L éhiona let Sylvain escort her through the crowds that filled nearly every inch of the gardens. It was truly a magical sight; warm lights dotted the inky darkness, the smell of warm cider on the air.
She felt so very tired.
“Sylvain, why is it that you stay away so much? Evienne was right. It doesn’t really feel like home without you here.”
He looked out over the gathering with an air of regret coloring his features.
“To be honest, it became difficult to sit by silently and watch Aldith rule. I know she is respected by our people for all she has done for them, but I found myself often disagreeing with the way she treats people. I didn’t agree with her pursuit of so-called progress at any cost. I would have done things differently, but you know she doesn’t listen to me. It was easier to leave and explore the world.”
Léhiona felt sorrow deep in her soul over Sylvain’s admission. She had thought he left only to see Domhan na Rùin, happy to be free of any responsibility to Ichorna. She had not realized he felt so strongly about how Aldith ruled.
“What would you do differently?” She asked.
Sylvain looked at her and considered for a long moment.
“Many things, but to start, I would be kinder to the palace staff and not force them to obey simply out of fear. I believe a ruler should be loved, not only feared. I would stop trying to force our Rail onto our neighbors, and I would put our resources into resolving the Gevaud Crisis, which actually affects our rural population.”
Léhiona was surprised to hear Sylvain had these ideas at the ready. She had always seen beyond the shallow fa?ade he put on for others, but she realized now how truly great he could be.
“I’m sure if you talk with her and explain your desire to be more involved she would be happy for the assistance,” she said encouragingly. Sylvain only smiled ruefully in response.
“Since when do you know Aldith to be open to assistance from anyone other than you, dear sister?”
She knew Aldith had her faults, but this conversation gave her pause. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, but she hoped Sylvain would stay after the celebration ended. It was good to have him home.
“I’m very glad you’re here, Sylvain. Will you at least consider staying when all this is done?” He looked down at her with a fond smile.
“How can I refuse when you ask? I will consider it.”