Ninth Circle 31. Alyssa 61%
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31. Alyssa

Iwas still a bit peeved about the whole Natalie situation to the point that I almost rubbed the skin off my face as I went through my nightly routine. “Asshole jerk and his bitch ex come to disrupt my life,” I mumbled the words, but what I didn’t know was that the burr up my butt was standing in the doorway watching me moisturize.

“Is that any way to talk about your husband?” I almost jumped out of my skin at the unexpected sound of his voice and looked at him through the mirror. He was just lounging there with his arms and legs crossed like he had no fucks to give.

I must not be doing my job right if he’s this relaxed. “And why are you being so aggressive with your face?” He walked into the room and came up behind me to wrap his arms around my middle from behind.

Now, why the hell did that give me butterflies? And why did I have to fight so hard to resist leaning back into him? Either I’m getting soft, or he’s found a way to come in under my guard.

I elbowed him to get him the hell away from me, and he just laughed and bit my ear. Well, now, since he’s here… “Do me!”

“Yes, ma’am.” I expected him to at least lift me onto the sink or something, but no, he just leaned me forward, pulled my cute little sleep shorts down, spread my legs, and slid into me.

“Hey, why were you so hard already?” I ask this while ignoring the fact that I was already wet myself.

“I got hard fighting with you.” He had the nerve to bury his face in my neck after saying that incendiary shit. You mean to tell me that while I was mad enough to spit nails, he was thinking about doing me?

“Concentrate, or I won’t fuck you.” How did he know? I started to give him what-for, but he bit my neck, sucked the flesh behind his teeth, and my cooter purred and gave me away. This bitch has no class.

I tried reeling her in attempted to remind her that we were mad at him, but then he dipped his legs, giving himself a better angle, and my eyes crossed as my knees began to buckle. He knew every damn thing that was happening to me because while his teeth were buried in my neck, his eyes were watching me in the mirror.

If I didn’t like the feel of his dick so much, I’d stomp on his foot but dammit. This is what happens when you’ve only ever had inferior dick. You become a slut to the good stuff. Just something else to make Denny pay for.

It's on account of him that I wasn’t prepared for this one. I thought all dicks were the same. Of course, I knew there were all different sizes, but how was I to know that there was such a vast difference?

I thought because I mastered Denny’s pencil dick that I was the grand puba; now this one is hellbent on rearranging my innards, and I have no way of combatting this shit. Of course, I can’t let him get one over on me, so I did some muscle exercises with cooter that made him hiss.

“Do that again!” Gotcha, now I won’t do it again until I’m damn good and ready.

“Dammit!” He reached around and found my clit just to torment me, and I had no other choice but to do it again.

“Hold on tight.” He helped me fix my hands on the edge of the counter, and the next thing I knew, there was a madman behind me trying to pound the life out of my poor snatch.

It’s a good thing he had warned me to hold on because had I not been I would’ve been shaken to the floor. My body shook and swayed with every thrust, and I couldn’t even see myself in the mirror because my eyes had rolled back in my head.

I was just one big ball of fiery pleasure. I felt so full and stretched, and he kept knocking against something inside me that made me ache in the most delightful way. That, combined with his fingers on my clit was driving me insane.

“Cum!” Wait, not yet, not…. Shit. He did something to my clit, then smacked it with the tips of his fingers, and for some reason, that was all it took to set me off like a rocket. He licked the spot where he’d bitten my neck, and that sent fire shooting down my spine.

I screamed and pushed my ass back while spreading my legs open wider, even though I wanted to close them tight the next second to keep him trapped inside me. I grunted, which sounded like a trapped beaver, and let him take me to the stars again before slumping against the bathroom counter.

“Dammit, now I have to shower again.”

“No, you don’t. I like you nice and wet with my cum inside you.” I started to argue, but he just kicked my shorts out of the way, lifted me over his shoulder, and headed for the bedroom and bed.

I don’t know what his deal is with carting me around like a sack a something. I think he’s trying to make fun of my size. “Put me down, you mook.” I thought for sure he was going to drop me on the bed or tackle me or something, but no, he laid me down gently and tucked me in.

“I’m not sleepy.” I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed his cheek before sliding out from under the covers to grab my phone from the bedside table. I have no idea what time it was back home and I wasn’t about to get out of bed to retrieve my watch.

It didn’t matter anyway. I scrolled through the apps on my screen until I found the latest one. The little beacon was Helen’s car. I had my new friend Jackie, one of Garrett’s team members, tag her car earlier.

I don’t know what Garrett has going on or how he’s keeping tabs on her, but that’s his deal. He didn’t seem too jazzed about the raccoon idea, which means I’ll have to keep the more sinister parts of my scheme hidden from his yellow-belly ass.

Where the hell is she? I guess she didn’t want anyone to notice her hanging out in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly all day, so she’d moved to someplace near the woods. I’m not sure how long she’d been there, but it had to be about eleven at night the next day here, so it was six o’clock yesterday there. What the fuck did I just say?

What asshole male came up with that shit? Whatever! Since it’s morning, she should be on the move soon. I know for a fact she hasn’t eaten anything but peppermints she found in her purse earlier and lukewarm water she’d found in her console. That’s for all the times she’d starved me while feeding her kid in front of me and then lying to Dad that I didn’t like what she’d made.

She has no money, and if Jackie had done her job, her car was about to run out of gas. I hope that shit breaks down in the middle of the highway doing ninety with no one else around. Then again, that’s too easy.

I sent Jackie a quick text that she’d get when she woke up. Just a quick reminder to let the air out of her tires at some point today. Helen does not do well under pressure, this much I know. As this shit builds up over the next few days, she’s going to lose her shit; and then I’ll strike.

I went over the forum to see how things there were going, and there was a dead heat between her and two other husband stealing heifers as to who the post was about. There was even mention of Dad’s house being condemned. “Oh, look, honey, we made the local news.”


“Dad’s house. The local community boards are talking about it.” Now, how can I turn this on her? Hmm, let’s see. ‘Which bed-hopping husband-stealing wench is so envious of her stepdaughter getting married that she had her husband’s home condemned out of spite?’

There, now, there’s no more need to guess and wonder. Connect the dots people and go to town. If I know these women, her ass will be ostracized before sunrise. There’s going to be a feeding frenzy like sharks scenting blood.

All the women she’d snubbed and wronged, all the people who were just waiting for a chance to topple her, are going to come out swinging. It takes a village.

I rubbed my hands together and switched gears. Now it was time to see how Denny and Lacey were doing after the video drop. Oh, good grief, the memes. People can be so vicious. There were more small dick memes than I knew existed floating around on that page.

Well, lookie here, looks like Lacey got around. Her business was all over the place. Both of them were fighting for their lives in the comments section and not doing too well. My favorite was, ‘How the hell could you fuck her when you had someone like Alyssa willing to marry you? Are you dumb?’

I enjoyed all the boys talking about how they wish I could’ve been their girl. There was a whole other thread about my wedding and my new hubby. These people are better investigators than the Daily Mail; they knew everything there was to know about Garrett. At least everything that was available online, which wasn’t much.

They were all in my business trying to figure out where we were going to live like it’s any of their business. Denny’s and my old friends were giving him hell, and he had been pretty much cut off for being a dick. Shit, I almost forgot that he’d been sacked. Poor thing, and it wasn’t even his time at bat.

I didn’t even look at my family to see what they were up to, which has never been done. If I went half a day without contacting every last one of my brothers, they’d break down my damn door. Now, I was half a world away, and they were probably having fits. Perfect!

One last thing before the night ends, and then I can get some rest. I have a full day tomorrow, swimming, sex, and mayhem. I got a really good idea about how to start putting Miss. Natalie in her place, but I needed to do some groundwork first, so I got right on that. I knew it was early morning their time and was hoping that they were up like they said they usually were.

I sent out the first greeting and was answered two minutes later. We exchanged pleasantries and got the embarrassing questions about my honeymoon out of the way. Way to say we’re going halfway around the world to have sex.

Garrett’s nosy ass was reading something and staying out of my business for once, or so I thought. “Now, who are you talking to?”

“Your Mom and your sister. We’re in a group chat.”

“Let me see that.”

“Nope!” I held my phone out of the way of his reach.

Since I don’t have time to deal with Natalie right now and I won’t be on her turf for a while, I’ll let my new in-laws handle her until I get there.

Of course, I didn’t come right out and tell them to burn the bitch down; I’m not stupid. I didn’t even mention her name. I just intimated that my feelings were hurt by some things that were said. I apologized for not being the one they wanted for their son and brother, which was a hint as wide as the track at the Indy Five-hundred.

They started asking questions about who had offended me, which I pretended to sidestep while asking them for their forgiveness for not being up to par. Now, I saw these people for a few hours at my wedding but I learned enough to know that they love my husband.

I also know that people like them would take offense if someone goes after one of their own. I simply asked them to trust Garrett’s judgment, which would make them think along those lines and reach the natural consensus that he’s smart enough not to marry a lemon.

I assured them that I was keeping my job and would not be at home spending his money as fast as he made it. That, of course, made them irate that someone would even suggest such a thing, and my job was done. That ought to keep that witch out of my hair until I was done with my list of assholes.

You see, I have a secret weapon that I keep close to the vest. I sincerely don’t care what anyone thinks or does. I have no interest in anyone else’s opinion about most things because most people are fuck stupid.

I live my life on my own terms and not anyone else’s. But I’m sure this hag from Hades isn’t the same. Pick-me types never are. I don’t even need to look into her to know who she is; her whole conversation already told me that. Her mistake is that she thinks I’m like her and her ilk.

I put my phone away because thinking about her was giving me heartburn, and I was this close to contacting her from his phone to give her a piece of my mind. But that won’t do; that would just give her ammunition to use against me later down the line.

“We need to do an interview, or ten.”

“Okay, say when.” The only thing keeping him alive is his readiness to support my endeavors.

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