Midnight Rebel (Midnight Falls, Texas) Chapter 12 86%
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Chapter 12


The roar of motorcycles cuts through the night as we tear down the winding road toward The Manor. My heart pounds in sync with the thrum of the engine beneath me, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Autumn’s missed call replays in my mind, her voice cut off mid-shout, the unmistakable sound of struggle before the line went dead.

“Faster,” I growl into the headset, even though the guys are already pushing their bikes to the limit.

The Manor looms ahead, its gothic silhouette a stark contrast against the star-studded sky.

We screech to a halt in the gravel driveway, the sudden silence almost deafening. I’m off my bike in an instant, the remaining members of the MC right behind me.

I bark orders, my voice steady despite the fear clawing at my insides. “Hawk, Ripper, take the east wing. Bones, Slash, you’re with me. The rest of you secure the perimeter. No one gets in or out.”

We move swiftly, years of working together making us a well-oiled machine. The Manor’s heavy oak door gives way under our combined force, the crash echoing through the empty halls.

“Autumn!” I call out, my voice bouncing off the walls.

Silence is the only response.

We sweep through the ground floor, finding nothing but emptiness and shadows. A growing sense of dread settles in my gut as we climb the stairs, checking room after room.

“Boss,” Slash’s voice crackles through the headset. “Office on the second floor. Looks like there was a struggle.”

I take the stairs two at a time, bursting into the office. Papers are strewn across the floor, a shattered vase lies in pieces by the door. And there, on the antique desk, is Autumn’s purse.

“Shit,” I mutter, running a hand through my hair. “Where the hell are you, Firefly?”

A chill runs down my spine as I remember Autumn’s cut-off words on the phone. “I’m in the tu?—”

“The tunnels,” I say, already moving. “They’re in the fucking tunnels.”

We descend into darkness, the beam of our flashlights cutting through the gloom. The air is thick with dust and the musty smell of age.

Our footsteps echo ominously, each sound amplified in the narrow passageway.

“Watch your step,” I warn. “These tunnels aren’t stable.”

We move cautiously, checking each branching path, each hidden alcove. The tunnels are a maze, and with each passing minute, my fear grows. What if we’re too late?

Suddenly, a distant sound reaches us—voices, too faint to make out the words.

“This way,” I hiss, picking up the pace.

As we round a corner, the voices become clearer. I recognize Frank’s angry tones, and then—my heart leaps—Autumn’s defiant reply.

We’re close, so close, when a deep rumble shakes the tunnel. Dust rains down from the ceiling, and a sickening crack echoes through the passage.

“Move!” I shout, breaking into a run.

We burst into a larger chamber as a massive chunk of ceiling breaks free. Through the falling debris, I catch a glimpse of Autumn on the ground, Frank’s retreating figure, and?—

“No!” The scream tears from my throat as I lunge forward, heedless of the danger.

Time seems to slow. I see the fear in Autumn’s eyes, the massive stone plummeting toward her. With one desperate dive, I reach for her, covering her body with mine as the world collapses around us.

The impact knocks the breath from my lungs. Pain explodes across my back, but I hold firm, shielding Autumn from the worst of it. Rocks and dust continue to fall, an eternity compressed into seconds.

Finally, silence falls.

I cough, dust filling my mouth and nose. “Autumn?” I croak, fear making my voice harsh.

She stirs beneath me, a soft groan escaping her lips. “Colt?”

Relief floods through me, so intense it’s almost painful. “I’m here, Firefly. I’ve got you.”

Carefully, I shift, assessing the damage. My back is on fire, but nothing seems broken.

My leather cut took the brunt of the falling debris—thank god for MC gear. My back throbs where the larger rocks struck through the leather, and I’ll have some decent bruises tomorrow, but the jacket saved me from anything serious.

Years of riding have taught me to appreciate good protective gear, and today it proved its worth beyond the road.

Autumn looks at me, her face pale and streaked with dirt, but alive. God, she’s alive.

“Can you move?” I ask, gently helping her sit up.

She nods, wincing. “My ankle—I think it’s sprained. But I’m okay. You saved me.”

I drink in the sight of her. “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” I murmur before pulling her into a fierce kiss.

“Boss?” Slash’s voice breaks through our moment. “We’ve got to move. This whole place could come down any minute.”

Reality crashes back in. I help Autumn to her feet, supporting her weight as she tests her injured ankle.

“What about Frank?” she asks, looking around the debris-strewn chamber.

“He ran,” I growl, anger replacing fear now she’s safe. “But he won’t get far. The guys have the place surrounded.”

We make our way carefully through the tunnels, Bones and Slash clearing a path through the fallen rocks. Autumn fills me in on what happened as we walk—Frank’s gambling debts, the developers’ scheme, the sabotage.

“Jesus,” I mutter as we finally emerge into the cool night air. “I suspected something was off with Frank, but this...”

Autumn nods, her expression grim. “It goes deeper than we thought, Colt. This isn’t just about The Manor anymore.”

Before I can respond, Hawk jogs up to us. “We got him,” he says, jerking his thumb toward a cluster of bikes where Frank sits, subdued and handcuffed.

“Good.” I nod. “Call the cops. It’s time to end this.”

The next few hours pass in a blur of police statements and paramedic checks. Autumn refuses to go to the hospital, insisting she’s fine with an ice pack and some rest.

I don’t leave her side, not even when the cops try to separate us for questioning.

As the first light of dawn breaks over The Manor grounds, bringing with it the promise of a fresh start, we finally have a moment alone.

We sit on the front steps, Autumn leaning against me, my arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

“What happens now?” she asks softly.

I press a kiss to her temple. “Now, we rebuild. We expose the developers and clear The Manor’s name. And you,” I add with a small smile, “write the story that blows this whole thing wide open.”

Autumn sits up straighter, a familiar spark of determination in her eyes. “The article. God, Colt, this is huge. The corruption, the sabotage—people need to hear the truth.”

I nod, a surge of pride welling up in me. “And you’ll tell them, Firefly. Just... maybe wait a day or two before you start digging into any more dangerous conspiracies, yeah?”

She laughs, the sound chasing away the last of the night’s shadows. “Deal. But only if you promise to be there to pull me out of trouble next time.”

“Always,” I vow, pulling her close. “You’re stuck with me now, Autumn Clarke. Whether you like it or not.”

As the sun bathes the Manor in a warm glow, I feel a sense of hope. We’ve weathered the storm, uncovered the truth, and come out stronger on the other side.

Autumn snuggles closer, her warmth a comfort against the morning chill. “You know,” she murmurs, “for a scary biker guy, you make a pretty good hero.”

Autumn chuckles softly. “Though I have to say, ‘Ghost’ makes a lot more sense now than it did at the masquerade.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? How’s that?”

“Well,” she says, tilting her head to look up at me, “you have this uncanny ability to appear out of nowhere when I need you most. At the ball, in the garden, and now...” She gestures around us. “It’s like you materialize out of thin air.”

I smirk, tightening my arm around her. “Maybe you’re not paying attention.”

“Oh, I’m paying attention alright,” she retorts with a grin. “More than you know, Ghost.”

I chuckle, pressing another kiss to her hair. “Don’t let it get around. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”

We fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the world slowly wakes up around us.

The Manor stands tall and proud, battered but unbroken. Like us, I think. A little worse for wear, but still standing.

The distant rumble of motorcycles signals the MC’s return from patrol. Soon we’ll face the inevitable—questions that need answers, plans that need making, and the messy aftermath of Frank’s betrayal. But something else gnaws at me, something worse.

My mother. Margaret. Just thinking about her makes my chest constrict.

“We need to tell your mother,” Autumn says softly, breaking the silence between us. “About Frank?—”

I glance down at her, tension knotting my shoulders. “It’s going to devastate her.”

“Yeah.” Autumn’s face softens with concern. “She trusted him. You all did.”

“We’ll soften the blow,” I assure her, tightening my arm around her shoulders.

“We need to help her see that it wasn’t her fault,” Autumn says, leaning in.

For a moment, we sit in silence again. The weight of everything that’s happened settles over us, but there’s something else, too.

An undercurrent of emotion that’s been building since this whole mess began. I can’t hold it back anymore.

“Autumn,” I say, my voice low and intense. I turn to face her fully, my heart pounding. “I need to tell you something.”

Her eyes widen, a hint of nervousness in her gaze. “What is it?”

I take a deep breath, bringing my hands up to cup her face. “I love you,” I say, putting every ounce of certainty I feel into those words. “I am in love with you. Have been since the moment I saw you in the garden at the ball.”

A smile spreads across her face, so bright it puts the rising sun to shame. She covers my hands with hers, and I can see tears shining in her eyes.

“I love you too,” she says, her voice strong and sure.

I press on, needing her to understand the depth of what I feel.

“Your fire, your determination, everything about you is intoxicating, Firefly. You challenge me. You make me want to be better. And after tonight... Christ, when I thought I might lose you...”

I trail off, the fear of those moments in the tunnel threatening to overwhelm me again.

Autumn leans in, pressing her forehead to mine. “But you didn’t,” she whispers. “You found me. You saved me.”

“Always,” I promise, sealing the vow with a kiss.

When we break the kiss, Autumn’s eyes find mine. “You’ve become such an important part of my life. I don’t want to imagine a future without you in it.”

“Even when I’m being grumpy and secretive?”

“Especially then,” she giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You challenge me too, you know. Make me see things from new perspectives.”

I hold her close, savoring her warmth.

We’ve weathered one hell of a storm, uncovered the truth, and come out stronger. And now, with Autumn by my side, I know we can face anything.

We’re interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. I look up to see Hawk, amusement in his expression.

“Hate to break up the love fest,” he says, “but reporters are showing up. Vultures caught wind of the arrest.”

I sigh, reluctantly pulling away from Autumn. “Alright, I’ll handle it.”

But Autumn puts a hand on my arm, stopping me. “Let me,” she says, her eyes sparkling with determination. “I am a reporter, after all. I know how to handle the press.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You sure? You’ve been through a lot tonight.”

She nods, standing up and straightening her clothes. “I am. It’s time to start telling our story, Colt. The real story.”

Pride swells in my chest as I watch her compose herself, transforming from the woman I hold in my arms to the fierce journalist I first met. “Alright, Firefly. Show ‘em how it’s done.”

Autumn flashes me a grin before striding toward the gathering crowd of reporters, her head held high despite her rumpled appearance and slight limp. I follow a few steps behind, ready to support her if needed.

As we approach, the reporters surge forward, a cacophony of questions assaulting us. Autumn raises her hands, and to my amazement, the crowd falls silent.

“Everyone,” she announces, her voice steady. “I know you have questions. They’ll be answered soon. For now, know that the police have made an arrest in connection with The Manor House incidents.”

She pauses, letting the information sink in. The press corps leans forward as one, pens poised and recorders thrust closer.

“In the coming days, we will publish the full story, exposing a complex web of financial manipulation, sabotage, and corruption.” Her gaze sweeps the crowd, commanding attention. “I ask for your patience as we work to bring all the facts to light.”

A reporter from a local station pipes up. “Ms. Clarke, are the Midnight Riders involved in this scandal?”

I tense, ready to step in, but Autumn handles it smoothly. “The Midnight Riders,” she says, her voice firm, “have helped to uncover the truth and bringing the real culprit to justice. They are heroes, not criminals.”

Her words send a warmth spreading through my chest. I catch Hawk’s eye over the crowd, seeing my surprise and gratitude mirrored in his expression.

Autumn fields a few more questions, deftly avoiding any that might compromise the ongoing investigation. As the impromptu press conference winds down, I step forward, placing a supportive hand on her lower back.

“Thank you all for your time,” I say, my voice carrying the authority of years of leadership. “We ask that you respect our privacy as we deal with the aftermath of these events. Ms. Clarke will keep you updated as the story develops.”

With that, we turn and head back toward The Manor, leaving the buzzing reporters behind. As soon as we’re out of sight, Autumn sags against me, the adrenaline wearing off.

“That was incredible,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her temple. “You’re incredible.”

She smiles up at me, exhaustion and triumph warring in her eyes. “We did it, Colt.”

I nod, leading her back into The Manor. “We did. And now, Firefly, you need rest. The story can wait a few hours.”

Autumn looks like she wants to argue, but a yawn cuts her off. “Okay,” she concedes. “A few hours. But I need to report to my editor with an update.”

As I help her up the stairs to my room, I can’t help but marvel at the turn my life has taken. Just weeks ago, I was divided, torn between my duty to the MC and my family legacy.

Now, with Autumn by my side, I feel whole. United.

Whatever challenges lie ahead—dealing with the fallout of Frank’s betrayal, exposing the corrupt developers, rebuilding The Manor’s reputation—I know we’ll face them as one.

Autumn, me, and the MC. My family. We’re stronger united than we ever were apart.

As Autumn curls up in my bed, already half-asleep, I take a moment to simply watch her. This fierce, brilliant woman who crashed into my life and turned everything upside down. Who saw past my gruff exterior and loved me anyway.

“I love you, Firefly,” I whisper, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

Her eyes flutter open, a soft smile curving her lips. “Love you, too, my hero,” she murmurs before drifting off to sleep.

I settle in beside her, pulling her close. Tomorrow will bring new challenges and battles to fight.

But for now, at this moment, all is right in my world.

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