B etween helping Steve, my own planning and the moments Tegan and I find to be together the week flies by. With her encouragement I’ve made more business progress and decisions that I believed possible. Or needed. Now I’ve got news to share with her this evening at the small business meeting.
Then I’ll take her out to dinner to celebrate. Even though she hasn’t mentioned her—request—again, I can’t shake the possibilities from my mind. Or my nightly dreams. Her kisses are sweet and hot enough to melt ice. I’m more than ready to honor her request, to worship her body and prove she made the right choice. A forever choice.
The Sandy Sipper lot is nearly full and the bar is crowded with groups focused on the suspended television screens. A quick glance confirms they’re showing a hockey match with a local team, the Charleston Renegades. As I cross toward the patio entrance the sense of being watched raises an alert in my system, a feeling I thought had grown dormant since leaving the military.
My focus narrows and I pause to pat my pockets like I’m looking for something.
There. In the corner sitting so he can see the doors as well as the entire interior. A shaggy-haired man dressed in a biker’s cut displaying a few patches. There’s no acknowledgement when our gazes clash but as I stop my pocket search he makes a barely perceptible motion. A signal. Not to me. Who?
Angling toward the bar, I flip open my folio and page through a few loose sheets. Tapping my finger on one page will show anyone watching I’ve found what I was looking for. I have. The signal is responded to by Pax, the owner’s husband. Interesting. He does have the manner and attitude of someone who was a member of some special forces. Since he barely glances in my direction before turning to pour a draft, I must have passed muster.
Wondering what the men are waiting for, I stride onto the patio. It’s a mass of people out here, too. Tegan waves from a corner where the members of our small business group are crowded around a table. The only open chair is across the table from her. Although I need to touch her, I’ll settle for simply looking at her. It’s probably a good idea to maintain some distance during the meeting.
Unfortunately one of the guys who walked out of the first meeting is back tonight. He’s snagged the seat next to Tegan and I frown as he smirks and inches the chair closer to her. She doesn’t notice.
“Glad you’re here, Rhone, so let’s get started,” she says as she passes out paper-clipped packets of information. “I apologize to all of you. I forgot there was a Renegades match today. So we’ll keep this quick so you can get back to hockey.” She holds my gaze. “Or whatever.”
Tegan takes us rapidly through the provided information and legal forms and less than thirty minutes later, the group disperses. With a laugh she promises to double check the sports schedule before the next meeting.
I remain seated while she speaks with her friend Boots and let my attention wander. Big mistake. When Boots passes my chair I focus on Tegan. She’s trapped between the wall and the table by that guy. He leans over her, trying to intimidate her. She rebukes his attempts at flirtation but there’s an aura of rising fear surrounding her.
He reaches out to curl a strand of her soft hair around his finger. I surge to my feet and round the table. With the front of his shirt crushed in my fist, I lift until he’s forced to his toes. “Leave. Her. Alone.”
He lifts his palms toward me. “Hey man. Didn’t know she’s taken.”
That attitude fails to impress me. I get in his face and lower my voice. “Taken or not, when a woman, hell when anyone says no, it means no. You need to listen.”
“Dude. Sometimes they want to be persuaded.”
A growl rumbles in my chest and I glance at Tegan. Her gaze dances between me and the scumbag I really hate right now. “Did you want to be persuaded?
Her eyebrows lower and she glares at her would-be suitor. “No. Not tonight. Not last week. Not ever.”
There’s my strong woman. I smile my approval. “What do you want me to do with this piece of shit?”
The guy struggles and I curl my fist to tighten my grip. Tegan’s eyes widen as someone moves behind me.
“Trouble?” The deep voice belongs to the bartender, Pax. I’m not planning to beat down this slime, especially not in a public place. However getting him kicked out would be immensely satisfying.
“This, uh, gentleman is bothering Ms. Drake and won’t take no for an answer.”
Pax’s hand comes down heavily on the scumbag’s shoulder. I release his shirt, take a step back and flex my fingers. Tegan moves to my side and leans closer when I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
Pax nods once before poking his finger hard into scumbag’s chest. “You’ve been warned about this before.”
“Hey man, it’s a bar. It’s what?—”
Pax’s arched eyebrow stops the man from continuing his whine.
“A bar where everyone is safe and ‘no’ is a damn good answer. You are no longer welcome as a customer of the Sandy Sipper. Get out. Now.”
“You can’t do that.”
“I can and I have.” Pax turns a more relaxed expression to Tegan. “I can call the cops if you’d like to press charges.”
Scumbag takes a step backward, stumbling over a chair. “Okay. Okay, I’m out of here. This ain’t no friendly bar and I’m spreading the word.”
“Whatever makes you happy, bud. As long as you never set foot on our property again.”
After straightening his shirt and glancing around at the interested observers, scumbag stomps toward the exit. Pax blows out a frustrated breath. “Sorry about that, Tegan. I’ve been trying to ban him for a couple months now. Want me to walk you out when you leave? Just in case?”
“I’ve got her,” I say. I appreciate he wants to keep Tegan safe, but she’s my responsibility. My woman. Pax’s lips twitch before he nods and returns to the bar.
“Ready?” I ask when Tegan slips from my side leaving a cold void.
She gathers her bag and notebook. “More than ready.”
I follow her through the bar, casting a quick glance at the guy in the corner. He arches one eyebrow and I return the movement. His other brow lifts. I’ve surprised him. Not sure what the signal means to him, but it’s good to know I haven’t lost all of my observation skills.
Her car’s not far from mine. I’ve scanned the parking lot and don’t see anyone loitering. I’m not sure I trust that scumbag’s actually not waiting somewhere to cause trouble. “Want me to drive to the restaurant? We can pick up your car after.”
Tegan stares into the dark sky. “I’m not sure I’m up for a fancy meal tonight.” Then she drops her gaze to me and grins. “What about some takeaway at my place? I could go for some Chinese.”
Not a bad idea. Get her out of the public eye. “Works for me. How about I follow you home, then go grab food?”
Her eyes twinkle in the parking lot lights. “Worried about that guy? Don’t be.”
“Can’t help worrying about you, sweetness. Besides, the best Chinese takeaway is on the other side of town, so we’d need to go by your apartment anyway.”
Lifting to her toes, she laughs and kisses my cheek. “I won’t argue. Kung pao chicken for me.”
“So, you like the spicy stuff?”
“Sometimes. Oh, and an eggroll and some of those crab rangoons. With fried rice. I’m hungry tonight.”
After a more satisfying kiss, she slips into her vehicle and waits until I pull up then I follow her from the Sandy Sipper back toward town. At her place, I wait until she waves and closes the door safely behind her. Fifteen minutes later the aroma of soy and the sweet and sour that’s my favorite fill my car. She meets me at the door and the sway of her hips as I trail behind her up the stairs makes my mouth water more than the meal I carry.
She has me place the bags on the island next to the place settings she’s created. Instead of opening the bags, she crowds close to me and wraps her arms around my waist. Her cheek rests against my chest and I lift one hand to tangle my fingers through her hair and cup the back of her head.
“I’m here, sweetness.”
She speaks without lifting her head. “Remember when I told you about my v-card?”
Remember? The words have been an ever present companion since that night. The now familiar need tightens my groin. Anticipation mixed with the dread she’ll take back her words nearly steals my breath. “Yes.”
“That guy at the bar made me think about us.”
Fuck. I steel myself for her rejection.
With a sigh, she eases back and stares at me with wide, luminous eyes. “I meant what I said, Rhone. I want you to be my first. And I want to put supper in the fridge and change my status. Now. Tonight.”
My dick comprehends before my brain, twitching and straining against my jeans.
“Please don’t tell me no,” she whispers. “I don’t want anyone else. Only you.”
I caress the smooth curve of her cheek and tuck my finger under her chin. My thumb strokes along the fullness of her lower lip. “Tegan, I won’t be your first.”
She twists her face away.
“Sweetness, look at me.” When she does, there are tears shimmering in her eyes. I’m confused for a moment then realize what I’ve said. “Tegan, I won’t be just your first. Once we do this, I will be your only . And you will be mine.”
“My only? Oh, I like that. Please be my only. Show me what I’ve waited for.”
“You’re sure? This is important. You need to be sure.” I kiss the corner of her lips.
“So sure.”
Her soft moan when I cover her mouth with mine releases the last of my restraint and my kiss turns hard and demanding. Pressing her back against the refrigerator allows me to align my body full against hers. She gasps when my hard cock presses into the softness of her belly.
I nip at her earlobe. “This is what you do to me, Tegan.”
She eases her hand between us and strokes me. “Pretty sure we can help each other out with our mutual problems.”
“Won’t be a problem for long if you keep doing that. Unless you want your first time to be spread out on the kitchen counter.”
Delight sparkles in her eyes. “Sounds fun for later. A comfortable bed sounds better for now. Besides…” She catches her lip between her teeth. “Besides I’ve got condoms in there. I… I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to be prepared and I’m not on birth control. So…”
I kiss her to silence then when she’s breathless, kiss the tip of her nose. “I’m prepared as well.”
“Good. Then we’ll have plenty.”
Leaning back, I laugh then swallow a groan when my movements rub my erection against her.
She eases to the side, then gently pushes me away from the fridge. Pulling the Chinese food containers from the bags she hands them to me. “I’m expecting a lot from you tonight. Start by putting these away until later.”
“Bossy little thing, aren’t you?” I chuckle and do as she says.
“Oh, no. I don’t mean to be that way. I?—”
After silencing her with a kiss, I shut the refrigerator door. “Tonight you need to be bossy. Tell me what you want. What feels good. How you want me. This night belongs to you.”