My Girlfriend is a Werewolf (Moonstruck Mating #1) Chapter 9 47%
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Chapter 9

Athena slowly rose from the man she’d pinned to the ground. His gaze followed, lingering on her girly bits, and Derek noticed. He shifted his position to block her from view before snapping, “What the fuck, Frank?”

“Sorry, coz. Grams sent me out to find you. Something about Gramps needing a hand checking Conan’s shoe.”

“Fine. Message delivered. Tell them I’ll be along in a few.”

Dismissed but Frank didn’t leave. He rose from the ground and held out his hand. “We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Frank Kennedy. And you are?”

Before Athena could reply, Derrick growled, “My girlfriend so you can stop leering.”

The claim arched Frank’s brows. “Didn’t know you were dating.”

“Probably ‘cause it ain’t your business.” Derek’s tone remained low and hard, making it obvious there was no love lost between them.

“Chill, coz. Didn’t mean to piss you off. I’ll head back to the house. See you later.”

Frank wandered away, and Athena couldn’t help her amusement as she said, “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous,” Derek grumbled as he headed back for the creek’s edge and their clothes.

“Then what was that display?”

“Frank is a troublemaker.”

“In what way?” she asked as she tugged on her clothes.

“Always getting into scrapes and claiming innocence. Shoplifting and claiming he had no idea he’d put the stuff in his pocket. Gambling. Trying to get my grandparents to invest in sketchy deals.”

“They seem too smart to fall for that.”

“They are, but that doesn’t stop Frank from trying. Last year he tried to convince them to sell the farm. Even brought by a buyer. I thought Grams was going to kill him.”

“I’m surprised she allows him to set foot on the property.”

“She tried to ban him, but Gramps feels sorry for Frank on account he lost his parents in a car crash. Says they’re the only family Frank’s got. Fucker could disappear and I’d be fine with it, though.” Such intense dislike.

“Which of your girlfriends did he make a pass at?” A wild guess but call it a feeling.

“All of them. As a teen, he used to spend the summers here because his parents would go off to some foreign place as volunteers. He made moves on every single girl I was interested in.”

“I hope they slapped him.”

“No.” His glum reply. “Frank has a way about him that women like. Not to mention the looks.”

“You’re better looking,” she stated. And it was the truth. There was something a little too slick and cocky about Frank. The type of guy who thought he was god’s gift to women. The type she liked to slap.

“You’re just saying that because I made you come,” he replied lightly.

“That’s just a bonus. Handsome and orally talented.”

“You don’t have to stroke my ego.”

She stood in front of Derek to stop him in his tracks then looked him in the eye as she placed a hand over his package and murmured, “I will stroke it if I want, and you will love it.”

He went a tad cross-eyed before dragging her close for a kiss and a whispered, “Fuck me, you’re amazing.”

“Yes, I am. And don’t you forget it.”

How surreal. In captivity a few days ago and now flirting with a guy she really liked. Would this go anywhere? Usually, she’d say no. She didn’t do relationships because most guys annoyed her pretty quick. But thus far, Derek only intrigued her more and more.

Her sister would be laughing her ass off to see her smitten. While Selene was a big believer in romance and love, Athena had never been afflicted.

Until now.

They reached the house, and Derek sent her upstairs to shower and change first due to the single bathroom. She’d tried to convince him to join her, but he shook his head. “While I’d like to, can you imagine Grams’ reaction?”

The old lady would probably have plenty to say, but it would have been worth it.

Athena showered quickly and changed into ill-fitting jeans—the shape of them conformed to their last owner before getting thrifted—and a hoodie that stated, Class of 2017. She really would need to do something about her wardrobe.

She headed downstairs to find Derek glowering in the kitchen, while Frank, perched on a stool, regaled Grams cooking at the stove.

“…and I told the guy, no way am I paying that much for a fake. And he then says, well how much would you pay?”

Derek saw her enter and rolled his eyes. She grinned and then, because Frank had paused to watch her, strolled to Derek and planted a kiss on his lips. “Shower’s all yours, honey.”

“I’ll have one later.”

Grams whirled from the stove, wooden spoon in hand. “You’ll go now, smelly bastard.”

“Guess that dip in the creek left you dirtier than expected,” Frank taunted.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Athena quipped. “I’m feeling very refreshed. It’s very good for easing tension.” While they’d not gotten to the climax part, they would have if not interrupted. And honestly, playing as they had did much to relax her.

Frank gaped, and Derek did his best to not laugh, but she noticed the smolder in his eyes. Most likely he remembered her promise for tonight.

Derek stood. “I’ll be back in a few.” He glanced at Frank. “Try to not be a dick.”

“Who me?” Frank clutched his chest.

“Feel free to slap him for me,” Derek told Athena as he left.

“Come and tell me about yourself.” Frank patted the seat beside him. Athena joined him at the island but kept a stool empty between them. While she had no interest in the guy, she didn’t want Derek thinking she might. Not given their history.

“So what do you work as?” she asked, gladly taking the fresh slice of bread Grams slid to her on a plate, already buttered. And hot. Oh my god, it was freshly baked. Happily chewing, Athena barely paid any attention to Frank.

“Currently, I’m between projects.”

“Unemployed. How surprising,” she drawled.

He frowned, sensing the jab but not sure how to respond. “I like to change things up. Don’t want to get bored. What about you?”

“I’m a lab technician.”

“I would have pegged you for a model,” he stated with a smile.

“Oh hell no. I’d rather do something that doesn’t rely on being objectified,” she exclaimed.

“You sure?” Frank insisted. “I’ve got some contacts who could take some test shots and get them to the right people.”

“Who would then claim I needed to blow or bang someone for a job. No thanks.”

“What?” Frank gasped.

“I know how show biz works, and I’m not interested in getting on my knees to make a buck.”

Grams remained quiet. A surprise.

Frank no longer had the smarmy smirk. “Well excuse me for trying to help.”

Playing the victim. How predictable. Athena cocked her head. “So how many baby mommas do you have? Given your age, late thirties, I’ll say at least three.”

“I’m only thirty-one!” he sputtered.

“You didn’t answer the question.”

Frank glared, and Grams turned to reply. “He’s at four and still won’t get it snipped.”

Athena tsked. “Some men are so irresponsible.”

“Accidents happen,” Frank whined.

“Four times?” Athena snorted. “You’re nothing like Derek.”

“Thank God,” Frank muttered.

“Yeah, because why would you want to be good-looking, decent, and funny?”

“Derek’s not funny!” huffed the annoying cousin.

“Then you must lack a sense of humor.” She then ignored Frank to address Grams. “I’m sorry. How rude of me to just sit here eating your delicious bread. How can I help with dinner?”

For a second, Grams appeared ready to refuse her offer then pointed. “Cutlery is in the drawer. Glasses and plates above it in the cupboard.”

Athena set the table, ignoring the sulking Frank, which was how Derek found them, hair wet and slick, his skin still dewy from his shower. He eyed her and appeared surprised.

What, did he not think her capable of basic manners? Momma would have kicked her ass if she caught Athena being a rude guest.

Dinner proved interesting. Grams mostly spoke to Athena and Derek. Gramps shoveled food. Frank kept trying to dominate the conversation, but Athena more or less ignored him.

The apple pie for dessert filled her belly nicely, and when Grams shooed her and Derek to the porch, refusing her offer to help with dishes, Athena leaned against him in the two-seater swing.

“Your grandparents are nice,” she murmured.

“Only because they like you.”

“How can you tell?” she asked.

“Because Grams never lets anyone help her in the kitchen.”

Which explained his expression when he caught her setting the table.

“Your cousin, though, is an ass.”

“Told you,” he chirped.

“I can’t believe anyone in their right mind would choose him over you.”

“Guess they weren’t as smart as my sugarplum,” he teased.

“Blind, too. You’re way hotter.”

“Let’s go to bed,” he suddenly said.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

They headed up to his room, the queen-sized bed big enough for two. But they didn’t fuck. Fatigue, along with a food coma set in, and Athena found herself being cuddled.

Yes, spooned by a man, and she didn’t mind it one bit.

Although she could have killed the rooster that woke her at the crack of dawn.

But then forgave it when Derek began kissing her neck. She rolled over in the bed and reached beneath the covers to grip him.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.”

“Afraid you’ll blow.”

“Yesss,” he hissed.

She kept stroking, and he growled, “Brat. Now be quiet.”

Athena was about to ask why when he disappeared under the blanket.

“My turn again?” she whispered.

Rather than reply, he positioned himself between her thighs. At the first lick of his tongue across her pussy, she shoved a fist in her mouth. Even then, she made noise. How could she not when he pleasured her, spreading her lips to lap and tease? He delved with his tongue then flicked her clit. When her hips started rocking, he pinched it with his lips and almost got knocked out as she bucked.

She managed to gasp, “I want you in me before I come.”

“Hold on, need a condom.” He grabbed one from the nightstand and had it on in seconds.

He crawled up her body until his lips met hers. As they kissed, his hard cock pressed against her pussy.

She wiggled until the head went where she wanted it.

Inside her.

He buried his face against her shoulder as he thrust, his breathing as erratic as hers as he pumped, his thick shaft filling her nicely. The curve at the tip? Pure delight as it butted against her G-spot.

He pistoned in and out, the strokes deep and hard, and she clung to him. Clung to him as he rode her. Clung to his cock as he slammed it in and out.

When she came, his lips were there to catch her strangled cry.

He held her after, rolling so she lay atop him, his hand lazily stroking her back until she sighed.

It led to Derek murmuring, “Now that’s what I call a good start to the morning.”

A good start to the day.

Which turned into a week.

Derek took a leave of absence from his work. Together, they helped around the farm, the familiar tasks soothing.

On the second week, she got a message to her new online account that indicated her mom and siblings had returned home. Ares had been watching the farm and said the coast appeared clear. Perhaps Rogers had given up. Caught up in Derek, she’d certainly put her plot for revenge on a backburner. In a sense, she should thank Rogers. He’d been instrumental in the events that led to her meeting Derek.

By the third week, she’d settled into a routine with Derek and his grandparents. One big happy family—minus the cousin who left the day after he’d visited. Grams had even taken her to town to get some clothing that wasn’t hideous, stating she’d more than earned them with her work.

As they entered week four, and with the full moon pending, reality set in.

How would she hide the coming change from Derek? They spent most of their time together. They slept together each night. He’d notice if she slipped away.

While it killed her a bit inside, she had to lie. “I need to go away for a day,” she told him as they lay snuggled in bed.

“Why?” he asked, stroking her arm as he spooned her.

“Family stuff. It will just be for one night.”

“Want me to come along?”

“No. It’s kind of personal.”

He stiffened. Most likely insulted.

What excuse could she use to fix this? “It’s to do with my sister. Girly business.”

He relaxed. “Can I at least give you a ride?”

She allowed it, letting him drop her in Calabogie at the Redneck Bistro. She waved as he left.

And really hoped that wasn’t the last time she’d see him.

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