Midnight Hunt 20. Chapter Nineteen 100%
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20. Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen:

~Valerie, five weeks later~

“ I can’t possibly convince you to buy a cheaper shop, can I?” My grandmother grumbled from under her black lace umbrella. I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and slapped me upside the head. A sign of affection. I snickered to myself as I pushed the key into the lock and opened the ash black painted, massive gothic window having, greenhouse of a building. On the backside of the city, between the campus and the manor, perfectly nestled up against the woods with a gravel road, was my soon to be apothecary. I hadn’t named it yet, much like the bundle growing in my stomach, I was waiting for the inspiration to hit me. Lochlainn only requested a few names not be used and handed me a list.

“Ooooh, I love it. Mother, look, it’s so eerie but cute!” My mother flounced inside, Benji on her heel. Benji cawed and flew up into the massive, tree branch styled rafters. Ellen, my grandmother’s familiar, slithered around her shoulders with a serious look upon her viper face. An inky snake with scales like oil on black paint and jagged spikes down her spine.

“You coming?” I glanced down to the little black cat sat at the front door. Ambrosius looked around the doorway before slinking inside. He was still a kitten, but his three giant yellow eyes and pearly white whiskers made him striking. Ambrosius mewled at me, and I scooped him up. Originally, I was going to name him Amber, but my grandmother tutted. Which translated to ‘don’t do that, it’s tacky’. After she heard I ate Amber’s head clean off, she had my praying mantis tattoo commissioned. It became my symbol among the coven and a part of my logo.

It also may have played into why she gave into my demands.

Lochlainn at my heels in his claws, fangs barred, I told my grandmother I was getting my apothecary. She relented and agreed after I told her I was pregnant, but I’d cut the family off like a rotting limb off a tree if she got in my way. Just as my mother so subtly suggested, I would cut myself out of the family tree and start my own, thus robbing her of my family’s power. She even paid a visit to the Dean on my behalf. I’m not sure what she said, but my degree was sitting in a frame on her mantle along with all the family portraits from over the years.

“Whoa! Wait!”

I plucked Ambrosius from the floor and hugged him to my chest as three more faces arrived at my doorway. Randolph gasped, spinning in front of the shop. “This is amazing.”

“And you owe me five gold,” Kahrina snickered, putting her hand out to him.

“What! No way, we’re even!” Randolph slid inside, bowing his head to me once before dropping off the case of plants I’d bought from The Grove.

“How are we even? I bet that the shop would be dark and moody,” Kahrina scoffed, one hand on her hip, the other holding up a duffle bag full of bagged seeds. She’d helped me pick out which ones I needed to start the garden at the back of the property.

“Yeah, but I was the one who bet they were sleeping together,” Randolph countered with a shrug.

“Right,” Kahrina exhaled heavily. She glanced at me with a wicked curl of her lips. “Can’t be right all the time.”

I took the duffle from her as she winked at me. Kahrina and Randolph stepped further inside, inspecting the bones of my apothecary. I set both my familiar and the duffle onto one of the many counters, sighing heavily. A warm, thick hand spread across my back. Sweet mint and rain filled my nose as my exhaustion seeped away. Bless him. My gaze rose to the honey eyed man leaning over me. He cupped my side and pulled me against him. “How is my little witch feeling? Big day.”

“Not that big,” I snorted, elbowing him slightly.

“Mmm, yet,” he teased into my ear before he kissed the side of my head. “Have I told you lately how proud I am?”

“Not in the last few hours.” I twisted to capture his lips. His other hand cupped my cheek, the pad of his thumb stroking my cheeks.

“I can not wait to have you back in our bed tonight,” he sighed dreamily against my mouth. While administration was aware I wasn’t the enemy, a portion of the student body was steadfast in their belief. I was an evil witch and to be feared. So, while I wasn’t banned from campus, I was encouraged to avoid it. Except for The Grove. They all welcomed me in. When I would slip through the forest gate, most of the young druids would rush to tell me about their projects and lessons. Then I’d spend my nights curled up in Lochlainn’s arms. My breeding season was over but, if I was honest, that didn’t seem to dissuade Lochlainn in the least. Which is exactly what I liked.

His lips met mine once more and I was his. And he was mine. The Oak Father smiling down upon us, the protective bear and the wicked little witch that stole his heart.

Oh, what a terrible…awful…rotten thing for me to do.

And I’d do it a-fucking-gain.

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