C hastity cried herself to sleep and had to face the cold fact that she still might lose her job. Mrs. Pettigrew didn’t want her telling anyone she was her maid, but she had to say something. Dalton had found out, and she wasn’t about to deny it. But now what?
She slept fitfully and woke up twice. Once she left her bed, went to the window, and stared at the snow-covered front lawn of the manse. It was beautiful, and she wished she’d been given a room that overlooked the back of the property. She could just imagine how lovely the snow-covered grounds looked in the moonlight.
She’d cried then and realized she didn’t want to leave this crazy, oddball, household. The other servants were right. Mrs. Pettigrew might be strange, but she had a heart of gold and had only been protecting her. Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut.
In the morning, Chastity went through her usual routine, donned the dress she arrived in, and went downstairs to face her employer. If she fired her on the spot, as least she wouldn’t have to change.
Chastity found Mrs. Pettigrew in the breakfast room as usual. The woman said nothing when she entered, and Chastity’s heart sank. Well, what did she expect?
She fixed herself a plate. For all Chastity knew, this would be the last decent meal she’d have for a while.
When she took a seat, she chanced a peek at her employer. The regal woman wasn’t eating and instead was staring out the bay window at the far end of the room. “Is everything all right, ma’am?”
Mrs. Pettigrew turned her head and smiled at her. “Why would it not be, ma petite ?”
Chastity’s eyes widened. “It’s just… I left the ball…”
“Abigail said you had a headache. I do hope you’re feeling better this morning.”
“Um, yes.” Chastity gulped and looked at her eggs. She should eat them before they grew cold, but she had no appetite. She took a small bite and forced herself to chew.
“The Harringtons showed up last night uninvited,” Mrs. Pettigrew stated. “Did you see them?”
“I did, but I thought you had changed your mind and invited them at the last minute. That is until Dalton… um, Mr. Simpson informed me that wasn’t the case.”
Mrs. Pettigrew eyed her. “Hmmm, no it was not.” She removed her napkin from her lap and placed it on the table. “I have Christmas shopping to do. Will you accompany me?”
Chastity stared at her. “You… want me to go with you?”
Mrs. Pettigrew smiled. “That is what I said.”
She continued to stare, maybe she wasn’t about to lose her job after all. “Of course.”
“Do you have shopping to take care of?” She reached for an envelope next to her napkin. Chastity assumed it was a piece of mail. “Here, this will help.” She shoved it across the table. “It’s your pay.”
She gulped. Was it her final pay? Chastity peeked in the envelope. It was full of money. “Mrs. Pettigrew…”
“With a Christmas bonus.” She smiled at Chastity and stood. “Finish your breakfast, then meet me in the drawing room with your coat and hat.”
She left the room, Chastity staring after her. “I’m still employed.” She hugged the envelope to her chest. “Oh, dear Lord, thank you!” Now if He would just heal her broken heart, she might be brave enough to face Dalton again one day.
They shopped for hours before Mrs. Pettigrew finished. When they returned to the manse, she let the rest of the staff leave to do their shopping. While the others were out, Chastity was assigned the task of wrapping all the presents Mrs. Pettigrew bought for everyone, including a present for a black colt named Mars. She had yet to inspect the stables and made a mental note to do so.
While shopping, Chastity decided she wasn’t going to let Rebecca Harrington’s antics ruin her Christmas. That job belonged solely to her broken heart. Which, when it came down to it, was entirely her fault. She didn’t guard it well enough when it came to Dalton. It was easier to pretend that she was still who she’d once been. The daughter of a successful businessman. But those days were long gone, and the sooner she got that through her head the better.
When the rest of the staff returned from their shopping, Mrs. Fraser served a lovely stew she had simmering on the stove. To Chastity’s surprise, Mrs. Pettigrew joined everyone in the kitchen, and staff and employer ate together. This really was an unconventional household!
“Tomorrow is Christmas Eve,” Mrs. Pettigrew announced, “and I want you all to enjoy a Christmas luncheon with me.”
“But Mrs. Pettigrew,” Mrs. Fraser said. “You ordered a Christmas luncheon for six. What about your guests?”
She smiled at all of them. “You are my guests.”
Chastity’s heart clenched. She might have a broken heart, but she had this job, and the most wonderful employer in the world. “Thank you.”
Mrs. Pettigrew turned to her. “For what, ma petite ?”
Chastity’s eyes misted. “For being you.”
Mrs. Pettigrew smiled and got back to eating.
The next day, they had their Christmas luncheon complete with party favors and a small, wrapped present each, that Mrs. Pettigrew gave them. Chastity had no idea what the gifts were, she hadn’t wrapped these. When she opened hers, she pulled out a lovely necklace with a tiny diamond surrounded by emeralds. “Oh, Mrs. Pettigrew, this is lovely.”
“I’m glad you like it, ma chérie .” She watched as the others opened their presents. Abigail and Mrs. Fraser also received a necklace, while Mr. Prosser and Mr. Tugs each got a new pocket watch.
To Chastity’s surprise, after the meal was over, Mrs. Pettigrew went around the table and hugged each of them, then left the dining room.
That evening, they lit the candles of the Christmas tree and sang Christmas carols. All the while, Chastity thanked the Lord for providing her not only with her job, but a new family of sorts. The day even helped dull the horrible ache in her heart. But she knew once a heart was broken, it may never mend. She hoped hers did, but realized only time would tell. Would she ever see Dalton again? She had no idea, but at least she wasn’t alone.
Christmas Day dawned cold and bright, and when Chastity came down for breakfast, there wasn’t a speck of food in the breakfast room. Only a note left on the table for her.
Come to the drawing room.
Mrs. Pettigrew
She stuffed the note into the pocket of her green velvet dress—one she found hanging from the door of the armoire that morning—and headed for the drawing room. Once there she took in the beautiful Christmas tree first, then the man standing near it. “Dalton…”
“Chastity.” He smiled and crossed the room.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, suddenly breathless. Good grief, why could she not breathe?
“Are you all right?” Dalton asked, eyes narrowing with concern.
She held up a finger and tried to take a breath. “Wh-why are you here?”
“To see you, of course.” He looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to you these last few days…”
She shook her head. “I do not blame you. In fact, I’m curious as to why you’re here now.” Her eyes became downcast. “Now that you know the truth.”
“That you work for one of the richest women in the country?” He shrugged. “What’s wrong with that? It’s a prestigious and coveted position.”
She gaped at him. “Mr. Simpson, I am a mai…”
“You applied for the position of maid,” he cut in. “But have you performed a maid’s duties since you’ve been here?”
She made a face. “Well, in this house, maid can mean a lot of things.”
He laughed. “That it can. But Mrs. Pettigrew herself has told me you’ve been much, much more. So much that I found myself asking a lot of questions. One that Mrs. Pettigrew asked me.”
She blinked a few times. “Wh-what question was that?”
He closed the distance between them, and she backed up a few steps. Being this close to him wasn’t proper, especially considering her position in the household.
He drew closer still.
She backed up even more.
Dalton smiled. “Would I marry beneath my station?”
“What?” Had she heard him right?
“Mrs. Pettigrew asked the night of her dinner party, if I would marry someone in a lower class.” He took another step, then another. Before she could back up again, he took her by the arms and pulled her close. “Do you remember what I told her, Chastity?”
She swallowed hard. “I, um… don’t recall.” Probably because she as so flustered at the time.
He drew her closer. “I told her I would. If the woman was sweet, generous and kind.” He brushed a wisp of hair from her face. “If she’s beautiful as well, then I’m a lucky man.”
Chastity realized her breaths were coming in short pants. “W-w-would you now?”
His arms wrapped around her. “I would indeed, Miss Eastwick.”
She gulped. “I-I believe it is improper of you to be holding me like this, sir.”
He gave her a devilish smile and looked up. “Not at all.” He bent his face to her ear. “We’re under the mistletoe, Chastity.”
A shiver ran through her and she, too, looked up. “Oh…” she gulped again. “… so we are.”
“Mm-hm.” He rested his forehead against hers for a moment. “And you know what that means?”
“What?” she whispered.
“It means I must kiss you now. But first, I wanted to ask you something.” He drew back to look at her. “May I?”
Unsure of what to do, she nodded.
Dalton drew back further, took her hands in his, and went down on one knee. Chastity gasped in surprise, and he gave her hands a squeeze.
“I could court you, but then I realized there’s no reason to. I’ve seen enough, experienced enough to know you’re the only woman for me. Chastity Eastwick, would you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?”
Before she could say a word, he reached into the pocket of his jacket, pulled out a small box, and opened it. He held up the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen. “I love you, Chastity. Be mine forever, and I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth. Allow me to do that, and I will be the happiest man alive. Will you marry me?”
Her lower lip trembled as the tears came. “Y-yes!”
He grinned ear to ear, got to his feet, and pulled her into his arms. The kiss was only her second, and so much more than the first kiss she received. That was a mere peck in comparison.
Chastity was vaguely aware of clapping coming from the grand foyer but didn’t care. All that mattered in that moment was being in Dalton’s arms and the knowledge that her station in life didn’t matter to this man. Her heart and character did.
When he broke the kiss, he gazed into her eyes, then looked to whomever was beyond them in the foyer. She turned enough to see that Mrs. Pettigrew and her staff were all standing on the staircase, watching them. They must have seen him propose!
Dalton took the ring from the box, slipped it on her finger, then kissed her again. When he broke this kiss, he smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, Chastity.”
She smiled back, tears in her eyes. “Merry Christmas, Dalton. I love you.” She hugged him, hanging on with everything she had. More clapping came from the foyer, and she smiled as the tears came. This was the best Christmas ever!