Chapter Five
T he Halloween party was being held at an abandoned warehouse close to the outskirts of town which wasn’t too far from my house. Therefore, it didn’t take me too long to be showing up especially with my vamp speed. When I finally arrive at the party it’s already in full swing, and everyone’s enjoying themselves. Maybe a little too much with all the stumbling bodies in the parking lot, but who am I to judge?
I’m more of a spectator than a participant most of the time which has me stopping on the sidewalk to take in the scene. Everyone’s dressed in elaborate costumes damn near spilling out in the front of the warehouse. The place seems extremely packed, and I wasn’t anticipating that. I had thought it would be a bit smaller than this, but there’s no turning back now.
It’s a sight to behold especially with a zombie chasing a slutty nun across the front parking lot. My eyes widen as my gaze follows them for a long moment. He catches her around the waist and suddenly they’re making out. With a little laugh as I start to scan the area looking for Marcus, with not much luck. I let out a frustrated breath as I move deeper into the crowd.
Grumbling to myself I pull out my phone from my pocket and quickly type out a quick text to him.
Me: where the hell are you?
The three dots show up on the screen repeatedly like he’s trying to figure out what to type. I roll my eyes at the screen as I wait for his reply. I swear, he can be so indecisive at times.
Marcus: I’mm inside! Wherre are you?!
Me: I’m outside, but I’m headed in right now
He must have started drinking without me by the way he’s texting. I shake my head as I begin to shoulder my way into the warehouse. I don’t like how claustrophobic I feel as everyone seems to push up against me. It makes my skin crawl with the need to get away. I bite down on my bottom lip as I power through the intimidating crowd of masked partiers.
A drunk pirate slams into me with so much force that I’m nearly knocked to the ground. His hat almost haphazardly trying to slip from his head as he uses his sword arm to push it back up. His cheeks are flushed so I can tell he’s probably well on his way to being drunk.
Thankfully I manage staying on my two feet. When I glare over at him, I notice a fake sword in one hand and a beer in the other. I’m just thankful he didn’t dump his drink on me.
“Sorry,” he slurs as he gives me a boyish grin. His eyes are glazed over as he sways to the right and then slowly to the left. He looks like he’s about to fall over from just standing still.
“It’s fine,” I mumble before sidestepping him and continuing my way to the entrance.
I let the interaction roll off my shoulders, because I’m determined to have a good night. No matter what! Walking into the warehouse feels like walking into another dimension. The whole place is dark except for the flashing colorful lights. It’s disorienting as I inch further into the chaos completely mesmerized by the bodies whither together on the dancefloor.
I scan the crowed warehouse as the bass of the music thumps loudly making it feel like my bones are rattling. The music is so loud that I’m slightly shocked that my sensitive eardrums haven’t burst yet. Probably should have brought earplugs. I’ll have to remember that for next time.
Bad influence by pink is currently playing over the speakers, and even though I do like the song I feel too overstimulated to even enjoy it. I cringe when my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, and I glance around to find a slutty nurse grinding on a werewolf right next to me. I quickly sidestep away from them feeling awkward as all hell.
I’m overwhelmed with the stench of sweat and alcohol filling the huge warehouse. It’s also a shit ton hotter in here compared to outside, and even though the temperature doesn’t affect me it does make the room stuffy. Which just adds to the overwhelming claustrophobia of the atmosphere.
The strobing colorful lights are causing my right eye to twitch. I don’t think I’m cut out for partying, but I promised Marcus I would come, and I am a vampire of my word. I mean, I guess even at two hundred and thirteen years old I can always learn something new about me. Like how I doubt I’ll be doing this again. So, here I am, feeling awkward and already ready to head home to my quiet solitude.
I wanted to try something new , I grumbled to myself swiping a frustrated hand through my hair, this is new. I just need to get a drink and dull some of these overwhelming sensations. Then maybe the situation will seem more appealing?!? Making my way to the bar was my top priority. I don’t think I can handle this shit sobber especially with all the wandering limbs flailing about.
Suddenly someone grabs my ass, and I whip around with wide eyes. What the fuck? I look around for the person that just violated me, but I have no clue who touched me. All I see is witches, a few masked men, and… is that a sock monkey? Please, don’t tell me the sock monkey grabbed my ass! I think I’ll be permanently scarred for the rest of my unnaturally long life!
I pull my cape tighter around my body to shield myself from being accosted again. I quicken my pace and try not to make it look like I’m trying to run away. I breathe a sigh of relief when I finally make it to the bar counter. I give a little wave to the bartender trying to get his attention. He gives me a nod as he finishes up with his current customer and saunters my way.
“What can I get you, handsome,” he shouts over the loud music with a smirk curling the side of his mouth. My stomach does a weird little flip, but I shake it off. He probably says that kind of stuff to all his customers.
“Something fruity, please,” I shout back with a shrug. He gives me a knowing look and turns away to start making my drink.
I bite my bottom lip as I stare at his profile while he makes my drink. I’m not usually a drinker, so my go to drink is always a mix drink. I don’t like the taste of alcohol. Someone slams into my side, and I whip around ready to flip the bitch switch on. My mouth is half open in a small snarl like an idiot when I realize it’s Marcus standing beside me.
“You’re here,” he shouts over the music slinging his arm around my shoulders in a little sideways hug. I snap my mouth shut and swipe my hand down my face.
“Of course I’m here. I texted you that I was,” I shout. I’m getting tired of having to compete with the damn music for me to be heard.
My gaze travels up and down his body taking in his costume and my brow scrunches, “what are you supposed to be?”
“I’m the devil, duh,” he shouts with an eyeroll like his costume should have been obvious.
He’s shirtless and his chest is gleaming with sweat from dancing. He’s wrapped in leather pants, and little horns are sticking out of his black slicked back hair. He turns around and shakes his butt at me showing off his little red tail. I huff out a laugh and shove him away from me.
The cute bartender presses my drink into my hand looking between Marcus and me. His face falls and I think it may be disappointment, but I might just be imagining it. I give a small smile and nod of thanks as I hand over a twenty. I watch him duck away to go help another customer currently waving at him to get his attention.
“Come dance with me,” Marcus shouts pulling on my hand and nearly causing me to spill my drink everywhere. I shake my head raising my drink to show that I’m not ready for that . Then I shoo him with a dismissive wave of my hand towards the dance floor as I take a sip of the pink cocktail. He gives me a sulky pout of his lips before shrugging and turning to saunter off with another wiggle of his butt.
As the drink hits my tastebuds, I can’t help but hum happily at the taste. It tastes very tropical and it’s delicious. I just need like three more of these and I should be able to start enjoying myself. Maybe even join Marcus on the dance floor.
My eyes wonder towards where Marcus walked off finding him dancing with one of the slutty witches that I saw earlier. Their bodies are practically glued to one another as they dance. I roll my eyes at him as he tries to wave me over even as his other hand is fisted in the witch’s hair. Nope, me and mister bartender are going to become really good friends until I get a nice little buzz going on. And then maybe I’ll dance.
I never found the liquid courage to make it onto the dancefloor. It was amusing to watch Marcus dance though. The music is pounding in my ears and my fangs are throbbing in my mouth, I’m really regretting not feeding before coming to the party. The lights are messing with my eyesight, and I can’t stop swaying on my feet. I’m also really regretting my life choice of getting tipsy. Not my brightest moment.
I should have at least grabbed a blood bag just in case. What the hell was I thinking? I feel lightheaded as I sway back and forth. I have no clue what the hell was in these drinks, but I feel completely fuzzy. It’s pretty much the equivalent of drinking on an empty stomach. I thought it would help with my nerves, but now I just feel out of control.
I hate feeling like this. I wave over at Marcus, and he just waves back. I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek. I let out a heavy breath as I work up the courage to move towards him into the sea of people.
The very thought of having all those people pressed up against me again is making my gut clench with anxiety. I set down my now empty drink on the counter of the bar and stumble forward on unsteady legs. I’m sure I stepped on a few people trying to make my way to Marcus, but it’s hard to pay attention right now.
When I finally get to him, I lean forward and shout, “I’m going to go get some fresh air!” He leans back to look at me with a curious expression.
“Are you okay?” The concern in his voice makes me shift awkwardly.
I give him a nod and a thumbs up. Do people still do thumbs up? I shake my head at myself as I stumble towards the exit without another word. I just need to get out of this stuffy room with its blinking lights. I really shouldn’t have had that fifth drink… or maybe that was the sixth.
I’m stumbling towards the exit like my life depends on it. Of course, that’s when a petite woman bends over touching her toes right in front of me like she’s stretching.
“Oh,” I huff out in shock as she starts to grind her ass into my pelvis.
I blink my eyes a couple of times slowly and trying to figure out how I keep stumbling into these awkward situations. I’m so taken back and have no clue what to do. I’m tempted to pat her hip and tell her that’ll do, but I’m sure that won’t go over well. I’m almost positive she would get offended if I took that route.
I can’t contain the giggle that bubbles up inside of me from the thought though. When she finally flips back up to vertical, I try to sneak around her, but she turns into me first before I can make my escape. My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline as I try to gently extract her from my body.
“I’m sorry… I don’t swing that way,” I slur into her ear.
She looks up at me with a look of surprise and then her cheeks turn a bright pink as a look of mortification crosses over her face. She puts her face in the palms of her hands and shakes her head. Her black hair swishing with her movement.
“I’m so sorry,” she shouts looking at me between her fingers.
“Don’t worry! It happens all the time,” it doesn’t, in fact, happen all the time but she doesn’t need to know that.
I stumble away from her quicker, and hope nothing like that happens again. I don’t think I’m cut out of all this partying. It makes me feel awkward. More so than I normally feel. Maybe if I had a boyfriend, I would feel a little more comfortable in this surrounding, but who knows.
When I finally break through the masses of copious amounts of bodies, I’m sure they’re well over the capacity for the building, but that’s none of my business. I take in a deep breath of cold autumn air as I pull my cape closer to me. I stumble off to the side of the building trying to get away from all the noise. I take another deep breath as I round the corner of the building and lean against the brick wall.
You know what, I think I’m fine with boring. This is just too much for me…. My eyes shut as I try to get my bearings tilting my head back against the wall. My senses are still fuzzy, but that should clear up soon-ish. My ears perk up when I hear an indescribable noise.
I feel my brow scrunches up as I concentrate on what I’m hearing. It sounds almost like a… muffled scream. My eyes shoot open as I look around trying to figure out where it’s coming from. The only thing in front of me is Haven Cemetery.
That couldn’t be right, that makes no sense. Maybe it’s just teenagers having their Halloween night at the graveyard… I swear, teenagers are so weird nowadays.
The scream comes again and this time it’s much more insistent. My feet start moving before my brain has even caught up to what I’m doing. I’m walking towards the wrought iron gates of the cemetery at a brisk pace. The scream comes again, and I start sprinting towards it like I’m being pulled in the direction by an invisible force.
Pushing open the gate I look around before slipping into the graveyard. My drunken state has officially burnt off as I race through the graveyard towards the sound. Looking around frantically for the person that’s screaming. I stop close to an old oak tree as I strain my ears to hear. Where the hell is the screaming coming from. I scan the yard, but all I see are headstones. There’s no one in sight. Am I fucking going crazy?
The muffled scream comes again, but much closer this time. I look down at the ground off to the side of me where the dirt is freshly turned. A sinking feeling in my gut overwhelms me as I hear the scream once more. Fuck! Someone was buried today… alive!