On the Edge (Mount Hope #3) Chapter 13 42%
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Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen


After the quickest of all kisses, Jonas gently pushed me off his lap and onto the bed. I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up a hand.

“I need to lock the door.”

“ Yes. ” My triumph as he trotted over to the stairs and locked the basement door before flipping on the dryer on his way back to the bed was on par with the adrenaline of winning a qualifying heat. I kicked off my slip-on sneaker from my uninjured foot, already thinking ahead to potential naked time. “I win.”

“You win.” He didn’t sound too sad about that turn of events. I grinned up at him as he sat back down on the bed. Riding the high, I straddled his lap again. I arranged myself so I wasn’t putting stress on my walking boot before pushing him backward.

I’d waited to seek him out until the house was largely quiet for the night, and he was in a soft gray sweatshirt advertising some sort of nursing union and blue flannel pants. Between the flannel and his lumberjack beard, he looked like an ad for the best pancakes on earth, and I couldn’t wait to gobble him down. I had to laugh at my awful internal joke.

“Tell me what to do,” I demanded. Anticipation thrummed through me. I was rock hard, yes, but all my energy was directed at making Jonas come. “Tell me what you like. I want to know how to get you off.”

“Getting you off gets me off.” He provided the non-answer of the century, and I groaned.

“But it didn’t the other night.”

“Because I didn’t let it.” Jonas’s tone was patient, but I still groaned again as he continued, “Trust me, I was plenty turned on. Pleasuring you is my biggest turn-on.”

“So I just…” I trailed off as he reversed our positions in a nifty move I needed to learn.

“Lie back.” He gave me a feral grin. “Like you wanted. Let me make you feel good. I promise I’ll get there too.”

“I’d rather do stuff to you,” I said weakly, ending on a happy sigh as he kissed me again, a lingering exploration that left my fingers curling against the covers. Jonas made it hard to stick to my resolve to be less selfish, especially when he yanked my hoodie aside to kiss my neck. I shivered, giving in to my urge to let him have his way with me. “Okay, this works too.”

“Glad you approve.” He chuckled against my collarbone, a warm rush of air against sensitive skin. “May I undress you?”

“I can undress myself.” I struggled to sit up under the warm, wonderful weight of Jonas’s thighs pinning me down.

“I know you can . I asked if I may ?” Jonas raised the hem of my hoodie, revealing the T-shirt underneath, his fingers teasing their way under both layers of fabric. The sensation was intriguing enough that I settled back down and let him do as he wanted.

As it turned out, that was a supremely good idea as he turned undressing into a slow dance. First the hoodie, then my T-shirt, then kisses on all the skin he’d exposed. He kissed, licked, and nibbled his way across my arms and pecs and down my torso. He gently helped me out of my loose sweatpants, easing them over my cast, leaving me in my black boxer briefs. My cock had shifted to press against the waistband, head peeking out, but Jonas seemed in no hurry to give it attention.

Instead, he returned to my chest. I had small, pale nipples, and I’d never really given them much thought beyond wishing for more pec definition, but when Jonas sucked on the right one, I practically levitated off the bed.

“Do that again,” I ordered, and thankfully, he complied, sucking harder while teasing with his tongue. My ass clenched and my back bowed, and I had a new number one goal of spending a whole day with Jonas doing exactly that. “More.”

“I think we found something you like.” He laughed warmly before switching to my other nipple.

“I like everything.” I moaned and arched my chest higher, trying to encourage more nipple kisses. Jonas indulged my unspoken request with more rhythmic sucking and tongue flicking while his fingers twiddled with my damp right nipple. My cock pulsed in my boxers, and I ground against Jonas’s sturdy thigh. “Fuck. I’m trying not to come before you reach my cock.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” Jonas managed to sound truly indifferent to when and where I shot. “Whatever feels good, baby. You don’t have to hold back with me.”

I liked it when he called me baby , liked it even more when he returned to torturing my nipples, switching back and forth between them as I lay there, quietly panting. He was still clothed, a surprisingly hot contrast to my near-nudity, and I clutched at his sweatshirt as he continued teasing my nipples. They were pinker and slightly puffy now, hypersensitive to the air and his touch. Jonas kept stopping every so often and admiring his handiwork, making pleased sounds in the back of his throat.

It was all I could do to keep breathing without shouting or babbling about how good it felt. Yes. Please. More. God. That.

“The basement is pretty soundproof,” Jonas said conversationally. “Especially with the dryer going. You don’t have to try so hard to be silent.”

I pursed my lips, pretty sure he wanted more than the stream of nonsense words clogging my brain. “I’m not good at dirty talk.”

“I’m tired of hearing what you’re bad at.” Jonas nipped at the center of my chest. “And I didn’t say talk, but if you want to let out a little moan here or there…”

“That isn’t very…” I trailed off. Fuck. Was I so deeply trapped by notions of what was or wasn’t macho that I’d deny myself more of this exquisite pleasure? Clearly, Jonas wouldn’t think less of me if I carried on. In fact, he seemed to want it. “Would it turn you on if I was noisier?”

“Oh yes.” His answering smile was downright wicked and made me want to shower him with sounds that turned his crank.

“Okay.” My voice came out all breathy. I didn’t immediately get any louder, but when Jonas returned to licking and sucking my nipples while stroking my sides, some of that babble escaped. “God. Why does this feel so good?” Not waiting for an answer, I rubbed my cock more deliberately against his thigh and moaned. “So good. Jonas.” I’d never been harder without shooting. “It’s too good.”

“No such thing. It’s okay, baby.” He rocked back, giving me even more friction against my aching cock. Feeling his hardness against my hip bone was another level of turn-on. “Let it feel good.” His voice was gruff now, and I loved knowing I was affecting him as well. “If you come, you come.”

“Want it to last.” I made a frustrated noise because I was torn between wanting it to last forever and wanting to come. And the more Jonas played with my nipples, the more wound up I became. He’d said I could come, but I remained maddeningly one breath away from orgasm, body rigid, cock painfully hard, fingers and toes clenching. “Touch me. Suck me. Something.”

“You want me to suck you?” Continuing to tweak a nipple with his fingers, Jonas started kissing his way closer to where my cock stuck out of my waistband.

“Yes, yes. But keep touching my nipple like that.” Giving him orders and knowing he’d do his best to comply was heady fucking shit. Better than pounding shots of Jack. “God, I wish you had two mouths.”

That earned a loud chortle. “Me too.”

Yanking my boxers down, Jonas freed my cock at last, greeting it with a series of long licks that felt better than anything he’d done so far. Considering how the nipple play had almost transported me to another realm, which was saying something, Jonas was undeniably skilled at oral. More than skill, he brought heaps of sexy enthusiasm, making hungry noises as he licked and teased my cock. When he started sucking in earnest, my back arched and my ass clenched, my body right on the edge again.

“Jonas. Want you to come too.” I’d never heard myself beg like this, but as with moaning, letting myself go felt good. Right. “Please come with me. Please.”

“I will, baby. Promise.” Jonas thrust harder against my leg so I could feel his erection. Damn. I didn’t have to see or touch his cock for it to turn me on like crazy. His voice was rough, reassuring me he was enjoying himself. “Don’t worry about me. I’m in heaven.”

“Me too. God, I need—” I cut myself off, reflexively holding my breath as the inevitability of my orgasm took over. The first wave hit like the perfect double jump, floating high through the air, no terror, no worries about the landing, only flying. Flicking my nipple with his thumb, Jonas pulled back to work my cock with his other hand, directing my come onto my stomach as he panted and groaned.

“I’m there, baby.” He ground harder against me, his obvious pleasure enough to coax out one last spurt from my cock. “Coming.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” I celebrated his orgasm, dampness against my leg included, like a goal in a soccer game. I’d gotten him off, and I hadn’t had to do a damn thing. A miracle. “You really came?”

“And how.” Jonas was breathing as hard as me, both of us sweaty and shuddering. He wriggled higher on the bed, dropping kisses on my stomach and chest on his way north. Rolling to the side, he retrieved a small towel from a cabinet near the bed. “That was…”

“You say mistake, and I’m gonna punch something.” I mustered the energy to glare at him.

“Please don’t hurt yourself.” He kissed my shoulder as he mopped up my stomach. “More sex wasn’t my brightest idea, but I wouldn’t call it a mistake because hell if I can bring myself to regret anything with you.”

“I don’t have regrets.” I leveled him with a hard stare. “You’re ruining me for everything and everyone else, but I don’t care.”

“Good. I want to ruin you.” He groaned, head falling back against his pillows. “I shouldn’t, but?—”

“No, buts . Ruin me. Make me remember every last kiss forever. My life is so fucked up right now. At least let me have this.” I rolled to my elbow so I could continue to hold his gaze, trying to will him to see how much I needed him, needed this. “When I’m with you, everything makes sense and nothing hurts, at least for a little while.”

“I’m glad I can give you that.” He sighed when I settled in near him before wrapping an arm around me, holding me closer. “You probably shouldn’t sleep down here.”

“Yeah. Darn.” I rolled the rest of the way into his chest, rubbing my face against his sweatshirt. “You make a good pillow.”

“Thanks.” He kissed the top of my head. “If you promise to not let either of us fall asleep, I suppose I could be persuaded to read a chapter before you go upstairs.”

I grinned, loving that he was as reluctant to part as I was. “Only if you agree we can do this again.”

Jonas exhaled hard, looking skyward for several long seconds. “Yep. You win.”

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