Harvey says nothing on the walk back to the hotel.
Neither do I, to be fair. I’m far too busy wondering what Tesla Kyle was really up to tonight. What was she doing at that bar so late? They — or someone — obviously followed us from the hotel. But who? It’s highly doubtful that Logan and Tesla and Goldie are doing it themselves. Prissy, maybe? But shouldn’t their manager have something better to do than stalk us? Private detectives are easy to come by, but to what end? Why even bother?
But… I suppose Harvey has a point. It is theoretically possible that Tesla wants nothing to do with Logan’s feud, but she’s also given us no reason at all to trust her. Harvey shouldn’t, either.
And… I suppose… maybe… it is theoretically possible that she really does just have a thing for him. That she just so happened to be there and shot her shot.
I glance at him as we walk, hoping to catch his eye, but he keeps his head down until we reach the Botsford Plaza.
We cross the lobby silently and board an elevator together. Part of me hopes that somebody will rush up and hop on with us, but it’s the middle of the night and we’re all alone here.
It’s just us as the doors close.
And this silence really sucks.
I don’t expect a response, but I can’t stand it anymore. “Thanks for walking back with me,” I say.
Harvey nods. “It was the right thing to do,” he says. “I’m not a big enough asshole to make a girl walk home alone in a strange city in the dark.”
“You don’t have an asshole bone in your body,” I say. “That’s what I meant to say before.”
“Addison, let’s not?—”
“No, let me finish.” I tap the stop button and the lift lurches to a halt as I turn to face him. “You’re a good guy, Harvey. Better than most.”
“And that’s bad?”
“That makes you an easy target.” I take a breath, the feel of his warm eyes on mine beneath the golden lights sending a sudden shiver up my spine. “Despite how you might feel about the feud or the Battle of the Bands, you’re on our team. We chose you, Harvey. Out of all the other musicians we saw back in Chicago, we chose you. In a way, that makes you our responsibility on this tour. The last thing I want to see is you being tricked or taken advantage of by girls like Tesla Kyle. You deserve better.”
Harvey’s expression softens a bit, but his eyes narrow. “Oh, so that’s what’s going on here,” he says.
“What?” I ask.
“You’re jealous.”
“What?”I shake my head. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” He stands a little taller. “You’re so used to having your little puppy dog pining all over you, you can’t stand to see some other girl giving me attention.”
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t get you, Addison. One day, you’re brushing me off, saying you’d never date another musician, and the next, you’re freaking out because another woman talked to me in a bar.”
“I am not freaking out.”
“What’s your deal? Are you in denial? Or are you just a hypocrite?”
I scoff. “Okay, I take it back,” I say as I restart the elevator. “You are an asshole.”
Harvey juts forward and stops it again. “Hold on,” he says. “I want you to admit it.”
“Forget it.”
“No, we’re doing this now,” he says, his voice sharp enough to bring me pause. “Tell me you feel nothing for me.”
“Am I really barking up the wrong tree here?” he asks. “Or is there something real between us? Tell me the truth. Put me out of my misery, at the very least.”
I hesitate, but I don’t look away. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Harvey.”
“Forget Tesla, Addison,” he says. “I’m talking about you and me.”
“So am I.”
Harvey blinks.
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” I repeat, the words clenched in my throat. “You deserve better.”
He shifts slightly as his eyes drift to linger on my lips. “Can I kiss you right now?” he asks.
“No,” I answer, swallowing hard.
For a moment, I think he might just do it, anyway.
For a moment, I almost want him to.
But Harvey just nods. He turns away and starts the elevator again. It lurches to life and we stand silently, both of us facing the doors.
When the doors open on our floor, Harvey immediately steps off. He turns right toward his room, while I slowly make my way left toward mine.
“Goodnight, Harvey,” I say.
He doesn’t respond. I’m not sure I even deserve a response at all.
I continue down the hall.
“Goodnight, Addison.”
I look back as his door closes behind him.
Yeah. He’s not an asshole.
I might be one, though.