Mrs. Pettigrew’s Christmas Match (Holiday Matchmaking #1) Chapter 12 67%
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Chapter 12


“ W hat did she tell you?” Dalton asked, trying to keep his voice level. He was mad as a rattler at Rebecca.

“I was about to tell her no when we reached the stables,” Chastity said. “Then Mr. Bradshaw showed up.”

“Joseph Bradshaw is no better, and I hope after today he sees how wrong this was. Rebecca is out of her head at this point.”

Chastity sighed and looked at the sidewalk as they headed back to Mrs. Pettigrew’s. “I’m sorry.”

He stopped, his heart in his throat, and faced her. “I was worried. I thought…”

Her eyes grew wide. “I’m truly sorry, I… I didn’t mean to cause you distress.”

Dalton took a deep breath to calm himself. “Mrs. Pettigrew and her staff were also worried. It’s why we must return immediately and explain what happened. I hope she didn’t send Tug or Abigail for the police.”

“The police!”

He gave her a sage nod. “Now let’s hurry and relieve the woman’s fears.” He started off again, not any calmer. His heart was still beating hard, more from anger than anything else. That Rebecca! She was becoming a menace.

When they reached the manse, Dalton didn’t bother knocking. He entered and led Chastity straight to the drawing room. “Mystery solved,” he announced as they entered.

“Chastity,” Mrs. Pettigrew said, a hand to her heart. “Thank goodness you’re all right. Where were you?”

She gave Dalton a sheepish look. “At Mr. Simpson’s house having tea.”

Mrs. Pettigrew frowned. “What’s this?”

“With my mother, Mrs. Harrington, and Miss Harrington,” Dalton explained.

“And Jospeh Bradshaw,” Chastity added meekly. “I apologize, Mrs. Pettigrew, I didn’t mean to worry you. I understand if this makes you think twice about our… arrangement.” Her eyes flicked to Dalton, and he wondered what she was talking about. It was none of his business, but if it was something he could help with, then he’d like to know. He’d speak to Mrs. Pettigrew about it later.

Mrs. Pettigrew crossed the room to them. “No harm done, ma chérie, but from now on, I suggest you go into the maze in better company.” Her eyes darted to Dalton and back. Was she suggesting he take Chastity into the maze? “Now, the two of you have an errand to run. I need my cake on time.”

“Yes, Mrs. Pettigrew,” Chastity said. “Do you need to send any funds with us?”

“That won’t be necessary. Mrs. Baumeister will send me a bill.” She waved them off and crossed the room to the small desk where she’d been leafing through a book.

Dalton saw Chastity’s shoulders slump in relief. Maybe he should ask her what sort of arrangement she had with Mrs. Pettigrew. He wanted to help the young woman, especially if she was in any sort of trouble. Hmmm, as much as he’d like to pursue her, best he find out what sort of trouble she might be in first. But as fast as he was falling for her, maybe it didn’t matter. Yet, there were some sorts of trouble that could hinder his plans…

“Shoo!” Mrs. Pettigrew said with another wave of her hand.

Dalton blinked in surprise at her voice, then pulled Chastity from the room. “Are you cold? Perhaps we should get something hot in you first?”

“It was a short walk from your home. I’m fine,” she assured. “Besides, tea was what got me into this mess in the first place.”

“I beg your pardon?” he said as they went out the front door.

She heaved a sigh. “Rebecca insisted we join her mother at your home for tea. A quick cup before we returned.”

He quirked a smile. “And you thought this was a good idea because…?”

“I didn’t, but then Joseph opened the gate, took hold of my arm, Rebecca the other, and they all but dragged me to your home.”

His eyes narrowed at the thought of Joseph manhandling her. “Define dragged.”

“I held back, and I slid on the snow.” She looked away. “They were most insistent.”

“I just bet they were,” he said in a low voice. He’d be having a talk with Joseph too. Lesson learned about Rebecca or no.

She was quiet until they reached Baumeister’s Bakery, then turned to him. “We should order the cake then go straight home.”

He gazed at her a moment. He liked the sound of that, only he was picturing his home. “Join me for dinner.”

She tried to take a step back, but her arm was still looped around one of his. “Wh-what?”

“Have dinner with my family and me. I’ll invite Mrs. Pettigrew as well, but I’m not sure she’ll come.”

She stared at him, mouth half open. “I… I’ll have to speak to her.”

“I can, if you’d like.”

A hand went to her chest and her cheeks flushed red. “I… don’t know…”

“It’s a simple invitation to dinner, Chastity, not a ball,” he countered.

“Y-yes I know, but…” she sighed. “Very well, I’ll speak to Mrs. Pettigrew when we return.”

He tightened his arm around hers in approval, then led her into the bakery. After they ordered the cake, they went to a small café where he bought them each coffee and pie. He wasn’t ready to let her go just yet and was still upset Rebecca had cut into his time with Chastity.

“Are you sure it’s all right to be here?” She asked as the waitress brought their coffee.

“Of course. Mrs. Pettigrew knows you’re in good hands.” He added some cream and gave his coffee a stir. The café was quaint, with yellow wallpaper dotted with tiny rose buds. Chastity didn’t seem to notice the café’s charms.

She fidgeted in her chair, and Dalton’s heart went out to her. “You need, Mrs. Pettigrew, don’t you?” It was a bold question, but he had to know if she was in some sort of trouble. “Did you… have to come here? Are you all right, Chastity?”

She gaped at him. “I, well… that’s really none of your business.”

She’d gone red as a beet again, and he knew he’d struck a nerve. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just want to offer my help if there’s a need.”

Her eyes went wide again. “That’s very generous of you. But… I don’t need your help.”

He smiled, unsure if she was being sincere. Her eyes misted a moment later, and he knew something was wrong. “I will help if you do.” His voice was gentle, and he hoped his tone conveyed his feelings.

She swallowed hard. “You barely know me.”

“I’d like to know you more. Much more.” He gave her a tender smile.

Chastity sucked in a tiny breath, and it almost did him in. “We-we should get going.” She looked around, as if ready to bolt.

He reached across the table and put a hand over one of hers. “Chastity, it’s okay. Whatever it is, I’m sure Mrs. Pettigrew and you will work it out.” He smiled. “Besides, we can’t leave, we haven’t had our pie yet.”

She sucked her head into her shoulders. “Oh, you’re right.” She pressed her lips together and looked at the table as her cheeks went pink.

Dalton still had a hand over hers. He softly dragged it over the back of her knuckles as he sat back in his chair and watched her. “You’re a wonderful, beautiful mystery, Chastity Eastwick. Like a Christmas present just waiting to be unwrapped.”

She swallowed again, eyes wide, and he could bet no one had ever said anything like that to her. Before she could speak—not that she was going to—their waitress came with their pie and set their plates before them.

Dalton thanked the waitress then picked up his fork. “Enjoy your pie, Chastity. When we return, we’ll ask Mrs. Pettigrew about dinner and see what other errands or duties she might have for us.”

She nodded, picked up her fork, and started eating. It was all Dalton could do not to watch her the entire time.

When they finished and began the trek back to the manse, Chastity got quiet again. Dalton didn’t push her for information and let her be alone with her thoughts. He’d speak to Mrs. Pettigrew, but also sensed he should let Chastity tell him what was amiss in her own time. He just hoped she’d be around long enough for him to court her properly. This of course meant he’d better speak to Mrs. Pettigrew sooner than later.

When they reached the manse and went inside, Tugs led them into the library instead of the drawing room. Dalton liked Mrs. Pettigrew’s library. There were signs of her late husband Xavier everywhere. His favorite paper weight, a gold cat, sat on Xavier’s desk. His pipe, the man’s favorite letter opener and so on. Mrs. Pettigrew hadn’t moved a thing. The library was a shrine to the man that so often occupied it.

“There you are, my dears,” Mrs. Pettigrew said. “You’re just in time.”

“For what?” Chastity asked.

“The arrival of the greenery, of course.”

Chastity’s eyes widened yet again, but this time accompanied by a gasp of delight. “How wonderful!”

Dalton laughed. “If I’d have known a tree would put such a happy look on your face, I’d have gone to fetch it myself.”

She spun to him. “I adore Christmas trees.”

“Come, come,” Mrs. Pettigrew said with a clap of her hands. “Let’s decide where to put it, then we must bring down the decorations.” She brushed past them then turned on her heel. “And the greenery consists of fir boughs and wreaths. The tree will arrive tomorrow. However, it’s all hands on deck for the decorating.” She arched an eyebrow at Dalton. “Perhaps you should inform your family you won’t be home for dinner.”

Dalton smiled. “You read my mind. But first, I’ll help you bring down some decorations. As I recall, you keep it all stored in the attic?”

“Right you are, mon cher .” Mrs. Pettigrew spun on her heel, swept out of the library in a flurry of skirt and petticoat, and down the hall.

“Goodness,” Chastity said, a hand to her chest. “She takes her decorating very seriously, doesn’t she?”

“That she does. Come on, let’s help.” He put a hand to her elbow and followed.

When they entered the drawing room, Tugs was putting a box on one of the sofas. Meanwhile, Abigail was eyeing the curtains of the tall windows that faced the street. “Are we putting the tree here this year, Mrs. Pettigrew?”

She looked at the windows. “Yes, it’s time we let our Christmas tree shine for all the world to see.” Mrs. Pettigrew turned to Dalton and Chastity. “I’ve been putting up a tree in my private drawing room these last two years. Just a small tree. But this year I ordered a large one.” She headed for the grand foyer. “Come along, children. To the attic!”

Chastity laughed as Mrs. Pettigrew lifted her skirt and ran up the stairs. “Goodness gracious!”

Mr. Tugs shuffled into the grand foyer. “It’s good to see her in such high spirits.” He smiled at them. “I think the two of you have a lot to do with it. She’s been more like her old self with you two around.”

Dalton and Chastity exchanged the same perplexed look. “Why would that be?” Chastity asked.

Mr. Tugs winked. “You’ll see.” He shuffled to the stairs and started up.

Dalton and Chastity exchanged another look and followed. Maybe he should run home and invite his parents to help? Knowing Mrs. Pettigrew, the evening could turn into a small party in no time. He hoped it did.

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