T here’s barely time to breathe for the next couple of weeks. As much as I long to spend every night with Rhone, it just isn’t possible. Noah and I had planned for a high chocolate demand for Christmas and were totally blindsided by the amount of orders we received for Thanksgiving. I’m jealous of Noah. Even with the long hours of extra work, he has Beryl and her son. Both at the shop and to go home with.
I’ve been lucky to steal a few kisses when Rhone makes our deliveries. Then once Walt returns, even that’s taken away from me.
On top of everything else, because I thought it was a good business strategy—which it really is—I’ve gotten permits enabling us to have a mobile chocolate cart on the boardwalk for both the Merry Festival of Lights boat parade and the Christmas Night Market. Thank goodness Rhone remembered an old push cart in one of the barns on his property that turned out to perfectly match my vision. Rhone is cleaning it up and putting on a fresh coat of paint.
Once his new, branded labels and packaging come in, I hope we’ll be able to start selling cheese from the cart as well.
Mr. Omata has agreed to come to Love Beach the first week of December to sample Rhone’s cheeses and see the plans he has for his shop. Hopefully they’ll be able to finalize the purchase contract at that time. Today I’m sneaking away for part of the afternoon to help Rhone find items to create his vision for the shop. After double checking with Noah and making sure our taffy maker has everything she needs, I head next door.
Mr. Omata is allowing Rhone to host the gathering in the building as a way to show his plans for the store. Unconventional I suppose, although I’m sure it will work to our advantage.
Rhone meets me at the back door and once he closes it behind me, he sweeps me into his arms for a long, comforting hug. “Missed you, honey.”
“Mmm. It’s only been a day.”
“Waving through the window or catching a glimpse of you across the parking lot isn’t enough. One day without you in my arms is way too long.” After a tender kiss, he steps back. “We’d better get started.”
I’d like to start with more intimate moments but now is not the time. Nor the place. “You’ve been over here a lot the past few days. Show me what you’ve gotten done.”
He bows and with a sweep of his hand indicates the swinging door that leads to the front of the store. Pulling him with me, I back through the door then turn. A variety of tall shelves line one wall. He’s spaced a few small tables around the area and even arranged a pair of chairs in one corner. “Oh my. Where did all this come from?”
“Most of it was upstairs in storage. A couple pieces I brought in from the farm.”
We’d talked about his vision—a blending of vintage and modern because he can’t decide on just one—and he’s well on the way to that aesthetic. “Wow.”
“Is that a good wow?”
“Very good wow. Give me a tour.”
I can tell he’s nervous by the way his fingers are constantly moving against mine so I give his hand a little squeeze. “This is just to impress Mr. Omata. Anything can be changed before you open. And later if you want. This isn’t set in stone.”
“Thanks. I need you to remind me of that. I want this party to be perfect.”
“Even if it’s not, you’re going to do just fine. Mr. Omata is going to be impressed and sell to you. So, have you made a decision about where to put an event space?”
He shows me where he plans a large room to host tastings and other special events. The resulting main sales area is smaller than I think he’ll need even to start out, but it will do to show Mr. Omata.
Rhone has even marked out the area for Boots’ flower shop. “You’ve been talking to Boots about this, haven’t you,” I ask.
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Your ideas feel more concrete and settled in this area. And that’s a good thing for both of you and your businesses.”
“Should my ideas be more concrete around the rest of the building? I never imagined that setting up a physical store would be so involved. So many little decisions.” He kisses the back of my hand. “I wouldn’t be half as organized or ready if not for you.”
“That’s why I started the new small business meetings. Everyone who’s doing the work to achieve their goals is doing great.”
“The meetings aren’t the only thing, Tegan. Anyone can hold meetings. No, it’s you. You’ve gotten me this far. Your encouragement and belief. And yes, some of your extra pushes in the right direction.”
I roll my eyes like a teenager. “You mean my nagging? Might as well call it what it is. Speaking of… have you and Boots consulted over what florals you need for the party?”
“Not yet. It’s number two on the list. We’re meeting early this evening. You’re welcome to join us.”
“I’d love to, but it’ll depend on how much gets done over at Choco-Love while I’m gone.”
He pulls me into another warm bearhug. I love how this man surrounds me. I’ve never felt so safe, so wanted. So happy. I return the embrace hoping he knows how much he means to me. The words need to be said but I’m uncharacteristically afraid to speak my mind. I don’t want to ruin what we have. Yes, he cares for me. But he might not love me. I’m not ready to lose him.
We spend the afternoon shopping the thrift and antique stores for platters to use to display cheese and a few decorative pieces to help temporarily fill the shelves. With those and a few matching vases for Boots to fill, he’s as ready to impress Mr. Omata as possible. It’s going to be difficult waiting until December.
Noah invites Rhone and his brother to join us for Thanksgiving dinner and I’m surprised Steve accepts the invitation. While I haven’t had that many encounters with the man, he’s always seemed dour and quiet. Until Tegan’s son gets him talking about his dairy animals. The man becomes lively and animated and his smile remains for the rest of the day. There’s more of a family resemblance between the men in their smiles.
They brought the refurbished cart into town and stored it in Noah’s garage until the lights festival on Saturday. I’ve been excited for the event. I’ve never personally witnessed a parade of boats all covered with lights and holiday decorations. It sounds fabulous.
And it exceeds my expectations. The excitement is contagious and the party atmosphere is a great way to start off the holiday season. Since this is our first time attempting mobile sales, and everything’s happening right on the ocean, Noah and I decide to focus our sales on our salt water taffy rather than chocolate. It was a good decision and we sold out early, even with Noah running back to the store for our backup supply.
The best part of the evening is standing next to Rhone watching the boats. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I cuddle against his side. “Happy?” he asks. “With how your cart did, I mean.”
“Yep. And happy being here with you. It’s nice to have a little down time.”
He bends to nibble my earlobe. “I was thinking about a little going down time, honey. I haven’t tasted your sweetness in days.”
Instantly turned on, I clench my thighs.
After licking a path along the shell of my ear, Rhone whispers, “You’re getting wet for me now, aren’t you?”
No reason to deny the heat building in my core. “Yes.”
“How long until we can leave?”
I turn to where my brother’s standing at the other side of the cart to find him watching us with a silly grin on his face. Before I ask, he says, “You know, Beryl and I can take care of the cart. Why don’t the two of you take off?”
“Thanks, man,” Rhone says as he takes my hand and pulls me after him. Noah’s laughter follows us through the crowd. On the way back to his car, Rhone ‘accidentally’ brushes against my breasts, or swipes his hand over my ass. His fingers slip under my jacket and past the waistband of my leggings to caress my skin, igniting me until I’m amazed I don’t burst into flame. Or jump his bones right then and there. It’s no better on the drive back to my apartment. Surrounded by the sensual haze he’s creating, I’m not sure how he can drive while stroking my clit.
He could easily finish me in the car. Instead he removes his hand and I whine my disappointment. He takes a moment to lick his fingers then is out of the vehicle and opening my door. Good thing he helps me stand because he’s made my knees weak. With my back pressed against the car, he teases my firm nipple and spreads my legs with his knee.
Our kiss is barely controlled and my need for him is frantic. Seeking pleasure, relief, I rub against his thigh. With one hand on my ass, he encourages my desperate movements.
“Let’s go upstairs, sweetness. Before we become a public spectacle.”
Finding a surge of energy, I rush toward the door. “Race ya.”
He pounds up the stairs after me and grabs my arm before we make it to the bedroom. “Remember our first night?”
Remember? It’s forever imprinted in my brain. “Yes, of course I do.”
“What I said… about it might be fun to spread you out on the kitchen counter?”
I’m confused until he lifts me onto the island and slips my jacket from my arms. “Oh.”
My shirt and bra are next then he steps back and stares at me. “Hold on.” He flips on the recessed lights above the island then turns off the rest of the lights, leaving me bathed in spots of a soft warm glow. “That’s it.”
My pants and his shirt disappear while we kiss. When we’re breathless he gives me a wicked smile. “Ready for that fun?”
Not waiting for my ‘yes’, he shifts me forward until I’m perched on the very edge of the counter and I recline back on my elbows. Holding my gaze, he lifts one of my legs over his shoulder. Then the other. Parting my folds with his fingers, he stares for an uncomfortably long time. “You are so beautiful, Tegan. And you gave this, gave yourself to me. So beautiful.”
Then his mouth is on me. “So sweet,” he mumbles. “So… mine.”
My thought processes disappear. All there is in my world is him. His mouth on me. His hands stroking my skin. The sounds of his enjoyment. All combine to wind me tighter. Tighter. I need just a little more, so I roll and tug on my nipples.
“That’s it, honey,” he encourages. “Show me what you like.”
I’m riding the edge, ready to fall, my body tight and…
“I want to be inside you when you come.”
“No,” I cry. “I’m there. Almost there.”
“Yes, inside.” He eases back, drawing his fingers slowly down my legs then back up to my waist and he lifts me to the floor.
Tears fill my eyes. I need to come so bad, I can’t think. Can’t function. Only need. “Rhone, please.”
“One second, honey.”
I sense his struggle to shove off his jeans. My sensitized hearing tracks how he rips open a condom and covers himself.
“Turn around, sweetness.” His voice is as tight and barely controlled as my desire for him. “Reach for the other side of the counter.”
We haven’t tried this position yet and eager anticipation heightens the already out of bounds need vibrating through me. I spread my legs and wiggle my ass.
“Dear god, Tegan.”
“Just fuck me, Rhone.” I lay my cheek against the cool stone, gasping when his hands clutch my hips.
“You just said that word, honey. Do you have any idea what that does to me?”
“Long as… makes you hard… wanting me… then fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
With a harsh chuckle, he teases the head of his cock over my clit then positions himself. “At your command.”
He plunges hard and deep and joy fills my cry. Lifting my chest from the counter, I push back into his thrusts. No words intrude on this moment. Only the sounds of our bodies coming together. Our grunts and moans as we discover new pleasures, explore new angles, reach higher for release.
Cupping my mound, Rhone teases my clit and I bite back my scream.
“No, wanna hear. Uhh, scream for me…”
I will deny this man nothing and cry out his name. He presses hard and high inside me. I’m so sensitive I feel the jerking pulses of his release along with the low, groaning vibrations of my name. My second orgasm follows right on the first and we moan in unison. Hands braced on the counter, Rhone hovers over me, kissing my shoulders, and whispering what might be words. I’m so far gone in the aftereffects of a double orgasm, I’m not sure.
His sigh blows cool breath across my back. “Don’t move, honey.”
I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I do whine my disappointment when he pulls his marvelous cock from my body.
“Sorry, sweetness.”
“’sokay. Just don’t go far.”
His chuckle almost covers the sound of the trash can lid closing. Then he’s behind me again. “Can you stand?”
“I don’t know.” I ease back so my feet completely touch the floor then straighten and turn although I’m leaning a bit to one side and can’t seem to correct my stance. “Looks like I can.”
With a doubtful look and a chuckle, he wraps one arm around my shoulders, the other under my knees and lifts me into his arms.
“What are you doing?”
“Carrying you.”
“You can’t do that.” I give a half-hearted wiggle. I really like how it feels to be cradled in his arms.
“Why not?” He moves toward the bedroom.
He says he likes my curves but looking and lifting are two different things. “I’m too big. Too heavy.”
“Obviously not since we’re here. Would you throw back the covers?” He leans far enough I’m able to grab the blanket and sheet and toss them to the end of the bed. “Thanks.”
After laying me on the mattress, he circles the bed and climbs in next to me. Once under the covers, we face each other, our legs tangled together, and share easy kisses and soft, undemanding touches until he falls asleep. One more kiss to his relaxed lips and I snuggle closer. “I love you, Rhone.”
“I love you, too, sweetness.”