The Night Before Jonah’s Wedding
Why did I agree to this?
Not the bridesmaid part. No, that has been far more fun than I expected. Especially the low-key bachelorette party in an exclusive suite at the Botsford Plaza in Las Vegas, thrown elegantly by Marla’s mother, Angie.
No, I’m talking about the part where I stupidly agreed not to see Harvey for a whole damn week since the end of the tour.
See, someone cracked a joke on the bus, saying that all us couples should spend the last week before the wedding apart in a show of solidarity with Jonah. The poor guy hasn’t even seen his bride-to-be in the flesh for three months and in a fit of collective temporary insanity, we all thought it’d be wonderfully supportive and romantic to do the same — on a smaller scale, of course.
But dammit... I miss Harvey!
He’s been at home in Chicago since the end of the tour, so our part of this insanity wasn’t the most difficult to achieve. But he’s here now. In Las Vegas. Downstairs at the hotel bar for Jonah’s bachelor party.
I can feel him on my skin. In my heart. Between my— yup. There, too.
If I don’t see him soon, I’m going to explode.
Marla steps out of the bedroom. The rest of us gasp at the sight of her in her wedding dress, which we all half-drunkenly demanded she put on when she told us she still had her doubts about it.
“Oh, my god! Marla!” Jordan says. “You look like a princess!”
“Really?” she asks, still full of doubt.
“Yes!” I say as we all push off the floor cushions. “Honey, you have nothing to worry about. You look amazing.”
“Yeah, Jonah is going to lose his mind!” Harmony says.
We all agree with smiles and swoons.
“Thanks, guys,” Marla says, her cheeks as red as her hair. “Or gals, I mean. And thank you all again for coming. I know this isn’t exactly the most exciting party in the world, but my mother and I are grateful you’re here to celebrate with us.”
We all vocally disagree.
“That’s not even a thing, Marla,” Jordan says. “It’s actually really nice to have one night where I’m not thinking about work.”
I nod. “Or the Battle of the Bands.”
“Or men!” Angie chimes in.
We all raise our champagne flutes and laugh.
But between my legs…
“That said...” Harmony smirks deviously at Katrina.
“No,” Katrina says instantly.
“We need to find Katrina a man at the wedding,” Harmony continues.
“No,”Katrina says again, her cheeks pink. “We don’t.”
“Yes, we do!”
“Shouldn’t be too difficult,” Jordan says. “All those eligible young rich guys just lying around.”
“Yeah!” Marla says, so very beautiful in her dress. “My side is... well, it’s pretty sparse in that department, but the Botsfords had so many obligation invites and they are handsome. I saw pictures.”
Katrina waves her hands. “Really, guys. No?—”
Harmony nods with confidence. “We’ll find you somebody. At least,” she smirks, “for the weekend.”
We raise our glasses again, then quickly realize we’re talking dirty in front of Marla’s mother.
“Oh, don’t mind me, ladies,” Angie says. “Believe me, I’ve had my fair share of casual wedding fun.”
“Mom,”Marla says, blushing.
“I appreciate the thought,” Katrina says slowly, “but I’m not interested in finding anyone right now. Especially not at Jonah’s wedding.”
“Why not?” Chrissy asks.
“Just...” Katrina shrugs. “It’s not in my plan right now.”
“Atta girl,” Angie says. “Be free! For as long as possible.”
We toast to that again, throwing back our glasses as Katrina sips to soothe her red cheeks.
As the conversation turns to Angie’s hot teacher beau, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I check it, feeling my chest clench at the mere sight of Harvey’s name on the notification.
Harvey Moon
2512. ASAP.
I slide it away and casually push off the floor.
“Where you off to?” Jordan asks me.
“Nowhere,” I answer. “I was just going to run down to my room really quick and?—”
“See Harvey?”
She narrows her suspicious eyes.
“What? No!” I scoff. “Of course not. We had an agreement and I intend to honor it. No, I was just going to go use my bathroom because that shrimp cocktail before is leaving me a little rumbly in the tummy.”
Jordan nods. “Yeah, go. I’ve shared a bus with you long enough to know that’s not good.”
I rush out, dodging Katrina’s knowing wink as I go.
Down the hall and up the elevator to the 25th floor, I wait with toe-tapping frustration for the moment I’ll finally see his face again.
I reach room 2512 and pound on the door.
It opens instantly on Harvey’s smile.
“Hey, Addi?—”
I throw myself at him.
“Ooough!”he says as I practically knock the wind out of him. “I’m happy to see you, too.”
“I missed you,” I say.
He wraps his arms around me and turns us to kick the door closed. “I missed you, too.”
“This was a terrible idea.”
Harvey laughs. “I thought it was really sweet, actually,” he says, guiding me up to look at him, his hands on my cheeks. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.”
He kisses me and it’s like leaping into a hot spring on a chilly day. Warmth tickles my fingers and toes, and all I can think to do is breathe him in over and over again.
I reach for his belt.
He guides my hands away. “Hold on...”
“What?” I ask. “We’ve already broken the rules. Why wait any longer?”
“Technically, we haven’t broken the rules,” he says. “The agreement was to not see each other until the day of the wedding. It is now...” he points at the clock, “twelve-oh-three on the day of Jonah and Marla’s wedding.”
“Sneaky sneaky.”
I draw a finger along the line of his zipper, and he pulls me away again with a chuckle. “I have something to show you first,” he says.
I sigh disappointedly, but I let him lead me through the suite. We don’t get far before coming upon a billiard table set up in the center of the room.
“Oh, cool!” I say. “Wait. How did you even get this up here?”
Harvey circles the table to grab the two cues leaning against the bathroom door. “Well, you know how you can call the front desk and ask for firmer pillows and whatnot?”
“Yes,” I say. “I believe I told you that.”
“That you did. But did you also know that if you call the front desk and ask for a pool table... they’ll bring you one and assemble it themselves?”
I blink twice. “No, I didn’t. But I’m not sure why I’m surprised. This is Vegas.”
“Dropping Jonah’s name didn’t hurt, either.”
“Ah!” I chuckle. “Yeah. That’d do it.”
Harvey offers me a stick. “Do you want to break or shall I?”
I grin, so very happy. “I’ll do it.”
I give him one more quick kiss, just needing to feel his soft lips against mine one more time before I completely annihilate him. Then, I should probably get back down to Marla’s party before Jordan sends a search party.
I round the table, coming to a stop in front of the white cue ball already waiting for me. Eying the triangle of colors on the other side, I lean down to line up my shot.
Beyond them stands Harvey, casually leaning on his stick and gazing at me across the table.
“Stop that,” I say.
“Stop that?” he asks, smiling.
“You’re trying to distract me. To throw me off my game.”
“Is it working?”
I shoot, firing the cue ball down the table. It collides just where I wanted it to, breaking the triangle apart with a loud clack.
They roll about the table, knocking against the green felt walls, until slowly coming to their resting places. Except the 2 and 3-balls. They fall right into the side pockets.
Harvey says nothing. He just smiles.
My stomach quivers, and not in a bad shrimp cocktail kind of way. I round the table, searching for my next shot while purposefully putting my back to him. With a deep breath, I regain my focus, tipping forward to rest my stick along the felt, lining up a decent shot at the 7-ball inches away from the corner pocket.
A smooth hand touches my outer thigh.
I glance behind me, feeling Harvey’s body whisper against mine. “What are you doing?” I ask.
“Shh,” he says, his hand sliding upward. “Take your shot.”
“Hard to do without hitting you, too.”
“I’ll live.”
Shaking off the shivering heat on my skin beneath his touch, I look forward. I will the tip of my stick to stop shaking as I target the cue ball, but it’s a difficult task as Harvey’s hand reaches around my waist and rests on the button of my jeans.
“Harvey...” I warn.
“You know, this would have been much easier if you wore a skirt.”
I chuckle. “I don’t wear skirts.”
“Oh, I know,” he says, not complaining. He pops the button free, his hand quickly sliding in.
I shiver again, nearly losing my grip on the stick as I recall all the wonderful notes those fingers can strum out of me. “Harvey,” I whisper, needing more.
“Take your shot.”
I obey, jerking the stick forward. The tip doesn’t quite hit its mark, but the cue ball somehow rolls toward the 7 anyway and knocks it into the pocket.
“Hey, I got it!” I say.
“Easy shot,” he taunts with two fingers dangerously close to my clit. “Where to next?”
I scan the table with blurred vision, wanting so badly to give up the game entirely and submit to his touch.
“Where?” he whispers in my ear.
I straighten up and walk around the table, making his hand slide free of my pants as he stays in the same place.
There’s an easy angle on the 8-ball! Wait, no. That’d be bad.
What am I thinking?
With Harvey on the other side of the table, I lean down to find the best play. The 1-ball is ready to be claimed, but so is the 5. If I felt like flexing a little, I could do a wicked bounce shot and take both of them, but that might be too risky given the?—
Harvey moves from his spot across the table. He walks slowly and silently, but I feel the heat of his gaze on me the whole way around. My focus now shattered, I watch him the entire time, my pulse pounding harder as he makes his way to stand behind me once again.
“Take your shot,” he says.
“Kiss me and I will,” I tease.
He steps closer, his front touching my back. I turn my head and offer my lips to him. His obvious erection presses into the small of my back as he rests a hand beneath my chin.
“I don’t want to kiss you here,” he whispers.
He drops to his knees, taking my pants with him as he goes. I try to turn around, but his firm hands on my hips keep me locked in place.
“Take your shot,” I hear him say again.
His tongue dances along my pussy lips.
No problem, dude.
I drop the stick and plant my palms on the table. I try to part my legs further, but my jeans are wrapped around my knees.
Maybe I should wear a skirt sometimes.
“Harvey,” I sigh.
“Take your?—”
“I lose!” I say. “I forfeit. Game over. I don’t care— oh!”
His tongue plunges deep, shaking me to the core. I raise a leg and rest my knee on the table’s edge. With better access, Harvey teases me even more. He laps at me, sucks at my flesh and flicks my clit, forcing me to ride the sensations. Moaning with each breath, I dig my fingertips into the felt and enjoy it.
But a girl could always take more.
“Harvey,” I whimper. “I missed you.”
He chuckles as his tongue swipes my asshole. “I missed you, too,” he says before plunging right back into my dripping wet pussy.
I slip forward, knocking my stick against the other balls. They roll out of place, but we couldn”t care less about our little rematch now.
We’re together again. That’s all that matters.
Not the Battle of the Bands. Not Logan Shock or The Electric’s insane schemes. Not Paul Monroe’s treachery or even Jonah’s wedding penetrate our little bubble.
Speaking of penetration…
Harvey rises and unzips his pants. In a second, I feel his teasing tip between my slit and then he thrusts home, giving me his full length in one stroke.
I cry out in pleasure and surprise, then mewl in satisfaction as Harvey curls one arm over my breasts. He holds me against him as he fucks me from behind, his warm whispers tickling my ear.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says. “So fucking sexy.”
I chuckle. “Call me whatever you want, just don’t stop.”
He nibbles playfully on my earlobe. “Come here.”
I swivel my head, eager for a kiss. He gives me one, slow and deep enough to leave bruises.
“I love you, Addison,” he says, our lips touching.
I kiss him softly, achingly. “I love you, Harvey.”
He takes me with overwhelming passion, holding on to me as I cling to him. We breathe each other’s air and taste each other’s moans, grinding and thrusting until neither of us can hold back.
Our climax comes in waves. We ride the wonderful push and pull of it on the table’s edge. We tremble on weak ankles and shaking knees, moaning for each other with heavy sighs of passion.
And when it’s over, I know I made the right choice.
I know I’ve given my heart to the right man.
Harvey Moon. Our opening act.
A rock god fit for a rock goddess like me.
My sense of time completely off track, we rush to clean up and get back to our respective parties before we get caught.
One last blissful kiss and a promise of more tomorrow. Then Harvey and I step out into the hallway.
And run right into Katrina.
She must have come to fetch me before Jordan did it herself.
“Oh!” I say, caught in the act. “Hi, Katrina.”
“We didn’t look at each other,” Harvey spits out stupidly.
“Right. We were just...”
I drop my silly excuses, instantly aware of the tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Kat, are you okay?” I ask softly. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
She sniffs and looks down. “Nothing,” she says under her breath. “I have to go.”
She bolts, continuing forward at an even faster pace.
“Katrina?” I ask after her, but she doesn’t stop.
Down the hall where she came from, Jonah stands outside the door to his suite.
“Jo,” I say. “What happened?”
He shifts on his shiny shoes, his tie untied and hanging about his shoulders. “Nothing,” he says, his smile stiff and forced. “Nothing, uh... I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Big day, huh?” Harvey says.
“Yeah.” Jonah looks down. “Big day.”
He walks into his room and closes the door.
My stomach rumbles again.
“What was that about?” Harvey asks.
I shake my head. “I have no idea.”
Whatever it was, it ain’t good.
Bronson and Jordanhave some explaining to do in the outrageous next chapter in the Break the Rules series. Don’t Bang a Bandmate is coming later in 2024!
In the meantime, discover what happened between August and Chrissy in Nashville in the hot bonus short story, We Really Shouldn’t…