On The Double (Owens Protective Services #23) 22. Harper 52%
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22. Harper



Edu kept staring at me. I knew he wanted to ask about breakfast, but the last thing I wanted was to discuss my parents. He held my hand all the way to the truck, and I let him in order to keep up appearances. But when he tried to hold my hand at breakfast, I pulled away, not wanting his fake comfort.

Once I was settled inside his truck, I took my first full breath since the mention of my mother’s wedding dress. I wasn’t sure why the thought of wearing it sent sharp stabs of pain through me, but it did. I knew in that instant that I could never wear anything of my mother’s.

“Are you okay?”

“Perfectly fine,” I said, faking a smile.

He sighed, starting his truck. “You don’t have to talk about it, but?—”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” I wiggled the ring off my finger and handed it over. “Thank you for going this morning. That should keep them off my back for at least a year.”

He stared at the ring for a second before tossing it in the cup holder. It pissed me off to see such a beautiful ring thrown around as if it meant nothing. Of course, maybe that’s because the ring represented me. Useless, aside from the quick relief it brought in a time of need .

“So, I’ll pick you up at the same time tonight?”

“Of course,” I gritted out. A deal was a deal, after all. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it. I just needed a few hours to myself to get my head on straight. He raised an eyebrow at my sharp tone, but didn’t question me about it. When he pulled up in front of my house, I didn’t even turn to give him a kiss. I just wanted to get away from him as quickly and painlessly as possible.

I wasn’t actually mad at him. He had done nothing wrong. But breakfast had gone so wrong, and then everything we said during and after pissed me off even more because of my grandma’s comments.

She would want you to have it.

I snorted at the thought. The only thing my mother would want me to have was more ambition in life.

I heard Oliver walk through the door and knew we were about to have it out. I spun before he could even start in on me.

“What the hell was that? Why did you bring him?”

“Because I wanted to sell the idea that I was okay.”

“And are you? What the fuck happened at breakfast?”

I rolled my eyes. Yet another person who was totally clueless about my less-than-stellar relationship with my parents. He just didn’t get it. “Can we not talk about this?”

“Why not? You don’t want me to know the reason you’re so against wearing Mom’s dress?”

“Maybe I just don’t want to wear it.”

“Or maybe there’s something else going on,” he snapped.

“Oliver, what’s the big deal? I’m not actually getting married, so why does it even matter?”

“Because you were different the rest of breakfast. Why the hell won’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

“Because you idolize them!” I shouted. I was shaking without realizing it. I was so angry. Pissed that they had been taken from me before I could figure out how to make them happy, but even more disappointed that no matter what I did, I couldn’t make them love me the way they loved him.

“They were our parents and they’re gone. I don’t idolize them, but I do love them and miss them. The question is, why don’t you? ”

He would never understand. I couldn’t even begin to explain to him the deep pain I felt whenever I remembered the last look on Mom’s face when she stared at me over the seat in the car. I had disappointed her once again, and nothing would make it better.

“Do you even remember what happened that day?”

His brows furrowed in confusion as he shook his head. “What day?”

“The day they died. Do you remember that?”

“Of course I do. It was the worst day of my life.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Not mine.”

His shoulders stiffened as he stared at me. “What do you mean?”

Maybe that seemed like a harsh thing to say, but the day they died, I felt…relief. Pain and relief. It was a strange combination—one that I couldn’t entirely explain to him.

“Just forget it.”

I tried to leave, but he blocked me from going, grabbing me by the arm. “Harper, tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“I said forget it!” I shouted. “Leave it alone.”

“No, you obviously have this hatred for our parents. You make it very clear that you want them wiped from your memory, so just fucking tell me why!”

“Remove your hands from her.”

The deep voice startled me, making tears swell in my eyes. I didn’t want him here, but I also needed to leave. Oliver eyed me in confusion, then turned around, staring at Edu.

I finally looked at him, feeling my heart beat faster than it should, but it wasn’t because of his good looks. It was because of what he might have heard.

“You need to calm the fuck down and get away from her,” Edu bit out.

Oliver would never hurt me. He loved me more than anyone in this world, but Edu was a protector by nature. He didn’t understand the situation. Only that someone had touched me, and he wasn’t okay with that.

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” Oliver bit out.

“I heard yelling. ”

“So, you were eavesdropping?”

Edu’s eyes flicked to mine, but I immediately dropped my gaze, unable to look at him.

“I came back to check on Harper.”

“She doesn’t need you looking after her. In fact, she doesn’t need you at all in her life, so walk away.”

“Do you really think she needs permission from her brother to fuck someone?”

A stab of pain shot through me at his words.

“I think she needs someone looking out for her and making sure she doesn’t get used by some guy who sticks his dick in half the town. You know, if you had just treated her right, I wouldn’t have said a thing.”

“Oliver,” I gasped, hating that I had even told him what happened that night between Edu and myself.

“No,” Oliver snapped. “He doesn’t get to treat you like garbage and then demand to be in your life. It doesn’t work that way.”

I was beyond mortified. I had to end this, but I wasn’t sure how. I didn’t want to continue to talk about this with Oliver, but I also didn’t want him to give Edu the wrong idea.

“We’ll talk about this later.”

Oliver shot me a disbelieving look. “Why do I not believe you?” His gaze was too penetrating. I could feel his need to understand growing by the day. And part of me really wanted to tell him, but the part of me that believed all those hateful things my mother had said told me that it would only ruin what we shared.

I took a step away from him and then another. I just wanted to get away from him and those eyes that begged me to tell him the truth. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Harper!” Oliver shouted, but I was already rushing through the door.

I didn’t even think as I climbed up into Edu’s truck. I didn’t have any of my things with me.


“Just drive,” I whispered, feeling the tears spill down my cheeks.

With a heavy sigh, he shifted into drive and took off down the road. I glanced out the window at the last moment and saw my brother standing on the porch stoop, watching me leave. The sadness on his face was nearly my undoing.

By the time we reached Edu’s place, I had dried my tears, but the anger was driving deeper into my heart. I got out and marched into his house, tearing at my clothes, leaving a trail to his room. I got on all fours on the bed, waiting for Edu to come into the room.

“Harper—” He sucked in a breath when he saw me waiting for him. “What are you doing?”

“This is what you wanted, right? A deal’s a deal. Come take what you want.”

I could hear the pad of his footsteps on the carpet as he came closer. His hand brushed across my ass, and I relished the thought of getting lost in his touch. Anything to take away the hurt swelling in my chest.

But just as quickly as his hand slid over my skin, it was gone. Something soft draped over my body, and then Edu was pulling me down onto the bed with him.

“What are you doing?” I asked, pushing at his body.

“Taking a fucking nap.”

“No, we had a deal.”

His gaze snapped to mine and anger replaced the sleepy look on his face. “Call me crazy, but I don’t want to fuck you when you’re clearly hurting.”

I shoved at his body as my temper flared. “This is what I want. Stop trying to tell me what I need!”

“I’m not telling you what you need. I’m telling you that I don’t want to fuck you like this.”

I scoffed in his face. “What’s wrong? Am I not good enough for you now? You can’t fuck a crying woman?”

“Not enjoyably,” he muttered. “Now, go to sleep.”

I shoved myself away from him and stalked over to the wall. “If you won’t give me what I need, I’ll give it to myself.”

I slid my hand over my body, down to my pussy. He watched my every move, waiting to see what I would do next. I wanted to do this. I wanted to tease him and make him fuck me. But I was dry. Empty. And worse, he knew it .

He got up from the bed, and despite the bulge in his pants, he held out his hand to me. “Come to bed.”

My lip started to quiver. I bit it, trying to hide the pain threatening to break free. I shook my head slightly, afraid that if I took his hand, I would break and cry in front of him. But he didn’t give me a choice. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to the bed, laying down and spooning me from behind. His hand settled across my chest, resting just over my heart.

When the first tear fell, I told myself there wouldn’t be another. But then Edu kissed the side of my head and my willpower shattered. Burying my head in the pillow, I let the tears flow. The worst part was that Edu didn’t get up and leave. He gently stroked my skin, pressing kisses to my face from time to time. He didn’t ask me what was wrong or tell me to stop crying. He just held me until I was all cried out. The last thing I remembered was hearing him say he’d never let anyone fucking hurt me.

I gasped, sitting upright as his tongue trailed over my pussy. I couldn’t see him beneath the covers, but he was most definitely there, obviously unable to wait any longer for me to wake up. His tongue was sharp and demanding as he worked me over, flicking my clit and sucking the stud into his mouth.

Moaning, I flopped back on the bed and enjoyed what he was doing to me. It was one hell of a way to wake up, and I was more than happy to have him between my legs, no matter how puffy my eyes were at the moment.

“Fuck,” I groaned as he slid what felt like his whole hand inside me again. I was so full, it was nearly uncomfortable. I spread my legs wider as he pumped his hand in and out of me. “Edu,” I panted, sure I was going to come at any second.

He flipped the sheet off his head and grinned at me. “Not yet. Don’t come yet.”

I was barely holding on now that I could see his face smeared in my cum. “I…I can’t…” I panted .

“You will. I want my cock inside you when you come.”

“Then get on with it,” I snapped, feeling like I was balancing on a high wire. I needed to come so badly.

He chuckled, and instead of sliding his cock inside me, he buried his face in my pussy and drove me crazy. My body tensed as something inside me snapped. I grabbed Edu by the hair and pulled him upright, kissing him hard. It was enough of a distraction to get him to think of other things, but instead of making me come, he flipped me over and grabbed my hips, pulling me to my knees.

“Do you remember what you begged me for?” he whispered in my ear as he bent over my back. His lips skimmed down my spine, followed quickly by his fingertips. I shuddered as chills washed over me.

Then I felt heat at my backside just before my cheeks spread. My heart hammered in my chest as the seconds ticked by. Would he slam inside me or warm me up first? Would it hurt?

A soft wetness touched my hole and I gasped, unsure of what was happening. I peered over my shoulder and saw his head right there, at my ass. I snapped my gaze to the wall in front of me, my eyes wide as I processed what he was doing.

His throaty chuckle only made it worse. I knew I was bright red, mortified that he was down there. I knew he would be, but not that close.

“W-What are you doing?”

“Tasting you.”

I grimaced, mouthing Down there? That had to be the grossest thing I’d ever heard of, but then I lost track of my thoughts and why it was gross when a pleasant feeling washed over me. My body jerked as his tongue trailed over me, followed quickly by his fingers. I could feel him stretching me, getting me ready for the grand finale. Dizziness washed over me with every second that passed. The intensity of it all was overwhelming.

“Edu,” I whispered.

“Shh. Just enjoy it.”

I wanted to. I really did, but…this was all so weird. I sucked in a br eath when his finger slid inside me. It burned for a second, but I knew what was coming. I knew it got better.

“That’s it,” he muttered. “Remember how good it felt last night.”

I did, and as I swallowed hard and tried to calm my racing heart, I began to enjoy the feel of him inside me. I was just terrified for what was to come later.

“Fuck, Harper. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

I whimpered at his words, wanting to feel him inside me too. With his other hand, he slid his fingers through my pussy, then dragged it back to my ass. My own juices were being used to help him pleasure me. Holy crap.

“That’s it, baby. Ride my fingers. Fuck yourself.”

I was doing it again, using his fingers as a fuck toy. It felt so amazing. Fucking hell. “Edu…” I pleaded.

“Do you need more?”

“Yes,” I found myself saying.

But instead of the bed shifting with his weight, I felt another finger slide inside me. “Gotta stretch you for my cock. There’s no way I’ll fit in this tight asshole right now. Do you feel that?” he asked, twisting his fingers inside me. “Fuck, do you feel how tight you are? The way you suck me in with your body? You want this so much. I can feel your pussy throbbing back here.”

As if to prove his point, he pressed something inside me, and it was like my pulse shot off like a rocket.

“I can’t wait,” he growled. The bed moved and he was behind me. I could feel his hard length pressed against my hole. My body trembled in anticipation as he started to slide in. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he shouted, sliding in further.

I bent over, gasping at the intrusion. Pain stretched across my body as he slid all the way inside. Tears pricked my eyes as he waited for the pain to subside. His hand ran soothingly up and down my back until I finally took a full breath.

“That’s it, baby. Take all of me. Do you feel how fucking full you are?”

I nodded, unable to speak. But then his hand slid around to my clit and he tugged on the stud, sending a spark of excitement through me. Slowly, the pain slid away and a feeling of fullness replaced it.

He bent over, laying across my back. His teeth latched onto my ear and he bit gently. “I’m not gonna be able to fuck you gently. I fucking need you, Harper. Are you ready?”

I wasn’t sure if I was or not, but I found myself nodding, wanting to please him in any way possible. Then his hand wrapped around my throat. For just a second, I didn’t know what would happen. Then he pulled out and slammed back inside me, squeezing lightly around my throat. The pressure heightened the feel of his body slamming into mine. I cried out as he fucked me deeply. Nothing could have prepared me for the sensation of him inside me like this.

But it was the way he played with my clit that really sent me flying.

“Look at that ass stretched for me,” he panted. “You swallow my cock so good. Fuck, I’m gonna fuck you like this all night, Harper. My cock needs to be inside you. Do you feel it throbbing for you? Fuck, I’m ready to come right now.”

“No!” I gasped. “Not yet.”

“Do you need more, baby?”

I nodded, unable to speak as he slammed inside me again.

“What do you need? Tell me, baby.”

“More,” was all I could say.

Then I heard a buzzing sound and felt something at my pussy. I tried to look, but he tightened his hand around my throat and held me in place. The thick length of something hard entered me, making me choke. I was so full, so fucking full.

“Is that what you need, baby? You need me to fuck you with my cock while I fuck you with a dildo?”

There were no words to describe what I was feeling. It was overwhelming and so dizzying. I gasped as he started moving again, fucking me at the same time as he was with the fake cock. I wasn’t sure I could take it. But then he found a rhythm that made my insides burn with need. I felt like I was losing control, like I would scream with need if he didn’t fuck me faster.

My body started rocking, taking him in both holes as if I’d always known how to. Moans shattered the silence as the pressure built until I couldn’t control it. I cried out as my pussy clenched.

“Fucking hell!” Edu shouted, slamming inside my ass. He dropped the dildo and grabbed me around the neck, dragging me upright until my back was pressed to his chest. One hand clutched my breast as the other slid down to my pussy.

“Ride my cock, baby. Fucking ride me.”

I used his legs for leverage, pressing on his thighs to raise myself. The new angle was nearly too much. Sweat dripped down my body as I slid my ass on and off his cock as he tortured me with his hands. I couldn’t take much more. My body was shaking so damn hard, and my ass was sore as hell.

“Edu,” I said weakly.

“I’m coming, baby. Fuck, I’m gonna come hard in that ass.” He slid his hand back up to my throat and squeezed as he buried himself inside me. I gasped in the last bit of air as he pinched my clit and sent me over the edge. Darkness edged into my vision as he held me tight to him.

As he released my throat, the light came flooding back. My fingers felt stiff, and when I looked down, they were buried in his thighs, drawing blood with my nails.

His harsh breaths flitted over my cheek as he brushed my hair from my face. Then his lips were on mine as he twisted my head toward him. I slowly released my fingers as his own hand slid away from where it rested on my pussy.

“Fuck, that was amazing.”

“Agreed,” I said, unable to say more.

He slid his hand back to my pussy, but instead of fingering me, he cupped me and lifted me.

“What are you?—”

“I’m not ready to take my dick out of you yet,” he muttered, maneuvering me with his hand holding me where he wanted me. He laid me down beside him with his cock still pulsing in my ass. When he was settled behind me, he wrapped his leg around mine, forcing me to stay where he put me.

“What if I have to go to the bathroom?” I asked .

“Don’t fucking care,” he muttered. “My cock is staying in your ass the rest of the night.”

I wiggled slightly to get more comfortable, and his hand landed on my thigh, gripping me tightly. “If you don’t want another fucking right this minute, I would stop moving.”

I chuckled, but obeyed because he was right. I wasn’t ready for another fucking right now. Maybe in another two hours. My eyelids fluttered closed and I didn’t wake again until an hour and a half later when he woke me with his raging cock taking my ass again.

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