I n her sleep, Eleanor felt warmth wrap slowly around her body, taking away the slight chill. With a sigh, she relaxed further, more comfortable than ever before, and reached for whatever it was that had been wrapped around her. Her fingers brushed against muscles wrapped in soft cotton, and with a gasp, she opened her eyes to see Xander staring down at her intently.
Sometime during the trip, he had taken off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. He had also removed his cravat and undid a couple of the buttons at the top; revealing lines of muscle, corded veins, and a soft tuft of dark chest hair. Xander’s hair had also fallen out of whatever hold it had been kept in, and a lock of his dark hair fell over one of his eyes.
“How did you sleep?” Xander asked.
Eleanor felt the vibrations of his words through his chest, where her right hand had somehow landed. It tickled her palm and sent another curious sensation; this time a little lower, and more between her thighs.
“I-um,” Eleanor rasped. She cleared her throat, feeling herself blush under his continued intent stare. “I apologize. I did not think I would actually sleep, I just meant to rest my eyes.”
“It is all right,” Xander assured her, his gaze dropping to her lips. “You speak in your sleep.”
“I do not!” Eleanor gasped. Suddenly embarrassed, she attempted to squirm out of his arms and failed. With a chuckle, Xander simply tightened his muscles and had her back against his chest.
“It is not a complaint,” he assured her, a smile tugging at his lips. “But I am a bit concerned. I do not know what the monkey was doing to the blue dog at the pond, but it sounded terrifying.”
“You lie!” Eleanor protested, unable to hold back her laugh.
“I speak the truth,” Xander countered, a sudden heat turning his silver eyes molten. He was smirking and still playful, but something had shifted in him. For a moment, his muscles tightened- as if he were about to bring her closer- but then they released, and Eleanor felt her body being carefully slid back down onto the carriage seat.
“We have arrived,” he informed her, finally looking away from her and toward the carriage window.
Eleanor followed Xander’s line of sight and her eyes widened as she took in the sheer size of Larsen Hall. The large stone fortress could have easily fit her family’s London Manor five times over.
“This is just for you?” She asked, unable to mask the awe in her voice.
“Not quite,” Xander chuckled, his own eyes searching over the large sculptures. “Though I do prefer when I have it to myself, the entire Harrison family has access to Larsen Hall, and there are many times I must host associates from abroad. In addition, there is a staff of fifty that we also house.”
He gave her a sideways glance.
“And, now that there is a duchess in the house, we shall be expected to host our fellow nobles when parties are required.”
Something in Xander’s voice told her he was not thrilled about this, but before she could ask why it was necessary, Xander opened the carriage door and got out.
“Come,” he urged softly, offering her his hand. “The staff is right inside waiting for you. They are most anxious to meet their new Lady of the House.”
Taking his hand, Eleanor got out of the carriage and allowed Xander to lead her inside. Upon entering the massive marble-lined foyer, they were greeted by his staff, who offered them both warm congratulations. To his surprise, Eleanor’s combative spirit from earlier vanished, and before his eyes, he saw a kind, gracious lady immediately begin to greet each servant with a smile and a soft touch.
“What was that?” Xander chuckled as he led her away afterward. Eleanor frowned at him as she let him lead her up the grand staircase.
“What do you mean?” She asked cautiously.
“Every time I speak with you, you are an insufferable minx,” Xander was quick to explain, “But back there you were so kind and gentle.”
“I am kind and gentle!” Eleanor gasped indignantly, making Xander laugh so suddenly that he nearly snorted. She shot him a dirty look as he tried to compose himself, and for a moment, wondered if she would throw him down the steps.
“You just bring out the wasp in me is all,” she continued in a disgruntled tone, raising her nose high in the air. “I can be quite soft when allowed to be.”
Xander had done well at keeping his arousal in check all day, but as Eleanor said this unknown double entendre, all of the dark, intimate thoughts he had kept locked up came tumbling out. Suddenly, he could taste her petal lips on his again, feel her silken skin crushed against his chest as he held her.
Her hair, much like right now, had held the faint scent of lilies. He knew exactly all of the ways she could be soft.
“If you say,” Xander muttered, grateful that they had reached the doors of her new room.
“Well, here we are.” He let go of her arm to open the door, then with a flourish, waved her into it. “The bed is no doubt lovely, and the servants will bring you whatever you need.”
Xander waited anxiously for her to go inside so he could shut the door and finally get to the solitude of his quarters and think. His heart, head, and cock, were all a tangled mess, and he did not trust himself.
“You are not coming with me?” She asked, not budging from her spot in the hall. There was a sliver of disappointment in her voice, but it was mostly covered by false indifference.
“I am one floor up,” he replied, ignoring the guilt he suddenly felt.
“Our rooms are not even adjacent?” Eleanor asked; the disappointment in her voice growing more apparent.
Though he really did want to walk away, Xander felt a sudden curious feeling of satisfaction at her reaction to this news.
“That bothers you?” He asked, taking a step closer to her.
Eleanor’s cheeks filled with color once more as she quickly looked away from him, and took a step back. Unknowingly, she had taken it in the direction of her rooms, and as Xander took another step toward her, she backed further into it.
“I thought we agreed this deal was just business?” He asked coyly, tilting his head slightly. The servants had already lit the oil lamps in the suite of rooms, casting a warm yellow glow around the vast space of the first room.
“I-” Eleanor stammered softly, continuing to slowly walk backward.
“As a woman who believes in love and romance…” Xander continued, this pursuit of her feeling more primal with each step, “Surely, you do not want to lie with a man you do not love.”
Eleanor gasped softly as her back met the far wall of the room, her honey eyes flickering with the lamp light as they remained locked on his. Her breathing had become slow and heavy, making her ample bosom rise and fall in a way that made Xander’s mouth water. His large hands braced the wall on either side of Eleanor’s shoulders, and he leaned in until their lips were barely a hair-width apart.
“You do not love me, do you, Honey?” He rasped, trying desperately to ignore the delicious scent wafting from his wife’s delectably graceful neck.
A soft whimper left Eleanor’s lips as her large honey eyes looked back at him pleadingly, and she slowly shook her head.
“No.” Her breathy admission sounded almost doubtful, and Xander could not stop the growl-like sound of approval that rumbled from his chest.
“Are you sure about that?” He asked, drawing his words as he circled his fingers finally gave in to their need and circled around her throat. For a moment, his eyes dropped to where his grip was, and as he felt her swallow beneath his hand, he felt another intense shot of arousal deep in his groin.
“I know you do not love me, Your Grace,” she breathed.
Her response had Xander’s eyes shooting back up to hers, and the look of stark defiance in her eyes sent him over the edge. Before he could help himself, Xander’s built-up lust took over. With a groan, his lips sealed possessively over hers as he pulled her away from the wall and toward his chest; arousal springing through him as she both melted and whimpered in his arms.
The carnal hunger he had felt before spread through Xander like wildfire as their kiss deepened, burning away anything that did not exist at that moment. His lips melded and parted with hers she picked up his rhythm, and the explosive passion simmered down to a low, white-hot flame that slowly began to burn him from the inside out.
Was it minutes? Hours? Xander was lost in time as he held his wife close and drank from her lips like they were honeyed wine.
“Oh, dear,” A familiar and maternal voice spoke, shattering both the silence and the moment. Xander froze as he heard Mrs. Gaines, his beloved and longtime housekeeper, and reality came crashing back down around him.
“Apologies, Your Grace,” the older woman chuckled, starting to leave, “We did not think you would start this quickly.”
“And you thought correctly,” he informed her quickly, his voice suddenly loud and practical, as it normally was. His eyes were still on Eleanor, who had gone from shocked, to confused and was now silently working her way toward embarrassment.
“Mrs. Gaines, I believe my wife is weary from our day,” he stated in an impersonal tone. “Perhaps a drink and a bath would be good for her nerves. Now, I must go check on some things in my study before I can retire. Good night to you both.”
He gave a stiff nod in Eleanor’s direction, not meeting her eyes, and without another word, left the room.