Bran entered the solar of his own castle to find his wife asleep. The new babe Richard was swaddled and slept as soundly as his mother in a cradle near the lord of the manor’s bed.
How oddly things had turned out. Leighton had been tried for murder, found guilty, and executed. Ironically, Edward had given Bran the Leighton lands in reparation for de Hasting’s offenses against him. Moreover, in his wisdom, Edward had pardoned Catrin. Hearing the news, Catrin, already with child, had insisted they remarry, so they would be truly wed in the eyes of the Church. The king had gladly blessed their true union.
As for Isadora, Edward had banished her to a convent for the sin of lust. Catrin had expressed the belief it was more likely her stepmother’s failing had been that of naiveté. The silly woman had trusted Guy de Hastings, falling in love with him as well as into his evil trap. Although Isadora claimed she’d no knowledge of her lover’s crimes, she had plotted with Leighton to take her son from Bran’s care .
Richard, Lord Rothmore, was once more in Bran’s protection and guardianship until he came of age. He thrived with them, taking on his early military training as eagerly as he embraced his studies.
Standing inside the solar door, Bran offered a silent prayer of thanks. Everything he wanted was right here—his wife, his child, and a sense of belonging, because of the woman who now stirred in bed and glanced up at him. Bran strode to her side, bursting with love. He smiled as he took her hand.
“ Cariad ,” she whispered.
He brought her fingers up to his lips to kiss, aware of the irony of her endearment. “I have news,” he said softly with a backward glance at the sleeping babe.
Catrin propped herself up on an elbow. “Sit. Tell me.”
Bran joined her, sitting on the side of the lord’s great bed. She was so lovely, as beautiful as the first day he laid eyes upon her in the pathway. “Waryn de Grey soon returns from duty in Gascony.”
Catrin scooted to prop herself against the headboard. “Then my cousin’s fate is at hand.”
“Seems so,” Bran acknowledged. Olwen de Belleme had not been spared the king’s directives. At that moment, she remained closeted at the nunnery but was to be wed as soon as her betrothed collected her from her sanctuary.
“I hope she will be as happy as we.” Catrin touched his shaven face.
“Aye, for we are happy.”
Catrin smiled her response and gave him a small nod as an obedient wife. “If it pleases you, my lord.”
He laughed, feeling his throat grow thick with adoration. “ You know full well it pleases me. I am content with you, Cariad . You and our child. Forever.”