My brother stands in the doorway while I finish packing the last of my clothes into a huge suitcase. “You sure about this?” he asks.
With my hands fisted at my hips I shake my head with exasperation. “I’m moving in with the man I love. Why is this any different than when you moved in with Beryl?”
“Because you’re my baby sister and I worry about you.”
I move to stand in front of him and pat his chest. “Thank you, Noah. I know you do. And I worry about you. It’s what family does. And that family is expanding to include Rhone and his brother. It’s not that I don’t love living above the store. It’s really convenient. Especially for those quickies.”
I laugh when his cheeks turn ruddy. It pleases me no end that he’s the blusher of the family.
“But it is a waste to have a mostly unused apartment just sitting here. So, I was thinking.”
“What are you getting us into this time, Tegan?”
“What if we listed the apartment on a vacation rental site? We’ll be able to pick and choose when to have renters so if we need the space for family, it’ll be available. This is a great location for vacationers. Obviously close to shopping. Not that far to the beach or the sports arenas. There’s plenty of room up here for a family or two couples.”
“Sounds like you’ve done your research.”
“You know me. I’ll email you the information. You and Beryl talk it over. When you decide yes, I’ll get the ball rolling.”
“You have time for that while planning your wedding?”
My body stills and I sigh—a common reaction when thinking about marrying the man I knew was my destiny the first moment I saw him. “Yeah, my wedding.”
Noah laughs. “Come on then you hopeless romantic. Let’s get the last of your stuff down to the truck. Rhone is probably waiting impatiently for you to get home.”
Ignoring the rude waggle of Noah’s eyebrows I close the suitcase and struggle to lift it from the bed.
“Oh, let me do that.” Despite my brother’s attempt at being macho, he has a difficult time maneuvering the suitcase as well. “Shit, why do they make these so big? No way in hell anyone can lift it.”
“Guess the wheels are supposed to help.” We laugh as he wobbles the case down the hall.
I pause in the main living area. “I am going to miss this place.”
“Hey, you up there?” Rhone’s voice rises from the staircase.
Noah nudges my arm. “Told you he was impatient.” Then he laughs and drags my suitcase to the door. “I’ll take this down while you two say your final goodbyes to your love nest.”
He nods at Rhone when they meet in the doorway. “She’s all yours.”
“I know.” The two men share a one armed bro hug and Noah disappears.
Rhone crosses the room and takes me in his arms. “You’re sure about this?”
“Of course, silly. Time for me to be living with my man.”
“We made some good memories here,” he says as he drags his finger over the stone top of the island.
“You are a tease, mister Landon.”
“And yet, you love me.”
“I do. And, I have a surprise for you.”
“What’s that, honey?”
“A surprise is something you’re not expecting.”
He glares at me then taps my nose with his finger before stealing my breath with a long, intense kiss. “Now, what’s the surprise.”
I swing my shoulders back and forth. “I’m not going to tell you.”
“Tegan.” He draws out my name with a low rumble that makes my lady bits quiver.
“A hint then. Boots dropped off an order this morning. Some things that will make it easier and more… enjoyable when I kiss you…” I press my hand to his semi-hard cock. “Here.”
We make it home and into the bedroom in record time. Passion and love—life with my milkman will never be dull.