Omega Captive of the Alpha Dragon Chapter 6 24%
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Chapter 6



“ I don’t have rules here,” I said in answer to his question.

I heard a skittering behind me of the omega trying to keep up with my long strides. I had deliberately brought him in the direction of my sculpture collection first off because I liked my things, and I wanted him to know it. It was pride; I knew it. Maybe to make up for my lack of pride in suddenly owning a live person.

“No rules?” Tavi asked.

“If you break something, I’ll buy a new one. If you hurt yourself, I’ll get you the best medical care. If you want something, I’ll get it for you.”

I wasn’t sure how to handle this. He wasn’t a child. I wasn’t going to control him. He could take care of himself. Why shouldn’t he have free rein of the house?

Not control him? But oh, won’t he look pretty in shackles and chains?

“I don’t want him chained.”

“Who are you talking to?”

I turned. I didn’t realize I’d spoken to Allure out loud. The muscles of my face stiffened. “My dragon and I are at odds.”

He grimaced. “I come from wolf stock and those guys always argue with themselves.”

“Wolves and dragons are very different.”

“I guess,” he replied. “Or maybe not that much?”

Tavi walked up to one of my favorite sculptures. The dragon was ten feet tall and reared up so his front legs were in the air. His wings spanned another ten feet. Tavi stood beneath the reared legs with his head back, staring at it. Then he reached up to touch the scaled chest.

I held my breath, wanting to tell him to stop. But then he petted the scales oh so gently and my heart nearly stopped at the sight.

I forgot all about wanting to argue that wolves and dragons were nothing alike. I could only watch, tight-lipped, as he walked around the sculpture, under the outstretched wings, his fingertips trailing over all the parts he could reach.

“This one must have taken years to make.” His soft, lilting voice came from behind the sculpture now.

“I bought it direct from the artist. It took him two years.”

“It’s my favorite. But they are all beautiful.”

I wasn’t sure if Tavi was talking to cover his nervousness, saying what he thought I might want to hear, or if he was being honest. I didn’t ask.

When he came back around to face me, he looked up at me, his eyes wide. “I think there should be some rules, though.”

“Oh?” Was he being brave or finally making a stand. “Such as?”

“You are the master of this house. They are yours to make.”

He was cheeky. Yet he seemed subdued. Not aggressive. Not even angry or scared. He was adrift, in a new place. He didn’t know what was required of him, what to do.

I’d felt the same so much of my life. My dragon made me the loner I was, scary and out of control.

Rules are good. Make rules. We are alpha. He should obey us in everything.

“You know why you were purchased?”

He nodded. “For breeding stock.”

“My dragon wants an heir.”

“Your dragon? Not you?” He looked serene and beautiful as he spoke. Did he even know the power of his own beauty?

“I—” I stopped, tilting my head. My throat had gone dry, but I tried again. “ I need an heir.”

“He wants and you need.” Tavi nodded.

“I told you we’re at odds.”

“Your dragon wants. You don’t?”

He’s a bold one all of a sudden.

I shook my head. “It’s complicated. He is more—how shall I say—wild.”

“He scares people. The guy who put my ankle bracelet on me said that.”

I said nothing.

“Does he scare you?” Tavi asked.

Do I scare you?

“He annoys me.”

Annoy? You would not be the alpha you are without me.

Tavi frowned. “I have no clue what that feels like. I’m empty.” He touched his chest. “Inside.”

“Let’s just say if it weren’t for him, you would have another owner right now.”

Tavi’s face fell. He bent his head so I could no longer see his eyes.

It was the truth. I didn’t want a set-omega. I didn’t want to buy or own another person. Better he learn it now and not later.

He is my omega. I am his alpha.

Growling laughter followed that thought.

Tavi’s soft voice floated up. “When will I get to see the dragon who bought me?”

“His name is Allure, and I can’t answer that. He is unpredictable.”

“Would Allure harm me?”

Me. Harm an omega?

“I don’t know.”

Somewhere in my mind a tail thrashed. I held my breath to the count of five, but no claws distended from my fingertips. There was no swirl of a forced shift. Good.

Tavi looked up at me again, his face weary. “Do I get to pick a room? I’m very tired after my trip yesterday and everything today.”

“Are you hungry? I have a great cook who leaves fresh meals every day.”

He nodded. “I could barely eat a thing yesterday.”

This was something I could do for him. Something I could control. The alpha in me was boldly surfacing. It demanded I take care of the omega’s needs.

“Follow me.” I refused to look behind me to see if he obeyed.

When I got to the main kitchen, I went straight to the fridge. I heard his footfalls behind me.

“I’ve got fried chicken, salad with eggs, cheese, carrots, ham, bacon, and what looks like a large dish of lasagna. There are also sandwich makings. Fresh bread.” I straightened and turned. “I’m fully stocked.”

With dragon senses on high, I heard his stomach growl.

“Fried chicken, please. And salad.”

I took out the food, quickly heated up the chicken and brought plates and silverware to a huge table I rarely used to eat.

Tavi sat at the corner of one side of the table, looking small, watching as I set everything down.

The chicken, already cut into thighs, breasts, wings and drumsticks, sizzled in its juices. I brought out two salad bowls and scooped large helpings into each one.

“Help yourself.”

Tavi used his fork to grab two pieces of chicken. I brought in an array of dressing.

In a short time, Tavi finished everything he put on his plate. A hungry omega, no question, now with the stress of travel and the auction behind him. Once he realized I wasn’t going to immediately attack or breed him, his senses returned.

I ate two helpings of everything. Food fueled my dragon. He was voracious. It was good that he was active, demanding to fly almost every day, or I would have gained weight by now.

When Tavi finished, he was bright-eyed one moment, eyelids drooping the next.

I knew what guest room I wanted him to take. It was the one next to me. But he had to be the one to choose it.

I never had guests, but I kept my rooms fully stocked. Each one had an adjoining bathroom. My staff kept clean towels, soap and other necessities in each one. It was as if I had been pretending all these years that I might have visitors, though I never did.

I got up, quickly taking the dishes to the counter by the sink and storing the food in the fridge. I returned to Tavi, who was slumped forward on the table.


He slowly got up and followed me up the big staircase.

“Ready for the tour?”

He shook his head. “Whatever room you think I should have will be fine.”

“Hmm. Do you want as far away from me as possible?”

“No, sir.”

That stopped me. “No?”

“It’s a very big and lonely castle. I don’t want to feel like I’m alone all the time.”

I took him to the blue room. It was next to mine. Everything was decked out in royal blue silks and satins, including the four-poster bed.

Tavi stepped in and gasped.

What did he expect? That any room in my house would be anything but lavish?

I showed him the door to the bathroom. He barely looked. He sat on the bed, a lost tired boy.

“Sleep now. I’ll check on you in a few hours.”

He lay back without even looking at me.

Aren’t you going to stay? Make sure he behaves? Watch our mate sleep? Maybe even caress his hair?

I gently closed the door, then said to the shadows of the hall in a firm, sharp voice. “No. I am not.”

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