T o my surprise, when I wake up the next morning, Noelle is still sleeping soundly beside me.
I can’t remember the last time she slept later than me.
The other side of the bed is empty.
The memory of Wilder crashing in here looking haunted hasn’t left me all night. I woke a couple of times and looked over, but each time he was fast asleep with Noelle in his arms.
Sure, I was a little jealous. I wanted that hot little body against me, but he needed her more than me.
I’ve never seen him looking so lost.
Okay, that’s a lie. I saw it when I drove away from the house after we got into it the other night.
As gently as I can, I roll out of bed, leaving Noelle to get the sleep she needs, and silently slip from the room.
The scent of coffee gets stronger as I move toward the kitchen, giving me a clue as to where I might find my brother.
When I enter, he’s sitting at the island with his attention zeroed in on my mug. Usually, he only gives his cell that kind of undivided attention.
I move across the room, but he doesn’t even notice, which is concerning. He’s usually much more aware of his surroundings. We all are, after the way we grew up. If were weren’t, anything could have happened.
It’s not until I’ve grabbed a mug and placed it on the coffee machine that he finally looks up.
“Oh, hey,” he says, his voice about as rough as he looks. His hair is still messy, his eyes are bloodshot, and the circles around them are dark. If I hadn’t seen him sleeping last night I wouldn’t believe he’d got any. “Noelle still sleeping?”
“Yeah,” I muse, pressing the button to start my drink. “Not sure what you did to wear her out, but she hasn’t slept this late in years.”
Wilder chuckles. “I didn’t do anything, not really. Not with you sleeping right next to us.”
"You could have.” The words are out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop them.
He stares at me, his mouth opening and closing as if he has a million things he wants to say but isn’t brave enough.
He remains silent, battling with his own thoughts as I grab my mug and move to sit beside him.
“I know I’m fucking all this up for you, and I’m sorry. I know I’m being a selfish cunt by wanting what’s yours, but I can’t help it. She’s?—”
“Ours?” I finish for him.
The thought makes my heart race, but after a week away and then almost another back at home without him, it’s the outcome that makes the most sense.
Noelle and I have had a fantastic few days, but something was missing.
But he’s back, and the final bit of lightness returned to her eyes last night.
Sure, I might want Noelle all to myself, but I’m not selfish enough to stop Wilder from needing her too.
It’s been the three of us against the world for as long as I can remember; why should it change now we’re grown up?
Maybe it was always meant to be that way. Maybe that’s why I’m accepting it so easily… because it’s right.
We’re meant to be.
“How are you okay with this?” Wilder asks me, studying me closely, no doubt looking for lies.
“Because it’s us. Me, you, and Noelle.I’ve loved her for as long as I can remember, and I know you’ve always cared deeply for her too.”
“But this is your chance, your time with her. You should be keeping me as far away from her as possible right now.”
“And what would that achieve?” I ask.
I’ve already considered all the outcomes if I were to do that, and I don’t like any of them.
Ultimately, I’d end up losing either one of them, or both.
I can’t do that.
I need them.
“You’re my brother. I love you,” I say, achingly aware that I don’t tell him enough. “And she’s my girl. I love her too. In a different kind of way,” I add when he screws his face up like he’s about to mock me.
His shoulders relax and he lets out a long breath.
“I think I do too,” he whispers.
I can’t help but smile.
“Good,” I state.
“Good. I’m glad you do. It means you might just stand a chance of treating her right.”
He glares at me.
“She’s not like the others.”
“Too fucking right, she’s not. She’s worth a million of all the girls you’ve previously hooked up with.”
A bitter laugh spills from his lips.
“You don’t need to tell me that,” he says confidently. “I knew it from the very first time I touched her.”
“But you didn’t know it was her,” I point out.
“No, but I knew she was different. It made all kind of sense when I discovered who she was.”
“You know, there might always be a small part of me that hates you for what you did that night.”
“Then you’re in good company. I never should ha?—”
“I know,” I assure him.
“I also wouldn’t be here right now if I had any doubts about my feelings, about what I want. The last thing I want to do is hurt either of you. But… I’m also a selfish prick, and I need to be here too. I need to be a part of this. I need more of last week.”
“So does she,” I confess.
“And you?” Wilder asks, forcing me to focus on what I want for once. “If we do this…” He waves his arm around, silently gesturing to each of us. “This relationship, then people are going to talk. Without sounding like an arrogant dick, people know who I am. They’ll soon discover what we’re doing and?—”
“Does that bother you?” I ask, aware that he’s the one who’ll be truly under the spotlight with this.
Sure, the media who follow the Titans around will be interested in me, but their focus will be Wilder and Noelle.
My stomach knots for her. She’ll hate it.
Noelle and I have been there through every win and loss of Wilder’s football career so far, but we’ve always done it from a distance.
At school, neither of us wanted to be a part of that crowd. So we let Wilder do his thing with his team and his friends, and then we celebrated or commiserated at home, away from all that.
If we embark on this, there will be no distance with our support. We’re going to be dragged right into the middle of Wilder’s life.
Will Noelle cope with that?
“Not if I have her.”
All the air comes rushing from my lungs.
Shit. He really wants this.
“And what about the jersey chasers, the parties?”
“What about them?” he snaps as if he’s offended by the question.
“I just mean, that life is still going to be there. The girls... they’ll still want you.”
He smirks.
“Oh, wipe that smug look from your face,” I mutter.
“They can want me all they like. They’re not going to have me.If I wanted them, I could have had them this week. It’s not like they haven’t been trying.”
“Have you? Slept with any of them this week?”
“Is that a serious question?” he asks, his lips pursed in frustration.
“What? I know you, Wilder. I know what you’re like.”
“No,” he states. “I haven’t slept with any of them. I don’t want to. The only girl I want is sleeping in the living room.”
“You could have had her. Why haven’t you?”
“Because I knew that if I did, and then you both told me that we were done, it would wreck me.
“Look, just fucking look at me. This week… it’s been fucking hell.
“How the fuck we won that game, fuck only knows. I wasn’t focused. My head was still back in that cabin with you. She’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about.
“I want her. I need her. I fucking love her.”
Soft footsteps follow his passionate confession, and we both turn to the doorway to find the girl in question walking toward us.
She’s only just woken up, that much is obvious, but the smile on her face takes my breath away.
She studies Wilder for a beat before turning her eyes on me.
“The entire college is going to have an opinion about this, let alone the entire football conference.”
“Does that put you off?” Wilder asks.
“Does it you?” she shoots back.
“Fuck no. People will always talk. Might as well give them something to talk about.”
“Okay,” Noelle agrees. “Rix?”
“I think you already know that I want whatever is going to make you happy.”
Noelle smiles. “I do. But this affects you as well. If you don’t agree, then—” I take a step forward and wrap my arms around her waist, ducking my head low so my lips brush hers.
“I agree. Nothing about our lives has been normal; why start now?”
Her breath catches when I roughly tug on her hair, pulling her head back exactly where I want it so I can crash my lips on hers.
I kiss her passionately, knowing that Wilder is watching, knowing that he wants her too.
“Go and get dressed,” I demand once I release her.
“Why?” she breathes.
“We’re going for breakfast. We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
“U-uh… okay.”
She takes a step back, ready to do as she’s told, but Wilder calls her name, making her pause.
“Come here,” he demands, and like the good girl she is, she walks straight over to him.
Spreading his thighs wider, she steps between them with ease.
His hands land on her thighs, and he slowly slides them up, taking my hoodie with him at the same time until he’s revealed her bare ass.
Damn, it’s fine.
“You like that, Bro?” Wilder asks, aware that I’m watching.
“You know I do.”
“Me too,” he agrees before spanking one of her ass cheeks and making her squeal as his handprint blooms on her pale skin.
“Make sure you eat plenty, little rebel. Hendrix and I have plans for you later.”
“Oh god,” she breathes as her knees buckle. If Wilder weren’t holding her, I’m pretty sure she would have stacked it.
“That’s what you want, isn’t it? Both of us at the same time.”
Her lips are parted and her chest is heaving as she nods.
“Dirty girl,” he muses before moving one hand from her ass.
He kicks her legs apart and drags his fingers through her folds.
“Wilder,” she gasps.
“She’s so fucking wet for us, Bro,” Wilder informs me before lifting his fingers to his lips and sucking them clean. “Damn, I’ve missed you, Rebel.”