Mine (The Club Wonderland) Chapter 10 100%
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Chapter 10


“ I need the perfect outfit,” Annabel stood in her closet wearing only a robe.

“You have to step outside your comfort zone, mom,” Olivia said. “Do you have sexy clothes you wear only for them?”

“Yes, but nothing I feel comfortable wearing outside our homes,” Annabel moved to the drawer with the sexy clothes.

“Tell me what you have?”

“I’ve got a black silk garter belt and silk stockings with a line up the back,” Annabel pulled them out.

“It’s a good start. You’ve got that bustier which makes your boobs look fabulous,” Olivia said. “Get those on and we’ll figure out what else to add.”

“Hold on,” Annabel donned the under things. “Underwear, or no?”

“No,” Olivia laughed. “In my closet, there’s a mini skirt. It’s black and tight. It will go great with the top.”

“It’s too short.” Annabel thought about how much of her body it showed off.

“Listen, you are very sexy,” Olivia said. “You done fucked up – right?”

“Don’t talk like that,” Annabel couldn’t help scolding her daughter as she wrapped herself in her robe and stalked across her apartment to her daughter’s room. “I’ve got it.”

“You fucked up so you have to fix it. They think you’re embarrassed to be seen with them. You have to show them you’re not embarrassed and are willing to show it to all. Including your body. You show off your body and tell them exactly what you expect them to do,” Olivia said. “Isn’t that your thing?”

“Yeah. Yes, it is,” Annabel said. “This thing barely covers my bum.”

“Yeah, and your men will love it,” Olivia said. “What coat are you wearing?”

“I don’t have a shirt yet,” Annabel said.

“Yes, you do,” Olivia said. “You and I are going shopping for sexy stuff. I’m making you buy more clothes to torment your men. Video chat with me. I need to see you.”

“I don’t know about this,” Annabel switched to video.

“Where’s your mask?”

“It’s right here,” Annabel tied it in place.

“Wear a splashy coat. Something outrageous. So, when you take it off, it makes a statement.”

“I’ve got my fluffy winter jacket. It’s longer than this skirt.”

“Perfect. You’ll be all leg getting out of the car. If they happen to see you, it will be hot.”

“I do not know if I can pull this off.”

“You can do this. You have conquered the business world. You can get your heart’s desire. You look amazing. Go get your men,”

“Thanks for the pep talk,” Annabel blew her daughter a kiss and hung up. She added the glitter lotion Ryan loved to her breasts and thighs and the scent Andrew loved to her neck, behind her knees, and her wrists.

She fluffed her hair and let it lay but she added glitter spray to brighten it up. She stood for a long moment staring in the mirror. Would they love this look? Was she daring enough to go out looking like this? Her legs seemed to go on forever, her breasts bubbled over the top of the bustier, and her waist appeared narrower than normal.

She took a deep breath and nodded once. “They’re mine. No one else can have them.” The echo of her heels followed her out of her apartment and down to the car. The driver gawked at her, “Ma’am,” he opened the door for her.

“You know our destination,” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” he responded immediately.

She patted his cheek, “You stay ready. I won’t be long and I’ll have guests when I return.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he offered her his hand as she slid into the car. He closed the door and got behind the wheel to drive.

“It’s crowded,” Ryan said.

“A lot of people without partners,” Andrew said. “See anyone we know?”

“They’re all wearing masks,” Ryan said. “I don’t recognize anyone.”

“Let’s get a drink and wander,” Andrew said.

“I don’t want to be here,” Ryan said. “I’d rather go to Annabel’s and make up with her.”

“Me too,” Andrew said. “Do you think she’d welcome us?”

“I don’t know,” Ryan said.

“I miss her but she told us to come here. We’ll make a round and then we’ll get the hell out of here,” Andrew said. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Yeah. Okay. We can swing by her place and see if she’ll let us in,” Ryan said.

“Fuck this,” Andrew felt his head pounding. “Can we get out of this crowd? Let’s just go.”

“What do we have here,” Nicole said. A tall blond dressed in leather from head to toe. “Two subs just looking for a Domme, aren’t you?”

“No,” Andrew said trying to step away. “We were just…”

“About to do my bidding,” Nicole demanded. “You don’t want to get in trouble for breaking the code of the club, do you?”

“There are no rules which state we have to submit to you,” Andrew tried to put himself between Ryan and this new woman.

Nicole leaned close, “I’m Nicole and I’m your new Domme. You will do exactly what I tell you to.”

“We aren’t looking for…” Ryan denied.

“You will sit down and behave yourself,” Nicole backed him into a booth. “You too.”

Ryan started to rise but she put her pointed shoe on his crotch. “One drink. You’ll have one drink and by the time we’re done, you’ll either beg to be my sub or I’ll walk away.”

Andrew pushed her away from Ryan. “One drink,” he agreed to get her to back off.

“You sit there,” Nicole demanded. “Give me your wallets.”

“No,” Andrew said. “We’ll stay here for you but we’re not handing over anything.”

“If you’re not here when I get back, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life,” Nicole threatened.

Annabel saw the floodlights as they approached the new club. It reminded her of the old Hollywood premiers. The building looked like a castle. The car pulled up to a wide staircase. Her driver got out and opened the door. She twisted and was careful to keep her legs together. No underwear meant a crotch shot if anyone snapped photos. She rose out of the car to see the media lining the stairs as other people dressed even more sexily than her strode up the stairs to enter the building. The sharp wind ruffled her hair and glitter fell around her. She smiled as she considered it looked like fairy dust falling all around her. She was here to make her dreams come true so why not be completely ridiculous? She met the eyes of a man who swept his gaze up and down like he owned her. She returned his stare before shaking her head and walking away.

The double doors opened for her. She stepped into the dark interior and allowed her eyes to adjust. At the coat check, she dropped her coat and took her ticket. In the metal surrounding the coat check station, she caught a glimpse of herself. It was distorted but made her catch her breath. She turned and walked into the club.

Uncertain where to go, she headed towards the nearest bar. Maybe they weren’t here yet. Maybe they were in a private room. Since they brought this up, she read everything on this club. She wasn’t sure it was a place for her. If they liked it, she’d come here for them. At least she hadn’t seen Gerry yet. She wondered if people would recognize her with the mask.

“I don’t care,” she muttered. She caught sight of a bar. The room was crowded and she wound her way through the mass of people.

Annabel strode up to the bar on the side of the room. In the mirror behind the bar, she saw her men. Andrew and Ryan sat in a booth with a blond woman whose boobs were large and fake. She leaned over them, her boobs nearly tumbling out of the leather binding them. The woman berated them and they cringed from her.

She signaled the bartender. She noticed her small bump and thought she was pregnant but didn't ask.

“Hello... I'll take a scotch neat... top shelf,” Annabel leaned close to the bartender so she heard her over the chatter.

“Yes, ma'am,” the bartender said as she turned to the scotch and poured her drink.

“Thank you. What’s your name,” Annabel sipped the smooth liquid and handed over her card. She took cash out of her wallet for a tip and handed it to her when she handed back her card.

“Everyone calls me Sweets,” the woman smiled at the generous tip.

“Sweets?” In the mirror, Annabel watched the woman across the room. “Look at her. She thinks bullying them is dominating them. It isn't.”

Sweets glanced at the woman Annabel motioned to. “If you need security, I have Romeo. That should be left in the rooms. This bar is not part of the fantasies.”

“Maybe. She's bringing her fake self over here,” Annabel shook her head as the blond approached the bar.

“Give me two Pbr Light beers,” Nicole demanded as she approached the bar. “Make it snappy. I have two hot ones on the hook.”

“Pbr?” the bartender asked.

“Whatever tastes like piss and is cheap,” Nicole snapped.

“This is a cash bar,” the bartender smiled when she informed the woman. Annabel hid her smirk in her glass.

“Fine,” Nicole slapped cash on the bar. She drummed her fingers on the bar as the bartender turned to the beer fridge and searched for the low end beer. “I've got cash. Give those two boys only shitty beer until they earn something better. Do you know who they are? They are millionaires here to play at being submissive. I've got a treat for them.

“You're a Domme,” Annabel asked.

“Damn straight,” Nicole said. “I take what I want from who I want. Men are stupid with these girls so I take complete advantage of them.”

“Is that how a Domme is supposed to behave,” Annabel asked taking another sip of her scotch.

“Come on, you fat bitch,” Nicole urged Sweets to move faster. “I do not want to lose my hot mark.”

“These are the last two,” Sweets put two Pbr beer bottles on the bar. Her message was clear. Don’t come back.

“This is all I need,” Nicole said. “Put them in a glass.”

Sweets turned and reached for two glasses and set them on the bar. “Do it yourself.”

“Bitch,” Nicole grabbed the glasses and the beer bottles. She stopped at a nearby table to pour the beer into the glasses. She looked around for a moment and then tipped something else into each glass.

Annabel slapped her glass on the bar. “Did she just add something to the beer?”

“I’ll call a manager,” Sweets said. Her eyes caught Vince’s and she signaled for him to come over.

Annabel strode after Nicole. “You.” She pointed to a woman talking to a server. Dressed in black pants and black shirt, she looked like she might be a manager.

“Yes, ma’am,” Ariel Fromacher, an assistant manager, at the club snapped to attention as she recognized the woman speaking to her. “How can I help you Ms. Rouch.”

“That woman. Do you know who she is?” Annabel latched on to her arm and propelled her along with her.

“Nicole Bennet,” Ariel recognized the woman she pointed to. She’d already dealt with two complaints from women and four from men.

“I think she spiked those two drinks she’s carrying,” Annabel hurried.

“I’ll get security,” Ariel frowned as she looked around. Seeing Vince striding her way from Candi’s station, she said, “Vince is on the way.”

“Drink,” Nicole dropped the beer on the table in the booth. She stood over Andrew and Ryan. “Come on. Slug it down.”

“Don’t you dare,” Annabel slid the glasses away from her two men.

“You got no right to get between me and my subs,” Nicole pushed Annabel.

“Touch me again and you’ll go to jail for assault,” Annabel threatened. All her doubts fled as she dealt with this bully. “Those drinks will go to the police. What did you put in them?”

“It’s just beer,” Nicole saw the assistant manager who warned her multiple times earlier this evening. “You’re crazy. Look at me. I don’t need to drug anyone to get them into my bed.”

“Come with me Ms. Bennet,” Ariel said.

“You can’t detain me,” Nicole raised her voice.

Annabel stepped between Nicole and Andrew. She felt his hand on her back and stepped forward for him to rise out of the booth. Ryan followed him out.

“You think because you’re some rich bitch, you get to have first pick,” Nicole moved to Annabel who sidestepped her and grabbed her wrist. She twisted Nicole’s arm behind her back. As the bouncer, Vince showed up, Annabel shoved Nicole in his direction.

“Fucking cunt.” Nicole twisted to come back at Annabel but Vince grabbed her.

“Maybe but you don’t mess with my men,” Annabel spoke clearly. “You tried to manipulate and rape my men. No one deserves that.”

“Not rape if they’re willing,” Nicole jerked but Vince held her.

“Take her out,” Ariel ordered Vince. “We’ll put her in holding until the police arrive.”

“Thank you,” Annabel said. She waited until the people surrounding them turned away. She leaned close to both Andrew and Ryan. “Do you want to stay?”

They shook their heads.

“Are you sure?”

“Pickles,” Andrew said. “I don’t want to be here. I’d rather spend time with you.”

“Same,” Ryan put his hand on her waist. “Please can we come home with you?”

“Do you have a car?” Annabel led them from the booth towards the front door.

“Used a taxi,” Andrew said as he handed over the tickets for his and Ryan’s coats. When Annabel’s came back, he held it for her. “Please don’t be angry.”

“Not angry with you,” Annabel touched his cheek.

Ryan and Andrew shrugged into their coats and followed her. They offered her their arms. She stopped and deliberately took off her mask. With the bit of lace dangling in her fingers, she took both their arms and walked down the steps with them.

Ryan and Andrew did the same with their masks.

Annabel led them out into a melee of photographers. The flashes lit up the night as people mumbled about Annabel with Andrew and Ryan. “Now that’s a statement,” Andrew leaned close to her.

“Damn straight,” Ryan grinned.

Her car pulled up and the driver got out. “Ma’am, you weren’t gone long.”

“I got what I came for,” Annabel said as she slid into the limo. Andrew and Ryan joined her.


Since sliding into the limo, Annabel said nothing. She felt conflicted and nervous. She stepped out at her place and strode to the elevator. Andrew and Ryan exchanged long glances but neither said anything. They followed her to her apartment.

Once the door closed, she dropped her bag on the table by the door and tossed her coat on the chair. She strode to the large window overlooking the river and stood with her arms around herself.

Andrew picked up her coat and hung it up. He realized she was terribly upset. She never let her coat fall on a chair. They took off their jackets and hung them up.

“Annabel,” Ryan stood behind her.

She saw their images in the window. Dark pants, vests, no shirt, muscles showing through.

“Did you go there tonight to find a new Domme?” She turned to face them.

“We don’t need anyone else,” Andrew stood next to Ryan with his hands in his pockets. “We wanted a private room for the three of us. We had things we wanted to say.”

“This… this is all my fault,” Annabel closed her eyes. “I made plans for tonight. I had them all in place but I never said anything to you. I should have asked.”

“Why didn’t you,” Andrew asked.

A silent tear slipped down her cheek. “I should have been more honest with you.”

“Honest about what,” Ryan asked as he stepped close enough to wipe the tear from her cheek. “If we need to have a meeting, let’s sit down and talk things through. We should have on the night we all disagreed.”

“I overreacted,” Annabel took his hand. “Yes, let’s sit down.”

They followed her to the sofa. She sat and they sat on either side of her. Ryan asked, “Tell us why it upset you so much when we made plans.”

“I already had plans and wanted to surprise you,” Annabel said. “We got on the Club Wonderland and everything went wrong.”

“I thought you hated Valentine’s Day,” Andrew said. “We thought we needed to show you it wouldn’t be like it was with your exes.”

“What you said to me, was exactly what he said every time I didn’t want to go somewhere with him,” Annabel confessed.

“I’m sorry,’ Andrew gripped her hand. He raised it and kissed her palm. “I only wanted us to experience it together.”

“I know now. I built up these plans in my head and when you didn’t want to do them, even though you knew nothing about them, I got it in my head you…”

“Didn’t want you,” Ryan said. He kissed her cheek. “I can’t breathe with the thought of losing you.”

Tears dampened Annabel’s eyes. She touched his cheek and leaned close to brush her lips against his.

“I feel the same,” Andrew choked up on seeing her so moved. He rubbed his hands over her back. “You’re important to us.”

“I love you,” Annabel admitted. “I love both of you. I want us to move in together and build a life together.”

Andrew grinned and laughed. Ryan laughed and hugged her.

“Why are you laughing,” she demanded.

“We should have known you got there first,” Andrew said. “We wanted a private room with you tonight because we wanted to tell you we loved you.”

“Oh. I’ve been so nervous about saying it, I planned a dozen different ways to tell you but none of them seemed right,” Annabel confessed.

“Instead, we all bumbled the whole thing,” Ryan wrapped his arm around her and held on.

“But you came to our rescue,” Andrew smiled. “Like a warrior.”

“You took my breath away when I saw you striding across the room following that unpleasant woman,” Ryan admitted.

“Damn sexy,” Andrew leaned in and nibbled on her neck. “I wanted to be alone with you somewhere private. Not at the damn club.”

“I was furious when I saw the two of you with her,” Annabel confessed. “I saw her bullying you and knew she wouldn’t get anywhere. Then I saw her pour something into both drinks and I was terrified.”

“My hero,” Ryan batted his eyelashes at her which made her laugh.

“I catch you talking to anymore Domme’s, I’ll kick your asses to the curb,” Annabel threatened with no heat at all.

“I think this means you have to punish us both,” Andrew said. “Can you please walk up and down the room a couple times?”

“I’m pretty sure your fierce warrior walk will make me cum,” Ryan agreed.

“I should get a paddle out and spank you both,” Annabel said.

“Annabel,” Andrew met her eyes. “I love you. Please dominate me.”

“I love you too. Please let me watch,” Ryan begged.

“I know exactly what the two of you need,” Annabel kissed Ryan long and slow. She felt her body relax and her mind let go of the tension of the last week. She turned to Andrew and slipped her lips over his. She rose from the sofa and demanded. “Come to bed. You won’t be leaving it for the next day or two. You better be prepared for complete and utter submission.”

“Yes, mistress,” Andrew and Ryan rose with her and watched her stride into the bedroom. They grinned and exchanged a knowing look as they rubbed their cocks. They’d get to all the details. Hell, Annabel probably had them mapped out already with detailed to do lists. For now, it was her and only her who they needed.

“Stop gawking and get your asses in here,” Annabel called. She stood with her hand on the door frame. She reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. It dropped and she bent over to pick it up. Her breasts bulged over the top of her bustier.

“Damn,” Andrew swallowed.

“Yeah,” Ryan rushed forward with Andrew right behind him.

When they reached Annabel, she said, “To start with, you will both get undressed. If you please me, I’ll allow you to remove some of my clothes. I have the feeling you want some to stay on.”

“Yes, Anna,” Andrew agreed as he shrugged out of the vest he wore.

“I require many orgasms,” Annabel said. “I’ve missed out on days and days of them. You know how needy I am.”

“Yes, Annabel,” they said together as they slowly disrobed.

Annabel smiled as they submitted to her demands. “That’s my men.”

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