table littered with wrapping paper and he sat on the other side.
“Alright, I think, and this is going to be a bit blunt, it’s because you're rich."
Fletcher's eyebrow shot up. No, he wasn't expecting that.
He nodded. "Yes, I don't have money problems. But again, I'm not sure why that's an issue. It really doesn't change anything."
"But I'm basically paycheck to paycheck, and you don't have money worries.” She lifted her glass and took a drink.
He thought about that for a minute, trying to see it from her perspective. "I can see why that may be a shock. But I came from a background, as you know, where there were many money worries. I've lived both sides of the fence, and I will say this side has its benefits.”
He paused to choose his next words. “Beck and I worked hard to get where we are. One thing is for certain, wealth aside, I've never met anybody like you. You give me something that I never thought I would have." Her eyes met his and they widened. “This relationship – and I do look at it as a relationship – it has been quick, but this past week we’ve probably talked more over the phone and texts that most people would do in months.”
He smiled and reached across the table taking her hand. “I want to get to know more about you, your life, your family and take you places. Like seeing the sunset aboard Intrepid from the middle of the ocean. I don't want us to end, I want us to grow. Do you think you can work with me on that?"
Her eyes filled with tears and her lower lip trembled. He didn't want to make her cry, he just wanted to share with her how he felt.
"These are happy tears,” Robyn sniffed and grabbed a napkin to wipe her nose. "I think what also bothered me is I didn't want you to think I was only with you because of your financial situation. Because I'm not."
"I know that."
She let out a big sigh, and continued. “Meeting you in that dive bar, and the motel that you were staying in isn't where rich folks usually hang out. So you telling me all of this, about your career, affluence, business, was a shock, and I think I felt like it was a bit of a betrayal. But, I understand now that it wasn't."
"No, it wasn't. We just had a lot going on and talked about so many other things that it just never came up organically. And while we're being honest here, I was hesitant when we met again at the market, worried that you might take off again without any warning." He watched the emotions play across her face. "You see, I can be just as vulnerable as the next person. And my early years were based on being abandoned, so I can be a little guarded."
Robyn got up and came around to him, he pulled her onto his lap, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I would never do that to you again. I hated that I did it in the first place. I fell for you that first night and I had to start a new job the next day. If I had waited until the morning, I don't think I could've ever left you. And, I had no idea if we were just a one night stand, a fling, or an amazing night between strangers. But I couldn't get you out of my head."
"Nor I you.”
He pulled her into a kiss, which deepened quickly, and all thought of wrapping presents and enjoying the Christmas snacks and eggnog flew out the window.
They fell onto the bed, pulling at each other’s clothes until their bodies slid skin to skin as they rolled together, legs and arms and entwined. The sheets tangled around them, trapping them as they made love, achingly slow, drawing out their pleasure of being together.
Their days apart heightened every touch, kiss, stroke, and cradled between her thighs he buried himself deep in her warm heat. Fletch thought his heart would explode with emotions he’d never felt before. He was whole when with her, safe, and wanted to keep her safe.
Was this love?
He lost all thought as euphoria barreled through him. Her arms tightened around his neck, as did her legs on his hips. Her breath came quicker, and she opened her eyes. They didn't look away from each other as they found the rhythm that kept them flush, moving together to bring them both to blinding release.
“Oh…Fletch…” Robyn cried out, her body trembling around him, and he held her tight.
He covered her mouth with his, their tongues meeting and playing. Chest to chest, and hip to hip, breathing in harmony as if they were an extension of each other. Slowly, tension eased from their bodies and they relaxed into the rumpled bed, resting as the heat of their passion cooled and their breathing returned to normal.
"I could stay like this forever," she murmured against his chest.
“Mmhm, me too. But I think we have some presents to wrap."
Robyn laughed. "Yes, that plan kind of went out the window didn't it?"
"It did," he agreed.
She got out of bed, searched in the tumble of sheets for her robe and pulled it on. "I'll be right back."
Fletch got out of bed and dug around for his clothes and got dressed. He topped up their drinks, and moved the table to the end of the desk so that they could easily reach the snacks. He was hungry and grabbed a mini meat pie, popping it in his mouth. He organized the rolls of wrapping paper on one side with pens, scissors and tape. Where she got those he had no idea; probably at the same booth as the wrapping paper.
He straightened the sheets on the bed, unpacked her packages, and stood back pleased with his organizational skills. She came out of the bathroom, still in her robe which clung like a second skin to her body.
"Wow, look at this. You organized it all." She looked pleased, and he was happy.
“See, a sea dog like myself can learn new tricks.” He laughed and sat back down at the table.
"You are not an old sea dog." She's sat across from him.
He raised his finger and wagged it. "I did not say old, I said sea dog.” He liked their banter, it was fun and teasing.
"Granted, you're not old just older than me."
"But not by much," he pointed out.
"I know, but I feel that time clock you know,” she commented and he could only assume she was talking about kids.
Another new emotion swelled on him, he was full of new feelings tonight! He'd never thought kids would be in his wheelhouse, with the lifestyle he led, he couldn't see a future with anyone, let alone kids. But somehow things seem so different with Robyn.
"Your time clock isn't that far along. You still have time." The words he was going to say next, would be crucial in every way. And he was gonna say them. "At least I don't have to worry about a time clock." Slowly, she raised her eyes and met his. Electricity sparked between them and she grinned.
"Music to my ears, captain."
She understood what he meant, and he was thrilled that they were both thinking the same thing.
"Oh, hey, what do you think about coming to Vermont with me? Meet the fam and get smothered in what it's like to have a big family?" He could see she was holding her breath, and he didn't want to make her wait for his answer.
"Absolutely. I would love to come to Vermont with you and meet your family. However, I have a few ideas. The first one is that Intrepid has a brand new spa on board, and I need a manager to run it. How do you feel about living on a mega yacht?" She opened her mouth to say something he held his hand up. “And, I think the drive to Vermont is too long, and it won't give you enough time to spend with your family. So I'm going to get the company jet to take us. Are you okay with these ideas?”
He laughed when her mouth fell open and her eyes popped.
“Holy shit! Uhm, yes.”
"Yes to…" He wanted clarification so there was no miscommunication.
"I can't believe what you've just asked me about running the Spa, and that is a definite yes. You've blown my mind about the company jet, another yes. It will give me so much more time with my family. Thank you so, so much. You have no idea."
She was quiet for a second and then continued. "You spoiled me this past week with the little gifts and room service. And now you're spoiling me even more. I just want you to know that I never expected any of this.”
"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I know. Didn’t we meet in a dive bar and spend our first night in a rather seedy motel?”
She burst out laughing. "Oh yes, we did, and I hardly noticed. All I wanted was you."
“And you have me.”