Not having access to Joey is going to land me in a padded room. Or jail.
Between memories of Emma haunting my dreams and lack of communication with Joey, I’m ready to snap.
Mom is busy in the kitchen getting lunch ready for the little ones, Sammy and Troy, while I watch Bluey with them in the living room, but I can’t keep still. Between chewing on my fingers and my leg bouncing, I’m ready to slap myself to make it stop.
Picking up my phone, I text Joey again. I haven’t heard from him today and last night he was drunk as fuck and wasn’t making any sense. Pretty sure that’s a bad sign. I’ve known him for a few months and have only seen him drunk, like, once. He’s been home three days and he’s already found the bottom of a bottle? No good can come of this.
The theme music for the show starts up and the kids start dancing. They’re twins, a boy and a girl, and just turned three. Of course they’re adorable and complete opposites. Sammy has straight brown hair and dark eyes with a little bit of a tan complexion while Troy is blond with big bouncy curls, bright green eyes, and I’m pretty sure he glows in the dark. If Mom hadn’t told me they were related, I wouldn’t have guessed it, but CPS swears they’re twins.
“Time to eat!” Mom calls from the table where she’s set out plates and cups. Sammy takes off for the table but Troy watches me stoically. I don’t know what their story is but I can tell Troy’s trust in adults has been damaged badly, specifically by men. It breaks my heart but I don’t take it personally.
“Come on, bud.” I nod toward the table. “Mom, what’s for lunch?”
“Mac and cheese, dino nuggies, and grapes for Troy. Everyone else gets strawberries.”
Okay, that sounds amazing.
I stand from the couch and head to the table, hoping he’ll follow me. On the table is two kid-sized plates and two adult plates.
“Thanks, Mom!” I text Brent to come eat lunch and take a seat across from the little ones. Sammy has cheese sauce all over her face and half a nugget in each hand. I love her.
Troy peers around the couch, watching me. I smile at him and scoop a bite into my mouth. Having grown up in a house with foster kids, I know a lot of them have trust issues but I’m not used to being put with the adults. I was a kid when I left, barely eighteen, and most kids didn’t see me as intimidating. It hurts my heart to see him questioning if he can trust me.
“What’s your favorite dino nuggie?” I ask him, lifting two different shapes to show him. “Mine is the pterodactyl.”
Brent comes down the stairs and waits at the hallway entrance for the kid to see him. “Naw, stegosauruses is the best one,” he says and Troy’s gaze jumps to him.
“Raaawr!” Sammy yells, holding up a T-Rex missing a tail.
“Can I eat lunch with you?” Brent asks Troy. The little boy looks between us then nods, pointing at the table. Brent smiles a big, happy smile. “Thanks.”
He walks slowly and sits down next to me then dips his long-neck dino into ketchup. Brent and I eat, laughing with Sammy when we make our nuggies fight. It takes a minute but Troy climbs up into his booster and starts eating. He’s cautious and that’s okay. I can be patient.
Maybe being raised the way I did prepared me for Joey. I know how to stay calm, take it slow, let him get used to me.
“Raawww,” Troy says quietly, his T-Rex up by his face as he watches me.
I pick up one of mine and hold it the same way, rawring quietly back to him. The little boy smiles and it lights up his whole face. Behind him, Mom smiles and leans on the counter to watch. I’m guessing he doesn’t warm up quickly to anyone, so it’s good to see him interacting.
By the time we’re done eating, Troy has decided I’m his new best friend, which is just fine with me. Since it stopped raining, we put on shoes and jackets and head outside to kick a ball around and run some energy out before nap time.
Troy takes my hand and walks with me out onto the patio then down the steps to the grass that’s more moss. Perfect for little ones to fall on and not get hurt. The trees are all bare and the sky is gray, but I find the soccer ball and pass it to Sammy while Troy holds my hand.
“Come on, we gotta go get it,” I say as I turn us around to go after the ball Sammy kicked. “You wanna kick it?”
“Yeah,” he whispers and when we get to it, he runs and kicks it back toward his sister. She shrieks with delight and we continue on for a few minutes until they both get bored. Sammy decides it’s a lot more fun to chase me anyway. I pretend to yell in terror and run, Troy giggles and runs with me. The sound is pure happiness and it sets my heart free.
I wish Joey was here to see it. I bet he would fall in love with Troy and Sammy instantly.
I wonder if he wants to have kids someday or if he’s done since he raised his siblings…
“All right, guys, time to come in and calm down,” Mom calls from the sliding back door. Sammy takes off for her, throwing herself into Mom’s arms. She covers the little girl”s face in kisses while she laughs and laughs.
“Up,” Troy says, lifting his arms to me.
I pick him up and hold him on my hip but he pulls himself across my chest to lie on my shoulder. Holding him snuggly against me, I rub his back and before I get inside, he’s asleep.
Since the kids are in toddler beds and Troy does not want me to put him down, I end up laying on my old bed with him snuggled up against me and Brent reading behind me. It only takes a few seconds for me to pass out too.
I’m shaken awake by Brent shoving my shoulder.
“Wh-what?” I try to blink my eyes open but they are heavy.
“Joey is on the phone.” He shoves the phone in my face and I squint at the offending brightness.
“Oh hey.” I scrub at my face and try to move but I’m squished between Brent and Troy. “I’m stuck.”
Brent huffs but gets up so I can move, hopefully without waking the little man. Once I’ve tiptoed out of the room, I take a better look at Joey. My smile falling instantly at the look on his face. It’s somewhere between betrayed, hurt, and pissed off.
“What? What’s wrong?” My heart drops into my stomach, and I stop halfway down the stairs. What happened now?
“Are you fucking serious?”
My head blanks. What did I do? “What?”
“Your fuck buddy answered your phone!” The yell that comes from him makes me jump.
“Fuck buddy? No, no, no. That’s Brent, my brother.” Brent’s cackle can be heard from the living room and I jog the last few steps to look into the living room to glare at him. “I would never cheat on you.”
“Brother?” He’s skeptical, some of the anger fading from his face, and the tension in his shoulders dropping. “You don’t look alike.”
“He was a foster kid in my house growing up, but he was family from the second he walked in the door.”
“Aww punk’in.” Brent looks over the back of the couch and cocks his head.
“I’m going to knock you out,” I point at him as I head to the kitchen for some water. Sammy is already up, having a snack and playing with blocks.
“Where’s Troy?” Mom asks when she sees me.
“Still asleep.”
She’s taken aback and her eyes widen. “Really? That’s weird. I hope he’s not getting sick.”
“Who’s Troy?” Joey asks, a little suspicious.
“He’s a three-year-old my parents have right now.”
Joey’s cheeks pinken and it’s so fucking adorable.
“I think you would really like them. Sammy and Troy are twins and opposites in every possible way.”
Sammy turns when she hears her name and smiles at me. “Bock!”
She holds up a purple rubber block and I sit with her on the floor to stack them.
“You like kids?” I ask Joey as I build a tower that Sammy immediately knocks down.
“It’s been a while since I was around ones that young but she’s adorable.” I set up my phone against some books so he can watch. She gets her face right up against the screen and screeches in laughter when he does the same.
“How’s it going there? You want to talk about it?”
“No, I want you to distract me.”
The tone of Joey’s voice, almost stern, definitely needy, has my body responding. Fuck, I want to touch him, taste his cum, feel his skin heat against mine.
“Just a second, kid,” I say in a rush and grab my phone to head out to the garage where I can hopefully have some privacy. “Are you somewhere private?”
I find a spot to sit in the garage and prop my phone up on the steel shelf where the boxes of Christmas shit lives. It’s definitely been organized in here since I saw it last.
On the screen, I can see the rhythmic motion of Joey’s shoulders as he jacks off.
“Oh fuck, baby, are you getting a head start?”
From the concentration lines on his face, and way he’s squeezing his eyes shut, he’s trying but failing.
“Joey.” I put some command in my voice and he looks at me. “Did you ask to touch yourself? That dick is mine, hands off until I tell you otherwise.”
His breathing deepens and his shoulders relax. There he is. Relaxing into the power exchange. It’s sexy as fuck the way he does it without hesitation.
“Tell me what you would do if I were there with you right now.” I pull my chubbed-up cock out and lazily stroke it. “Drop to your knees so you can worship my cock with your mouth? Stretch out your hole for me to use, over and over, until I’m satisfied?”
He shudders, the red blush of arousal starting to blossom at the bottom of his neck.
“Yes, both.” He licks his bottom lip. “Fuck my mouth then my ass. Take me. Use me.”
“Where? In your dorm room? The locker room where anyone can catch us? The stairs? The stands of the football stadium?” I’ve always wanted to fuck on the fifty-yard line, actually…
“Dorms.” His face is red now, the blush having crawled up his thick neck. “So we can fuck more than once without interruption.” Joey’s breathing is getting faster and I can watch the muscles in his arms flex as he clenches his fists.
“Pinch your nipples.” I love watching him comply. He bunches the T-shirt in his armpits, showing me the strong muscles of his chest and stomach as he pulls and pinches on the sensitive skin.
It’s not long before his hips are rocking, unable to keep them still. Knowing that I’ve done this to him with just words has my hand speeding up.
“You’re such a needy little slut, aren”t you?”
Joey bites his lip and whimpers, “Yes.”
“Show me how close you are. You gonna come for me?” The need to come is forcing my body to tense. I don’t want to come before him and have him lose momentum but, my God, he’s so fucking perfect.
“Daddy, I want to come.” That quiet little voice is pure lust in my veins. “I need to touch myself, please?”
“You want to touch what’s mine?”
His breathing hitches and he slides farther down whatever he’s sitting on. “Yes, please,” he begs.
“Show me. Show me what’s mine while you come.” The screen rotates and he’s set the phone on something that appears to be at the end of a bed so I can see his entire body, thighs spread with his pants and underwear at his knees. Fuck, he looks half wrecked.
“Spit in your hand and jack yourself off like I would.”
He complies immediately, stroking himself quickly with hard twists of his wrist. His tip is deliciously purple, the veins standing out as tempting ridges I want to lick, and his balls are full and heavy. The sound of flesh on flesh comes through the speaker and I speed up to match his pace.
“Good boy, knees wider. Show me your hole.”
He pulls one foot from his clothes and spreads his legs wider. It’s not a clear view but it’s enough.
“Suck on your middle two fingers, choke on them.” The words are a harsh demand but he loves it as much as I do. When he gags on his fingers, my orgasm threatens to overtake me. “Such a good little cocksucker. You’re going to come gagging on your fingers and pretending it”s my dick.”
His words are garbled when he says, “Yes, Daddy,” but I understand them. My eyes are zeroed in on his fingers, how he pushes them as far into his mouth as he can, then slides them out some. He’s fucking his mouth and it’s got me fucked up. I need to fuck his throat, use his hair to hold him still, and make him take all of me until I fill his stomach with cum.
“Hng! Un! Fungk!” Cum splatters on his stomach and chest as saliva drips from his chin.
“Fuck, you’re so goddamn good for me,” I moan as I come onto my shirt. How I get this off without smearing cum all over everything is future Nick’s problem. Right now, I’m coming with my boy and nothing else matters.
He’s panting and relaxed against the wall, his face still a mess but his fingers no longer in his mouth. There’s a tired smile on his lips that I want to kiss.
“That was hot as fuck,” he mumbles.
I smile at him, taking in the dopey relaxation wafting off him. It’s these little moments, when his head is quiet, and he can breathe, that I’m most proud of myself.
“Will you do that, for real?” He looks down, chewing on his lip a little.
“Do what? Fuck your throat?” My dick twitches at the very thought.
He doesn’t raise his head but he glances at the phone and nods.
“Oh, baby boy, I would love nothing more than to feel you gag around me.” I smirk at him as he pointedly doesn’t look at me while cleaning himself up. “Dirty boy.”
Once he’s straightened his clothes, he grabs the phone and lies down, positioning the phone like I’m next to him.
“I wish you were here.” There’s something on his face, an emotion I’m not sure of.
“I wish you were here with me instead.” I fold up my shirt and manage to get it off without smearing cum across myself. “I think you would like Brent and my mom would love you.”
“You have a good relationship with your mom?”
I don’t know how to answer that. Not really. I love her. I know she loves me. But…I wish I had been a higher priority sometimes. The kids who came into our home were broken more times than not, traumatized by the life they had lived, but I needed her too.
“Your silence tells me no.”
“No, it’s nothing crazy. I love her and I know she loves me,” I sigh and try to find the right words. “I think she thought I didn’t need her as much as the other kids, so I wasn’t a top priority like they were.”
Joey nods and starts to respond when there’s a knocking, probably on his door.
“Yeah?” The telltale sound of a hinge squeaks before a female voice speaks. I can’t hear what she says but he sighs and sits up. “Okay, I’m coming.” He looks at me again. “I gotta go, Matt is being a dick and his surgeon wants an X-ray of his ankle since he keeps falling on it, so I have to go deal with him.”
“Okay, I’ll be here if you want to talk later.” I wink at him. “And feel free to send me more fantasies.”
He blushes but says goodbye and hangs up. I fucking hate this distance.