A lluresh picked me up effortlessly. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips as he drew me up on the bed and crouched over me, his lips on mine. His kisses were fire.
When I added the part about kissing on my list, I didn’t know what kissing him would feel like. I didn’t imagine it would be like this.
He pressed his mouth into mine until it opened. His tongue teased mine. It was sexy and arousing and made me feel wanted, valued, special.
I tangled my hands in his hair, tugging, squirming beneath him. He had not yet put his full weight on me, but his arms encased me, the heat of him looming over me utterly powerful.
My legs were still spread around him. Slick was leaking out of me, my pretty robe getting soaked.
I wasn’t sure what he would do next, but the wonder of that aroused me more. I wanted him to lead the way, to direct me into this new world.
My dizzy mind filled my body up with desire for him.
I felt him move his mouth over my whole face, then down my neck. I squeezed him harder with my thighs, pressed my ankles against his back.
Everything stopped as he abruptly sat up.
“What?” My voice squeaked.
He blinked fast, looked down at me, then up. His hands grabbed me by the knees, pushing my legs away.
I frowned, feeling a weird panic rise up. “What’s wrong?”
Without a word, Alluresh jumped from the bed as if stung, his cock bobbing beneath his loose pants, his beautiful warmth receding from me. The overwhelming emptiness nearly made me sob.
Alluresh went to his closet and opened it. I raised myself up on my elbows to watch him. Whatever he was doing, it couldn’t be good. Fear rose inside me.
I heard a few clicks and then Alluresh turned, striding back to the bed. In his hand was a square piece of metal with a flashing red light. Was it a toy? Something that he wanted me to use during sex?
I flinched as he leaned down, grabbing my leg. “What is that? What are you going to do?”
“Hold still.” His voice was gruff, almost angry.
My heat made me exquisitely vulnerable and sensitive. For a moment, nothing made sense and I was terrified. Until…
He put the metal square up to my ankle bracelet. I watched the metal slide into a slot and the bracelet broke free. Alluresh released my leg, took the bracelet and threw it hard at the far wall. It made thump and fell to the floor, the lights on it black now, dead.
He looked at it for about three seconds, then turned back to me, his body straining for mine.
He knelt at my side, his cock making his pants tent. His facial features softened. He put his hand to my forehead, petting back my hair.
“There. Now I can have you by true consent. If you say yes.”
I almost couldn’t speak. My breaths became shallow. Again, I was on the verge of sobbing.
“I can’t believe it was my own pack, my family, who took my freedom and sold me.” Hot tears suddenly spilled on my cheeks. “And now it’s you?”
“Me? I just?—”
“No, I mean it’s you, the one who bought me, who’s freeing me?” I scrubbed at my tears. “It makes no sense.”
Alluresh touched my face, wiping away fresh tears.
I sniffed as he lifted my upper body into his arms and pulled me to his chest.
“It makes sense to me,” he said, pressing his palm to the back of my head.
Immediately, the tension left my body. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent, letting it calm me. I didn’t have to think right now. I didn’t have to be someone I wasn’t. Not anymore. Alluresh accepted me. Even before my heat, there was no one else I wanted but him.
“Yes,” I said softly into his wide chest.
I lifted my head to look at him. “Yes. I consent.” My words were garbled, but he understood because his eyes began to glow. He let me fall back until my head hit the pillow.
My body was ready. His body was ready. Now our minds were free to follow.
“Can I touch you?” he asked.
Breathless, I nodded.
He put one hand on my chest, one on my thigh, and moved himself between my legs.
The silk robe between my skin and his hand was so thin it left almost nothing in the way. He petted me gently from neck to stomach, back and forth, avoiding my nipples.
My eyes rolled up. My body began to undulate. If just a minor petting could nearly undo me, how could I withstand more?
“May I remove your robe?”
I blinked my vision into focus and nodded. “No clothes.” My voice was still hoarse.
“I remember your list.”
I made a move to sit up and turn so he could get the robe off. My head bumped his chin.
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s fine. Lie back.” He spread my robe apart in front. “Now turn left.” He pushed it away from my back and hips. “Now right.” He tugged and it came free, the hem brushing over my bent knees as it spilled like a boneless creature over the edge of the bed.
I had nothing else on. Not a stitch. My body lay open before him, aroused, soaked between the legs. My cock curved up toward my stomach, almost touching it with the tip.
For one terrible moment, I worried he might not like me. What if something else was wrong with me other than not being able to shift?
He rose up on both arms and looked down at me. His gaze went all over my body from my face to between my spread legs.
Then he leaned on one arm and brushed my chest again, using only his fingertips. His hand went down over my stomach and alongside my hard cock.
I gasped.
He jerked back, then pulled me into his arms, lifting me again without effort, holding me against his chest. “Okay?” he asked.
My head bumped his chin a second time. “Sorry. Yes.” I wanted to cry, then laugh. I sagged in his embrace, my arms dangling, letting his muscles hold my entire weight.
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
He pulled me close and that’s when I felt it. His erection through the material of his pants. His cock pushing against the inside of my hip. He must’ve held his body back when he’d held me just a minute ago, but now he pressed in closer.
I’d seen his cock before, but not aroused. It had been beautiful, every flaccid inch. I wanted to see it now, hard for me, as it dragged over my skin and poked at my stomach. I wanted to touch with my hands, feel the weight, the girth, the fire of the stretched skin.
This was for me. Was it only my heat or did he see me? As if reading my thoughts, he spoke.
“You’re incomparably beautiful.”
I lifted my arms up to his shoulders again, grasping his skin, clinging.
He lowered his head and kissed me, and it was so good it felt like an all-over body kiss.
“No clothes,” I repeated when he pulled back for air. I lowered my arms. He let me down.
He had no trouble undoing the drawstring of his pants and tossing them aside.
I looked at him through my daze.
His dark hair hung against his forehead and ears in wavy clumps. The body I’d seen before when his dragon shifted back to human in front of me appeared, lightly tanned, hard all over. His cock stood out from a thick thatch of curls, the tip dripping. He was a powerful alpha twice my size. And all mine.
I wanted to touch him. My hands came up as I lifted my head. I placed both palms flat on his chest. Immediately, I could feel his pounding heart, and the way his chest rose and fell with his heavy breaths. His skin was satiny, hairless, hot.
He ran his fingers up my arms, holding me at the biceps as if to direct my touches. My gaze kept flashing up to his. The fierceness of his face was still there but softened. Just for me. Like he was caught up in a dreamy thought.
Now I could allow myself to bask in his good looks. It wasn’t like before when he’d bought me, when anger and denial constantly shuddered inside me. Now I could let the thrill break through that he was the alpha of my fantasies, the one I’d dreamed of never having, and now did.
He was an alpha dragon, and he was the most beautiful creature.
Slowly, my hands smoothed over his pecs and ribs and flat stomach. He might be huge, but he was slim at his hipbones where they made divots in the skin.
The line of curls from under his bellybutton led to the prize. Our gazes were locked as I circled my hands around that area. His grip on my upper arms tightened as I ran my fingers over the top of his shaft. His head went back, and he let out a sound like a cry for help. I curled them around the girth, feeling the plumpness. My hand looked small; he was just that big, his large balls drawn tight.
I wasn’t sure what to do or where to go from here, so I kept holding him with one hand, my other hand against his thigh.
Slowly, he moved his hips, making his cock slide against my palm. His eyelids closed halfway. His mouth twisted as if in pain.
Okay, so that was good. Really good. I wanted to be good for him. I might be inexperienced, but I could read emotions on others. Plus, I knew what I liked. My heat would direct me, leaving me much more out of control later on, but right now I wanted to bask in this non-hurried moment. This delight.
I squeezed his cock, then let it slide again and again against my palm, pulling up the shaft with his small thrusts until my thumb slid over the tip. It was hot and wet.
Alluresh made an almost sizzling sound.
I had a quick thought. What if his emotions became chaotic and he shifted? He couldn’t control that aspect of himself, so was it a possibility?
It seemed far too late to ask. Plus, I’d gotten to know Allure. I trusted him. If he shifted on the bed and destroyed the room, he could squash me. He wouldn’t do anything that might harm me; I was sure.
His cock was hot and heavy. I loved stroking it. But after less than a minute of that, Alluresh put his hands on my wrists. “Stop.”
I froze. Had I done something wrong?
He smiled down at me. “It feels great. Too great. And I want to take my time with you.”
I was more than ready. But I appreciated his words. He wanted to get to know my body. My terribly screwed-up set-omega body. I flushed all over, feeling more cherished than I’d ever known.
I’d been emotionally closed down for too long. It took a dragon to wake me.
I wrapped my hands around Alluresh’s neck again, pulling him down to me. “I want you.”
He smiled at me, running his hands up and down my sides. They drifted to my thighs. He petted the insides where the slick had over-flowed, getting them damp. Then he cupped my balls, squeezing gently before running his palm up my stiff cock.
I cried out at the sensation. No one had ever touched me like this before. I thought I would explode. I wanted his touch there, but even more, I wanted it deeper between my legs. I wanted him to touch my hole.
I lifted my hips.
Alluresh let his hand fall and press underneath me. I bent my knees and lifted myself higher to give him room.
“Are you comfortable?”
I wasn’t thinking about that. “All I want is for you to touch me.”
“Would you like to turn over?”
I could barely think, let alone decide about the choice he was giving me. My breath heavy, I said, “How is it best?”
Alluresh’s hand stroked between my ass cheeks. “Everyone is different.”
“I don’t want to face away.”
Swiftly, he grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under my lower back. Now, with my knees bent, I could relax and just feel. The soft pillow made all the difference.
Alluresh’s finger brushed my hole.
“Yes, like that, please. More like that.” More slick gushed.
I saw a flash of gold in his eyes. “Beautiful.”
My eyes started to close as sensations came over me, too many to comprehend. His finger slipped inside me. I jerked my hips forward, wanting more.
It was easy the way that finger stretched me, my body drawing it inside. I felt another finger slip in and that was easy, too. I’d heard first times sometimes hurt. But in heat, my body behaved as if it already knew what it was doing.
The fingers worked deeper. I wanted more.
I heard soft, whispered words. I had to concentrate to decipher them.
“Do you think you can take three?”
I panted. “Yes. Please.”
My hole felt full now, stretched wide. But was I ready to take his big dragon shifter cock? It was long. It would go deep. There was a twisting sensation inside me that ached for it. I needed it.
“I’m ready.” I heard my voice call out. It sounded strange, not really me.
“You smell so sweet. Irresistible. I won’t be able to hold back.”
“I need you.” I didn’t want him to hold back.
Hands stroked up my thighs, bending my legs back further toward my chest. I grabbed at them to hold my ass up higher, but my hands slipped along the skin, barely able to hold on.
I bent my back. I jutted my hips up.
Palms pressed my ass cheeks wide. Something big and hard slid between them, moving across my hole. Lining up. I felt big and open down there. Empty. The ache inside me increased.
“Tavi,” said a voice. “Tavi.”
“Please. Yes. I want you inside me.”
The cockhead pressed against me. My hole expanded. I felt it to my core, the dilation, the craving, the need. It popped inside my rim and my body convulsed.
Alluresh grunted, and I saw the surprise on his face as my body sucked him in like a hungry mouth.
“All the way,” I nearly shouted.
His hips moved, pressing forward. The slide was perfect as he breached me. My muscles contracted, sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body.
It only hurt a couple times as he pushed to the balls, and only for a second. And then he was all the way inside me, pulsing, stunning me with the ecstasy of it.
My inner walls came alive with sensitive zones I never knew were there. I felt so good, it was as if I was expanding beyond my skin. Breaking apart inside and out.
My first time. It was glorious.