Merry with a Prince (Love Beach, Holiday Collection) Epilogue 100%
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3 months later


“You have to be quiet, Cricket,” I tell my best friend and maid of honor for the third time. “We are supposed to be at the spa, not snooping on what Leo and the guys are doing.”

“I just asked who that other guy with them was. He’s so flipping hot.” Cricket says, while leaning so far out from their hiding place she’s going to get them caught.

It’s not that I don’t trust Leo to have his bachelor party without any strippers or stuff like that. But I don’t know about some of these other guys. Plus, I missed him. The last few days of wedding stuff have been crazy. There’s a lot of work that goes into hiding a wedding. Especially when the media from your country is obsessed with you.

We returned to Lanos right after Christmas engaged and the people of the small island went crazy and that carried over to the whole region. You would think Leo was the prince of England for the amount of press we’ve gotten.

We have a big wedding planned at Christmas in Lanos, but I really wanted to get married in Love Beach where we fell in love. So that’s what we are trying to do. Cricket, Natalie, and I have been doing a lot of work to make it perfect. Leo, my brother, his brother, his secretary, and Natalie’s dad have been doing guy things to get in the way and cause disaster after disaster.

“Who is he, Willa?” Cricket asks again even louder blowing our cover.

“It’s Natalie’s Dad, Cameron,” I answer under my breath as I stand up.

“Busted,” Cricket says stating the obvious.

I wave to my husband-to-be and he smiles back. God, I can’t wait to be married to this man.

Find out what happens at Leo and Willa’s secret wedding and if Cricket gets the attention of super sexy, older billionaire, Cameron in Spring Break with a Billionaire (5/1/2024).

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