My Girlfriend is a Werewolf (Moonstruck Mating #1) Chapter 15 79%
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Chapter 15

The planning to rescue Athena, her mom, and sister took hours despite the location being only twenty minutes from them. According to Ares’ tracking of their chips, they were being kept in an old church, long abandoned but its stone edifice still standing.

“The basement is most likely where they’re holding them.” Ares pointed to an image he’d found on the internet taken by a drone. Websites that featured abandoned buildings had pictures of the church, inside and out.

“Those stone walls and that front door will be sturdy,” Grams noted. “They knew how to build back in the day.”

“Bessie won’t have a problem plowing through,” Gramps asserted.

“Won’t that destabilize the structure?” Derek countered. “If they’re in the basement, the whole thing could collapse on them.”

“It’s a possibility,” Ares admitted. “However, we might not have a choice.” He pointed to the bell tower. “If we try to approach on foot, a single sniper up here could take us all out before we got close. Not to mention, the plywood over the windows won’t come off quietly. I think the element of surprise is our best option, and we’d certainly get that by plowing into the place.”

Grams nodded. “If we aim Bessie for the doors and keep her wedged in the opening, it will provide support if the walls try to buckle. So long as Gramps pulls in far enough for me to use my gunner nest, I can provide cover while you two get to the basement and locate the girls.”

“By provide cover, you do realize you’re talking about killing people,” Derek pointed out.

“Not people,” Grams spat. “Degenerate assholes who think it’s okay to kidnap people.”

Derek’s lips flattened. “A valid point but, at the same time, I don’t want you spending the rest of your life in jail.”

“Oh, you sweet bastard. You’re assuming that we’ll be caught and that anyone will care. If we do this right, we’ll rescue the girls and, to cover our tracks, we bomb the place. Bring it down and then toss a bit of gasoline on it before lighting it up to remove all evidence.”

“What if someone notices Bessie going to and from the church?” While Derek wouldn’t change his mind about rescuing, putting his grandparents in danger did concern.

“Bessie ain’t got plates. Nor a VIN. As far as the government knows, she don’t exist. We go in fast; we get out fast,” Gramps countered.

They made it sound so easy.

But if they were wrong…

He couldn’t think like that. This had to work. They didn’t have a choice. The women had to be rescued, and soon. He dreaded to think what might have already happened.

“I need some air.” Derek popped outside and sucked in a deep lungful, eyeing the night sky with its twinkling stars.

Ares joined him. “I know the plan’s got flaws.”

“Ya think? We have no idea how many guards this doctor has or if he will call in law enforcement once we hit the church.”

“I doubt the cops will help him.”

“He’s got connections and money,” Derek pointed out.

“He does, but even he’s not above the law. Kidnapping people and performing experiments is still highly illegal.”

“For all we know it’s government sanctioned.”

“Any better ideas?”

A sigh left Derek. “No. I know we have to do this, just like I know people will die. I’m just worried it won’t be the bad guys.”

“Me too. I wish we had longer to plan. More people to help. Some magical fucking wand. But all my family’s got is us.”

“Why does this Rogers want you guys so bad? What makes you so special?” Derek glanced at Ares, whose lips flattened.

“What’d Athena tell you?”

“Not much, just that he thought she had interesting genetics.”

Ares said nothing for a moment, just gripped the porch rail staring outward before softly saying, “Do you love my sister?”

“Would I be planning an armed assault if I didn’t?” his retort.

“Would you love her no matter what? In sickness and health?”

“Duh. What kind of asshole do you take me for?”

“I know you’re not, but what I’m about to tell you is kind of fucked up.”

“So you do know why Rogers is interested in Athena?”

“Not just her. Me and my sister too. Mom was probably taken by mistake.” Ares paused, and his head ducked before he muttered something Derek couldn’t hear.

“What was that?”

“I said we’re werewolves.”

Derek blinked. Processed the claim then laughed. “Fuck off.”

“It’s true. We inherited the gene from our dad. It’s rare all the kids do, but guess we’re special.”

It took Derek a moment to realize Ares was being quite serious. “Werewolf? As in full moon makes you grow hair and fangs?”

“Yes. Our body changes shape too. Unlike the movies, we’re not wolfmen. We turn into actual wolves. My sisters could pass for the regular variety, but with my size, I kind of stand out as a giant.”

“Holy shit.” Derek wanted to call him a liar. But… he couldn’t help but recall Athena’s quirks. The leg thumping, the sniffing, the chasing. How she made sure to disappear the night of the full moon. Being a werewolf explained it all except for one thing. “Did your dad bite you?”

“Uh, no?” Ares’ nose scrunched in confusion. “Lycans are born, not made.”

“That’s a relief.” Especially considering how many times he and Athena had mixed fluids.

“It’s not contagious, and it can even skip generations. My dad’s dad didn’t have it, but his grandpa did.”

“Well, that at least explains Rogers’ interest in your family. He wants to expose them for profit and fame.”

“Once he does, they’re screwed. Even if they aren’t kept in some kind of a zoo or lab, they’ll never be able to go out in public or live a normal life. They will be ostracized, hounded?—”

“Hurt or killed,” Derek interjected. People had long feared the monsters in storybooks. He didn’t doubt some would feel a need to rid the world of them. “We need to move fast before Rogers gets concrete proof. Guess it’s a good thing the full moon isn’t for a few weeks.”

“We don’t have that much time. See, while Athena’s got great control over her Lycan side, Selene doesn’t. When she gets mad, she wolfs out.”

“As in changes without the moon?”

He nodded. “It’s why she always tries to be cheerful. Otherwise, if she loses her temper…” Ares exploded his hands.

“Do you think we can succeed?” Derek asked, hoping for honesty because he struggled. Not for himself, but for his grandparents, who insisted on joining them.

“Depends on how many mercenaries he’s got running around, as well as other security. I doubt he had time to turn the place into a fortress.”

“We need more intel.”

“And I know how we can get it. Wanna go for a ride?”

“Where to? To do what?”

“I’ve got a drone in my truck. We can use it to scout the area. Maybe even get a head count.”

“They might spot it,” Derek cautioned.

“They might, but it’s our best shot at getting the info we need.”

“Agreed. I just need to let Grams and Gramps know.”

Ares put a hand on his arm before Derek could go inside. “They’re pretty awesome, by the way. I don’t know many folks their age that would be strapping on guns, offering to drive what is essentially a tank, and going to war for people they don’t know.”

“They do know Athena and like her. Not to mention, Grams and Gramps have waited their whole life to fight the man . You could call this a dream come true for them.”

Ares chuckled. “My grandma used to bake cookies, and Grandpa napped all the time. You’re lucky.”

“I am.”

And that worried him. He didn’t want to lose them but already knew they’d never stay behind, so he didn’t bother trying. Grams would have most likely cuffed him if he had. Instead, he told them they wanted to fly the drone, to which Grams and Gramps nodded but also insisted on coming along in Bessie.

“Might as well tuck ourselves out of sight but close by in case we need to move in fast,” Gramps remarked. “She’s already loaded with our gear. Just needs one more thing.”

That one thing was a bottle of whiskey smashed on her hull to christen her maiden run into battle.

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