My Girlfriend is a Werewolf (Moonstruck Mating #1) Chapter 11 58%
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Chapter 11

Athena watched Derek leave the farm to fight a fire and wished she could go with him. She’d missed him. It had been the first time in a month they’d not slept together. However, her furry secret didn’t give her a choice. It used to be the arrival of the full moon filled her with joy. She would shift and run, chasing the night away.

But Dr. Rogers and Derek had changed all that. She feared either of them learning her secret. If Rogers exposed her, then life as she knew it would be over. With Derek, if he found out, would he accept her lycanthropy? Because if he didn’t, she might have to do the unthinkable. Well, she probably wouldn’t. Ares would handle it for her if she asked, but she really hoped it never came to that. Really hoped the bond they’d built could withstand the fact she was more than human.

She still remembered her dad having the talk with them at a young age about how it was imperative they never tell anyone. To which she’d replied, “Mom knows.”

“I had no choice but to tell her because, from birth, you shifted on the full moon. You should have heard her scream when she found a wolf pup in the crib. Luckily, your mom is awesome.”

“What if she’d not been?” she’d asked.

His lips had turned down. “We wouldn’t be the family we are today.”

Despite his love for Mom, he’d have done whatever it took to keep Athena safe. And she could do no less for her family. Please don’t let it come to that.

Those thoughts chased her that night as she ran with her sister, in a place a fair distance from home, where no one could see them. An abandoned property, the house long boarded and not visible from the road.

Her distraction had her stumbling into a stream and snorting out water. Missing the fat rabbit that hopped in her path. Lying down and sighing in the moonlight.

Her actions didn’t go unnoticed.

The next morning, once they’d flipped back into human skin, her sister called her out as they dressed in the clothes they’d left in the trunk of Selene’s car.

“What’s got you looking so mopey?” Selene asked as they drove back to town. “I thought you said everything was okay.”

“Better than okay. Great. I’m just tired.”

“Are you? Has something happened? Is this about the doctor?”

“I haven’t seen or heard anything since I left the city.”

“Then this must be about the guy who rescued you.”

“Hardly rescued.”

“Nice avoidance and clarification. You’re pining over the boyfriend.”

“I don’t pine.”

“It’s not a crime to admit you miss him.”

“How can I miss him when we’ve only been apart a day?”

“In that case, since it’s no big deal, spend the day at the farm. We can sneak you in. That tiny visit with Mom yesterday was barely enough to catch up. And you missed Ares entirely since he was at work until dinner.” They’d left late afternoon to ensure they didn’t have a tail for their nocturnal jaunt. Ares had stuck around and hid himself in the basement to keep an ear on their mother.

“It’s too risky.”

“Not if we put you in the trunk again where no one can see you,” Selene countered.

“I can’t. Derek’s coming to pick me up around nine.”

“Text him and ask him to come later.”

When Athena bit her lip, trying to figure out an excuse, Selene sang, “Athena’s in love.”

“Am not!” Was she? No denying she couldn’t wait to see him. Thought of him constantly.

“I cannot wait to meet the guy who finally has you acting like a schoolgirl,” Selene crowed while laughing.

“I’m almost thirty. Hardly a child,” Athena had pointed out.

“Fine, you’re a grown-ass woman who is giddy in love.” Selena slapped the steering wheel and snorted. “Hot damn he must be special.”

“He is,” her soft admission.

“When can we meet him?”

“When it’s safe.”

“And how will you know it’s safe to come out of hiding?”

Athena had no clue. They’d had no issues at the farm. Not at his grandparents’ or her family’s. The dark web posting with a bounty appeared to have disappeared, or at least didn’t show anywhere Derek looked. But as he noted, he didn’t have access to all the forums or message boards.

Could it be that Dr. Rogers gave up? He didn’t seem the type, but then again, she’d chosen to not go after him. Her plans for revenge evaporated in the face of her burgeoning relationship with Derek.


“You’re doing it again,” Selene had accused.

“Doing what?”

“Getting that doe-eyed look on your face. You were thinking of him.”

“Fine. I was. I like him. A lot.”

“I knew it,” Selene huffed, again slapping the steering wheel.

“You’re annoying,” was Athena’s grumble.

“I know. It’s my job as your little sister.”

“Can we change the subject?”

They’d talked about minor stuff. Selene’s frustration with the dating world. Ares having broken the heart of yet another woman. Mom’s upcoming trip to Mexico.

Their hug had been tight when Selene dropped Athena off not far from the restaurant. Athena had chosen a window seat so she could see him pull in. The smile that stretched her lips at the sight of Derek was tempered by the trepidation on his face.

Was he mad?

His expression flipped to pure joy when he saw her.

He’d missed her too. Not just missed her. On the drive back, he’d broached them moving in together. For the first time in her life, Athena wanted to take that big step. Heck, they’d technically been cohabiting for the last month, although it felt more like a holiday since they were guests of his grandparents. Might be time for them to truly take a shot at this.

She’d tell him when he got back from fighting his fire. The rumble of his departing truck faded, and she eyed the house. Her melancholy would probably be improved by needling his cousin.

Athena entered the farmhouse to find Frank sitting in the kitchen with Gramps, having a coffee. Grams stood at the counter, stiff-lipped as she rolled out some dough.

“There you are.” Frank’s greeting with a smile much too bright. “I was hoping to see you.”

Athena ignored him to address Gramps. “Derek told me to let you know he got called in for a fire and took the truck.”

“Guess we won’t be going to the yarn store,” Gramps announced with fake chagrin.

Grams glared. “I swear you do on purpose each time I wanna go.”

“Hey, this wasn’t my fault.”

Frank dangled his keys. “You’re welcome to borrow my wheels. I’ll hang with Athena while you go.”

“I ain’t driving that foreign car,” Gramps declared. “Hybrid bullshit. In the apocalypse, there won’t be any charging stations. Gas vehicles will be key. Especially the kind without all those fancy bullshit electronics.”

“If you change your mind…” Frank tossed the keys to the table.


Athena bit her lip lest she ruin Gramps’ indignation. “I’ll go check on the horses since Derek’s out this afternoon,” Athena offered.

Gramps nodded. “You know where the feed is. I’ll be out in a minute to give you a hand. Just waiting for the pot brownie to kick in.” His idea of pain management being of the herbal variety.

As Athena went to leave, Frank suddenly joined her. “I’ll give you a hand.”

“I don’t need one,” she muttered.

“Then company,” he insisted, tagging along to the barn.

“Don’t you have better things to do?”

“I thought we could get to know each other better.”

“Why?” she rudely asked.

“Well, you are dating my cousin.” A sound reason, yet something niggled. Frank appeared smug and nervous at the same time.

As they strode into the barn, she reached for the light switch and flipped it. Nothing came on.

“Power’s out,” she noted.

“Probably a breaker.”

She opened the doors wide to give herself as much daylight as possible and noticed Frank’s grimace at the pungent scent of animal. It didn’t bother her. Everyone and everything had a smell. That of a horse was a lot more natural than whatever godawful cologne Frank wore.

As she grabbed the first bucket and filled it, Frank felt a need to make conversation.

“How’s things with you and Derek?”

“None of your business.”

“Just looking out for my coz.”

“Are you? Because the way I hear it you tend to butt heads more often than not.”

“I think it’s because he can’t handle my success.”

Athena snorted. “Pretty sure that’s not it.” Then, because she hoped to make him leave, added, “I hear it’s because you have a thing for making passes at his girlfriends.”

“Is it my fault they throw themselves at me?”

“I highly doubt that,” she muttered.

“Not my fault I’m so good-looking and well-endowed.”

Wait, had he actually said that?

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Bless your heart for thinking that, but I can tell you right now who the bigger man is.” In more than one way.

He didn’t appreciate her reply, judging by his scowl. “How long you planning to hide out on the farm?”

“Who says I’m hiding?”

“Please. We both know you don’t belong out here. You’ve got city written all over you.”

She hung the bucket on the hook for the mare before turning to retort, “I was born and raised on a farm.”

“And left it.”

“I did, but not because I hated it.” She couldn’t have said why she wanted to argue with Frank, other than he just grated on every single one of her nerves.

“So, you’re not hiding?” he insisted.

“Why would you think I am?”

“Because a little birdie might have told me there’s a bounty out on your head.”

Athena froze in the act of filling the next bucket with oats and a few apples. “Seems unlikely, as I’ve committed no crime.”

“Never said it was a police bounty. There are people interested in you, and they’re offering a pretty penny.”

She took a second to compose her features before she turned to face him. “Why don’t you spit out what you think you know?”

“I know that we’re supposed to keep your presence a secret. Derek made that very clear.” Said on a sour note.

“Abusive ex,” she stated as a plausible reason.

“Must be a rich one, given what he’s offering to find you. Surprised you’d choose my cousin over someone with money. Or is he just a temporary fling? Trying to make the old flame jealous? Maybe up the price so you and Derek can cash in?”

Athena had enough of Frank’s mouth and attitude. Before he could blink, she had him on his back, a knee pressed to his chest, an arm over his throat. “You really are a piece of work, aren’t you?” she said softly.

“Let me up.”

“I think not. You came here for a reason, and I’m going to guess it’s because you saw an easy payday.”

“Maybe I’m concerned about my family?” he huffed. “I don’t believe it’s an ex-boyfriend looking for you. You’re hiding here because you’re a wanted woman. You can’t deny it. I’ve seen the picture, and all I’ve got to do to collect the twenty K is tell them where you are.”

Her blood ran cold. They’d upped the ante, meaning Rogers had not given up. She’d just disappeared a little too well, so he sweetened the pot.

“Did you tell them where I was?” she growled.

“That’s going to depend on you,” Frank chirped, suddenly thinking he had the upper hand once more.

“I’m not fucking you,” she stated flatly.

“As if your pussy is worth twenty grand,” he scoffed. “More like giving you a chance to outbid. Make it worth my while and I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

“Or I could shut it for you,” she offered. “I hear a broken jaw takes about six months to heal. How do you feel about slurping shakes for that long?”

“Threatening me? Wait until I tell Grams. She’ll kick your ass off the farm.”

“Go ahead.” She rose from Frank and waved a hand. “Why don’t you go tell Grams and Gramps how you’re blackmailing me? Or better yet, why not tattle to Derek? He’s itching for a reason to knock your teeth out.”

“It’s not blackmail. Just offering you a chance to make a better deal.”

She arched a brow. “I’m not some dummy you can gaslight. You are blackmailing me, and I’m telling you right now, it won’t fly. Not to mention, you’ll have nothing to tell since I won’t be where you say I am.”

“Going to leave my cousin in the lurch?”

Derek. Fuck. She couldn’t flee without talking to him. Then again, he’d insist on joining her. Which might not be bad. Running wouldn’t suck as much with her lover by her side.

“How about you—” She paused midsentence as she heard a vehicle coming up the drive. She glanced at Frank. “Did you already open your fat mouth?”

“Nooo.” A long drawn-out syllable.

She pursed her lips. “Why does it sound like you’re lying?”

“I didn’t tell them where you were,” he whined, but she noticed the perspiration at his temples.

“What did you say? What have you told them?” she hissed.

“Nothing, just asked if there was a bonus if I brought you in myself.”

“As if you could take me,” she muttered, but more worrisome, he’d implied to the person posting the bounty that he knew where to find her. Had that led to them following Frank?

Could be whoever parked out front was unrelated to her situation. Not a chance she could take.

She glanced at Frank, who’d risen to his feet and appeared pale.

“You stay here,” she ordered.

“You can’t tell me what?—”

Smack . She hit hard enough he reeled. Another good hook to the jaw and he was out cold.

One less idiot to handle.

She exited the barn and snuck up to the house via the rear, the driveway out of her line of sight. Several car doors slammed, but she’d only heard one car. Could be visitors. Should she take a peek to see if she panicked for nothing?

A male voice spoke, but she couldn’t quite make out the words at this distance. Hearing the crunch of gravel, she ducked behind the chicken coop as a guy in combats with no badging sauntered into the yard. The guy scanned the area before his lips moved, obviously reporting.

So not a friendly visitor.

Fuck and double fuck.

The options were limited. She could run, take off on foot with no supplies, not even her phone, which she’d left in the house. Or confront whoever waited inside.


She remembered the keys Frank had tossed on the kitchen table. If she could get her hands on those, she’d have wheels. Her phone was charging on the kitchen counter as well. She’d have no cash, but she could at least send Derek and her family messages. However, that plan required her taking out the guy guarding the yard.

She couldn’t sneak up on him. He’d see her coming the moment she popped out from behind the coop. How to distract him? And quickly. The front door had slammed shut, meaning whoever visited had gone inside with Grams and Gramps. She could only hope they weren’t all talk and could handle themselves. It helped that she knew they wanted her and not them.

The clucking of the hens gave her an idea. Ronnie the rooster sat atop the coop. Not allowed in with his ladies but that didn’t stop him from keeping an eye on them as they pecked away.

“Sorry, Grams,” she muttered as she waited for the guy to look the opposite way before unlatching the side gate. It swung open, and she ducked away just in time.

A glance showed the guy frowning at the coop, most likely wondering if he’d miss its open door. Out strutted a chicken, a scrawny one who liked to peck if she saw you going for her eggs. Another followed. They spread out from the coop, necks bobbing, looking for food.

Ronnie fluttered down to watch over his flock, which moved toward the back door, sensing or smelling the bucket of grain kept just inside.

The guy shooed at the hen that waddled too close.

Ronnie took exception.

The rooster let out a sound and flapped his stubby wings as he went after the guy. The fellow could have shot it, or probably even given it a good kick but, like most people, had a brain fart when confronted by something small, feathery, and hostile. He stepped away. Ronnie darted in. The guy retreated some more and shouted into his mic, “There’s a fucking bird attacking me.”

He moved around the corner of the farmhouse, rooster in chase, giving Athena the opening she needed.

The kitchen door didn’t creak as Athena slipped in, and she shut it just as quietly to avoid being heard. The kitchen seemed awfully silent, and a glance at the stove showed no display. The power was off in the house, too. Might explain why they’d had no warning, seeing how Grams had motion detectors and cameras set up to watch those entering the property.

Seeing the car keys on the table, she wrapped her fist around them lest they jingle, and stuffed them into her pocket, along with her phone. The murmur of voices drew her to the hall where she could hear a male voice in the living room.

A voice she knew.

Dr. Rogers tried to cajole Grams and Gramps into revealing her presence.

“Are you sure? I have it on good authority you have a woman staying here. Name of Athena. Platinum-blonde hair, although she might have dyed it. Twenty-nine but could pass for younger. I believe she’s involved with your grandson.”

“Nope. Wrong farm. Our Derek’s single,” Grams announced.

“And gay,” Gramps added. “Likes the boys, he does.”

Athena slapped a hand over her mouth lest she laugh at the lie.

“You should know Athena is dangerous. Not the type of person you want around.” Rogers changed tactics.

“And who are you?” Grams asked. “Barging into our home. Being rude.”

“I’m someone you don’t want to mess with.” Rogers’ flat reply.

“What are you, a cop?” Gramps barked. “Let’s see a badge. Or better yet a warrant.”

“I don’t need those because the people I work for don’t officially exist, but let me assure you, they have clout. Enough clout to seize this farm from under you.”

“Doubt a judge would go along with it,” Gramps argued.

“Did I mention they buy judges all the time? Is Athena really worth losing your livelihood and home?”

“If I knew her, which I don’t, I’d say she’s probably worth saving if it pisses off the likes of you. Rude little fucker, coming into my home and making threats after calling me a liar. Git,” Grams spat. “Git before I load you full of buckshot.”

“It’s like you want me to hurt you.” Dr. Rogers sighed. “I take no pleasure in it, just so you know. However, my work is too important to have a pair of hillbillies standing in my way. So either tell me where to find Athena or this conversation is about to get ugly.”

“Fucking prick.” Gramps’ chair creaked. “You’ve got a lot of nerve. Now git your ass and that of your goon off my property before I put a hole in them.” So not just Rogers in the living room.

“I’m not leaving without Athena.”

Click-click . Someone was armed.

“You don’t want to do that,” Rogers replied softly.

“Try me, asshole.”

Zap . A taser went off—a sound she well knew since they’d used it on her a few times while in captivity. The sounds of a scuffle erupted, grunting, the smacking of flesh, an exhalation of pain, and Grams yelling, “Motherfucker.”

Athena ran into the room to find Grams holding the fireplace poker and a guy in combats lying prone on the floor, but more worrisome, Rogers stood over a dazed Gramps, the electrodes from the taser still attached to his chest. Gramps had his eyes closed, and his breathing appeared ragged.

“Move away from Gramps,” Athena growled.

Grams, despite one eye swelling shut, waved the poker and yelled, “Run, Athena. We’ll hold them off.”

As if Athena would leave them to Rogers’ mercy. “Here I am, Doctor. Come and get me.” She beckoned with her fingers.

Rogers arched a brow. “Do you think me dumb? March your ass into the van parked out front, or I kill the old man. I upped the voltage. Next push of the button and he’s frying.”

Athena held up her hands. “I’ll go with you but leave these folks alone.”

“In that case… after you.” Rogers indicated the front door.

Athena began walking. She had no choice. The thing she’d worried about had come to pass. She’d dragged innocent people into her shit, and they’d gotten hurt.

Rogers smirked as she passed him. “Did you really think you could hide from me forever? Count yourself lucky I found you, because my next step was to grab your siblings to see if they share your genetics.”

“They don’t.”

“You do realize their blood will tell.”

“Leave them alone,” she growled.

“I will so long as you behave. See, I don’t need all of you, just one for proof, and given you and I have a history, I want it to be you by my side when I tell the world exactly what you are.”

“She’s a good girl, unlike you, you prick,” Grams retorted. She’d inched close enough to swing her poker.

The blow didn’t knock Rogers out, but he did stumble. Gramps, who’d been playing possum, ripped the barbs from the taser free and rolled, if awkwardly, to his feet.

“Gramps, get Grams out of here.” Athena didn’t take her eyes from Rogers, who looked entirely too confident. Might be because he had Gramps’ gun in hand and his goon was stirring.

“I ain’t running,” Grams protested.

Which meant Athena had to. She had to lead Rogers away from here lest he take them hostage again.

Athena laced her hands on her head. “I’ll go with you so long as you leave these folks alone.”

“Finally, you’re seeing sense,” Rogers boasted. “And they say old bitches can’t learn new tricks.”

The slur pursed Athena’s lips, but she didn’t rise to his baiting. She glanced at the good people who’d harbored her and murmured, “Thank you for everything. Sorry I brought trouble to your doorstep.”

Grams looked pissed. “Don’t apologize. I promised you’d be safe.”

“Ah yes, your piddly security system. All it took was cutting the power,” Rogers boasted.

“The generator should have kicked in,” Grams’ sullen reply. Only it was waiting on a part. Athena had heard Grams yelling at the company that kept promising its delivery.

“Let’s go. Enough dawdling.” Rogers waved the barrel of the shotgun.

The goon on the floor groaned and rose, glaring at Grams.

She bared her teeth in reply.

“Tell Derek…” What message could Athena give? None. He’d be crushed. Pissed. And the last thing she needed was for him to come looking for her. “Tell him I’m sorry,” she whispered as she headed out the door.

Out front, an unmarked van sat waiting with its side door open. Frank’s car sat parked beside it.

A guy sat in the driver's seat of the van. A glance to her left showed the other one farther away, still trying to escape the angry cock.

“Move it,” Rogers barked.

“If you insist,” she muttered, suddenly whirling and shoving at Rogers on the step behind her. He reeled and fell into his goon, the pair of them tumbling in a heap of limbs and yelling.

Athena bolted for Frank’s car, the door unlocked. The push-start button responded to the remote in her pocket, and the engine roared to life. She gunned the car and spun the wheel, flipping it around before tearing up the driveway, kicking up dust and gravel.

A peek in the rearview showed a cloud of dust but also movement. The dull glow of headlights showed Rogers coming after Athena.


At this point, it was less about her getting away than ensuring Grams’ and Gramps’ safety.

She raced the narrow track to the road, only to curse as she saw another vehicle heading at her.

Another unmarked van and no room for them both.

She couldn’t go back; she couldn’t turn.

She closed her eyes and pressed the gas, hoping, praying, the other driver would chicken out first.

Wham .

The impact deployed the airbags, punching her in the face, hard enough her dazed butt didn’t fight when the door got yanked open. Rough hands yanked her out and had her cuffed before she could focus her eyes.

She got tossed into a van, and the sedative injected into her arm knocked her out before they’d slammed the door shut.

When she woke it was to find herself in a cell.

Afraid, yes, but not for herself.

Because she wasn’t here alone. Her family was with her.

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