My Dangerous Duke (The Twisted Dukes #2) Epilogue 87%
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“This is not where I thought you were going with this,” Eleanor stated.

Xander chuckled as Eleanor’s look of excitement faded into one of confusion as he led her not to the bedroom, but to the dining room. It was late, he knew, but after setting Richard’s letters on fire, a sense of freedom had washed over him, and he was inspired to celebrate.

“I noticed that you did not get to eat dessert at Penny and Rhysand’s party before we departed.”

He leaned casually against the wall as he nodded toward the dining room door. Eleanor perked an eyebrow and shrugged.

“It is not an issue,” she replied, then smiled wickedly, “And since when do you care about dessert?”

Xander pushed himself away from the wall and took Eleanor into his arms. He kissed her deeply, using his tongue to part her lips and claim a deep possession.

“You will see,” he whispered into their kiss.

He then bit her bottom lip, making her whimper, and unwound one of his arms to open the dining room door. The usual servants who waited to serve their food were gone, but the long dining table was laden with desserts of all kinds.

“Where are the servants?” She asked, taking in the scrumptious treats.

“While you are having your dessert I am going to have mine,” Xander replied, loosening the ties of her dress.

“What are you talking about? You never have dessert…”

Eleanor let out a soft, breathy sigh as he pulled her gown down over her arms, and kissed her neck. He wanted to ravish her, to let the pent-up feral desire pounding inside of him out in the savage way it wanted to- and he would. But first, he was going to take his time.

“Pick one,” he commanded, loosening her corset next.

“W-what?” She breathed, turning to look back at him.

Xander’s fingers gently grasped her jaw and he turned her head back to the table, then kissed her ear. He then returned to her corset and he finished his work. With a tug, he pulled it and the rest of her clothes away; leaving her standing gorgeously bare before him. Xander’s cock strained against his breeches as he trailed his fingertips down the delicate curve of her spine. Pleasure filled him as she responded immediately to his touch, dipping toward him at the slightest pressure.

“Pick one,” he repeated. “Or shall I pick one for you?”

Eleanor gasped as his hands slipped around her hips and down to her small thatch of curls, touching the delicate bundle of nerves there ever so delicately. Her body trembled against his as she first squirmed then spread her legs; a silent plea for more.

“How am I to think when you do this?” She whimpered, leaning into him heavily.

Xander chuckled as he took on her weight easily. With no effort at all, he then scooped her into his arms to carry her to the head of the table. With care, he laid her against the hard, shining surface, positioning her so that her backside was right up to the edge of the table. Xander then kissed her deeply and moved her hands above her head, laying her wrists over one another.

When he was sure she would not move them, he rose back up, and with a delicate touch, ran his fingertips over her. He started with her palms, stroking each sensitive center and tracing her lifelines. Then he traced down her wrists, her forearms, and underarms with the same gentle touch. Light. Teasing. Promising.

“I shall pick then,” he told her, moving to her breasts.

Eleanor’s eyes fluttered shut as he brushed the sensitive underside of her left breast, and in recourse, he delivered a light slap to her taut nipple. She gasped and writhed as she opened her eyes, and Xander tisked his tongue as he shook his head.

“Eyes open, Honey,” he commanded, going back to his softer touch. “I want to see your eyes at all times tonight.”

He enveloped her breast with his mouth, lapping the sting away with his tongue, and Eleanor relaxed back into the table with a soft sigh. Looking up again, he was greatly pleased to see that not only were his wife’s eyes open, but she was looking directly at him. Her golden honey orbs were full of warmth and need, and he felt flooded with love and passion as he saw them.

His fingertips continued their slow exploration then, trailing down the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. He traced over her navel; unable to help himself, and leaned down and dipped his tongue into the tiny indentation. Eleanor whimpered at this but stayed still. He continued, moving down until he had one hand holding her ankle and the other cupping her already damp sex. He moved his fingers against her lips in a stroking fashion, and when they parted for him like pink flower petals, he slowly thrust his middle finger into her tight, wet sheath. Warmth and softness wrapped around his finger and he let loose a groan as she whispered and squirmed again.

With effort, he pulled himself away from her, told her to stay still, and went to choose Eleanor’s dessert. It did not take long for him to decide, and he grinned wickedly as he picked it up from its silver tray. It was a pastry, oblong and similar to a small baguette. It dripped with a thick, creamy glaze that smelled sweet and rich. At the tip of the pastry was a small hole that was bursting with vanilla cream. Perfect.

“Lean up on your elbows,” Xander instructed, moving back between her legs at the end of the table.

Eleanor did as she was told, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

“Now take this.”

He held out the pastry, and she took it from him with her right hand. Her eyes still on his, she started to bring it to her lips, but he stopped her.

“Not yet,” he rasped, leaning over her.

The glaze of the pastry had melted onto his fingers the moment he had touched it and was now running in small drops down each of them. He brought his thumb to her mouth first and he did not need to instruct her further. Craning her neck toward his hand eagerly, she parted her lips and extended her tongue, lapping from the base of his thumb all the way to the top, then enveloped it completely. Her cheeks hollowed as she began to suck the glaze greedily, using her tongue and the edges of her teeth at the same time to make sure she got every drop.

Hell, I am never letting her go, Xander thought as she moved slowly from one finger to the next, taking her time and pleasure until they were all clean. When she finished, she tilted her head back slightly, eyes glimmering with pleasure, and traced her tongue over her lips before drawing the bottom one into her teeth. There was a willingness in that gaze, a yearning to please him that literally brought him to his knees.

“Eat the pastry slow,” Xander instructed, his voice raspy as he grasped her thighs tightly. “Start by licking the cream. Try to coax as much of it with your tongue as you can.”

Eleanor’s eyes moved briefly to the pastry, then flitted directly back to him. Slowly, she brought it to her mouth, and as instructed, narrowed her tongue and scooped out a small taste of the cream. Their eyes locked together, Xander lowered his mouth to her mons and began to feast.

For a moment he struggled, fighting the urge to bury his face and lick with abandon, but he called on his self-control; demanded it, and began to lap at her with long, slow strokes. Eleanor’s delicate eyebrows shot up pleadingly as he did so, and for a moment, held the pastry away from her mouth as her head started to fall backward.

Xander pulled away immediately and delivered a light slap to her sex for her disobedience. Eleanor's gasp turned into a moan as she struggled to lift her head back up, and he met her shocked gaze with a possessive look.

“Eyes on me,” he commanded, “And I did not tell you to stop eating your dessert yet or I will stop eating mine.”

This time as Xander began to lick and suckle at her center, Eleanor obeyed. No matter how her thighs began to quiver or her breaths broke into moans, she kept her eyes on him and her tongue working at the cream. The sexual tension seemed to grow with each flick of one another’s tongue, and within minutes, Xander found himself unable to go slow.

He did not have to remind her to keep her eyes on him as she found her release, for Eleanor’s upper body shot up, spine arched in a backward bow, chin tilted down at him as she grasped at the plates of desserts; desperate to cling to something. His name tumbled from her lips in a moan, followed by a desperate plea to take her.

“Your wish is my command, Honey.”

She did not have time to do more than gasp before he was inside her, filling her to the hilt with one thrust.

Her mouth opened as if to moan, but only a sharp inhale could be heard before she completely stilled her breath. Then, as if she suddenly remembered the need for air, she let out a series of shaky breaths that turned to moans as he began to move.

“Breathe for me, princess,” Xander commanded, his voice like velvet against Eleanor’s mind.

Breathe. Yes. Breathing was necessary, especially now. Although she was initially unsure of her husband’s little game, Eleanor quickly discovered her love for it and played along. It had been difficult, to be sure, to focus on a pastry when her devilishly handsome husband was making her tremble, but the benefits of obeying the rules of his game had proven to be extremely rewarding.

Eleanor wrapped her arms around Xander’s neck as her legs clamped around his waist. She soon adjusted to his size, and soft sounds of their pleasure joined their chorus of moans as they made love. Then, as if they suddenly shared the same thought, something between them shifted. A look of desperation filled Xander’s eyes as Eleanor pulled him onto her, bringing him onto the table entirely so that she could be blanketed by his body.

Plates and trays of the desserts were pushed to the floor, clattering to the stones loudly as they writhed together passionately. Delicately decorated cakes were smushed in the frenzy, painting parts of them with icing as their need for one another grew more intense. He had her on her back. Her belly. Her knees.

She had him beneath her thighs. Facing him. Turned away from him. And then they were on their sides, her back pressed to his chest as one arm pinned her hips to his and the other his hand was laced around her throat.

Xander let out a growl as his thrusts quickened and his fingers tightened around her neck. The pressure only served to please her more, and soon she began to tremble as she felt herself being hurled over the edge. Eleanor’s eyelashes fluttered wildly as her teeth sank down into his neck and her body undulated with release.

“Did I hurt you?” Xander asked, speaking above a whisper this time.

“No,” she promised, shifting just enough so that they could meet another’s eyes. In fact, she was positive he would never hurt her again.

Xander’s silver gaze was pure liquid, and his thick, dark lashes hooded them in the most sultry of disheveled ways. His sleepy smile was tinged with relief as he met her eyes and saw her truth, and leaned down to brush a kiss across her temple. Slowly then, he pulled himself away, both of them moaning in disappointment as they unlocked their bodies, and Xander pulled her on top of his chest.

“Did you like your dessert?” He asked, stroking his fingers over her scalp.

“Mmm,” Eleanor murmured, rubbing her cheek against him. “It was the best I ever had.”

A rumble of laughter vibrated in Xander’s chest, making her own body tremble, and she smiled and giggled.

“The best you say?” He asked, kissing the top of her head, “I shall have to remember that. Perhaps this is how we shall have dessert from now on.”

“I could not fathom fighting you on this particular point, my love,” Eleanor sighed in contentment.

Xander chuckled again, and then pulled her up just enough to kiss her lips.

“And did I… “answer" your earlier question?” He asked, “About children?”

“I think everyone in the manor but your sleeping grandmother heard your answer to my question,” Eleanor responded wickedly.

Xander smiled down at her wolfishly, then kissed her again. Though they might not have had an audience in the dining room, they were both aware of how echoing their cries of pleasure could be. Tonight, in particular, was louder than usual.

“I simply wanted to make sure you heard me,” he replied, his voice dipping into a seductive tone.

He chuckled again as Eleanor shivered at the sound of him, and then eased them both up into a sitting position; Eleanor straddling his lap. She pressed her lips together and stifled a giggle as they finally got a good look at one another. Swatches of icing in various colors and crumbs were stuck to their bodies in random places. They were a mess. The room was a mess.

Seemingly pleased with where a certain swipe of icing was on, Xander leaned her back and dipped his head to right breast, scooping up a small dollop of purple icing from her nipple. Her giggles soon dissolved into whimpers as Xander took his time cleaning the spot. Feeling the heat in her lower belly gather once more, she began to squirm against his still semi-hard shaft, and it quickly stirred to full attention. She moved to raise her hips up, wanting him again, but Xander’s hands gripped her, and he made a tsk tsk tsk with his tongue as he shook his head.

“Now you are being rude,” Eleanor pouted, furrowing her brow as she squirmed again.

Laughter, loud and genuine, burst from Xander’s mouth as he tilted his head back. It brought immediate joy flooding into Eleanor’s heart, and she could not help but laugh with him.

“We need a bath before we continue,” Xander chuckled once he had caught his breath and kissed her.

“Do not worry,” he promised, walking them to the door, “I shall take very good care of you.”

“Eleanor smiled, closing her eyes as she relaxed into her husband’s hold and surrendered all control.

“I know you will,” she whispered.

The End?

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