Merry with a Ranger (Love Beach Holiday Collection) Chapter 7 78%
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Chapter 7



We both knew she couldn’t stay. Bonnie dozed beside me, one eye on the cheap bedside clock that went off the first night I stayed in the resort at the wrong hour that someone who stayed in the room before me set for some ungodly time and forgot to change before they left.

I promptly reset the thing and forgot about it. Now, I hoped the damn thing failed and never went off ever again.

Bonnie shifted, rolling to face me. “I can feel you watching me,” she murmured with her eyes closed.

I trailed my hand along her waist, over the curve of her hips, though she was so slight, there was barely anything of her. I swore I’d change that, at least a little. What her father did to her…he might try to protect the women in his life, but in his desperation he’d become selfish and cruel.

But that wasn’t her worry right now.

“So beautiful.” I leaned down and captured her mouth with mine, kissing her long and slow, savoring the sweet taste of her. All stunning and innocent, no matter what she seemed to think.

Years too late, I got the second chance with her I needed, always craved, and never expected to earn. Bonnie sighed beneath me as I pulled her in closer, discarding the notion of time or her father, or her watchdogs. Fuck them all. Right now she was mine, and I refused to give her up.

“Happy Christmas Eve,” I murmured against her mouth.

“Is it?” She stared up at me, confusion creasing fine lines around her eyes.

Somehow that made her more beautiful. I wanted all the years with her we missed in between and swore to her and myself silently in my head I’d find a way to make it work for us. Now I had her in my arms again, there was no way I’d let her go. Bonnie Little was the best Christmas present I’d ever had. If I had my way, she’d be Bonnie Mercer come the new year.

If she let me. But by the way her lips twisted prettily as her mind caught up said she wouldn’t push me away. At least, not right now. Neither of us put on clothes after I fucked her into the mattress earlier. What started slow blew out fairly fast, which meant I owed my girl an apology.

But when I pressed her onto her back, settling my weight over her, Bonnie’s hands shoved lightly at my chest. I backed up in a hurry, and it was my turn to frown. “Did I hurt you? Scare you?” I checked in, cupping her face, pressing my thumb over her pulse point, but her rhythm remained steady, and slow.

“Nope.” She popped the ‘p’ softly, shaking her head and pushed on my chest again. “Off.” When I still didn’t move, staring down at her intently, she clicked her tongue, the only sign of impatience she offered. “Nash? You got your fantasy time in. Now it’s my turn.”

Finally, a smile spread over my lips. “You got it.” I kissed her again as I peeled my body from hers, barely able to keep my mouth off her, sliding my tongue along hers.

She moaned as she let me roll us, settling her body over mine, her thighs spread to straddle either side of me. When I opened my eyes she sat over me, her dripping pussy rubbing gently over my cock that knew her heat like its own. I caught her hips, but she swatted my hands away, her eyes glowing.

“No, I want to do this myself.”

Swallowing back my need to control each grind of her hips along my stiffening length, I tucked my hands behind my head, lacing my fingers together with a supreme effort of willpower. “I’m all yours, love. Anything you want to do.”

“Anything, huh?” Bonnie rocked gently against me, slicking me with our mixed fluids, and earning herself a groan from my lips. I couldn’t hold back if I wanted to, and there was nothing I wanted to hide from this girl.

The way she looked at me made me wonder if I hadn’t just thrown myself in the deep end, but how much trouble could an almost-virginal, twenty-something cloistered ex-girlfriend be?

The moment she slithered along my body, gliding those kiss-bitten lips over my cock and licked my balls, I knew I was screwed. Or about to be.

I should have studied the ceiling. The light fixtures. An errant, missed cobweb.

Instead, I watched her lashes sweep over her blush-stained cheeks as she explored me like we never got to do back then. Before our worlds were thrown into a maelstrom of uncertainty and separate hells.

My breath shuddered from my lungs as I scratched vicious patterns into my scalp where she couldn’t see, desperate to wrap my hands in her hair and fuck her pretty little mouth until she sobbed and choked for me. But I promised I’d let her have her way, and I was a man of my word.

For now.

Bonnie graduated from exploring my thighs and everything below my cock with her tongue and hit the main event, fitting as much of me in her mouth with one swallow as she could.

I swore I drew blood on the back of my neck. A long hiss burst from my lips as my legs stiffened.

She broke her concentration, looking up at me, her mouth stuffed full of cock, lashes obscuring her eyes as her tongue flicked over my cock head. My balls drew up painfully tight as I willed myself not to paint her tongue with my seed, desperate to feel her sink down on me once she finished torturing me.

Finally she released me, her lips pinched. “Am I doing it wrong?”

I released my hands from behind my head, relieved to see no blood caked beneath my nails, and crooked a finger. “Come here,” I ordered softly.

She crawled up my body, hovering over me. Her hair draped across my shoulders, tight nipples grazing my pecs. “Tell me what I did?” she begged prettily.

I caught her chin in a firm grip. “What you did was nearly make me come in your mouth, love,” I admitted, freeing up my other hand to swat her ass.

She squealed in a delayed reaction. “Nash,” she gasped a breath later, clawing my shoulders.

I smirked. “What, daddy never smacked his princess?”

Her gaze lowered. “You know he didn’t.”

I found her glorious tits and toyed with them until she panted, twirling the nipples between forefinger and thumb and tugging her closer. “That’s alright, Bonnie. I’ll pick up what’s been left out. Make sure you’re looked after. You need another?”

I pinched her nipple slowly, not too hard, but hard enough. Letting her feel the pain develop, I kept a hold until a second after my name left her lips again.

Hesitant, she met my eyes again and nodded, just once.

I urged her closer and tucked her into my body, sweeping my hand over her ass where I spanked her before. When she breathed out, I planted my palm in the same spot, a little softer on her already warmed flesh. She didn’t jolt as much this time, but her heat increased over my groin.

“Say thank you,” I murmured against her cheek, tasting the dampness of her tears. “It’s okay if you need to let it out. You’ve been living a fucked up little life, love. Anything you need, I promise I’ll give it to you.”

“Thank you, Nash. Maybe, just one more? The other side. Please,” she added belatedly.

“My pleasure.” I kissed her sweetly for begging so well, sliding my tongue along hers, then drew back to watch her face as I spanked her hard on the other side.

A single tear trickled down her cheek as she trembled for me and let out the most beautiful, relaxed sigh.

I swept the salty drop back with my thumb, pressing her tear to the corner of her lips. “Taste, Bonnie. That’s your freedom. What you take,” I reminded her. “Every step you get is for yourself. Can you breathe?”

I held her close, wanting to roll us both and slide inside her, but I promised her, and dammit that oath was gonna kill me.

“Yes,” she whispered. “It’s not so impossible now.”

“God, you’re fucking beautiful.” I kissed her again, arranging her how she was when she started. “You said you had a fantasy. I can take over if you need. Whatever you want, Bonnie.”

Her hands played with my stomach, tracing over the scars there, some of the old knife and bullet wounds I earned in service. Some cops went years without drawing a weapon. I put myself in the line of fire the moment I earned my badge because I couldn’t sleep at night if I drove a desk all damn day. Lost thinking about her, never allowed to investigate her case.

Until now.

And all I wanted to do was take her away from it all, throw my career away and run with her somewhere nothing else mattered but her freedom.

Fuck it, after Christmas I might do it anyway. The whole vengeance thing no longer mattered anywhere near as much as it did when I arrived at Love Beach. The box of files under my bed burned a hole in my back as she straddled me, some of her confidence regained with her glowing behind.

Bonnie let me grip her hips this time, helping guide her as she caught my cock in her hand and raised herself over me, then slid down my length, her heat enveloping me until we both moaned, entangled in each other’s arms.

And I forgot everything except for the soft girl wrapped around me, her breasts pressed to my chest, her heart beating too fast with mine. Bonnie worked out how to ride me while I tried my damndest not to coat her walls with the pleasure of being bare inside her. Too late the thought ran through my head, but the moment I tried to shift, she shook her head, recognition crossing her face.

“Implant,” she whispered.

I swallowed hard, finding her ass cheeks I spanked before and bottoming out in her in one go as I levered myself up to press my back to the bed’s headboard. “I’m clean, love. Are you sure?” I searched her face. “I know I promised, but I’m not a god. And you feel so fucking good I just want to rail you into the bed until my name is the only thing on your lips.”

Bonnie’s lips parted a fraction, her breath kissing my cheeks. “Do it,” she whispered.

We never go that far.

I slammed her down onto my cock, her ass a two-handed grip as I pounded into her swollen, needy pussy from below. Over and over, until she cried my name on repeat into my ear. The soundtrack I came to, my neck straining, still not letting her go as I fused our bodies together and filled her to the brim.

My orgasm hurt like a fucking truck smashing into me, ripping my insides out, the lines of pleasure and pain melding. The only thing I felt after was her heat wrapped around me, her body trembling after the way I railed her. And finally my senses came back to me.

“Christ, tell me I didn’t actually hurt you,” I muttered, pushing her hair aside until I found her face tucked into my shoulder in a pool of sweat and saliva. “Bonnie. Love?” I cupped her chin and tilted her head up to mine.

Her makeup smeared beneath her eyes, her cheeks stained a violent red as she panted gently.

“I’m good,” she whispered. “Just…wow. Are you like that all the time?”

I laughed, resting back against the wall, half expecting the bed to collapse beneath us both at any moment. “Just with you, love. Only you.”

I stroked her hair, tucking her back where I excavated her from and managed a breath. The time, the clock, the world was all forgotten as we came down from the incredible high of falling into each other again and finding out we got it right the first time around.

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