My Highland Hero (Warriors of the Highlands #8) Chapter 18 100%
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Chapter 18


Elizabeth had never felt such elation melded with nervousness as she climbed down from the enclosed prison wagon, the team of four horses whinnying and a host of English guards watching silently.

Her hands trembling, she drew her gray woolen cloak more tightly around her against the crisp morning air and began to make her way toward her husband.

Ah, God, Robert looked older than when she had last seen him, but why wouldn’t he after eight long years had passed?

Eight long years spent wondering if King Edward would ever release her to return to the man she loved and Scotland—but at last, at last , that day had come!

Her heart seemed to skip a beat when Robert moved toward her, not waiting at all for her to reach him as a phalanx of Scottish warriors watched, too, Elizabeth nearly stumbling on a leaf-covered tree root when she hastened her own pace to reach him.

Her husband’s stride so powerful, so commanding even as she regained her composure to lift her chin and walk proudly as befit a queen…though inside she felt merely a woman seeing again the husband she adored with all her heart.

Her emotions running away with her to see his ruddy face again, his thick hair tinged with gray, his brown eyes boring into hers.

Did Robert still love her, too, after so much time had passed? So many nights spent alone…and so many tears cried into her pillow.

The last steps across English soil to reach him seemed to take a lifetime…but then he enveloped her in his arms to embrace her so fiercely that Elizabeth’s heart sang.

“My love…my life,” she heard him murmur against her ear, his face wet with moisture even as happy tears blurred her vision.

Her husband, her king not ashamed to show such heartfelt emotion in front of dozens of his men, which only made him all the more formidable in her eyes.

His resounding victory at Bannockburn had finally reunited them…and freed Scotland from England’s tyranny.

Still holding her close, Robert’s voice was hoarse as he commanded to the men nearest him, “Unharness those horses and burn that prison wagon tae the ground. A queen of Scotland rode in it last, my queen!”

He kissed her soundly then in front of English soldiers and Highland warriors alike, making Elizabeth’s happiness soar even higher.

A fervent prayer filling her heart that they would have a chance finally to have children together, a family…and mayhap sons to carry on the legacy of their bold and courageous father.

King Robert the Bruce.

“Let us leave this place, husband,” Elizabeth murmured against his lips, fresh tears welling in her eyes as the four snorting horses were led away from the wagon, a flaming torch thrown atop its roof. “Take me home tae Scotland.”


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