Chapter Nineteen
“I want what’s due to me. If ye hadn’t allowed Finn Mackay’s hands all o’er ye, we wouldn’t have canceled the betrothal agreement,” Gilbert Sinclair said, glaring at Alison and pounding his fist on the table in the great hall where he sat with a mug of ale in front of him.
Alison was feeling weak and dizzy and didn’t have the strength to argue with the man. She was tired and her stomach was queasy. The ride from Castle Varrich to Castle Sinclair Grinigoe had been arduous.
She had to fight Archie every time she needed to stop. He groused and complained and made plenty lurid remarks about her and women in general. She hated him more with each mile they rode.
They’d arrived at the Sinclair keep a short while ago, and after being literally dragged from the horse and up the stairs to the keep to appear before The Sinclair, she only wanted a warm drink to settle her stomach and a place to sleep.
Despite the blow to her back from Archie that still pained her, she didn’t feel concerned for her safety. The Sinclair had made it clear she was being held hostage to get The Mackay’s attention and hold true to the contract they’d both signed.
‘Twas tradition that, if a betrothal agreement was broken, the groom’s family was expected to keep the dower. She’d had no idea if they kept it or not, since she had never been allowed to know very much about what was agreed to, except that she was to permit his lemman to remain in his bed.
As grateful as she was to be married to Finn and not the horrible man who hit her and dragged her around like a sack of flour, in this instance, it had been The Sinclair who had broken the agreement.
The man waved over a maid walking through the keep, looking quite leery, which was understandable since it was late. “Get some food and drink for our guest—he smirked at her—and my sons.” He pinched the maid on her arse and then patted it.
“Sit down, lass.” The Sinclair pointed to a chair next to him at the table.
She hated the thought of being that close to the man, but she just wanted a drink and a bed. She didn’t think with her stomach feeling queasy she wanted food, even though earlier in the ride she had been hungry.
Tomorrow she would consider her situation and think about escaping.
The group remained silent as they waited for the food. Archie and his three brothers poured glasses of whisky until it became apparent they were getting drunk, which disturbed her.
Eventually, the maid brought out bowls of stew, bread, cheese and pasties. Archie and the other Sinclair brother who had accompanied them dove into their food, shoving bread and stew into their mouths, wiping their messy mouths with their shirt sleeves.
The other men whose names she didn’t even know continued to drink.
Once Alison had sipped the ale and eaten a bite or two, she was so tired and worn out that her head began to ache, along with the muscles in her body. She sat back and waited for the men to finish eating, hoping it would not take long for someone to show her to a bed.
“Did ye send the message to The Mackay?” The Sinclair asked, pouring more whisky into his glass.
Archie nodded. “We paid a messenger in the alehouse to bring the note to The Mackay after we left. But Finn Mackay and his two trainers were at the fire we set, so I doona ken when he received it.”
Alison felt her head drooping onto her chin. When no one offered her a bed, she folded her arms on the table and rested her head there. Within minutes she was asleep.
It seemed like only a few minutes had passed when one of the Sinclair brothers nudged her. “We have a bedchamber for ye, lass.”
She stood and stumbled behind the man, across the great hall and up the stairs.
They arrived at the bedchamber floor. He opened the third door and waved her in. “Don’t think about escaping. I will be sleeping on the floor in front of yer door. We also nailed the windows shut, but it’s a long drop to the ground anyway.”
She nodded and turned to the bed. The door closed, and she heard a lock turning from the outside. She removed her shoes and climbed into the bed. Most likely she should worry about tomorrow, but she would do that tomorrow.
“My laird, ye are going to have to go with us to see The Sinclair; this is no’ something I can handle for ye. I doona ken what ye negotiated with the mon, and ye have to decide what ye want to give him for cancelling the betrothal.”
“They canceled it, I doona see why I have to bend to his demands.”
Finn held his temper. “They are holding my wife until we appear at The Sinclair castle. I can sneak in and rescue her, but I think ‘tis best to see what he is demanding.”
Every day it seemed the laird removed himself from life a little bit more. Since Finn and Alison had married, it had become worse. There were days when he dinna recognize maids that had been at Castle Varrich for years.
Finn didn’t know himself the full extent of the betrothal agreement, and had no interest in it beyond how his wife was to be treated. And he had no idea what The Mackay would be willing to give The Sinclair to appease him.
“I do no’ feel as though I am suitable to negotiate in yer stead. I strongly recommend that ye travel with us.”
If the laird refused to go, then Finn had decided he would travel to the Sinclair castle and get his wife. He would find a way because he wouldn’t trust the Sinclairs when they learned that The Mackay would not meet with them.
“Have them come here,” The Mackay said.
Finn sighed, losing his patience with the man. Once he got his wife back, it appeared the actual running of the keep and clan would fall on his shoulders. “We can suggest that, but, considering my wife is being held there, I want to get her home and let ye and The Sinclair do whatever ye need to do.”
The Mackay sat in silence for a while. Just as Finn thought the man would refuse again, he said, “Aye. I will go with ye.”
They left the following morning. Finn, The Mackay, Albert, James, and about fifty warriors. Finn hated how frail The Mackay looked, but he still felt having him with them was the only way to straighten this out without shedding blood.
Finn knew The Mackay warriors could flatten the Sinclairs easily. But he wanted to maintain the alliance with them to keep the Highlands strong, if The Sinclair’s demands were not unreasonable.
By the time they arrived, The Clan Chief looked terrible. Finn felt a tug of guilt at making the man go with them, but he still thought it to be the best choice.
Once they made themselves known to the guards on the ramparts, the drawbridge descended, and their party moved forward.
Archie and Gilbert, the Clan Chief, stood in the bailey as Finn and his group arrived.
“I would have yer weapons,” The Sinclair said.
“And I would have my wife,” Finn responded.
“Yer wife is safe. She is being treated well. But The Mackay and I need to talk and negotiate now.”
Finn walked forward and drew his sword. “I will see my wife now.”
All the warriors in the keep, both Sinclairs and Mackays, drew their swords.
The Sinclair held up his hand. “There will be no fighting. The Mackay and I need to talk. I suggest ye settle yerselves at the table in our keep, and our maids will bring ye food and drink. Yer guards can stay here in the bailey.”
Finn shook his head. “There will be no talks until my wife is brought down here.”
Archie and one of his brothers looked at each other in a way that had Finn’s muscles cramping. “I doona care how many guards ye have, if she is no’ presented forthwith, I will remove one of yer heads before ye take another breath.”
Archie stepped up and Finn pulled his sword out again. “Yer wife was healthy when we brought her here, but it appears she has taken ill.”
Finn roared and jumped on Archie, taking him to the ground. James and Albert pulled him off and The Sinclair shouted, “Our healer says she is suffering from an ague.”
“Take me to her,” Finn growled.
The Sinclair nodded at another son.
“Follow me, Mackay,” he said. The man turned and walked toward the staircase. Finn followed. Then, allowing for the fact that this could be a setup, he turned back to where The Mackay, James and Albert stood. “James, come with us.”
The man joined them and the three climbed the stairs. They strode down the corridor and stopped in front of a bedchamber door. “She is in there.”
Finn nodded, unlocked the door, and stepped into the room. Alison was lying in a bed and appeared to be sleeping. There was a young maid with her.
She looked peaceful and didn’t appear to have any injuries. He walked to the bed and sat on the mattress, dipping it so she rolled toward him.
She slowly opened her eyes. “Finn,” she sighed, reaching out for him. “I kenned ye would come for me.”