C hastity giggled softly next to him as Mr. Ross narrowed his eyes at them. “Are you here to skate or poke fun at me?”
“We’re here at the request of Mrs. Adelia Pettigrew. She’s thinking of hosting a skating party at the end of the month is it?” He glanced down at Chastity for confirmation.
She wiped the smile off her face and took on a serious look. “That is correct.” Her eyes darted up to his. “She wishes to ensure that your ice is of the highest quality.”
Mr. Ross gaped at them a moment. “Fine, but it’s only because it’s Mrs. Pettigrew. Tell her I’ll need to know how big her party is, the exact date, and if she wishes the usual vendors brought in.”
“Vendors?” Chastity said, breaking out of character.
Dalton bent toward her ear and whispered, “This is not the first skating party Mrs. Pettigrew has had. The neighborhood will go mad over who is going to get an invitation.”
Mr. Ross set two pairs of ice skates on the wooden counter separating them with a loud thunk.
Chastity jumped in response before her shoulders shook with silent laughter.
“You might think this is funny, missy,” Mr. Ross said. “But I assure you it’s no laughing matter. Do you have any idea the work I’m looking at if Mrs. Pettigrew goes through with this?” He gave Dalton a pleading look. “Do you know how big the guest list is?”
“Regretfully no,” he said. “She didn’t specify a number. She only wanted us to inspect the ice.”
“That means it’s big. She didn’t invite Mrs. Ferguson, did she?” he asked with alarm.
“Come now, she’s not that bad,” Chastity said.
Dalton gave her a knowing smile. “That’s because you caught her in an exceptional mood last night.”
Chastity returned her attention to Mr. Ross to confirm his statement.
The man gave her a sage nod. “Have fun skating.” He shoved the skates toward them. “Let me know if those don’t fit.” He turned around with a huff and pulled a few more pairs off the shelves behind him.
Dalton took the smaller pair of skates and handed them to Chastity. “Let’s see if these will work.” He led her to a nearby bench and they sat. After watching her struggle with her shoes, he bent before her. “Allow me.” He untied her shoes, pulled the left one off, and handed her the proper skate. “Try it on.” He returned to the bench and tried on his own skates. “Mr. Ross prides himself on matching skates to people’s feet.”
“I do believe it fits,” Chastity said next to him.
He heard the amazement in her voice and smiled. “He gets it right every time.”
“But he never looked at my feet, and I didn’t tell him my size.”
“That’s Mr. Ross for you. Would you like help with your other shoe?”
A furious blush crept into her cheeks. “I’ll get it off myself, thank you.”
Dalton smiled to himself. She was so adorable when she was flustered. He liked her honesty and the way she blushed every time he caught her looking at him. She was refreshing compared to the other women he knew. Oftentimes they made him feel like prey.
Once they had their skates on, Dalton led Chastity to the ice, and they joined the other skaters. There were families, a few nannies with their charges, and of course older children that didn’t need the supervision of their parents, though he was sure a maid or even a footman might be about keeping an eye on them.
“Ready?” he asked.
Chastity gulped. “Yes, but… I must tell you that it’s been a while since I’ve skated.”
“No matter, it will all come back to you. Just hang on to me.” He offered his arm. As soon as she took it, he got them moving. She faltered a time or two, and he pulled her along at a slow pace to start. Once she’d steadied herself, he picked up speed.
“Oh, careful!” she blurted.
Dalton laughed. “How are we going to cover all this ice if we don’t speed things up?”
She gave him a wary look. “A little slower won’t hurt things. Besides, this isn’t a huge lake.”
“That’s because it’s not a lake at all, but a large pond. Much like the body of water in Mrs. Pettigrew’s backyard.”
“I’ve yet to see it.” She almost stumbled and grabbed at him with her other arm.
“Whoa there, careful,” he advised as he steadied her. “You’re liable to take us both down.” His arms around her, he looked into her eyes. “Better?”
She swallowed hard, her cheeks a bright red. He knew it wasn’t from the cold. “Yes, I think so.”
“Oh my, looks like Mr. Ross will let any old riffraff onto the ice.”
Dalton closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them, Chastity was giving him a sympathetic look. He gazed at her one more time, then turned to face Rebecca Harrington. “Good afternoon.”
Rebecca skated up to them, coming to a skidding stop and spraying ice onto the hem of Chastity’s skirt. “Why Dalton, whatever are you doing here?”
“Skating, of course.”
“I don’t mean that.” She eyed Chastity then gave him a sweet smile. “My, but this is cozy.”
Dalton noticed he was still holding onto Chastity to keep her from falling.
“I almost took a tumble,” she said, as if reading his thoughts. She scooted backwards and almost went down again.
Dalton grabbed her just in time. “Whoa there.”
Rebecca laughed. “Good heavens, Dalton, what is she, a horse?”
He shot Rebecca a look to scold her. There was always more to a statement like that when coming from Rebecca.
“Does she neigh too?”
He sighed and steadied Chastity. “Ignore her.”
“Oh come now, Dalty,” Rebecca cooed. “You know I’m only teasing.”
He cringed at her nickname for him. “Please don’t call me that.”
“Rebecca!” A man called. Dalton knew that voice. He turned to Rebecca with a smile. “Why, if it isn’t Joseph Bradshaw calling you.”
Rebecca rolled her eyes. “He’s such a bore. Won’t you rescue me?” She wheedled.
“I’m afraid I’m working.” He offered Chastity his arm again. “We’d best get to it.”
“Work?” Rebecca said in surprise. “What sort of work could you possibly be doing out here?”
Dalton smiled at her. “Ice inspection. You want to know where the weak spots are, don’t you?”
Her eyes narrowed in confusion as Joseph skated up to them and stopped. “Rebecca, why didn’t you answer me when I called?”
“Can’t you see I’m speaking to Dalton?” She eyed Chastity. “I have an idea. Why don’t I help you while Joseph gives your horse a skating lesson?”
Chastity gasped. “What?”
“That’s a great idea!” Joseph said and snatched Chastity by the arm. He skated off with her, almost dropping her in the process as he yanked her away from Dalton.
Before Dalton could start after them, Rebecca wrapped her arms around him as if she’d lost her balance. “Oh, help!”
He did lose his as she pulled him toward her to keep him there. Both went down and several teenagers laughed at them as they skated by.
“That wasn’t nice,” he stated.
“No, it wasn’t, the beasts,” she whined. “Help me up?”
Dalton sat up and tried to spot Chastity. Joseph was a good skater, like Rebecca, but he didn’t want him becoming too forward with her. Something Joseph was capable of, no matter what his upbringing.
“Dalton? Did you hear me?”
He looked at Rebecca, climbed to his feet, and offered her a hand.
She smiled, took it, and let him pull her to her feet. “There, that’s better.” Rebecca wrapped an arm around his, her smile growing. “Shall we get to work?”
He blew out a breath. “Miss Eastwick and I were commissioned to do this, not you.” Of course, pointing this out to Rebecca was like telling a lovesick coyote not to howl. And she’d do plenty once he extracted himself from her tight grasp.
“Oh, come now, Dalty. They’ll be fine. Joseph is an excellent skater.”
“That’s not all he excels at,” he muttered under his breath. He started off, the movement eliciting a gleeful yelp from Rebecca. She thought she had him, but that wasn’t the case at all. She was going to be mighty upset when he rescued Chastity from Joseph, and they got back to work.
He eyed the barrels and wooden poles nailed to them that Mr. Ross set up to block skaters from going onto the thinner ice. As the ice grew thinner the barricade had to be moved, shrinking the skating area. But that wouldn’t be the case now. Still, he’d skate to the barricade and inspect the ice around it. Once he retrieved Chastity, that is.
He spied her on the other side of the skating area. She didn’t look distressed, just annoyed. Good. Dalton picked up the pace, making a beeline for them.
“Dalty! Slow down!”
“You’re perfectly capable of keeping up.” He let go her arm and took off. One glance over his shoulder showed him what he already knew. Rebecca was hot on his heels, skating like a mad woman.
He chuckled to himself. Maybe he should try to talk Joseph into pursuing her hand in marriage. The two were made for each other.
He stopped in front of Joseph and Chastity, cutting them off. “I’m afraid I must insist you return Miss Eastwick to me. She and I have a job to do.”
“Job?” Joseph laughed. “Face it, Simpson. You’re just put out because I stole your skating partner.”
“She is my co-worker for the afternoon. We’re on an important errand for Mrs. Pettigrew.”
“Mrs. Pettigrew!” Rebecca said as she joined them. “Is she going to have a skating party?”
Even Joseph’s eyes lit up at the notion. “Tell her we wish an invitation.”
“For all I know she’s already made her invitation list.”
“Oh, Dalty, you must tell her,” Rebecca whined. “I’ll die if I’m not invited.”
“Hardly,” he said dryly.
Chastity pulled her arm from Joseph’s vice-like grip and moved away. She shook it out, as if he’d been holding her too tight.
The thought made Dalton’s blood boil, and he quickly joined her. “Are you all right?”
She rubbed her arm. “Now I am. Can we go?”
His eyes narrowed as he took in the distraught look in her eyes, then the triumphant smug look Joseph was wearing. “Yes, let’s do what we came for.” Dalton gently wrapped her arm through his. “But first let’s get you warm.” He smiled and started off. “Good afternoon, Joseph, Rebecca.”
“Well, I never!” Rebecca huffed as they left.
“Oh, come on,” Joseph said.
Good, let him take care of Rebecca. At least he’d keep her away from them.
“Where are we going?” Chastity asked.
“You’ll see.” He guided her to the edge of the pond near a few small shacks. “How about some hot apple cider?”
“Cider?” she said with delight. “Yes, please.”
He chuckled at her change in mood and skated to the nearest shack. It was painted white and had a sign on it with big red letters that simply said “Cider.”
Dalton held up two fingers and smiled at the woman manning the stand. He paid, then took the two mugs of cider and handed one to Chastity. “Let’s sit for a moment. There’s an empty bench over there.”
She nodded as he took the mug from him, and they stepped off the ice onto the grassy bank and made their way to the bench.
“This is nice,” Chastity commented as she sat. She held her mug between her gloved hands and breathed in the sweet aroma of cinnamon and apples.
“It is, isn’t it?” Dalton watched her, his chest swelling with… hmm, was that affection, admiration, and more than a hint of desire? Oh, yes. That’s exactly what it was.
She smiled up at him after she took a sip of the hot cider. “This is wonderful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. When we’re done with our cider, we’ll continue our inspection.” He gave her a serious look. “But I want you to stay away from the barricade. I’ll see to that myself. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally fall through the ice.”
She looked at him with wide eyes, and he saw in them something similar to what he was experiencing in his own heart. That’s when he knew he would pursue Miss Chastity Eastwick.