I ’d finally seen the dragon, Allure.
When the dragon disappeared from my view from the turret, I turned and headed for the stairs. The front door was wide open as I ran outside into the late afternoon summer heat.
I headed at a sprint across the lawn, noting the torn rags of clothing scattered about.
Alluresh had not controlled this shift. His wild dragon had, and all he could do was try to get away from the house as it happened.
I was still reeling. Awestruck. That dragon was huge, scales shining purple and blue-green beneath the sun, with a massive wingspan and an arrowhead tipped tail longer than a bus.
I stopped in the yard trying to see where he went, but the horizon of the ocean and sky had swallowed him up.
I realized I was breathing hard and bent over to catch my breath. This. This was the creature who’d forced Alluresh to buy me. This gigantic beast.
When I looked up again, I thought I saw a distant flash on the horizon, like fire. Dragons could breathe fire. Was it him? Was he that far away already?
For a long time, I scanned the area, seeing nothing. They’d left. I was alone here for however long Allure decided to stay away.
Grudgingly, I began picking up the pieces of clothing Alluresh had been wearing only moments ago, piling them on a chair on the porch to be taken to the trash.
Then I went back onto the lawn and sat in the grass watching the sea, waiting.
I was still a bit shaken. I hadn’t realized how giant Alluresh’s dragon actually was. If he had come bursting out of Alluresh’s body while still inside the house, the destruction would be immense. Now I understood why the repairs to the side of the house had been such an extensive undertaking. It had involved scaffolding and many workers to get it all done because a giant dragon had done the damage.
The sculptures in Alluresh’s great room, beautiful as they were, were nothing compared to the real thing.
After a while, I lay back on the soft grass, kicking my legs up into the air. The ankle bracelet flashed at me, reminding me I could never leave. It was a cuff and an invisible chain that tied me to this place. At least it wasn’t a real metal chain attached to a floor in a dungeon. The dark fairy tale I’d feared instead came with sunlight, swimming pools and games. And my own bed.
Every few minutes, I sat up, gazing over the horizon right to left, and then right again. Nothing appeared. My arm over my face, I dozed off, the sun browning my arms and legs.
I jerked awake. Something alerted me, whether a dream or a shadow over the sun, I didn’t know.
I stood up quickly, brushing the stray grass off my skin and clothes, and gazed up into the sky.
At first I saw nothing. The sun was lower. Time had passed.
I squinted toward the horizon and that’s when I saw a tiny dot. I focused my eyes on it and slowly it grew bigger.
It had to be Allure.
I shaded my eyes with my palm. Watching. Sure enough, I finally saw the shape of a winged dragon heading for home.
Would he shift as soon as he landed? Or would this be the moment I would meet him?
I was determined to stand my ground. Show no fear. If I was to lay his egg and protect it, then raise the resulting child, surely he wouldn’t harm me.
A breeze wafted by, tittering through the nearby trees, a precursor to the main event. It smelled of salt and brine, summer grass and heat.
The dragon grew bigger and bigger until it was practically straight overhead. The wind from his enormous wings sent leaves and dust scattering, bending small trees. He hovered above, higher than the highest turret, his four legs hanging down, his black talons as big as scythes. The colors of his scales shone in the fading sunlight. They looked like metal, the armor of the best-dressed knight of the realm.
Wonder chased away any fear I might have had. Allure was a force to be reckoned with.
I stared up at him, arms at my sides, head back.
He tossed his head back and gave a great roar. Fire shot out of his mouth. It went up into the sky and extinguished, an impressive sight.
Slowly, he started to descend, his wings fluttering, the wind from them practically knocking me over. He was right over my head. But I didn’t move. He had control. All the power. But I had the ability to give him his young. He would not land on top of me.
As I watched through squinted eyes, he directed himself to land further down on the lawn. I expected him to shift and for Alluresh to emerge, naked and windblown.
Instead, the dragon took a step forward. The ground shuddered under my feet. His head bobbed downward and tilted, golden eyes meeting mine.
I raised my hand to him.
He stepped back. I took a tentative step forward.
The neck stretched out so that his head was closer to me now. His talons dug into the grass, leaving divots as he stepped toward me. His mouth opened only about six feet from my face, white daggers for teeth, forked tongue quivering between them. Suddenly, it snapped closed with a bang, making me jump.
It opened again, then closed with another bang and a hiss.
He was snapping at me. I forced myself to take a closer step. He snapped again, coming for me this time. I veered to the side in startled wonder.
He snapped at me a few more times, so close I smelled the fire and ash on his breath.
I put out my hand one more time. This time, he lowered his head and tilted it. His nose came within inches of my upturned palm. Instinct made me think I should have a treat for him. Something. What did dragons like?
Roasted meat. That’s what.
I leaned forward until my hand touched the dry reptilian skin just above his nostrils. I patted three times, gently.
He didn’t move.
Slowly, I stepped closer. His head stayed lowered. He didn’t snap. I stepped around his head and ran my hand up the side of his face and to his neck as far as I could reach. The big, colorful scales began there, smooth as metal, shimmering like giant jewels.
“You’re beautiful. So beautiful,” I whispered.
I walked toward his front legs, my hand raised, fingertips brushing the scales. His wings were furled tight against his back now, so I could make my way unimpeded along his torso to his back legs, touching reverently as I went. When I got to the tail, I stroked down all the way, bending over at the arrowhead to touch it, then walking around to his other side.
His neck bent, swiveling his head around to look at me with his big fiery eyes.
When I got back to his neck, I reached up as high as my hand would go toward his head but still couldn’t reach. He lowered it and I touched the roughness around his cheek toward his mouth.
He opened his mouth again. Wide. Wider. Showing me those daggers. His breath was hot on my skin as it brushed past my shoulder. His mouth closed and he butted his nose toward me, making me jump back. His head kept coming until his nose was practically touching my forehead, sniffing. He puffed and my hair ruffled.
I stood very still now, back straight, arms at my sides as Allure sniffed all up and down my body.
I trembled a little, but not from fear. It was the thrill. To stand before such a large beast and have him look me over so close up. Maybe I was a fool not to be afraid. He could snap me in half at any moment. Everyone seemed to know he was unpredictable. Not to be trusted.
All the time, I kept reminding myself he was the one who forced Alluresh to buy me. The dragon was the one who wanted the heir, a child. He had spotted me in the lineup on stage and picked me, and Alluresh had bid an outrageous amount.
While money meant little to a dragon except for hoarding purposes, Allure had no reason whatsoever to harm me. I was as much his omega as I was Alluresh’s. I belonged to him.
When he was done sniffing me, he turned his head and tilted it up to the sky. He let out a softer roar than the one before. Then a wave of fire erupted from his mouth, going out almost as suddenly as it lit the air.
In a blink, the dragon was gone. Before me, Alluresh knelt on the grass on his hands and knees, looking very naked and very small.
I stood in the same pose before him, hands clasped in front of me, back straight.
His head was bent down. He looked like he was catching his breath after a long run. His back was stretched, all the muscles flexed. His arms were twisted with hard muscle beneath light tan skin. I could view him to his flanks, which were equally impressive.
After several seconds, his head rose, and he saw me.
“Tavi!” he croaked, jumping up and running to me, putting his hands on my shoulders. He looked me over, much the same way Allure had, only more desperate.
“Are you all right? Did he hurt you?” He patted me down as if searching for injuries.
“You know he didn’t,” I replied, unable to hold back a smile.
“I don’t. He cut me off mentally right as he landed. Everything through his eyes became a fog. What happened?”
I was still getting used to a quite naked Alluresh putting his hands all over me. The top of my head came up to his pecs and I couldn’t help but notice their hardness, and the pink nubs of his nipples, so delicate for one so large. Soon, this man would breed me. A tiny burn began inside me. I let out a short laugh and stepped back.
“He let me touch him.”
“What? You went that close to him?” His back straightened. “Never ever do that. Do you hear?”
“He wanted to meet me. I wanted to meet him.”
“That was a very dangerous idea.”
My smile receded. I kept my eyes on his face.
“I’m not sure you realize it, but my life got very dangerous as soon as my pack sold me to you dragons. I had no idea where I would end up. Or if I would live through it. I am now your omega. Yours and his. He had a right to meet me.”
His teeth gritted. His lips thinned. He looked furious, but his eyes softened slightly in relief. “Still, it was a very dangerous thing to do. It should have been planned.”
“You should have put that on your list, then.” I turned around and walked up the porch steps. I called over my shoulder. “Your clothes are torn beyond repair. I put them in the chair by the doors.”
The front doors were open. I walked through and toward the stairs. The cool air felt good after I’d been outside in the summer afternoon for so long, but it didn’t cool my emotions at all.
My chest felt tight. My stomach was frantic with butterflies. That dragon had been beyond beautiful. And Alluresh had been so concerned for my well-being.
I was falling for both of them. Hard.