Midnight Hunt 11. Chapter Ten 55%
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11. Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten:

~Valerie Contempt~

B etween eating till it hurt, convincing myself to return to my room for clothes and my toothbrush, and the growing tingle at my core, I was a mess. Breeding frenzy made me just want more…and more…and more. Until there wasn’t room for anything left. Who needs blood when I have Lochlainn pumping through my veins. It was bizarre how fast it happened. Normally it doesn’t care who it is, or at least, that’s what Mother said. When she went through hers, she slept with close to twelve different people before it took. I gag every time I remember her story of the orgy (not because my mother can’t have sex or orgies it’s just… my mom ).

It's not supposed to want a specific person. It’s just supposed to be hungry. And yet, as I scrubbed my pits and nodded my hello to Randolph, it wanted nothing else but Lochlainn. I was in a mixed bathroom of bodies, all naked and pretty and covered in suds and I wasn’t tempted by any of it. If it wasn’t Lochlainn’s thunder log, apparently my pussy wasn’t interested…which was confusing, but then again, who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth?

I rinsed myself off, careful to keep my legs clenched the whole time. Dressing in fresh clothes and drying my hair felt like a luxury after the night I had. Finally, I was flopped down on one of the lawn chairs out in the courtyard of The Grove, trying to wrap my brain around financial equity, or whatever my paper was supposed to be on, when a shadow loomed over me.

“You got a visitor.” Kahrina grimaced before she nodded her chin toward the gate that held out the rest of the school from the gardens.

“Oh no, tell me it’s not a gaggle of idiots here for my head,” I snapped the book closed with an irritated thud.

“Not a gaggle ,” Kahrina wheezed, hands on her hips. “I would normally suggest striking like a viper before they speak, but I fear that may only worsen your predicament.”

“Fuck,” I threw myself out of the chair to get a good look at who was beyond the magic ivy-covered gates.


Amber, my sorority president, glared at me through the heart shaped, plum-colored leaves. Ex-sorority. I stood a good twenty feet from her and it took all the restraint in my body not to flop back in the chair, flip her my middle finger, and return to my reading. Instead, I arched a brow, stepped closer by ten feet, and yelled, “What do you fucking want? ”

“Come out here and ask me that,” she snarled.

“No thanks!” I called back.


“Useless wench!” I retorted. She recoiled, her perfect blond hair fluttering around her in absolute audacity. I tossed my hands out, “I can be an asshole too. You want me to turn your toes blue? Make all your faucets leak no matter what you do? I’ll curse you and your fucking children to never taste anything fresh every again. Try me, mother fucker. This is not a fight you win.”

Amber shook the gates, rattling the leaves. The ivy hissed at her, snakes made of vines and sharp thorns striking at her. With a yelp, she rushed away from the gate. I waited to see if she would return, but when she didn’t, I glanced at Kahrina looming over my shoulder. “The ivy’s a nice touch.”

“Thank you,” she beamed, flicking her golden yellow hair off her shoulder. With a flick of her wrist, the ivy settled down to normal rustling from the wind. “I wanted to ask…can you really curse her and her family to never taste anything fresh again?”

“Yeah, actually. That was my mom’s favorite hex,” I shrugged. “It makes everything you taste have a distinct sour milk or rotten eggs flavor. Not impressive but certainly annoying. Also, it’s a headache to undo, so curse breakers are practically useless.”

Kahrina eyed me with a twinkle of something I couldn’t quite make out. But when her lips curled and she chuckled to herself, it was probably good. “You know what, I like you. We’re absolutely hanging out more.”

It wasn’t a question, but it did make me smile to myself as she sauntered away. There was a dark, honest something in Kahrina. She wasn’t as goody two-shoes as I imagined her to be, but then again, druids aren’t bound by political morality. They deal with what is best for nature, for life itself. And sometimes, being a wicked little thing is good for the realm.

I snatched up my book once more, settled into my comfy chair, and returned to my studies with a warmth in my chest that wasn’t there before…maybe I should have joined The Grove from the beginning? Or maybe I needed to be shunted from my sorority to see it for what it truly was? Either way, stretched out in the courtyard, magic pencil scribbling away while I read passages out loud to the dancing flora around me, I felt at home.

As my notes became paragraphs, and my textbook grew riddled with tabs and highlighter, the sun began to set. It wasn’t till the amber glow of sunset was outdone by the glittering flowers around me that I even realized I’d been out there all day. I’d had the genius thought to bring food out with me, so it wasn’t till dinner time that my stomach gurgled. I closed my book and rubbed my face.

The lights darkened as something…or someone loomed over me. I dropped my hands to my side, staring up into the face of Lochlainn. His hands on his hips, head tilted to the side, all that wonderful chestnut hair in a messy bun at the top of his head. The indents from where his reading glasses pressed into his nose were the cutest part. Well, second to the large leafy sweater over a pair of well-worn jeans.

“I’ve been told to award you a good job. Apparently, you only threatened one person today, and according to my TA, it was well deserved,” his lips curled smugly, honey eyes roaming me as I stretched out extra flirtatiously along the chair.

“Amber, the sorority president came by. But you’ll be proud, I told her no thanks, and she scampered off.”

“Mmm, and so the rumor that you’re going to steal her kidneys in the night, roast them over a fire, and eat them as your supper was…just a rumor?” He snickered.

I huffed, tossing my abused textbook to the flat stones beneath me, “Kidneys? Seriously?”

“It is a rather salacious—”

“Now, the liver? That’s got all the nutrients. Even the stomach, I would understand, but the kidneys? That does nothing for me—oooh! But, her uterus, just wait till they find out what I can do with a uterus.” I sat up in my chair, stretching my arms above my head for one last satisfying crack. Lochlainn’s face fell into a disappointed stare. I flashed him a cheeky smile, “Kidding, of course, just a salacious rumor, as you were saying.”

“I do hope you’re kidding, little witch,” his soft warning, under his breath so only I could hear, ran down my spine. It prickled my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

“Just fucking with you, Professor,” I winked at him, sliding to my feet. “But Kahrina is right, I was very well behaved. Just like you asked.”

He arched a brow, inching closer. For a moment, I forgot anyone else existed. Just Lochlainn and I in that courtyard of glittering flowers and the last few beams of sunlight through the trees. My lungs tightened as he took a step closer. The instinct to run from him, to have him chase me across that courtyard and into the trees, it buzzed under my skin. My frenzy pumped fast through my veins. Desire that simmered in the cauldron of my belly all day turned into a frothing boil. Lochlainn’s eyes slid closed as he sharply inhaled through his nose.

“Little witch, I noticed how you didn’t come to see me at all today,” his voice rumbled out like it were dragged through gravel.

“I was in this chair the whole time.” I wrung the words from my trembling lungs.

“And so, if I rip those jeans from your legs, I’ll find myself still buried inside you?”

Red painted my cheeks, burning pokers raked across my throat and collar bone. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out as he took the last step. Looming over me, his hands barely refrained from grabbing me, I could feel it… our frenzy. It wasn’t just mine, it was his.

“Yes,” I finally found the voice to answer. Only then did I feel eyes on me and I glanced toward the actual building where a group of druids were gathered around a planter box. A dusty mint colored orc caught my eyes and immediately glanced away. I swallowed down some fresh air, hoping to clear the haze from my mind. “Oh, uh, we…Professor...”

“Are you hungry, little witch?”

I blinked out of confusion, like he’d flicked me between the eyebrows.

“Yes?” I glanced up at him.

“There is a basket full of food for us in the woods. You should find it before I find you.” He stepped back, hands tucked away in his sweater. I stood, frozen as he scooped up my book and notebooks. Then, he pivoted, smiling at the young druids hard at work. He was smiling and waving to them cordially like he wasn’t just talking about ripping the pants from my legs and filling me to the brim. I raked my fingers through my hair, trying to be cool about the buzzing between my thighs. Walking away from the building, I attempted casual strides toward the edge of the woods the building framed. Through the dangling willow vines, through the moss ridden archway and the thick brush. I peaked around the walls, hoping to find the basket nearby.

But, of course, I knew better. Why would he put it just outside the gate. No…he would have hidden it. Made it a challenge. There was no point of hiding it if he couldn’t hunt me down for it. I slunk out into the trees. The world was draped in night as I cleared the first few rows of trees. There wasn’t the thundering of bear paws behind me, which gave me a false sense of safety. I wove my way between trees, trying to pick up a hint to the basket. My first thought would be my favorite spot. However, with our masked friend from last night, it wasn’t likely a safe place anymore. Instead, I followed a foot path deep into the woods. As the moon broke over the horizon, I was engulfed in a hushed embrace. Even the creatures who lived in the trees tiptoed. A squirrel tentatively crossed my path before evading crunching leaves as it skittered up some tree bark.

I felt lost despite knowing these woods well. Every log, boulder, and bush was mapped out in my head. There was an old wives’ tale that witches are most comfortable, safe even, in the woods where they were conceived. Because my magic comes directly from being a part of a long line of witches, I knew there was some truth to it. There’s something about being in the trees where I used to run as a child that makes me feel secure. Bold, even, like no one could defeat me in these trees.

Yet, I had no idea where to even begin looking for a basket.

And that was his big game…bet that fucking basket isn’t even out here…the point was to hunt me down.

My heart skipped a beat as a heavy scrunch echoed through the trees. I twisted, searching the inky tree line. Further up the hill, a good distance from me, was a bear twice the size it should be. Eyes flashing liquid gold, he stared down at me from the ledge.

I was never supposed to win.

I took a single step backward, hands at my side to keep me sturdy. A puff of air formed around his snout, silvery and glittering with magic. I didn’t realize it’d grown cold. My jeans and t-shirt meant nothing as the temperature steadily dropped. Then I heard the crack of thunder over my head and my stomach clenched.

Was it wise? No.

Did I immediately rip around on my sneakers and book it deeper into the woods? Yes, I fucking did.

And I’d do it again.

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