Nobody Falls for the Opening Act (Break the Rules Book 2) Chapter 31 67%
Library Sign in

Chapter 31

Istare at my phone for far too long.

Eventually, the words become meaningless. Letters start to look unlike themselves and suddenly I wonder if I can even read English at all anymore.

They know.

Everybody knows.

“Harvey?” Addison asks from across the table. “You okay?”

We’re sitting alone at the breakfast table. Not sure exactly when the others took off, honestly. Every moment since coming downstairs and seeing the Gossipa article has been a blur. Oh, I clearly remember this morning. I remember with perfect clarity waking up with Addison. And fooling around and taking a shower together. Getting dressed and trying to act normal because we now had this awesome secret.

Don’t tell anybody.

How were we supposed to know that while that conversation was happening, this viral article had already spread like a… well, a virus?


I look up. “Hm?”

“Are you okay?” Addison asks again.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you?”

“A little surprised, actually.” I sigh, full of regret. “I didn’t think she’d…”

“I didn’t, either.”

“She seemed cool.”

“She was cool.”

“I mean, a few weeks ago, you and I were standing in the middle of a campsite watching a comet that only shows itself once every sixty-nine years, and no one took one picture.”

“They did, but… Professor B keeps that on a tight leash.”

“How was I supposed to know Ms. Johnson was a total dick?”

“She’s not a dick. She’s just human. Just a mom who wanted to impress her kids. Can’t harsh her for that.”

I check the number on the article and cringe. “That’s a lot of shares.”

“It’s okay, Harvey,” Addison says, reaching out to touch my hand. “You heard the others. Honestly, they seem more excited about us than we are.”

“There are over twenty-thousand comments already.”

“Harvey, don’t?—”

I scroll way too far down. “I mean, look at these.”

She extends her fingers over the screen. “Never read the comments.”

“I don’t trust it,” I read aloud. “Just another CR publicity stunt. Burn me once. It’s Knoxomy all over again.”


“She can do so much better. What’s she see in this loser?”

Addison snatches the phone from my hand. “Harvey,” she says, commanding my attention. “Don’t listen to them. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

“They didn’t even put my name in the headline,” I say. “I’m just Opening Act.”

”That’s not true! See?” She shows me the screen. “Over the Moon. It’s a pun! Everybody likes a good… pun…” Her voice tappers off, unable to even finish that lie.

I grimace.

“It’s just gossip, Harvey,” she says. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

“It’s Gossipa, Addison,” I point out. “Don’t forget they ruined Harmony’s career.”

“Logan Shock ruined Harmony’s career. Gossipa just did their job. And how twisted is your brain if you think a photo of you making out with me makes you look bad?”

“Well, what about you?” I say. “The great Addison Abbey slumming it with… Opening Act.”

“I didn’t pull a thigh muscle in the shower this morning balancing on Opening Act’s fingers, Harvey Moon,” she says, her eyes as playful as ever. “They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

Damn. I almost blush.

Addison touches my hand again. “All of this will pass,” she says. “Just watch. In a few days — or even hours — some other famous idiot will do something for attention, and they’ll forget all about us.”

“You think so?”

“I’ve seen it happen. Repeatedly. And for all we know, The Electrics are poring over that article trying to think of some way to steal the spotlight back as we speak.”

I take a breath, finding some comfort in the words. But also… a little bittersweetness. “Weird,” I whisper.

“What is?”

“I feel uncomfortable,” I say. “Like I’ve been violated.”

She nods, understanding.

“But at the same time, that’s my dream,” I say. “The whole world is talking about me.”

“It’s Gossipa, Harvey. Not the Times.”

“It’s like Dade Connery always says. If you’re not on their lips, you’re under their boots.”

Addison pulls back a little, but she nods. “Yeah,” she mutters. “I guess it’s like that.”

I abandon the phone face down on the table and turn my hand to accept Addison’s. Just an hour ago, I wouldn’t have done such a thing so publicly, but so much has changed since this morning. “So, this thing.”

“This thing?”

“Our thing,” I say. “Now that everyone knows, has anything changed? Since we talked, I mean.”

“No,” she answers. “No, Harvey, nothing has changed.”

“You still want to… act normal?” I ask. “As if we’re not together?”

“I want us to figure all of that out on our terms. Not Gossipa’s or anyone else’s. In fact, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of saying no comment. Works likes a charm.”

“So if I were to lean across this table and kiss you right now, that’d be wrong?”

She hesitates with an adorable lip bite. “Not wrong,” she says.

“But not right?”

“It wouldn’t be ideal.”

I do it anyway. I lean over the table and kiss her, but she doesn’t turn away. Her lips purse wonderfully against mine and I feel a momentary spark of calm amid a hectic morning.

I sit back down, our hands still entwined above the table.

“Rebel,” she says.

“I learned it from watching you,” I say, gazing at her. “How’s your thigh?”

“I’ll survive.” Addison smiles as she drags her thumb along my palm. “How’s your strum hand?”

“A little sore, but I think I’ll pull through.”

“Good.” She presses her lips together hesitantly. “Listen, Harvey, about before…”


“I don’t know how much you heard us say…”

“Oh.” I nod, remembering their voices drifting through the tables as I approached.

We’re all friends with Harvey, too. And I think it’s pretty shitty to lead a guy on like that.

I’m not leading him on!

What would you call it, then, Addison?

I’d call it none of your damn business, Knox!

“I didn’t hear much,” I squeak.

“Well, I just want you to know that I was just panicking a little,” Addison says. “I don’t… I don’t exactly thrive on being the center of attention.”

I rub her hand. “I know that.”

“So, when I saw that article and everyone was pointing fingers at me…”

Her voice drifts off.

“Addison.” I bring her hand close enough to kiss. “I know you’re not leading me on.”

“You do?”

I nod, gently rubbing my lips against her knuckles. “I’ve known from day one that you have walls around you,” I say. “Getting to know you was never going to be easy.”

“I’m sorry,” she says, looking down.

“Don’t be.” I smile. “Picking away at them has been the best part of this tour for me.”

“Not the groupies?” she teases.

“Oh, the groupies are nice. Don’t get me wrong.” I chuckle as she does. “But they’ve got nothing on the rock goddess.”

Addison rolls her eyes at that title, but she smiles sweetly as I kiss her knuckles. “Thank you, Harvey,” she says.

“Thank you,” I say.

“I wouldn’t go thanking me just yet. There’s something else I need to talk to you about.”

“What’s up?” I ask, giving her my full attention.

Addison sighs hesitantly. “I think we should take a break.”

My gut sinks. “Oh.” Sitting back, I slip my hands from her fingers. “Okay.”

“Not forever,” she says. “It’s just… there’s a lot going on right now.”

“There is, yeah,” I say, chuckling at that understatement.

“We have a show tonight. Tomorrow, we’re headed to Austin for that stupid music festival.”

Even my stomach rumbles at that. The music festival… where Dade Connery will be. “Yeah. Can’t forget about that.”

“Then we have the actual Austin show. Add in The Electrics and whatever the hell they’re up to.” Addison shakes her head. “I need to focus, that’s all. And you are…”

“An annoyance?”

To that, she smiles. “No, you’re a wonderful distraction.”

She turns her hand up on the table; a silent request for me to give her mine again.

Hell. I can’t say no to those pretty eyes.

I take her hands again, my fingers tingling as I touch her skin. “A break?” I say.

“Just through the weekend,” she says. “Once we cross state lines out of Texas and into Louisiana, I’ll be all yours again.” She smiles. “Have you ever been to New Orleans?”

I shake my head.

“It’s one of my favorite cities in the world,” she says. “Full of little nooks and crannies to get lost in. Just you and me.”

My brow rises. “Just you and me?”

Addison nods. “And by then…” She bites her bottom lip. “Well, by then, I’ll probably be about ready to explode.”


She draws a line across my palm, slowly climbing along my fingers — fingers still tingling from being buried deep inside of her. “Last night was…”


“Great,”she says. “But I think we both know that… it can only get better. Right?”

“Fuck yes!”

She arches a brow, but her smile widens.

That’s not being cool, Moon.

“I mean…” I clear my throat, acting nonchalant even though my heart is officially pounding. “Yeah. Sure. But if it happens, it happens, you know? No biggie.”

She chuckles. “Harvey.”


Her voice lowers, deep and sultry. “You make it to New Orleans with me and you won’t just get to come on me wherever you want.”

Oh, good god.

I cough, nearly choking on my saliva. “Okay!”

Addison grins. “So, you’re good with the break, then?”

“Oh, yeah!” I nod. “I’ll give you all the space you need, Addison. Whatever you want.”

“Thank you.”

“But I’ll be around,” I add, finding my smirk again. “You know, if you find yourself too stressed out or you can’t sleep?—”

“Harvey,” she scolds me playfully.

“But if you’d rather spend these next long, hot Texan nights alone, I get it. It’s cool. I totally understand why a girl wouldn’t want to be eaten out all night.”



“Remember when you were pretending you just wanted to be friends?”


She laughs as I kiss her wonderful fingers.

A throat clears beside us.

We look up, meeting August’s wide eyes at the table’s edge.

“Good morning,” he says, high-pitched and stressed, his blond hair carelessly flopped to one side.

“Good morning,” we say.

I release her hands, and she places them in her lap.

August pivots to look at her. “Addison, may I have a moment with my talent, please?”

“Uh… sure,” she says. “I need to catch up with the others, anyway.”

“We’ll finish this talk later?” I ask, not wanting her to go yet.

She stands up, but leans over the table. “We’ll talk in New Orleans,” she hums, so sultry sweet. “Okay?”

I shudder. “Yes, ma’am.”

Addison kisses my cheek, firing a shiver down my spine, before standing up tall and bowing her head at August. “Bye, guys.”

“Bye, Addison,” I say, sighing as she walks away.

So fucking pretty.

And so fucking beautiful when she’s coming on my tongue.

August plops into her empty seat, his jacket as ruffled and unkempt as his hair. “Uh… dude,” he says.

I raise my hands. “I know. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a head’s up, but I didn’t?—”

“Sorry?” He scoffs. “What are you sorry for? This is the best day ever!”

“How do you mean?”

“My phone is ringing constantly,” he says. “Every blog and podcast out there wants to talk to you.”

“You said no, right?”

August blinks. “Come again?”

“I’m not talking to anyone about this.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s Addison Abbey, August.”

“Exactly. How many times do you realistically expect to go viral for making out with a rock goddess in your lifetime? The iron ain’t getting hotter than this, Harvey. Strike it now.”

“No,” I say.

“What do you want me to say to them, then?”

“No comment.”

“Are you serious?”

“Very serious.”

“But fluid?”

I just glare.

August deflates. “Fine.” He holds up his hands. “I’ll grey rock the press.”

“Thank you.”

“But you should probably tell me every single detail, though,” he says, his eyes wide for gossip. “You know, so I know exactly what I can and can’t say.”

“I don’t kiss and tell, August.”

He snorts. “Since when?”

“Since Addison fucking Abbey, man,” I say, feeling the full weight of her name on my lips. “I’m already not good enough for her and I’m not about to screw it up.”

“Who the fuck said you weren’t good enough for her?”

My glare returns. “You did.”

He leans back. “I did not!”

“Nobody falls for the opening act,”I quote. “Those were your exact words.”

“Whatever. I stand corrected. You achieved the impossible. Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” I spit.

“But… you spent the night with her?” he asks, fishing for anything. “All night?”

I shrug. “Most of it.”

“Multiple times?”


He sits back with disappointment. “Fine. Mum’s the word,” he says as he reaches across the table and snatches a piece of bacon off my plate. “Just promise me something, will you?”


He shoves the bacon into his mouth. “At least write a song about it or something,” he says. “So I can blast it in the shower and live vicariously through it while I play with myself.”

“Do you actually do that?” I ask.

“Would it change our friendship if I say yes?”

“Probably not.”

He smirks and grabs another slice of bacon. With a chuckle, I push the plate toward him, silently offering him the rest of my uneaten breakfast.

But the man has a point.

The life of a rockstar is supposed to be larger than life. If I can write a song like that, it could be on everyone’s lips forever. I wouldn’t just be Opening Act anymore. I’d be one step closer to being a rock god.

To finally being good enough for Addison Abbey.

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