Mine (The Club Wonderland) Chapter 1 10%
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Mine (The Club Wonderland)

Mine (The Club Wonderland)

By Ava M Taylor
© lokepub

Chapter 1


S am rolled Annabel on her back. He held her wrists in one hand as he pushed his cock deep into her slippery core. “Oh baby,” he moaned.

“Sam,” she growled not with pleasure. She struggled to get her hands free.

He ignored her displeasure at their position as he pounded into her. His mouth covered hers. He needed to get off. He tweaked her clit but stopped before it gave her any real pleasure.

He just needed to… “Aaaaaaahhhhhhh,” he cried out as he ejaculated.

“Oh baby,” he collapsed on her. “That was so good.”

Annabel lay under him disgusted she allowed him to use her and disgusted she would now have to use toys to get herself off. Despite his positive attributes, he failed to do it for her. He rolled off her and pulled her against him. “You should clean up,” she rolled away from him and went to the bathroom. With the door closed, she used a cloth to clean up and dry off. He sweated so much. She wanted a shower but she wanted him out of her place more. Grabbing her silk robe, she tied the belt securely before she stepped back into her bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed peeling off the condom.

She closed her eyes. He tipped to the side and farted. “Want to shower,” he asked. He hoped she agreed so he could get her on her knees to blow him.

“No. You should clean up and go,” she evaded his hands as he walked to the bathroom.

“We’re just getting started, babe.”

“I have an early morning,” she lied. She’d text him tomorrow. She did not want to deal with his tantrums tonight. Sex with Sam had been all right in the beginning but now three months in, he behaved territorial and like he earned sex by simply existing. She was not interested in an alphahole.

She walked through her apartment to the kitchen and grabbed a bottled water from the fridge. She heard the shower. She picked up her bag and shoes where he dropped them when they returned from dinner. All evening he crossed her lines. She didn’t like public sex or overt public displays. He kept her close to him in the booth at the restaurant. During the limo ride, he pressured her for a blow job. She drew the line at doing it with a driver in the front seat.

When they got to her apartment, he dropped clothes and things from the door to her bedroom. She picked them up. How inconsiderate , she thought.

She dropped his clothes on the bench at the end of her bed. With her daughter off to college, she didn’t have any way to deflect him when he was in this mood. Not anymore. She spent thirty minutes as his sex toy. Ugh. She needed a shower and a change.

“Babe, I could stay. I don’t care what time you get up,” he said. “I can always go back to sleep.”

“No. Sam. We’re done.”

“I understand you’re tired,” Sam grinned. “I’ll leave you be… for now.”

“No. We’re done.” Annabel met his eyes and made her presence felt just like she did in her boardroom. No one argued with her there.

“You can’t be serious,” he stopped as he slid his legs into his pants.

“When haven’t I meant what I said,” Annabel asked.

“Damn, I heard you were a bitch but I didn’t believe it,” Sam grabbed his shirt and dragged it on. “What more do you want? I fuck you all the time.”

“No, you use me as your sex toy. There’s no mutual pleasure,” she decided to go for honesty and knew he’d deflect and deny.

“Your ex was right. You’re a cold fish,” Sam threw the words at her as he slid his shoes on. He stuffed his socks in his coat pocket.

“Time for you to leave,” Annabel said. She walked to the front door and opened it.

“I should…” he loomed over her, his fist bunching and his body tensing.

“Finish that thought and I’ll have the police here in a heartbeat,” she narrowed her eyes and countered his threat with her own. “What do you think the voters will think of you abusing a woman, Judge Robbins?”

“Bitch,” he snarled as he stalked out the door.

She closed the door and locked it. “Stupid Annabel. You know better than to take an alpha male as a lover. They are boring.”

In an A line navy skirt and jacket, Annabel walked into her office. Her assistant, Charles, met her at the elevator and started reciting her schedule. “You have the Spronk meeting at ten. Bingham will be in at eleven. Then you have lunch at one with three board members.”

“Cancel the lunch,” Annabel said. “Reschedule them for next week.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Charles made notes. “Excuse?”

“I suppose I shouldn’t tell them men are fucking annoying.” Annabel sighed.

“Finally broke up with Sam,” Charles asked.

“Tell them… I’m unavailable,” Annabel ignored his question.

“Here are your messages,” Charles handed her a stack of blue papers.

“You got rid of the pink,” she noted.

“You said you hated it,” Charles reminded her.

“I’m not fond of it,” Annabel admitted. “Work only. Nothing social.”

“Did you come to work to be a hermit,” Charles asked.

“Where better,” Annabel said. “I can sit in my ivory tower and look down on my minions.”

“Oh, it didn’t go well with Sam at all,” Charles speculated.

“Sam… is a dick and not the good kind,” Annabel stepped into her office and let the doors close.

She dived into her messages. She returned calls and got down to work. Work soothed and eased her mind and her annoyance. She knew Sam came nowhere near her emotions. He was another alpha male who thought women owed him. She was so tired of alphaholes.

“Not thinking about this,” she grumbled. Reaching into her wallet, she pulled out the card she got from Ava Goode. Female Dominatrix. She tapped the card against her fingers and moved to throw it away. After every bad date for the last few months, she pulled out this card. She liked to be in control. She wasn’t sure she wanted to tie men up or whip them or some of the other things she read about which Domme’s did but she wanted the control. She wanted her men panting for her next move, whether it was a kiss or something else. She tapped her fingers with the card again. “Get real, Annabel. You are vanilla in the sex area.”

Men. Maybe she should just play the field. She knew men in her income bracket who played the field and women panted after them. Leaning back in her chair, she wondered if she could pull it off. Since her daughter left, she’d been reading a lot about alternative sex options including being with multiple partners at once.

“Vanilla,” She scoffed at her own thoughts.

Around one, Charles walked in, “Here’s the last of third quarter reports.” He held the file folders. He set food in front of her.

“Give me the reports,” Annabel ignored the food.

“Do you remember what you told me the last time you broke up with a man,” Charles asked.

“Fine,” Annabel said. She opened the plastic tray and smelled a greasy burger and fries from her favorite joint. Her stomach growled. “Did you go out for these?”

“No, I sent an intern,” Charles watched her take a bite of the burger and pick up a salty hot fry. “I already ate mine.”

“Give the intern a raise,” Annabel ate the fry. “I swear they put crack on these. They’re addicting.”

“And thoroughly bad for you,” Charles grinned. “You will eat every single one.”

“Of course,” Annabel said. “Any departments I need to know about?”

“Sales in Plank’s region dipped again,” Charles sat on the edge of a chair holding the folders. “Several office staff left.”

“If he’s fucking in the pool,” Annabel complained.

“You mean again,” Charles said. “You want me to send someone?”

“Who’s new enough he won’t know her but ballsy enough to tell him to go fuck himself,” Annabel asked.

“Oh… easy. Shawna Miller. She’s six months into her job in accounting and hungry to move up,” Charles said. “She’s got a wicked sharp tongue when needed too.”

“I won’t tolerate his shit,” Annabel said. “You get her decked out with all the hidden cameras and microphones and spy stuff we have. I want video proof. If he’s messing with the people, he’s out. But the bastard is a litigious shitface so I want to make it so he has no leg to stand on.”

“I’ll let her know,” Charles made note on his pad. “Have you heard about Wonderland?”

“The new sex club,” Annabel said. “Yes. Why?”

“It’s somewhere different,” Charles said. “Have you considered trying it out?”

“Not really my thing,” Annabel raised an eyebrow.

Charles saw the eyebrow and knew he needed to tread lightly. “You need to stop dating the alpha males. You intimidate them.”

“How exactly do I intimidate them,” Annabel polished off her fries.

“Annabel Rouch, billionaire, self-made woman who has remade herself over and over. You’ve got a rep,” Charles grinned.

“In business,” Annabel said.

“You do know it’s all connected right,” Charles asked.

She wrinkled her nose. “Men are out for me.”

“Ooooo. Are you switch hitting,” Charles grinned. “I know several women who would LOVE a chance to be with you.”

Annabel rolled her eyes but smiled. “Maybe I’m off sex.”

“Maybe you need to find the right kind of sex,” Charles lay the folders on her desk.

“I want what you and Michael have,” Annabel said.

“Three kids, a dirty house, and interfering family,” Charles shook his head. “Nope. I don’t recommend it.”

“You’re a fraud,” Annabel said. “You love your chaos and crazy. Now get out of my office so I can work.”

“Yes, hermit boss,” Charles turned to go. At the door he stopped to ask. “Annabel, you have to find your jam. You can’t live the way others do. You must find what works for you. You’re strong enough to do it.”

Annabel sat still as she considered his words. “When was the last time I fired you?”

“Last week,” Charles grinned. “It took you ten minutes to hire me back and give me a raise.”

“Get out, pest, I have work,” she ordered.

He frowned as he turned away.

She hated it when he was right.

Annabel sat alone at the bar of her favorite restaurant. “Scotch, neat,” she told the bartender. When he reached for a bottle, she shook her head and nodded towards the high end decanter. She retreated here after a long drawn out meeting with a blowhard who thought he deserved her money and time. She dumped the check on him and then told him no. She enjoyed the control. She felt sexy and domineering. She wanted a man or maybe more than one who liked her domineering them.

Now she sat alone at the bar and felt better. In the mirror behind the bar, she watched people. The couple out for a fancy night. She tried to get the keys away from him. He stumbled as he shook his head. Annabel saw her order him to hand over the keys. He submitted to her demand. With keys in hand, the woman called the cocktail server over. Annabel noted the moment the woman saw the prices on the menu. Expensive. Probably beyond what their budget allowed. But the woman placed the order as the man leaned back and let her be in control.

The server walked away and near Annabel. “Excuse me,” Annabel asked her. “What did they order.”

“She ordered the fried oysters.”

“It’s not what they need,” Annabel noted the least expensive item on the menu. “Send them each a plate of your carbonara with roasted broccoli and prosciutto.”

“Ma’am, I don’t think…” the server objected.

“Put it on my tab and take them each a fresh plate. Make sure there’s extra creamy ricotta cheese on it,” Annabel insisted. “Just tell them it’s on the house.”

Before the server objected, the bartender said, “Yes, ma’am, we’ll take care of it.”

Annabel went back to sipping her scotch. She watched as the server took the food to the couple. He grumbled until she told him to eat. Annabel liked how she took control and how he responded to her.

She thought, She’s half my age. Good grief. Vanilla Annabel shook her head.

Movement at the entrance of the bar caught her eye. Two tall handsome men strolled in while deep in conversation. Annabel felt her body react to their heads leaning close. She wanted to see them kiss. The thought of it made her gut tighten. She swallowed as they found a table. She heard their deep voices as they walked to a horseshoe booth.

No. I do this. They’re probably alpha male types. Annabel told herself. She sipped her scotch as she watched them discuss something on their phones. Tall, both over six feet. Most Eligible Bachelors article from one of the magazines Charles always shoved at her. The magazine described Andrew Porter as ruggedly handsome. It fit. His blonde hair brushed his collar while his chest and arm muscles pushed against the button down shirt he wore. His blue eyes sparkled across the room when he glanced up at the server. At thirty three, he and his partner Ryan Miller ran a successful construction company. The magazine featured thirty five year old Ryan. Dressed in dark pants and purple shirt, his lean body made Annabel beg. She pictured Ryan on his knees in front of her while Andrew thrust into him. She swallowed and breathed deep. She wanted to grip his shaggy brown hair and watch his green eyes as he gazed up at her from a submissive position.

Annabel forced herself to turn away from them. Her visceral reaction to the two men surprised her. She wanted sex. No. I want the three of us to have sex. Fuck… that’s not vanilla.

Despite turning away from them, she watched as they drank and talked. She felt like a voyeur but she liked how they casually touched each other. Opening her purse, she pulled out her card. On the back she wrote her cell phone number. She tapped the card on the bar several times. She considered herself a take charge woman. She used her aggressiveness to succeed in business. The only area she lacked the take charge attitude was her love life.

The time honored tradition of a guy sending a woman a drink might fit here. Did she dare? Her stomach churned. She wanted to. She wanted to sit between those two men and make them do everything she wanted them to. Was she too controlling? What if they didn’t want to be together and submit to her?

I always know people. It’s my saving grace. Just go talk to them. Stop being shy. Annabel took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She put the card in her purse and turned. Normally, she’d go home and think about it.

She downed the last sip of her scotch and placed it in the bar. She put a tip with her glass and turned to leave. Time to go home and use her devices to take care of her own needs. Glancing into the mirror behind the bar, she saw the two men.

Slowly she walked from the bar to the table they sat at. Her heart raced and her stomach did flipflops but she focused on these two men. “Hello. I’m Annabel Rouch.” She stretched out her hand to Andrew.

“Andrew Porter,” he gripped her hand in his big one.

She saw his hand slapping Ryan’s tight muscular thigh. “Yes, I know.”

“Ryan Miller,” he murmured as she turned to him.

She liked standing over Ryan. His eyes swept up her body. Desire flitting in his intensely green eyes. “I know. I read about you in one of the magazines.”

Ryan flushed and his eyes flitted to Andrew. “Publicity is…”

“Necessary,” Annabel smiled. “I wanted to introduce myself. Your business sounded interesting.”

“Yeah? How so,” Andrew challenged her.

“Your story is similar to mine. If the magazine didn’t do a whitewash on it,” Annabel said.

“You’re an employment agency,” Andrew snorted.

“Don’t be so literal,” Annabel scolded him lightly. “You started your business young and kept at it until you have it where you want it.”

“You started young as well,” Ryan said. “I read about it in one of those magazines.”

“Publicity again,” Annabel glanced at her phone. “How many women have thrown themselves at you since the article came out?”

Andrew snorted, “If we answer honestly, we sound arrogant.”

“Too many,” Ryan said.

“Annoying,” Annabel said. “Have you taken advantage of all those offers?”

“No,” Andrew said. He glanced at Ryan who smirked a bit. “We have particular tastes when it comes to our relationships.”

“Do you? Care to share,” Annabel asked. Neither man asked her to join them or to sit. She pulled a chair from a nearby table to sit facing them. They watched her body as she moved. She saw heat in their eyes as she set her purse on the table.

“You’re bold,” Andrew noted.

“If I waited to be invited, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Annabel smiled. “Does it bother you?”

Ryan leaned forward, “It’s unusual for a woman.”

“If you’re looking for usual,” Annabel shrugged and pushed back.

“We’re not,” Andrew gripped her wrist.

She stared at his hand for a moment. “I didn’t give you permission to touch me.”

His eyes widened as his hand slid across her smooth skin. “Do I need permission?”

“Always. I’m not interested in the typical alpha asshole,” Annabel met his eyes. “I’m not interested in one on one.”

Ryan and Andrew slid closer to her. “Are you interested in multiple lovers?”

“Depends on the lovers,” Annabel said. “If you can’t obey me, I’ll have to punish you. Are you willing to take your punishment?”

Ryan swallowed as he moved closer to the edge of the booth. “What kinds of punishment did you have in mind?”

Annabel leaned forward and touched his face. “You’ve been a good boy so far. No punishments for you… yet. But I might let you watch.”

“Watching? In all things,” he frowned even as he leaned into her hand on his cheek.

“Oh, definitely not,” Annabel turned to Andrew. “You on the other hand, overstepped and earned punishment.”

“While he watches,” Andrew nodded towards Ryan.

“To start with,” Annabel turned her attention to Andrew. “I expect complete obedience and submission to my demands. Can you comply?”

Andrew swallowed; his Adam’s apple bounced as he shifted closer. “I will do my best. But I’ll take whatever punishment you deem necessary.”

“Taking responsibility is a good thing,” Annabel leaned close. She felt powerful and excited. She wanted them both naked and doing exactly as she wanted. But she didn’t want to rush things. She reached into her purse and pulled out the card. “You will call me at precisely ten tomorrow morning. If you can follow simple instructions, we’ll see about taking this to the next steps.”

“Just me,” Andrew frowned.

She hovered near him. She wanted to kiss him but he needed punishing first. With a sigh, she withdrew. “For the phone call, yes.” She turned back to Ryan. “Since you’ve been a good boy. You may call me at nine tomorrow morning. I’ll expect you to be wearing absolutely nothing.”

“Yes, Annabel,” Ryan murmured.

“If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you touch yourself but from now until then, no touching,” Annabel said. “I expect both of you to follow my instructions faithfully.”

“Yes, Annabel,” Andrew and Ryan agreed.

“You will be clothed,” she instructed Andrew. “You may watch Ryan but you may not touch.”

Both men nodded.

“I expect you to answer me,” Annabel said.

“I’ll follow all your rules,” Andrew agreed.

“I’ll tell you how you’ll be punished tomorrow,” Annabel said. “It may take several meetings. Are you prepared for that?”

“Yes,” Andrew nodded.

“Excellent,” Annabel smiled. “I look forward to your calls tomorrow.”

“Yes, Annabel,” they said together as she rose from her seat.

“Behave yourselves tonight,” Annabel said. “I’ll know if you don’t.”

She turned to walk away from them. She took her time, made a point of swaying her hips a little more than normal. She turned at the door and saw their eyes fixed on her. She met them for a moment before she left.

“Fuck,” Andrew muttered.

“Hot,” Ryan commented. “Are you as hard as I am?”

“Yeah,” Andrew said. “Rock solid.”

“I have the feeling you won’t get a release from that in the foreseeable future,” Ryan grinned.

“I know,” Andrew said. “I like it.”

“I hope she spanks you,” Ryan said.

“It’s a call,” Andrew said. “We won’t be in person with her.”

“I hope we can be as soon as possible,” Ryan said. “Do you think I should ask?”

“Yes. Oh, definitely yes,” Andrew said.

“I cannot wait,” Ryan rubbed a hand over his chest.

“Same,” Andrew agreed.

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