Omega Captive of the Alpha Dragon Chapter 23 92%
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Chapter 23



B y the time October arrived, Tavi stayed in the birthing nest nearly all the time. Sometimes, he got up and went to sleep in our bed. Wherever he was comfortable, I would join him.

Dragon omegas were fiercely territorial about their nests. They rarely allowed their alphas into it during gestation of the egg. But Tavi was not a dragon, and he craved touch during his pregnancy. He wanted to be with me all the time.

I took time off work, letting my assistants handle things, which was hard because I was a controlling boss. But Tavi was my most important asset now. The mate-bond was strong. My alpha urges rose up within me, dominating all thoughts and actions. All I wanted to do was feed Tavi, care for him, bathe him, flood him with gifts. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t too hot or too cold. And I kept him entertained with movies and games and whatever else he asked for.

During some of the hotter days of early October, I got him out of the nest and we swam, one of his favorite things to do, then sat by the pool looking so pretty with his rounded belly. All we did was talk and touch. Our bond grew stronger every day.

Allure would still shift in the afternoons, and Tavi would go outside to visit with him, but the time periods were shorter, and Tavi no longer wanted to play chase games.

Allure would still sniff him all over as Tavi lay on the grass. Tavi would pet Allure on the snout, then get up and walk in circles around him stroking wherever he could reach.

As I sat watching the security video of Allure and Tavi, which I did every day, Allure spoke up.

He’s getting close.

“Yes, the date the doctor gave us is fast approaching.”

I know nothing of dates, but I can smell it on him. He will lay our egg tomorrow.

I sat up straight, muscles tensing. “That’s early. How can you be sure?”

Can you not scent it? I am sure.

My mind went over all the preparations we’d made. The baby room was done, though the egg would take another three weeks to hatch. The nest was ready, the egg basket inlaid with the softest of wool.

Next step. Call the doctor. Immediately.

When Dr. Hayden’s face showed on my screen, I started in with my firm, business voice. “My dragon scent tells me Tavi will lay tomorrow. Can you come here for the day?”

Dr. Hayden shook his head. “He doesn’t need me for this. He can do it himself. Make sure he’s well-lubed. His body is made to deliver, so he will self-lube, but extra won’t hurt. He will feel pressure.”

“But what about pain?”

“I can ship a prescription to your house to numb the pain. But it shouldn’t be too bad anyway. If you need me, call. But Tavi is healthy. He can do this.”

I didn’t like the casual attitude so many dragons had about egg laying. Tavi was my mate. My love. I wanted him safe and secure.

“I want the best care for him. I have money. I can pay.”

Hayden smiled. “Have you ever seen an omega lay a dragon egg?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Go online. You’ll see it’s not something to be feared, but a beautiful thing. Do you have the proper materials to keep the egg warm and where it can’t fall and crack?”

“Yes. The nest is ready. Tavi stays in it a lot now.”


“But what if something happens to him? Or the egg?”

“Dragon eggs are not as fragile as you may think. And neither are omegas. They may present small, but they are made of pure muscle down there where it counts.”

I huffed, still unsure.

“Congratulations are in order, I think. I wish you all the best. And in about three weeks you will have new worries and responsibilities. All welcome, I hope.”

“Very welcome. We’re ready for the baby.”

“Just remember that when he hatches, he has to do everything himself. It weakens the baby for life if you help. Too many parents are so eager for their baby they can’t resist touching and helping them hatch. It’s not healthy at all. When the egg shows pips, put him in a safe place and just watch.”

“We can do that.”

I will remind you not to touch him.

“All right, then.” Hayden leaned away from the screen, then faced me again. “Any more questions?”


He smiled. “Parental nerves are normal. It’s all right if the non-bearing parent has a bit of scotch.”

I didn’t drink except when I went out, which was rare, but now seemed like it might be a good time to start it at home.

My footsteps were soft as I approached the nest.

Tavi’s eyes were closed, but he must have sensed me coming. He opened them and gazed up at me, a small smile twinkling.

“I was just taking a short nap.”

“Feeling more tired?”

He nodded.

“Allure thinks it’s because you’re very close to laying. He says tomorrow.”

“How does he know?”

“He claims it’s in your scent. A dragon’s scent is 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than in human form.”

“I believe it. It’s the same with wolves.”

I sat on the nest’s soft mattress and took Tavi into my arms. “I called the doctor.”

“Are we sure it’s tomorrow? When is he coming?”

“He’s not. He says you’ll do fine. We have everything we need. Extra lube if you require it and I just ordered some scotch for me.”

“Scotch?” He giggled. “I had a taste of that once. It’s really warm and burning going down. I liked it.”

“Well, none is allowed for you. But maybe we’ll do a celebration toast after it’s all over and you’ve rested.”

“I’m a little nervous,” Tavi said.

“I’ll be with you.”

“I hope you’re not too disgusted with me afterward.”

“Giving birth is a beautiful thing.” I brought out my phone and brought up the lineup of videos I’d been watching. “See?”

Tavi pressed both hands over his eyes. “Oh no! I can’t watch.”

“You can. It’s a natural thing, and through this process you will be giving the gift of life to the world. I admire you so much. That’s something I can’t do.

“Well, you helped,” he corrected.

He peeked at the screen from between his fingers. “Will I really stretch that big?” he asked.

“Baby, if you can take my knot without complaint, you can do this.”

He made a funny face. “I love your knot.”

I elbowed him gently. “We’re having a baby.”

“Well, we’re having an egg first. But yes.”

“Tomorrow. Allure says he’s not wrong.”

“I have a question. Do dragon babies have two birthdays? Like an egg birthday and a hatching birthday?”

“I never did. My birth was recorded when my egg was laid. But remember, I was a foster. But for our baby, we’re going to have both. I want our baby to have everything.”

“We’ll spoil him rotten.”

We both laughed.

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