Off Sides: An MM Friends with Benefits Standalone Chapter 13 34%
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Chapter 13


That trembling, whimpered word breaks my heart.

My poor boy. I don’t know how to help him in the long run but I can get him out of his head for a few minutes. That he reached out to me when he needed it means he still cares about me, right? We can’t be over if he still needs me, right?

“Switch to video.” I’m not sure he’ll agree but something in my chest loosens when I see the screen loading, only to be heartbroken when his wet face appears. He’s rubbing at his eyes, making his face redder than it was. “You need a release, baby?” he nods his head. “You worked hard today, so it’s time to relax.”

He sniffles and clears his throat.

“Please.” His voice is that small tone he uses when he’s close to coming. The one that turns me into a feral beast.

My balls tingle and my dick thickens as I duck into an alley for privacy. What I wouldn’t give to sink into him right now when he’s needy and salty from crying.

“Do you have lube?”

His breathing shudders but he shakes his head.

“Lotion? There’s usually some from the hotel.” He hasn’t let go enough to blindly follow directions yet. “Go find it.”

He looks at me in the screen for a second then everything is blurry as he stands and walks.

“I found lotion,” he mumbles and looks down at the phone.

“Good.” I smile at him. “Strip and get comfortable. I’m not leaving until I see you come.”

He shudders and his breath catches. It turns my smile predatory. Fuck, I wish I were there with him right now. I would use him until he’s too exhausted to think and passes out against me.

Joey bites his lip and moves back to the bed. I stare at the sky while he undresses and the camera bounces a bit when he gets back on the mattress.

“Okay,” Joey says, still using that little voice that makes me ache.

“Show me.”

I see a little peek of a smile before the camera switches and his bared body is displayed for me. Long legs and perfect skin that I swear I can smell through the phone.

“How much time do you have before your roommate comes back?” I want to draw this out but I doubt I have that kind of time.

“I don’t know.”

“Are you being a dirty boy, Joey? Trying to get caught playing with yourself?” Is he into exhibitionism or is the threat of getting caught a turn-on? God, I want to explore all the facets that make him, him.

His dick twitches and I smirk. “Open your legs like you would if I were there to see your slutty hole.”

Joey groans and bends his knees to open his thighs wider. My own dick hardens and I rub the heel of my hand against it through my jeans.

“So hard for me, baby boy.” I can almost taste him. Like the ghost of a flavor that I’m desperate for but can’t have. A tease. “Slick your hand with lotion and push your cock into it.”

The phone gets put down again and while I listen to the pop of the cap, my screen is black. It doesn’t take long for him to pick up the phone again and fill my screen with his dick.

“Set your phone up on the bedside table so I can see all of you.”

His hand freezes at the tip of his dick and he groans as I make him wait a few more seconds, but he does what I’ve instructed. Joey props up the phone and adjusts the camera so I can see the length of the bed and his stretched-out body.

“It’s unfair you can touch what belongs to me when I can’t.” I growl and he shudders.

“I want to touch myself. Please, can I?” His chest is rising and falling rapidly with his breathing.

“Thrust into your hand. Let me see you fuck your fist.” My own breathing has gotten faster and I pull my dick out to jack off right along with him. I miss him. I miss his need for me. His earnest submission.

Joey whimpers and arches, watching himself appear and disappear in his own hand.

“Look at me.” The demand in my voice is harsh but I want—no, need—his eyes on me. I need to be his entire fucking world and it hurts so goddamn bad that I’m not. So I will take every second he gives me, demand he not forget me when he’s desperate and aching.

His eyes flash back to the screen and I see it, the pain, the frustration, the need to give himself to me.

“Good boy.” I soften my tone and his face relaxes just a little, like he needed those words more than I needed to say them. “You’re so hard for me, Joey. Are you getting close? Do you want to come and show me how much you like being at my mercy?”

“Huuung. Yes, please. I want to come for you.” God, what that voice does to me. I throb in my own hand.

“Ask nicely.”

He closes his eyes for a second, pulling his plump bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before his eyes pin me through the screen. “Please, Daddy?”

My balls seize and I’m hit so hard with my orgasm my knees buckle. I groan, long and loud, leaning against the wall and spilling cum onto the concrete.

“Oh fuck, baby. You’re such a good boy, come for me. Show me how much you wish I was there to fuck you to sleep.” My voice sounds like I’ve run a marathon, panting and airy, as I try to recover, but it has its desired effect and I watch as cum shoots onto Joey’s stomach and chest as he cries out for me. I want to lick him clean, kiss him deep and slow with his taste still on my tongue.

When his body relaxes, he tosses an arm over his face as he pants. I love seeing him like this, wrung out and relaxed. Post-orgasm is the only time he’s not on. My poor boy is a people pleaser and can’t let a text message or a phone call wait unless I’m commanding his attention. It’s the only time he lets himself go and just feels.

I unashamedly watch as he grabs his T-shirt to clean himself up some and pull on some pajama pants. In front of my eyes, I watch him sink back into himself and it makes me want to rampage. He doesn’t want to look at me but knows he has to find a way to end the call without being rude. God forbid he hurts someone’s feelings. It didn’t take me long to figure that out about him. He doesn’t know how to stand up for himself, but I desperately want to teach him.

“Joey, look at me.”

He sits on the bed, shoulders rounded and head dropped toward the floor. I wait for him to get the courage. It’s fascinating to see this insecure side of him when he’s such a beast on the ice. Captain Joey Carpenter and my Joey are two very different sides to the same coin and I enjoy both of them.

Finally, his head lifts and he looks at me, chewing on that damn lip again.

“I’m glad you called.”

“I shouldn’t have. I don’t want to give you mixed signals or whatever.” He sounds miserable.

“Is it because my roommate knows?” I want to understand his thought process. Maybe then I’ll be able to find peace.

He sighs and drops his head again. “I don’t have time or energy for a relationship, even a casual one. I have to focus on my classes, hockey, and my family. There’s nothing else for me.”

His family?

“Your fam?—”

“Listen, I’m tired and I just want to sleep. I have another game tomorrow. Thank you, for tonight, but I really need to go.”

The call ends and I’m left staring at my phone in the alley behind a bar with my dick out and cum drying on the dirty concrete. What a time to get a backbone. The one time I don’t want him to stand up for himself, he does.

What the fuck am I doing?

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