Chapter Eight:
~Valerie Contempt~
~ Valerie~
According to the stories, once a witch gets her fill, the breeding frenzy is supposed to stop. Which is exactly how I knew it didn't stick, because I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, horny and frustrated. My pussy pulsed and my heart skipped over every other beat while I replayed the night in my head. The feel of him between my thighs, the taste of him on my tongue, the tingle of his words, it was like a whirlpool had sucked me down through the mattress.
There would be no sleeping, despite my best efforts.
I laid there, horny and awake, picking at things I couldn't control for a few hours before sunlight teased the horizon. It was manageable, as I wasn't furiously masturbating. But it wouldn't be long before it took over again. And, knowing that I got a taste of breeding by Lochlainn, there would be no other substitute. I slithered out of bed, still in the large t-shirt I'd pulled on, and crept out into the halls. My bat slippers helped buffer the sound of my feet as I tiptoed toward his room.
Unexpectedly, his door was unlocked. I was prepared to cast many spells to slink inside, only to find me frowning at his door. Does this man just sleep with the door unlocked? Or was he expecting me? It was hard to imagine Lochlainn being the unsuspecting victim of a robbery or worse…but come on? Who the fuck doesn't lock their door! I huffed, casting a few charms behind me as I stomped to his room. Kicking off the bat slippers at his open bedroom door, I glared at the large lump in the bed. Underneath the first few strands of early morning light, he was a vision. Chestnut hair spread across his pillow, massive arms spread across the bed, face peacefully soft. There was even a butterfly perfectly posed on his forehead like he was a flower.
I stepped across the room, devouring every inch of him. He'd gone to bed just as naked as he walked through the woods with me. We came back and everyone welcomed me, acting like I was a little sister who ran away from home foolishly. Not a cock-starved witch who needed to get railed over a log desperately. Spread across the bed, there was hardly an inch for me…except for when I sank to my hands and knees, crawling up the bed to tuck myself into the space between his arm and his torso. Warm bloomed through me as his arm curled around me and he twisted to engulf me. The blanket was tangled but for a moment, everything in my body was quiet. I laid there, trapped in his arms, face buried in his chest, breathing in the scent of the woods.
I'd never felt more safe.
The frenzy stopped long enough for me to fall asleep there. A gentle dream of lying in a field of flowers under a canopy of tree branches filled the space behind my eyes. It isn't until he shifted, and heavy morning wood pressed against my belly, that I blinked myself awake. I peeked up through rumpled hair and pillows I'd scattered in my sleep to find Lochlainn still clinging to sleep. I could tell by the way he clenched his eyes closed that he was fighting for those last few moments of sweet dreams. Like the little shit I was, shamelessly I wiggled my way up to his face. I pressed a sleepy kiss to his lips. His face relaxed and he immediately kissed me back.
"You really shouldn't stay up all night, Professor," I teased, my throat still scratchy and raw. His cock bobbed against my thigh in response. I grinned from ear to ear, kissing him again. Then, I murmured against his lips, "Would you like me to take care of that?"
He grumbled under his breath, "It's not me who needs taking care of."
"Oh yeah? Say that to the massive slab of hard wood against my leg," I giggled, kissing down his chin to his throat. A massive palm scooped up the back of my head, fingers curling around my hair, and tugged me back till I was spread out against the mattress. He was between my thighs already, hiking my legs up around his ribs.
"You think I can't smell the desire on your skin? Little witch slinking into my cave to take care of her needy cunt, hoping I'll stuff it full, hmm?" His morning growl made my stomach clench up. Lochlainn tugged on my hair and my head was pressed back against the pillows. His soft lips trailed kisses down my jugular.
"I'm not the one leaving my door unlocked," I gasped for air, fingers clawing up his back.
"A hunter knows patience, and lying in wait, brings in the best prey." He bit down onto my throat and my eyes rolled back in my head.
I let out a weak laugh, knowing there was no fighting it. Prey? I'd never thought to myself that I would like it. Not as vines crawled up through the floorboards. Wood creaked around me as they slithered. My wrists were bound and dragged up through the pillows. His mouth traveled down my collar bone to my sternum.
"And now that you've got me?"
"I'm a bear of my word," he groaned against my breasts, nipping at the sensitive skin. "You need breeding, little witch, and I am not without my own vices."
I fought to open my eyes but there was no use as his teeth scraped across my nipple. Jolts of pleasure and pain rushed down my spine, into my gut, stabbing into my clit. My toes curled at his side, hips rutting up for him. The frenzy pumped through my blood, but I don't think it was my magic. It wasn't some ancestral pressure to continue the family line. This was him in my veins. As his cock pressed against me, slipping his heavy tip through my slit, it was the anticipation of him that made me shiver. His groan against my well tortured nipples sent ripples down my belly.
Lochlainn sank into me. I sighed happily like a ravenous piece of me was finally fed.
"And what are your vices, Professor?" I teased, squealing in response to his nip at my over stimulated nipple.
"Other than his wet, warm, tight cunt?" He growled reverberated against my ribs as he kissed back up to my chin once more. I didn't have the strength to correct him—it's not that I was necessarily tight…it's that he was fucking massive. A moot point. What did I care about semantics when his hefty cock was pressing itself deep into me? Goosebumps riddled my arms and legs. I whimpered for him, unable to make words. He bit down onto my lower lip and dragged it out. "I won't lie, little witch, when you ran from me…"
I giggled with heavy mischief and delight at the memory. "You like chasing naked girls through the woods."
He chuckled, nose tip brushing against mine. "I like chasing you naked through the woods."
"What if next time, I don't start off naked?" The question came out of me without consideration for my poor clothes that did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment. Maybe I'd borrow something? Maybe I'd buy cheap fabric just to hear it tear underneath his claws?
Because when I opened my eyes, catching his glowing honey orbs staring down at me, hips steadily thrusting up into me, I knew. Oh, he likes that.
"You had better not wear anything you're fond of," he growled a single warning. My only warning. Lochlainn was a bear of his word, after all.
"I'll keep that in mind." I swallowed down the excited lump forming in my throat. What I wouldn't do to have him chase me right then? To pull out of me, say a single command, and barrel after me. However, the sun was already high in the sky. The amount of witnesses would be astronomical.
His mouth captured mine. My hands tugged on the vines but they didn't give. I was stretched out for him. His body brushed against mine with every thrust. Much like the trees, he was strategic. As much as I wanted to urge him faster, the build was much better. His pelvis pressing against me, my clit hummed. Lochlainn pulled back from me to sit back on his calves and I saw stars. His cock hit something deep inside me and I was choking on my tongue. Over and over, he struck harder till the tingles were too much.
"Please, oh fuck, please, Lochlainn."
"Promise to behave," he snickered.
"I'll be so good. I'll be your best student. I'll be such a good girl," I babbled, sitting on that dangerous edge. Something kept me from tumbling off and it was all by his design. I jerked at the vines that had no sympathy for me. "Please."
"Promise me you'll do as I say."
I threw back my head in frustration, a cry breaking through my lips. "I'll do everything you say."
Only then did he press the pad of his thumb to my clit and circle it. His hips jerking upward more and the sensation broke me. My walls clamped down around him. Relief rushed through my veins, and I was gasping for air. Spots filled my vision, and even closing my eyes didn't make the sparks stop. Not till I'd milked him for all I was worth and wrung myself dry.
"Good, now," he pulled out me, sharp and cruel, before the vines twisted my wrists. He easily flopped me onto my belly. "Take my cum like a good little witch, and you're going to walk around with it buried inside you. If it slips out, you're to come get it replaced, do you understand?"
"Yes, sir," I swallowed.
"Even if that means you put yourself over my desk, showing me your empty pussy." He thrust himself inside, knocking my heart into my throat. Glistening dew drops and sunshine glittered like gold across the back splash of his room. I didn't realize till I was biting down on his pillow, watching the vines that draped the wall, that there was a mirror. Kinky bastard. He grinned from behind me, thrusting sharper as if to accentuate it. Lochlainn watched me helplessly claw at the wood in my hands, the vines still holding me captive, while he rammed himself inside. My eyes rolled back in my head once more.
"My needy little witch, you should open your eyes, see how delicious you look." A hand took ahold of my hair and hoisted my head up. I pried my eyes open again to see him hungrily watching where his cock drove deep into me. "See? This…this is my vice, right here. Such a strong-willed student, lippy and opinionated, and what are you now? My little prey, tied up in vines."
I opened my mouth, but the only thing that came out was a pitched cry. The vines shifted away from the mirror to show off more. How much bigger he was, how he engulfed me, how firm he held me… The look on his face as he studied every inch of me from behind.
Only for him to shove me deep into the pillows, his body pressed into mine with hips thrusting viciously. My nails dug grooves into the wood. His mouth found my shoulder and covered me in kisses, then bites. I gasped, unable to make sounds only gulp down air as he fucked me to oblivion. When he broke, I was a mess beneath him. Writhing, whimpering, wet, and more as he breathed in my ear.
"What did I say?" His dark snicker ran a cold shiver down my spine, "My best student."
"And not because—Ah! Lochlainn!" I cried out as he bit down onto my shoulder roughly.
"Don't even tease that." He nuzzled his nose against my cheek before kissing it. "Remember you swore to behave."
"I hardly think sworn testimony during orgasms will hold up in—ow! Okay! I swear, well behaved witch and the cum is staying put!" I slapped for mercy against the floor beyond his bed as he bit me again.
"That's my good little witch," he purred smugly before slapping my ass for good measure. "Now, breakfast."
The vines unwrapped my wrists and I stared at my reflection incredulously. He grinned, pulling away from me like he'd not just fucked me boneless, and was sauntering toward his kitchen. The mere thought of trying to move out of his bed made me whine.
My breeding season is going to kill me.