Midnight Hunt 2. Chapter One 10%
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2. Chapter One

Chapter One:

~Lochlainn O'Hare~

S ylvanus save me, she smelled of carnal pleasure. It was like a tease, a little tickle in my nose while she ran through the woods. The closer she got, the more convinced I was that she was a specter come to taunt me. Nothing that delicious could be real. And then she broke through the brush and hit me like a cannonball. Her magic was pumping through the trees. Some illusionary magic that fazed even my eyes. She'd drenched the whole forest in her darkness.

I was in too much pain to try and be gentle or kind. My fury was too hot to think reasonably. Bear traps in my woods? In my home! I would rip them to shreds, tear them bone from bone. Their scent, whoever my trapper was, was gone. The only thing I could smell was her. Her panic as I scared her and the gush of desire. My nostrils flared as I stood over her. What was worse? That one of my students saw every inch of my skin or that I was inches from shoving my face up that nightgown of hers. I bet she'd taste of tangy fruit and honey.

It took a moment of deep breaths, turned away from her as to not infect my lungs with her scent, and pacing to finally clear my senses. My cock was hard as a tree trunk. Oak Father, why did it have to be her? Valerie Contempt, a second-year grad student, unaware of how tempting her eager smile was… She was fiery, I'd give her that. During my after-hours study group, she always had opinions.

She wanted to open up an apothecary and so, naturally, she took nature and druidic lessons. Things would be awkward, but I could get past it. Valerie wasn't the first student to accidentally walk in on me in wild shape. I would simply apologize, thank her for the quick save, and not mention the heavy scent of pleasure on her skin. College students liked to venture out here to have sex. I did my best to avoid couples enjoying the freedom of nature's gifts.

But Valerie didn't smell of sex. She smelled of pleasure, like she wrung herself empty over and over. To what end? Did she not have a room in a sorority to do this sort of thing? I did not get to judge, it wasn't my place, but it was odd. Which, coupled with the massive illusionary spell over the sky, and the panic in her blood, I'd say something else was at play. Not to mention the magic bear traps!

Nothing that could be figured out with her unconscious and my being without pants. I collected her up in my arms. She was warm, like a burning oven. I held her to my chest and eagerly soaked up all her heat. The moon shone on my back as I carted her through the trees and toward The Grove.

The dean might have a few words with me, but that was a problem for another day.

I entered the sleepy grove at the edge of campus an hour later. The moon was already beginning to fall and soon day would be upon me. I needed to get my body in a shower, and clothes on. At first, I was going to set her down in the living area. Many couches and love seats littered the space, with plenty of blankets and pillows. She could rest there till I was at least dressed. However, as I slipped into our building, I heard the whispers of students still awake. Fuck. There was no need to scare multiple students with my fuzzy rump out on display. She'd just have to endure being in my quarters until I at least had clothes on.

Our building was a large, horseshoe shape that enclosed the grove facing the college. The gardens, tree, and forest enclosed the other end. My office and room were at the far northern end. I lived in a suite with a bathroom, living room, and kitchen all to myself. I didn't like to close it off to other staff, just in case they needed it. However, it was necessary as I flipped the lock behind me. I set Valerie down onto the large couch in the living room I'd fashioned into a library. Walls full of messy bookshelves, scrolls, tomes, and papers stuffed in every nook and cranny. The couch was a plush, earthy brown with a heavy throw blanket. I draped it over her and propped her head up with one of my many bear shaped pillows. My students have a sense of humor. I even, for good measure, slipped the honey jar-shaped pillow into her arms.

Valerie hugged it immediately, curling up around it.

I sighed with relief as I crept toward my bathroom. As much as I loved the scent of the forest, I stank. Blood and fury and wet fur—it wasn't a great mix. My wrists looked like I'd been the one wrestling a bear. While my body soaked in steaming water, I scrubbed the stains off my hands. Unfortunately, the whole time I was scrubbing my body, my cock was still rock hard. My mind drifted endlessly to the pretty girl on my couch.

I'd be a liar if I said I hadn't thought about it. She was gorgeous. Big mane of chestnut hair, big pretty ruby eyes with a hint of pink in them, fluttering lashes, round cheeks and a button nose. There was a splattering of freckles across the center of her face, and she had this toothy smile that made me want to do feral things. I recalled sitting at my desk while all she sat with the group, talking about poultices or herbs. Her hands moved as she talked.

Not to mention she had a habit of showing off those pretty breasts of hers. Propping them on her desk as she leaned forward.

She is your student! Off limits, no questions, no what ifs. I had a hard line, and I drew it deep in the earth.

So, why did I grab ahold of my cock? Why did I stroke it, leaning my forehead against my forearm? Steam coating my skin, leaving me slick, as I tugged at myself. I imagined her finding me in those woods without the nightgown. With her pretty tits out in the moonlight, her cunt covered in chocolate curls and drenched in her need. I played with the thought of her in chains, spread before me, only able to bury my muzzle in her cunt. I'd lap her up until she was limp against the ground.

Then I'd mount her. Breed her. Put little druids in her belly and let her see what nature could truly do.

"Fuck." I barked as I came with a sharp zap to my balls. My head was fuzzy. Post-orgasm and lack of sleep will do that, even to the sharpest of elves. I needed coffee, I needed breakfast, and I needed get her out of my head.

I cleaned off the evidence of my devious pleasure and dried myself off with a towel. I was rougher than I should have been. But, then again, I maybe deserved it. Brushing my hair out with my fingers before braiding it back once more, I slipped into my closet. It wasn't till I was clothed in trousers and a tunic, working of cinching it around me, that I heard the sounds of Valerie stirring.


I stepped out into the living room and watched her visibly relax.


"Ms. Contempt, good morning." I greeted with as much warmth as a lewd fiend such as I could have. "I apologize for the fright last night."

"Suffice it to say, you didn't mean to get caught in the trap." She hugged the blanket around her.

"I did not," I chuckled, bowing my head in apology. "I hope I did not traumatize you. When I break out of wild shape, I don't come with clothes."

"No, uh, the trauma was not because of you." She climbed to her wobbly legs only to fall back into the couch with a squeak. "Now, come on, legs."

"Whoa, Ms. Contempt, please," I breathed, rushing to her side. She stared up at me with those pretty doe eyes and something deep in my belly growled. Tears were welling up in her eyes. "Ms. Contempt?"

"Did… Did someone die last night?" she croaked.

"What?" I sank to my knees in front of her.

"The reason I was in those woods last night? Well, I mean, the reason I was running through them?" she grimaced, "they were hunting me down. They said I killed someone! But I swear, Professor, I haven't done anything. I was just out in the woods, enjoying the moonlight. I don't know what they were talking about."

"Whoa, whoa, Ms. Contempt, take a deep breath for me?" I arched a brow. Valerie immediately sucked in a sharp breath through her nose. I nodded for her to exhale, and she let it out slow. "Good. Now, another."

I repeated that a few more times until she was relaxed, sunken back against the couch. "I'm going to go find out what's happened. Please, stay here."

She hugged the blanket closer to her before bowing her head in defeat. I crossed to my kitchen and pulled a water bottle out from its belly. I sat it on the couch next to her.

"If you can manage it, you're welcome to my shower and my closet for clean clothes. Please drink some water. And stay here." I offered her an apologetic smile before pulling away. There was nothing more I could do until I knew what she was talking about.

A murder? On this campus? I shut the doors behind me and went in search of my teaching assistant.

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